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目的为卧姿笔迹鉴定提供识别和评断的参考依据。方法比较108个不同书写水平者的仰卧、左侧卧、右侧卧及俯卧笔迹与正常坐姿笔迹特征上的异同点,通过大量实验数据的统计分析,总结出卧姿笔迹特征及其变化规律,探讨可能的变化原因,并分析卧姿笔迹检验的要点。结果卧姿笔迹在字体、写法、错别字、笔顺、字间组合和单字的基本搭配比例等特征上较稳定。这些特征可作为本质特征使用。4种卧姿中,俯卧笔迹特征最稳定;书写水平高者笔迹特征也较稳定。结论卧姿笔迹鉴定应结合卧姿笔迹特征变化规律,准确判断笔迹的形成条件,去伪存真,做出科学的评断。  相似文献   

Advances in robotic handwriting technology create new challenges for forensic document examiners. In the past, devices such as the autopen were used to replicate signatures of government officials and corporate companies. In today's technology, companies such as Bond utilize robots to create written documents, which mimic natural patterns of handwriting. They generate customizable written samples by simulating pen movements and letter formations. Four forensic document examiners were given various reproduced questioned documents and utilized a modified ACE‐V (analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification) methodology to determine their genuineness. Examiners were able to make a distinction between the human writing samples and the skilled robotic equivalents. Several distinct features that are not seen in natural handwriting, such as even pen pressure and the superimposition of letterforms were observed in the robotic samples. Careful examination of identifying features of the Bond produced documents resulted in an opinion of nongenuineness.  相似文献   

Chinese characters had their root some 4000 years ago and, with the growth in population, are used by over 1.3 billion people worldwide today; it is inevitable that document examiners would encounter cases involving the examination of Chinese handwriting regardless of their location. Although there are extensive studies on the examination of English handwriting in the literature, similar studies on Chinese handwriting are relatively limited. We are seeking to explore the obstacles and challenges for a document examiner who is unfamiliar with Chinese characters to apply the principles of identification and elimination of authorship described in the literature to examine Chinese handwriting, and how can these document examiners demonstrate their competency for conducting Chinese handwriting examination. This study provides a review of the literature, compares the methodology and key features in English and Chinese handwriting examination, and describes various workshops and proficiency testing programs organized to assist document examiners seeking development in Chinese handwriting and signature examination.  相似文献   

Abstract: An investigation was carried out to identify the class characteristics of Polish people writing in English and to specifically identify those characteristics that separate Polish handwriting from English handwriting. In the first stage, 40 Polish and 40 English handwriting samples were collected and systematically examined. In total, 31 features were identified that occurred in ≥25% of the Polish handwriting samples and therefore considered class characteristics. Of these, chi‐square analyses identified 21 class characteristics that occurred significantly more in Polish compared to English handwriting. Twenty‐one of the class characteristics in the Polish handwriting had similar constructions to the copybook pattern thus supporting the theory that class characteristics frequently stem from the taught writing system. In the second stage, an algorithm was developed using seventeen of the class characteristics that successfully discriminated between a further 13 Polish and 12 English handwriting samples.  相似文献   

As handwriting is influenced by physiology, training, and other behavioral factors, a study of the handwriting of twins can shed light on the individuality of handwriting. This paper describes the methodology and results of such a study where handwriting samples of twins were compared by an automatic handwriting verification system. The results complement that of a previous study where a diverse population was used. The present study involves samples of 206 pairs of twins, where each sample consisted of a page of handwriting. The verification task was to determine whether two half-page documents (where the original samples were divided into upper and lower halves) were written by the same individual. For twins there were 1236 verification cases -- including 824 tests where the textual content of writing was different, and 412 tests where it was the same. An additional set of 1648 test cases were obtained from handwriting samples of nontwins (general population). To make the handwriting comparison, the system computed macro features (overall pictorial attributes), micro features (characteristics of individual letters), and style features (characteristics of whole-word shapes and letter pairs). Four testing scenarios were evaluated: twins and nontwins writing the same text and writing different texts. Results of the verification tests show that the handwriting of twins is less discriminable than that of nontwins: an overall error rate of 12.91% for twins and 3.7% for nontwins. Error rates with identical twins were higher than with fraternal twins. Error rates in all cases can be arbitrarily reduced by rejecting (not making a decision on) borderline cases. A level of confidence in the results obtained is given by the fact that system error rates are comparable to that of humans (lower than that of lay persons and higher than that of questioned document examiners [QDEs]).  相似文献   

Handwriting of children in early grades is studied from the viewpoint of quantitatively measuring the development of handwriting individuality. Handwriting samples of children, in grades 2–4, writing a paragraph of text in both handprinted and cursive, collected over a period of 3 years, were analyzed using two different approaches: (i) characteristics of the word “and” and (ii) entire paragraphs using an automated system. In the first approach, word characteristics were analyzed using statistical measures. In the second approach, pairs of paragraphs were compared. Both types of analysis, single word and complete writing, led to the same conclusions: (i) handwriting of each child remains relatively similar when handwriting has been just learnt and becomes markedly different from grades 3 to 4 and (ii) handwriting of different children becomes progressively more different from grades 2 to 4. The results provide strong support that handwriting becomes more individualistic with child development.  相似文献   

伪装签名是一种签名造假手段,其目的是通过否认签名是自己所写,非法占有他人财物或逃避责任。伪装签名笔迹貌似正常,但受不同伪装手段的影响,笔迹会发生各种变化,因而检验难度较大。检验伪装签名时,鉴定人要解放思想,客观看待笔迹发生的变化,选用正确的检验方法,客观全面地选择笔迹特征,适时补充笔迹样本,条件具备时还应充分利用案情。  相似文献   

Abstract: Disappearing inks have been used in different fields, but it may be abused in forgery and counterfeiting. This research was conducted on the preparation of disappearing inks using different concentrations of thymolphthalein, phenolphthalein, and their mixture. The prepared inks were applied to different types of handwriting papers. It was found that the handwriting stability increased by increasing thymolphthalein, phenolphthalein, or alkali concentration, but in the case of using 4 mL of 1 normal (N) NaOH, the handwriting stability of phenolphthalein and its mixture inks decreased. Deciphering of the faded handwriting was evaluated by different methods; using optical deciphering, the faded handwriting did not respond to the different light sources. All the faded handwriting was visible when treated with alkaline solution. There was no change in the faded handwriting when heated to 100°C; phenolphthalein and mixture inks containing 0.5 mL of 1 N NaOH became red when only Azhar and Xerox papers were heated to 150°C.  相似文献   

目的通过实验研究使用写字机器人伪造的签名字迹特征,减小文件检验鉴定中的错判风险。方法以真实书写字迹为模板、使用市面上主流款式的写字机器人执不同种类书写笔进行书写,通过直接观察、显微观察、反射变换成像(RTI)方法观察等方式比对手写字迹和机器人书写字迹的差异,归纳写字机器人伪造字迹的主要特征,总结出有效的检验鉴别方法。结果通过研究发现写字机器人伪造签名笔迹的特点主要有起收笔为顿压笔,笔画出现细微的抖动歪曲现象,整体笔画笔压均匀,运笔生硬无笔势等。结论目前写字机器人伪造签名字迹与真实手写字迹还有一定差异,使用反射变换成像(RTI)方法观察能达到较好的检验效果。  相似文献   

A writer's biometric identity can be characterized through the distribution of physical feature measurements (“writer's profile”); a graph‐based system that facilitates the quantification of these features is described. To accomplish this quantification, handwriting is segmented into basic graphical forms (“graphemes”), which are “skeletonized” to yield the graphical topology of the handwritten segment. The graph‐based matching algorithm compares the graphemes first by their graphical topology and then by their geometric features. Graphs derived from known writers can be compared against graphs extracted from unknown writings. The process is computationally intensive and relies heavily upon statistical pattern recognition algorithms. This article focuses on the quantification of these physical features and the construction of the associated pattern recognition methods for using the features to discriminate among writers. The graph‐based system described in this article has been implemented in a highly accurate and approximately language‐independent biometric recognition system of writers of cursive documents.  相似文献   

目的研究书写习惯未定型成年人笔迹的检验方法。方法通过实例研究分析成年人笔迹变化的特点和原因,确定笔迹性质和检验方法。结果书写习惯未定型也是成年人笔迹变化的重要原因。书写习惯未定型成年人笔迹是成年人正常笔迹的例外,适用正常笔迹检验方法。结论本研究确立了检材笔迹与样本笔迹非本质差异的判断标准,适用于短时间内变化较大的成年人笔迹的同一认定。  相似文献   

笔迹是通过书写运动形成的轨迹,由静态要素和动态要素所组成,承载着时间和空间信息。笔迹动态特征是客观存在的,它是书写人书写技能和书写习惯的外在表现,主要包括速度特征、笔力特征、脉冲特征、节奏特征等。对笔迹动态特征进行研究,多视域地挖掘和认识笔迹特征,可为笔迹检验鉴定意见提供更全面、更深层的支撑。  相似文献   

文字布局特征是脱离了规范文字布局动作特点的反映,因而对文字布局特征的研究必须以书写动作系统及其特性为基础。文字布局动作系统具有相对的独立性和自身的特殊性、稳定性,并反映出相应的笔迹一般特征和细节特征。所以,通过研究书写动作系统来探索文字布局特征的科学基础及其特征价值,对完善笔迹鉴定科学基础理论和笔迹特征体系具有一定的价值。  相似文献   

This paper reports a statistical study on the sequence of strokes of 61 commonly encountered Chinese radicals and characters written by 372 invited subjects. The distribution of different writing sequence of these Chinese radicals and characters was examined. Comparison of the sequence of strokes executed by the subjects with the standard rule of writing these Chinese radicals and characters revealed that around 60% of the subjects wrote in the correct sequence. Pair comparison of sequences of strokes in Chinese handwriting among the 372 subjects was also performed. The results demonstrated that no two individuals wrote all the 61 radicals and characters with the same sequence of strokes. The findings indicate that, despite some basic rules governing the writing sequence of Chinese characters, writers tend to develop their own habits. The findings also support the hypothesis that the handwriting of experienced writers is individual.  相似文献   

笔迹是书写运动的轨迹,在观察静态特征的同时运用其动态特征,无疑可以提高笔迹鉴定的水平。但如何获取字迹的书写压力、书写速度和加速度等动态特征,目前还是个难题。笔迹心理学中笔迹线条主动触觉的分析是将笔迹书写时的压力与速度贯穿于字迹观察分析的始终,将其运用于笔迹鉴定,可在传统的笔迹鉴定二维平面字迹特征的视觉观察分析模式基础上,将视觉观察与触觉体验相结合,形成字迹形态二维平面特征与书写时笔向下的力度,和沿笔画书写的速度相结合的四维特征观察分析模式。  相似文献   

The proposition that writing profiles are unique is considered a key premise underlying forensic handwriting comparisons. An empirical study cannot validate this proposition because of the impossibility of observing sample documents written by every individual. The goal of this paper is to illustrate what can be stated about the individuality of writing profiles using a database of handwriting samples and an automated comparison procedure. In this paper, we provide a strategy for bounding the probability of observing two writers with indistinguishable writing profiles (regardless of the comparison methodology used) with a random match probability that can be estimated statistically. We illustrate computation of this bound using a convenience sample of documents and an automated comparison procedure based on Pearson's chi-squared statistic applied to frequency distributions of letter shapes extracted from handwriting samples. We also show how this bound can be used when designing an empirical study of individuality.  相似文献   

目的更深入的了解不同国家、地区,不同文种,不同文化背景下的笔迹鉴定工作者对特定文字笔迹鉴定认识的差别。方法以中英文为例,对汉字和英文的特点和笔迹特征进行比较研究。结论汉英文字的笔迹特征分类体系大体相似,并无质的差别,但是不同文字的特点决定了其笔迹特征取向与侧重、价值评断、个别特征的使用率,以及对同一人笔迹特征多样变化的认识上还是有所区别,各具特色。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,在各类经济、刑事及民事纠纷案件中涉及对阿拉伯数字笔迹进行鉴定的案件呈逐年上升趋势。阿拉伯数字作为一种常见的书写符号,具有其自身的独特特点。通过分析阿拉伯数字笔迹的特证,并对其检验难点及检验方法要点等问题进行分析阐述,进一步充实与完善对此类数字符号笔迹的检验方法。  相似文献   

浅议酒后笔迹特征与检验要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐屹琳 《中国司法鉴定》2009,(3):92-93,I0004
随着时代经济的飞速发展,商业贸易往来日趋频繁,人们越来越热衷于在酒桌上谈论商业及个人事宜,并在酒至半酣后签订合同,协议,借据,收据等文书。但往往在酒醒的那一刻,把醉酒后签字的事情遗忘或部分遗忘,造成纠纷。于是,对于酒后笔迹特征的检验也显得日益重要。通过对一些酒后笔迹的研究,对此类笔迹特征的变化与检验要点进行了粗浅的分析。  相似文献   

练习摹仿笔迹鉴定是笔迹鉴定中比较难的一种,但在司法实践中又比较常见,在借据、收据、签名、批示笔迹的书写上常常被作案人采用。本文对练习摹仿笔迹的特征及其鉴定价值进行了分析,并总结出作为一般规律的识别要素,以期对练习摹仿笔迹的鉴定提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

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