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程端礼的《读书分年日程》将朱子的六条读书法转化为具体可行的读书计划,强调读书中的沉潜涵泳,其意在救“科举时文之弊”,又有强化正统思想的目的.科举考试使得士子读书期求速效,揣摩风气,将经典置之高阁,有识之士有科举兴古学废的忧虑.在不动摇科举制度的前提下,清代教育体系中有引导规范读书习业的倾向,《读书分年日程》被采用是其举措之一.该书在清代至少有28种刻本,它一方面标示清代教育的兴盛,另一方面也反映科举时文弊病的严重.《读书分年日程》的刊刻和采用,与清代官方对“俗学”的抑制相应;又有对“百家”、“二氏”之学的排斥意图.读经典计算字数,清代士人屡屡论及,此法多与《读书分年日程》相伴而行,其目的将经典化整为零,以缓解习业者的畏难情绪,使之追求有根柢的学问.  相似文献   

张万军 《河北法学》2015,33(3):47-55
理藩院是清代管理少数民族事务的最高专门机构,清代主要由理藩院行使蒙古地区刑事立法职能.至乾隆、嘉庆朝,蒙古地区的刑事立法逐步完备、定型.《蒙古律例》和《理藩院则例》所涵盖的刑事法律内容丰富.理藩院在行使刑事立法职能过程中,妥善地协调了与刑部的关系,强化了对蒙古地区刑事法律规制.对于维护和巩固清王朝多民族国家的统一和稳定发挥了积极的作用.  相似文献   

科举时的清代,除了三年一考的乡试、会试正科,还沿用了宋明以来的所谓“恩科”。尽管科举考试法令甚严,对科场舞弊的处罚也极其严格,常有砍头株连的记载。但清朝皇帝为了笼络大臣.还是公开采取了一些照顾大臣子弟的科举措施。  相似文献   

韦伯等学者认为,传统中国的司法官员是非专业化的,因而司法审判不具有确定性和可预测性,西方则与之相反。本文通过对清代科举考试的内容进行考察,认为通过科举选拔出的司法官员基本具备了较好的“法理”知识;同时,他们可以通过科举以外获得法律知识的途径,来弥补“技术”知识的不足。由于清代案件类型和法律条文比较简单,加之幕友的协助和审转程序的设计,司法官员的知识结构基本上可以满足日常案件的审理工作。  相似文献   

清代量刑制度在立法上具有法定刑绝对化,量刑幅度固定化,量刑情节法定化等特征。司法官员对自身无判决权的案件能够依律量刑,但对于民间细故案件,在量刑上有较大的自由,这与司法官员维护社会和谐与施行仁政的理想是分不开的。  相似文献   

不承认疑罪结案并且不允许适用刑讯是清代疑罪处理的原则,而立法上承认某些特殊案件可以按疑罪处理及实践中适用刑讯则是疑罪处理原则的例外。疑罪处理的原则与例外体现了清代立法者注重案件真实、仁政、司法效率、生命等价值,而司法者对自身利益的关注导致清代疑罪处理的司法实践与立法相脱节。  相似文献   

戴激涛 《时代法学》2005,3(6):33-39
地方立法是国家立法体系中的重要组成部分,构建和谐社会是地方立法不断追求的目标.地方立法中的公众参与,作为一种美德和制度,深刻影响着地方立法的施行和成效.作为一种美德的公众参与,是和谐社会的公民精神;作为一种制度的公众参与,是和谐社会的现实要求.公众参与是实现地方立法的和谐之道其奠定了地方立法的合法性基础;促进了公民权利与国家权力的和谐互动;凸显地方立法的本土特色.为此,必须在地方立法中进一步健全和完善公众参与制度.  相似文献   

杨延超 《知识产权》2008,18(2):16-22
国家权力、社会公众自由、知识产权三者之间衡平,将最终实现知识产权的和谐秩序.我国知识产权立法起步较晚,发展至今,已经确立了相对和谐秩序,但科技的发展、文化事业的兴起,以及国际经济格局的演变都对传统的和谐秩序带来了巨大的挑战.为构建新时期知识产权和谐秩序,应当修正合理使用制度,实现科技发展条件下知识产权与公众利益的和谐共存;丰富知识产权制度,促进艺术繁荣与知识产权之间的和谐发展;完善立法,实现我国与西方发达国家在知识产权问题上的和谐共处.  相似文献   

历史博物馆的“清代科举展览”,最好看的展品有三件:一是光绪三十年的大金榜,即皇榜,也是中国最后一届科举发榜;末代功名,见之令人感慨;二是乾隆九年(1744年)甲子科乡试首场夹带案犯一览表,其实就是一张“出猫”给人逮住的罪犯名单,看了也很感叹,开始明白夹带的意思;  相似文献   

社会保障法治建设与和谐社会构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘诚 《法学家》2007,1(2):18-22
一、社会保障法治建设在和谐社会构建中的重要作用 《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》把坚持民主法治作为构建社会主义和谐社会要遵循的六个原则之一,把完善社会保障制度作为保障社会公平正义的六项措施之一,阐明了社会保障法治建设在和谐社会构建中的重要作用.也就是说,社会保障法治不仅是工具、手段,而且是理念、目标.国外的经验教训也充分说明,社会保障法治建设与社会和谐存在密切联系,社会保障法治建设能够促进社会和谐.如英国作为最早进行社会救济立法的国家、德国作为最早进行社会保险立法的国家、美国作为最早进行社会保障综合立法的国家,其立法无不源于社会矛盾的剧烈,其立法也都达到了缓解社会矛盾、维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐的效果.  相似文献   

徐燕斌 《政法论丛》2009,(2):109-112
传统观念认为,中国传统法律中的反逆罪是皇权专制的体现,反映了中国古代法律中的不平等与赤裸裸的暴力。作为一项重要的罪名,反逆罪其实有着更为深邃的文化意蕴,它是传统法律对和谐的秩序与价值追求的反映,其立法宗旨亦是关注于维护整个礼制秩序的和谐稳定,而非君主制度本身。  相似文献   

During the mid-nineteenth century there were between forty and fifty courts of vice admiralty located in colonies across the British empire. They were imperial institutions, whose officers were supposed to be appointed by the High Court of Admiralty in London. However, the complexity and obscurity of the official process, combined with the lack of priority given to the courts by imperial and colonial officials alike meant that many of these courts experienced unfilled vacancies and irregular appointments. This article discusses the shortcomings of the vice admiralty system that gave rise to these irregularities, and led to the passage of the Vice Admiralty Courts Act in 1863. It demonstrates that the courts were ineffective instruments of imperial authority, and that by the time the 1863 Act was passed their integration into the regular colonial courts was inevitable.  相似文献   

Asian victims of Japanese imperialism have filed lawsuits against the Japanese government and corporations since the 1990s, which became prime sites for redress decades after Japan's defeat in World War II. As this ethnography demonstrates, this process paradoxically exposes a legal lacuna within this emergent transnational legal space, with plaintiffs effectively caught between the law, instead of standing before the law. Exploring this absence of law, I map out a post‐imperial legal space, created through the erasure of imperial and colonial subjects in the legal framework after empire. Between the law is an optic that makes visible uneven legal terrains that embody temporal and spatial disjuncture, rupture, and asymmetry. The role of law in post‐imperial transitions remains underexplored in literatures on transnational law, legal imperialism, postcolonialism, and transitional justice. I demonstrate how, at the intersection of law and economy, post‐imperial reckoning is emerging as a new legal frontier, putting at stake law's imperial amnesia.  相似文献   

The idea of the rule of law, more ubiquitous globally today than ever before, owes a lasting debt to the work of Victorian legal theorist A. V. Dicey. But for all of Dicey's influence, little attention has been paid to the imperial entanglements of his thought, including on the rule of law. This article seeks to bring the imperial dimensions of Dicey's thinking about the rule of law into view. On Dicey's account, the rule of law represented a distinctive English civilisational achievement, one that furnished a liberal justification for British imperialism. And yet Dicey was forced to acknowledge that imperial rule at times required arbitrariness and formal inequality at odds with the rule of law. At a moment when the rule of law has once more come to license all sorts of transnational interventions by globally powerful political actors, Dicey's preoccupations and ambivalences are in many ways our own.  相似文献   

There is yet to be any animal welfare or protection law for domestic animals in China, one of the few countries in the world today that do not have such laws. However, in Chinese imperial law, there were legal provisions adopted more than a 1,000 years ago for the care and treatment of domestic working animals. Furthermore, in traditional Chinese philosophy, animals were regarded as constituent part of the organic whole of the cosmos by ancient Chinese philosophers who saw no strict delineation between humans and non-human animals. Notwithstanding, the attitude and practice towards animals in ancient Chinese life was also ambivalent and was predicated upon the practical utility of animals for the service of humans and society. Such practice can be seen through the legal provisions in imperial China. This paper first discusses animal’s place in traditional Chinese philosophy and then in Chinese imperial law. It raises the issue of the gap discernable from the philosophical thought on animals and practice regarding animals in everyday life in China. The paper argues that given the gap in perception and attitude regarding animals, law can play an important role that moral teaching has not been able to achieve.  相似文献   

清末君主立宪话语中的帝制问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
君主立宪改革是清廷再造儒家思想的一次尝试,也是清廷翻新帝制传统的最后努力。在立宪求富强的语境下,清廷希望新宪法能实现政治的转型、统治权的合理化、新的规训秩序和国家的统一与强盛。1908年的《宪法大纲》甚至出现了将皇位变成一个公共职位的趋势。同时,这部宪法也致力于创建新的官僚制度、将全体人民"民族化"、"公民化"以及实现皇权功能的法律化。  相似文献   

科举,作为整合传统中国的文化教育、官吏选拔、精英政治的制度中枢,于1905年清末新政中一朝被废。废科举之后,沟通传统教育与传统政治的桥梁断裂了,士绅阶层出现巨大分化,官僚体系中的书生群体被军人集团取而代之。清末宪政改革的失败,自废科举时起,便埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   

西汉前期,中国官僚帝制趋于成熟,在政治体制转型的同时,士大夫的政治思想和行为也随之变化,生活在这一时期的公孙弘正是士大夫转型的代表.他以儒术缘饰文法,并将其成功地应用于帝制政治,成为从战国"处士横议"到帝制时代儒雅文臣转变过程中的一座里程碑,对后世士大夫政治产生了深远影响.他还为儒学的官学化和儒生从政的制度化作出了重大贡献,以利禄制度保障儒学的发展,促成了儒学的兴盛,是"独尊儒术"的第一功臣.  相似文献   

社会和谐是人类长久以来的追求,在构建和谐社会的背景下,社会和谐更是受到前所未有的关注与重视。本文着重探讨了司法与社会和谐的辩证关系,在充分论述司法与社会和谐具有和谐性的同时,也指出了二者存在的矛盾和冲突,希望借此更能全面、客观、深刻地认识司法与社会和谐的关系,更好地完成通过司法实现社会和谐的目标和使命。  相似文献   

中国传统法之和谐价值考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐是人与社会存在及发展过程中的一种状态。中国传统文化以"和谐"为最高追求。中国古代传统法律文化中蕴涵着忠孝、诚信、贵和求安、关注生命、化解争端等内容丰富的和谐精神。通过对以"天人合一"、"贵和"、"以德配天"为原点的和谐思想的产生与发展进行梳理,发现中国传统法的传承,均以和谐作为价值追求的首要目标。中国传统法律文化的精神,所追求的乃是实现人与人、人与自然之间的和谐。中国传统法中,和谐价值内涵是通过礼治、德治来体现的。中国传统法之和谐价值的基本体现就在于,既肯定冲突与不和的现实存在,又在不和中求和,在维护君主专制政权长治久安的前提下,整合一个个对立的矛盾关系,以天理、国法、人情的融合来定分止争,谨慎用刑,息讼止讼,分配社会资源,稳定社会秩序,值得我们关注和借鉴。  相似文献   

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