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信访,作为行政救济的手段之一,是公民向政府提出建议,要求解决其问题的重要途径.但近年来频发的上访者受伤受害事件,让我们对上访者这个弱势群体的利益更加关注.本文着重对信访制度完善和提出相关措施等方面加以论述.  相似文献   

信访者又称上访者,有人称"刁民"."刁民"不是法学意义上的权利主体,是对于部分上访者充满感情色彩的歧视性称呼.本文指出公民上访是宪法和法律赋予的一项权利,不应当因为其行使宪法和法律所赋予的批评建议权、申诉控告权而被称歧称"刁民",这种称呼本身就侵犯了公民的名誉权.公民上访表明公民权利意识的觉醒,是社会民主法制状况良好的表现.  相似文献   

诚信作为一种美德,有着其悠久的历史,可如今再次将其提升为议论的热点,缘于现实生活中,人与人之间、服务者与被服务者接触之间,诚信已成为陌生之物。就信访工作而言倘若政府机关工作人员与社会群众之间缺少这种诚信,上访者必然会演绎出不信任和失去信心的心态。一而再、再而三的重复访、越级访就是一个明证。因此,提升信访工作的诚信度,已是提高信访工作质量的当务之急。  相似文献   

信访案件发生的原因主要有:工作责任心不强,导致程序不到位;急于求成忽视法律,导致上访者步步紧逼;推托塞责,全局意识不强,扩大矛盾事态;立案缺乏辨析、办案程序缺乏,法律文书失准等引发信访。本文针对以上因素,认为信访部门工作人员应做到:强化培训教育,增强工作责任心;严格依法行政,健全内控监督;规范受案范围,统一立案标准;完善办案程序,规范法律文书;正视历史现实,树立有错必究勇气,力争和谐、平稳解决信访案件。  相似文献   

昆纪信 《中国监察》2011,(18):33-33
今年以来,江苏省昆山市纪委、监察局把心理咨询引入信访工作,依托三级信访网络设立心理咨询室,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,体现以人为本的工作理念,使上访者“坐得下、听得进、解得开”,增强了信访接待、化解矛盾纠纷的能力。  相似文献   

本文作者是一名记者,由于职业的关系他经常会接待一些上访者,但他说从来没有一个上访者带给他苏光华那样的震动。为了帮助苏光华洗刷冤屈,他甚至动用了许多私人关系。  相似文献   

涉诉(或涉法)信访是信访工作的重中之重。当前,涉诉信访节节攀升,究其原因既可以从社会体制.也可以从司法机关、上访者自身找到原因。涉诉上访是民意上达以求解决矛盾的渠道之一,对中国的社会建设曾做出过不可磨灭的贡献,不能说其在今天一点存在价值也没有,但其制度缺陷及给中国法治建设带来的负面影响不容小视。完善涉诉信访处理机制应分别从社会体制(如何规范信访的司法监督)、司法机关(如何畅通申诉渠道完善法院接访功能实现自我监督)及上访者本身(引导与规制涉诉信访行为)分别找出解决的瓶颈。  相似文献   

2008年以来,我共接待来访群众46批142人次,每送走一批上访者,我都总结反思,既有为上访者解开心结,提供帮助,让上访者满意而归的成就感,也有看着上访者失望离去的自责和惆怅.在此,选取几个接访的片断,谈谈我的点滴体会.  相似文献   

我国正处于社会转型关键期,网络舆情危机频发,网络舆情危机的发生和社会心态具有内在关联性.目前社会不良社会心态主要有:非理性心态、群体性怨恨心态、焦虑心态和质疑心态等,这些不良心态都有其产生的社会原因并对舆情危机产生严重影响,应积极开展预防和处置工作,制定消解网路舆情危机的“有形”和“无形”心理疏导策略,有效地应对网络舆情危机的发生.  相似文献   

2008年以来,我共接待来访群众46批142人次,每送走一批上访者,我都总结反思,既有为上访者解开心结,提供帮助,让上访者满意而归的成就感。也有看着上访者失望离去的自责和惆怅。在此,选取几个接访的片断,谈谈我的点滴体会。  相似文献   

This study utilizes profile analysis to evaluate the social and economic justice impacts of domestic violence court processes. Data were gathered from all cases involved in a Domestic Violence Unified Family Court in one Florida county from January 1 through December 31, 2003. Findings suggest domestic violence courts are not responding equitably to victims (petitioners), which means that some petitioners may be revictimized by the system. Furthermore, in cases involving criminal behavior, the court system’s focus on criminality may not be having an impact on reducing the recurrence of domestic violence.  相似文献   

Based on participation observations and interviews with petitioners and petition officials in Chinese courts, this article analyzes how the petitioning discourse is organized and how it influences the dispute resolution process. It finds that the discourses between the petitioners and the petition officials are mismatched. The petitioners fight to frame their disputes in legal terms, while the petition officials use a “channeling discourse” to divert the petitioners to legal or extralegal institutions. The two types of discourse barely confront each other; nor are the substantive issues seriously debated. Since being channeled into other institutions does not resolve their disputes, petitioners start calling their petitioning experiences as injurious, blaming officials, and making new claims. Disputes are thus reproduced. The research sheds light on the petitioners’ legal consciousness and the operation of the petition system in China, and explores the contextual reasons why the phenomenon of mismatched discourses occurs in China.  相似文献   

Past research has identified many potential advantages of civil protection orders as a means of addressing domestic violence without invoking an official response of the criminal justice system. Using data from a Midwestern county, this exploratory study provides a comparison of civil protection orders with orders of protection that are filed in conjunction with a criminal battering arrest. We examine the demographic characteristics of the respondents/defendants and petitioners/victims, the nature of the abuse leading up to the filing of the protection order, the reasons for filing, the terms of the order, location of the offense, and violations of orders. Our findings reveal many similarities between types of orders, in terms of order stipulations, past abuse histories of petitioners/victims, and respondents/defendants’ likelihood of reoffending. The findings also reveal an important difference in the petitioners’ and victims’ reasons for filing; whereas petitioners in civil cases were more likely to identify emotional abuse as the factor leading up to issuance of the order, victims in criminal cases were more likely to document physical abuse. We discuss these findings in the context of victim preference.  相似文献   

什么是“内在观点”?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"内在观点"是哈特实证主义理论中的重要概念,因为它是解读哈特理论的关键线索之一。作为反思性批判态度的内在观点,不但使得规范态度得到有效说明,进而成为批判外在观点的基础;而且它还可以保障法律理论的描述性特征。当然,内在观点并非坏人观点或者参与者观点,因为前者是理论姿态,而后两者则是实践姿态。  相似文献   

Federal law and most states prohibit possession of firearms by individuals with a history of certain psychiatric diagnoses and/or treatment. In California, an involuntary 72-h hold can trigger a 5-year ban on firearm possession. Individuals so prohibited may petition for early termination of the ban. We report on the demographic and psychiatric characteristics of a sample of individuals petitioning for early relief in Los Angeles County, and on the results of their petitions. The majority of petitioners were Caucasian men over age 40. Sixteen percent of petitioners were employed in law enforcement or armed security, and all of their petitions were granted. Individuals for whom there was greater evidence of mental disorder were significantly less likely to petition successfully. The results are discussed in terms of the benefits of involving a forensic expert in the petition process, which is not presently required under California law.  相似文献   

彭涛  ;王宇鹏 《法律科学》2014,(6):121-131
信访考核指标是社会指标的一种,设定信访考核指标只有遵行一定的要求才能实现指标的功能。就当前基层政府信访考核的指标设定来看,这些指标并没有遵守指标设定的一些基本要求。基层信访考核指标设定的原则主要有指标符合信访价值取向、根据结果的性质设定指标、指标设定与考核目标的一致以及考核指标的范围包括源与流等等。在这些原则的基础上基层信访考核应当重新设定,即围绕着依法行政、立案、办理程序以及三级终结这四个关键指标设定。从而实现信访能够化解矛盾、维护法律秩序稳定等结果。  相似文献   

论身份权请求权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
段厚省 《法学研究》2006,28(5):17-29
身份权应当包括配偶权、亲权、亲属权和监护权四个方面的内容。法律对身份权的保护历史悠久,对身份权的民法保护包括赋予身份权人请求权、确认诉权和形成诉权三种方式。身份权并非典型的绝对权,其在对外的关系上具有绝对权的性质,在对内的关系上具有相对权的性质,故身份权人的请求权只能向身份义务人主张。因此身份权请求权应当分为两种,一种是针对身份义务人的请求权,一种是针对身份关系之外的第三人的请求权。  相似文献   

Abstract: Relationship testing laboratories provide genetic evidence to support or refute claims of kinship between U.S. citizen petitioners and potential immigrant beneficiaries. One female beneficiary presented a male amelogenin type and alleles at 15 autosomal loci that were identical to an alleged brother’s. Laboratory records showed that her alleged father had petitioned to have 15 children emigrate from Ghana. The petitioner’s 15 paternity indices exceeded 105, but the children shared only four short tandem repeat (STR) profiles, suggesting fraudulent reuse of genotypes in this alleged pedigree (AP). To determine the extent of this “genotype recycling,” I examined the laboratory’s 555 APs from Ghana and 532 control APs from Nigeria. Seventeen Ghanaian APs (3.1%) but no Nigerian APs showed genotype recycling. Of 90 tested people in the 17 APs, 56 shared identical STR profiles with others in their AP. Of these 56 people, 10 were petitioners with unexpectedly high parentage indices. Seven of 56 had amelogenin types that disagreed with their declared genders. Database searches for identical multilocus genotypes in allegedly different people would best detect this fraud.  相似文献   

In response to published but unconfirmed reports that health care costs were a leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S., court records of all bankruptcy petitioners in one judicial district were examined. The records were analyzed by income, employment, debt categories and amounts. Within the limitations of the study, health care costs seem not to have played a significant role in the financial lives of this population.  相似文献   

马丽华 《行政与法》2010,(12):87-89
伴随着公安法制建设的逐渐完善,长期积累的信访问题不断得以解决,但因有关信访方面专门立法的缺乏,致使公安信访工作仍面临着一定的困境。本文在重新审视现行公安信访制度与实际工作不相适应情形的基础上,对改进公安信访工作提出了建议,希望对促进公安信访问题的有效解决有所裨益。  相似文献   

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