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丁杰 《法制与社会》2014,(12):96+100
《商标法》中的"在先权利"是指在商标注册申请日之前已经存在的与该商标冲突的民事权利。商标法中的在先权有别于在先权利,是指处理在后商标权与他人在先权利的冲突所遵循的原则。新《商标法》的在先权条款的进步主要体现在:所列举的在先权利种类增多;限定异议主体资格符合在先权利的私权属性;异议程序趋合理化利于高效、合理解决先后权利冲突;厘定"撤销"和"宣告无效"使法律用语准确化。  相似文献   

论商标法上的权利丧失原则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
商标权与在先权的冲突是商标行政执法和司法中经常遇到的一个法律问题。所谓在先权利是指成立于商标权之前的合法权利。根据我国《商标法实施细则》和外国商标法的规定以及民法原理,在先权利包括商标权、著作权、外观设计专利权、其他知识产权,如商号权、  相似文献   

为正确审理注册商标、企业名称与在先权利冲突的民事纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》、《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国商标法》和《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》等法律的规定,结合审判实践,制定本规定。  相似文献   

为正确审理注册商标、企业名称与在先权利冲突的民事纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》、《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国商标法》和《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》等法律的规定,结合审判实践,制定本规定。  相似文献   

冲突规则的作用在于决定哪些国际法规范应优先适用。但是,《WTO协定》本身没有包含处理WTO法与其他国际法之间关系的一般冲突条款,但又不能机械地适用《维也纳条约法公约》第30条,且难以有国际公法的冲突规则适用的空间。DSU第3.2和19.2条根本不构成一条冲突规则,而是作为对WTO涵盖协定的过于宽泛的解释的一种制约或限制。处理WTO法与其他国际法之间关系的冲突规则隐含在DSU第7.1、7.2、11和19.1条的规定之中。从上述冲突规则可推断,WTO形成一个相对封闭的争端解决法律适用系统,从而排除了实体的其他国际法规则的适用。  相似文献   

域名权和商标权的权利冲突及解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱美云 《行政与法》2004,(7):104-106
随着网络在商业领域运用的逐渐普遍和深入,以及在巨大经济利益的驱动下,出现了大量的将他人商标注册为域名的行为,此类行为在恶意抢注的情形下构成侵权或不正当竞争行为,时此类权利冲突纠纷应区别驰名商标和普通商标适用中华人民共和国《商标法》、《反不正当竞争法》分别给予法律救济,同时为避免类似权利冲突的产生应完善我国相关的法律制度。  相似文献   

权利冲突是法治领域中的一个世界性问题,如何解决权利冲突也就成为世界各国所要竭力面对的问题。一般来讲,通过立法和司法是解决权利冲突问题的有效手段。本文以美国学者卡尔·威尔曼的《真正的权利》一书中所列举的两个典型案例为据,系统地介绍威尔曼以及美国最高法院在"通过司法解决法律权利与道德权利——不同性质的权利之间的混合权利冲突问题"时,对这些典型案例的司法推理过程及其所阐发的精彩论证。  相似文献   

罗绮 《法制与社会》2014,(2):285-286
《妇女权益保障法》第五十一条规定:"妇女有按照国家有关规定生育子女的权利,也有不生育的自由。"由此推定,妇女生育与否,完全依赖于妇女个人主观意志的选择,他人无权干涉。而《人口与计划生育法》第十七条有规定"公民不分性别均有生育权",自此法律首次明确的规定了男性享有平等的生育权。也就是说如果夫妻双方在生育问题上意见无法统一时,基于平等的权利冲突所留给法律解决的问题相当棘手。本文将深入探讨夫妻双方在生育权之争中出现的情况,进而提出相关的法律救济途径。  相似文献   

《(商标法)第三次修改的征求意见稿》(以下简称“征求意见稿”):~J2001年的商标法进行了多处修改,其中重要的一点即是对商标注册在先权利;中突条款所做的新规定。权利冲突是不予商标注册审查的考察要素,亦是对注册商标予以撤销的理由。在这个意义上,在先权利的认定和判断是商标争议程序的理论基础,而在先权刊条款的正确理解和法律适用,对于商标法的实施具有重要的现实意义,这正是本文的写作目的。  相似文献   

我国第二次修正的《商标法》增加了立体商标这一保护对象 ,但目前法律规定比较简单 ,也缺乏相关的实务经验和理论总结。本文结合英美等国的实践 ,详细探讨了立体商标的注册条件 :非功能性 ,显著性以及不与他人的在先权利相冲突 ,指出这些要求的出发点在于协调《商标法》与其他知识产权法律的关系 ,最终目的是要维护和促进市场竞争  相似文献   

This article reviews the recent IP Australia decision in Grant's Application [2004] APO 11 about an innovation patent for a way of protecting assets against a loss of ownership as a result of a legal liability. The significance of this decision was to expose the tortured reasoning necessary to exclude from patentability an invention that was arguably contrary to the "public interest". The article asserts that the effect of the decision revoking the patent was correct, but that the reasoning points to a need to reconsider the "public interest" limits on patentability. The article then considers the approach that should be adopted in formalising a "public interest" exemption from patentability that is practical and generally applicable.  相似文献   

This article offers a novel approach to outpatient commitment (OPC). After distinguishing 4 varieties of OPC, the article shows how 3 are easy to justify, whereas "preventive outpatient commitment" (POC) requires more careful scrutiny. The article argues that, as a general matter, POC is not justified, except for on a "one free shot" basis. The hope is that patients will come to appreciate the benefits of treatment in the community and will become voluntarily compliant; after one free shot, they are in a much better position to decide. The consequences of noncompliance are also explored.  相似文献   

This article provides a background for the Developing post-2012 scenarios project, an international study which looks at a range of scenarios that countries may wish to consider for a post-2012 framework to tackle climate change. The purpose of the article is threefold. Firstly, it provides a review of the literature for the future climate regime. Secondly, it provides a set of criteria that are used in order to evaluate whether the scenarios provided in the other articles in this Special Edition are likely to be effective. Thirdly, the article spells out some of the more general policy implications rising from these scenarios.  相似文献   

冯祥武 《行政与法》2007,1(2):41-44
《中华人民共和国公务员法》(以下简称《公务员法)》第五十四条规定下级公务员拥有对上级“明显违法”的决定或者命令有说“不”的权利。该法条相对于该法草案中的“不得对抗”上级命令来说,其法治意义是重大的。但是,如果从当命令与法律发生冲突时,公务员究竟执行命令还是执行法律的具体案例出发来解读《公务员法》第五十四条,那么,该法条的实施便有其现实的困局。因此,需要分析造成我国公务员在命令与法律冲突时对上级命令说“不”难的原因,制定保障公务员说“不”的权利的对策。  相似文献   

针对航运实务中托运人常常遇到的识别危险货物的困惑,结合两个重要国际公约,总结、归纳了对各类型危险货物分类并指明了识别依据。同时结合中国《海商法》第68条第1款,就托运人的责任基础进行探讨,认为《海商法》第68条的立法本意和"海牙-维斯比规则""汉堡规则"的原则基本相同,托运人在危险品运输中公平、合理的民事责任应为"过错责任",而不是"严格责任"或应承担绝对的"赔偿义务"。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of statute law in regulation and government intervention through a detailed historical case study of a crucial retail market. The history of state intervention in the Israeli oil supply market is dominated by "fuzzy legality," a concept expounded in a former article. Legal fuzziness allowed the industry, acting in concert with the government regulator, to retain a lucrative, practically non–accountable arrangement in changing politico–economic climates. Three central forces encouraged continuing fuzziness: a "cloud" of state security, institutional stickiness that preserved colonial mandatory legal structures, and a prevalent national culture of nonlegalism. The article ends with a careful suggestion regarding the Israeli national style of regulation. Compared to American "adversarial legalism," and its opposite, "consensual nonlegalism" the Israeli style may be termed "adversarial nonlegalism," and holds less promise for balancing market and public interests.  相似文献   

This article presents a thorough analysis of dual practice among physicians who work in both the public and private sectors. A conceptual framework is presented to help the reader understand dual practice and the contexts where it takes place. The article reviews the existing theoretical and empirical literature on this form of dual practice among physicians. It analyzes the extent of this phenomenon, the underlying factors that motivate physicians to engage in dual practice, and the main implications of their decision to do so. It also examines and discusses current policies that address dual practice. In this regard, the article provides some qualified support for the use of "rewarding" policies to retain physicians in the public sectors of more developed countries, while "limiting" policies are recommended for developing countries - with the caveat that the policies should be accompanied by the strengthening of institutional and contracting environments. The article highlights the lack of quality evaluative evidence regarding the consequences of dual practice on the delivery of health care services. It concludes that the overall impact of dual practice remains an open question that warrants more attention from researchers and policy makers alike.  相似文献   

This article presents a "contextual" study of Britain's Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977. The article addresses the ostensibly perplexing policy question of why Britain's homeless population has almost trebled in the H years since the homelessness legislation was introduced. The answer is found by subjecting the legislation to a very wide-ranging contextualization process. Rather than simply focusing on the administrative arena in which the act is implemented, the article seeks explanations for its apparent ineffkacy in ideological considerations preceding its enactment, in the legislative process itself, in the (im)precise wording of the emergent statute, and in subsequent government policies in various relevant constitutional and social policy areas. The article concludes that a thorough understanding of the impact of this particular law requires it to be located in a series of interrelated contexts, a conclusion that might plausibly be extended to all studies of "law in society."  相似文献   

论船舶抵押权的对抗效力及受偿顺序   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从民法物权基本理论出发,通过对物权变动模式的比较分析,阐明了我国《海商法》对船舶抵押权登记效力规定的理论依据,并在此基础上分析了“登记”、“对抗”、“第三人”等概念的确切含义,以及船舶担保物权之间,尤其是船舶抵押权与船舶留置权之间的受偿顺序问题。  相似文献   

李龙  闫宾 《河北法学》2005,23(7):88-93
在历史中揭示,程序法和实体法共同脱胎于诉讼法,此时的诉讼法是诉未分解时的诉讼法,而现今之诉讼法虽名为诉讼法,实则程序法而已;对民事诉讼中的几组概念的混用进行澄清;实体法和程序法的合理关系是自足与互助的,并质疑时下流行的“层次论”观点。  相似文献   

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