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目前,国内亲子鉴定常规采用ABO、Rh、MN和HLA-A,B等五科血清学标志进行检测,这五科血型系统的累计排除亲子关系概率为97.37%[1],一般能满足法医学亲子鉴定需要,但也存在某些局限性,本文报告的案例即如此. D1S8O位点是位于人类第1号染色体上的VNTR位点(核心单元16bp),是人类基因组DNA的一个重要标记,符合孟德尔遗传规律,属显性遗传.为了提高目前用于亲子鉴定检测手段的排除能力,我们将VNTR D1S80位点用于亲子鉴定.现报告如下.  相似文献   

ABO,MN,Rh和HLA血型在亲子鉴定中的限制性1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前 ,国内亲子鉴定常规采用ABO、Rh、MN和HLA -A ,B等五种血清学标志进行检测 ,这五种血型系统的累计排除亲子关系概率为 97 37% [1] ,一般能满足法医学亲子鉴定需要 ,但也存在某些局限性 ,本文报告的案例即如此。D1S80位点是位于人类第 1号染色体上的VNTR位点(核心单元 16bp) ,是人类基因组DNA的一个重要标记 ,符合孟德尔遗传规律 ,属显性遗传。为了提高目前用于亲子鉴定检测手段的排除能力 ,我们将VNTRD1S80位点用于亲子鉴定。现报告如下。1 案 例妇女叶某诉丈夫项某由于外伤丧失生育能力 ,并称儿子是第…  相似文献   

正1案例1.1简要案情自称父亲的男子(假定父)以给孩子落户为名,携妻子(假定母)和女儿及有效证件来本鉴定中心进行亲子鉴定。根据知情同意原则,采集血样备检。1.2检验方法1.2.1 DNA检验采用常规Chelex-100法分别提取假定父母和孩子待检血样的DNA,使用Power Plex~21试剂盒(美国Promega公司)进行PCR复合扩增,对三人进行基  相似文献   

有舆论认为,富士康诉讼的始末更似一场“闹剧”。从“富士康”与“一财”的“恶始”到“言欢”,官司算是结了,但企业资本权力和舆论监督权的博弈能终结吗?“富士康事件”无疑具有标本意义,折射出的相关法律、社会问题仍值得深思和探讨。  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1简要案情当事人李某因更改孩子出生医学证明的需要,带孩子及有效证件来本鉴定中心,要求对自己与孩子之间有无亲生血缘关系进行鉴定,出生医学证明显示孩子性别为男,根据知情同意原则,分别采集李某(父)与孩子血样备检。1.2检验方法1.2.1 DNA提取采用常规Chelex-100法分别提取李某与孩子血  相似文献   

目的研究细胞因子在创伤及修复过程中的表达变化与损伤时间 ( 伤口年龄 ) 的关系 . 方法用免疫组织化学技术和图像分析技术 , 对实验大鼠不同损伤时间的生前伤 ( 0.5~ 168h am) 及死后伤 ( 0.5~ 6h pm) 皮肤创缘组织中细胞因子和受体的表达变化进行了研究 . 结果在生前伤 , PDGF- β , PDGFR- β , TGF- β 1, bFGF等细胞因子在上皮细胞的表达于损伤后 0.5h am 即开始增强 , 其中以 24~ 96h am反应最强 . TGF- β 1, bFGF 以及 PDGF- β除了在上皮细胞的表达外 , 还大量出现在肉芽组织的巨噬细胞和成纤维细胞内 , 亦以 24~ 96h am 最明显 , 而死后损伤组上述因子仅在 0.5~ 3h以内有弱表达 , 3h后则均无任何表达 . 结论 PDGF- β , PDGFR- β , TGF- β 1, bFGF在创伤愈合过程中的变化及特点与损伤时间的关系可作为推断损伤时间的免疫病理学标志 .  相似文献   

Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) have a significant impact on injured persons and society. MVCs generally result in property damage, but more serious MVCs often result in physical injuries that have significant physical, psychosocial, and cognitive consequences, all of which may result in long-standing functional impairment and disability as well as marked changes in quality of life. This article represents the first part of a two-part review of MVCs; the complex and interactive array of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive changes that occur consequent to injury-causing MVCs; and the person and environmental factors that best predict functional impairment and disability following an MVC. The current article provides an overview of the scope and significance of MVCs and summarizes the literature related to the physical injuries and the physical, psychosocial, and cognitive impairments that are most commonly experienced consequent to MVCs. Physical injuries reviewed in the current article include fractures, whiplash-associated disorders (WADs), traumatic brain injury (TBI), multiple traumatic injuries or polytrauma, and chronic pain conditions. These injuries and conditions are reviewed because of the relative quantity and quality of existing research related to these injuries and conditions. This article also provides a review of those psychological disorders that more commonly begin, recur, or are exacerbated in the aftermath of an MVC. The following psychological disorders are reviewed: posttraumatic stress disorder, complex posttraumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, somatic symptom disorder, and major neurocognitive disorder and mild neurocognitive disorder. Finally, this article ends with a brief discussion of changes in quality of life that can occur in relation to the physical injuries and psychological and neurocognitive disorders that are common consequences of MVCs. The final section of this article will serve to introduce part II of this review of MVCs and their consequences, in which predictors of MVC-related impairment and disability are discussed.  相似文献   

沈思 《中国监察》2016,(4):50-51
基本案情诸葛某,中共党员,2011年11月任A省财政厅人事教育处副处长。为了在工作中得到A省财政厅党组书记、厅长王某的关照,2012年至2015年每年春节期间,诸葛某先后4次送给王某现金共计2万元,每次5000元,均系从其个人工资卡中提取。2016年1月6日,A省纪委接到群众匿名举报诸葛某向王某送礼的问题,经查,该问题属实。党纪处分依据新《条例》还是旧《条例》?分歧意见:本案中,对王某收受礼金问题追究党纪责任较为简单,实践中没有任何争议,不再赘述。但对诸葛某送礼问题如何追究党纪责任,  相似文献   

据英国广播公司新闻网站报道,最近,印度国家绿色法庭裁定,若印度航空公司的飞机在飞行中倾倒人类排泄物,将被罚款5万卢比(约合5100元人民币).这一规定源于印度一位退役军官的控诉,他曾控诉航班在印度第二大城市德里的居民区倾倒排泄物. 提起裁决请求的这位退役军官家住德里机场附近,他表示自己家阳台的墙面和地面被溅上大片过路飞机倾倒的排泄物.但他也不能确切地证明这些排泄物来自飞行经过的航班.  相似文献   

Allelic frequencies for 12 short tandem repeats (STRs) (F13A01, F13B, FESFPS, LPL, CSF1PO, TPOX, TH01, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317 and D5S818) were estimated, also as forensic parameters, from a sample of 916 unrelated Brazilian subjects classified into four ethnic groups: European-derived, African-derived, Brazilian Mulattos and Asian-derived.  相似文献   

Allele and genotype frequencies for three tetrameric short tandem repeat (STR) loci were determined in a Chinese sample population using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), electrophoresis of the PCR products in DNA sequencing gels and subsequent detection by silver staining. The loci are HUMTHO1, TPOX, and CSF1PO. All loci meet Hardy-Weinberg expectations. In addition, there is no evidence for association of alleles among the three loci. The allelic frequency data can be used in human identity testing to estimate the frequency of a multiple STR locus DNA profile in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

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