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省委七届三次全会将整治和改善经济发展软环境,确定为今年政府的一项重要工作,并将此作为全省当前工作的重务、要务,这足以显示了我省整治改善经济发展软环境的决心和力度。 改革和发展离不开环境。要搞好经济发展软环境,首先必须从战略和全局的高度充分认识整治经济发展软环境的重要性和紧迫性。经济发展,除了需要财力、物力、人力资源的支援外,从来都离不开软环境的支持。哪个地方经济发展软环境搞得好,哪个地方人气就旺,心气就盛,哪个地方的经济发展就快。从这个意义上讲,经济发展软环境出生产力、出效率、出效益。软环境中蕴…  相似文献   

我们江苏省苏州市是全国著名的旅游城市,其深厚的历史文化底蕴和优美独特的城市建筑为其吸引内外投资、加快发展提供了良好的硬件环境。但在实际工作中我们也逐渐意识到,发展经济仅有好的硬件条件还不够,还要营造良好的投资软环境。2001年以来,我市采取党政统一领导、纪检监察部门组织实施、相关部门齐抓共管、广大群众参与的工作方式,凝聚各方力量,认真组织开展了以建设良好发展软环境为主要内容的效能监察工作,有力地促进和保证了全市经济的持续、快速、健康发展。我们的主要做法是:抓重点问题一是围绕优化投资环境实施效能监察。一方面,…  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地需要良好的市场环境。市场环境包括硬环境和软环境,我们必须牢固树立科学发展、全面振兴的理念,在不断改善发展硬环境的同时,建设好投资、创业和发展的软环境。经济发展的软环境包括很多方面,其中,政策和法制环境是经济发展软环境的重要组成部分,是决定振兴东北老工业基地成败的关键因素。  相似文献   

加强投资发展软环境建设,改善软环境是区域经济发展的必要条件,也是经济欠发达地区实现跨越式发展最为紧要的任务。要改善投资发展软环境,需摸清投资发展软环境的真实状况,建构一套结合城市软环境自身特点的软环境评价体系。在考核评价体系的具体设计上要坚持多元化评价主体的选择,坚持差异化软环境评价对象的划分,坚持定性与定量相结合的评价指标的选取,坚持多样化评价方法的运用,坚持规范化城市投资发展软环境评价相关制度的建设。  相似文献   

论WTO国际规则对我国经济法制的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自1995年世界贸易组织(WTO)正式成立以来,经济全球化已成为世界经济发展主要趋势,任何一国的发展均离不开国际经济交流与合作。中美两国政府已在1999年11月15日达成了关于中国加入WTO的双边协议,这一重大突破扫清了中国入世的主要障碍,中国临近WTO大门,人世已指日可待。入世对于中国的改革开放与经济发展是至关重要的。加入WTO将会对中国经济发展产生重大影响。一方面,会加速中国与世界经济的一体化进程,有利于扩大出口和引进外资;另一方面,国际竞争会对国内产业以及服务业造成冲击,同时促进国有企业的重组、改革与发展。…  相似文献   

优化法律环境,促进经济腾飞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济要发展,就像万物要生长一样,需要适宜的环境。当今,市场经济对软环境的建设要求越来越高,而法律环境作为经济发展最重要的软环境。优化法律环境,对其进行优化,是促进经济发展,落实科学发展观的迫切要求。  相似文献   

发展是时代的主题,发展离不开良好的环境,而法治是良好发展环境的保障。在当前形势下,优化经济发展环境,是加快经济发展的当务之急,更是维护社会和谐稳定、提升城市建设水平的迫切需要。作为国家的法律监督机关,充分发挥反渎职侵权职能,为优化经济发展环境和经济建设保驾护航,是检察机关义不容辞的责任。学习贯彻河北省委优化两个环境的指示精神,我们应从自身存在的问题改起,从广大人民群众最企盼的公正执法做起,树立执法办案更规范,人民群众更满意,发展环境更良好的工作目标。为优化经济发展环境,维护经济发展良好秩序,提升护航经济发展水平,为此要做好以下三个方面工作。  相似文献   

实现党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的目标,作为纪检监察机关,认真研究和解决如何将党风廉政建设工作更有效地寓于改革开放和经济建设之中,创造一个良好的发展环境,显得十分必要和迫切。一、必须提高认识,明确思路,确立为营造良好发展环境的指导思想加快改革开放和经济建设步伐,提升城市竞争力,关键要有一个良好的发展环境,而创造良好的发展环境一刻也离不开党风廉政建设。实践使我们认识到,坚持党风廉政建设为经济建设服务的指导思想,必须进一步提高对党风廉政建设与发展环境建设之间关系的认识。二者是一个相互促进的关系。…  相似文献   

近年来,山东省临朐县纪委立足服务第一要务、促进区域经济发展,坚持标本兼治、惩防并举,深入扎实地治理和优化经济发展软环境,有力地促进了招商引资和全县经济发展。铁腕惩治“三乱”架起“高压线”建立快速受理机制,畅通投诉渠道。为方便企业和群众投诉“三乱”问题,县纪委成立了经济发展软环境投诉中心和机关效能监察中心(以下简称两个“中心”),设立两部举报电话,在新闻媒体上常年公布电话号码,实行24小时值班备勤;在城区设立10个经济发展软环境建设监督箱,由两个“中心”直接管理,确保在第一时间受理企业和群众投诉。同时,我们制定了《…  相似文献   

我国法理学发展的外部环境和内部条件刘作翔(西北政法学院副研究员)任何一门学科的生长、发育和发展,都离不开这门学科所身处的特定社会环境和条件的制约。我国法理学在历经了近一个世纪的生长和发育之后①,现在已进入发展阶段。而欲使它健康发展,同样需要一个良好的...  相似文献   

Achieving sustainable development has been hampered by trade-offs in favour of economic growth over social well-being and ecological viability, which may also affect the sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the member states of the United Nations. In contrast, the concept of inclusive development emphasizes the social, ecological and political dimensions of development. In this context, this paper addresses the question: What does inclusive development mean and to what extent is it taken into account in the framing of the SDGs? It presents inclusive development as having three key dimensions (social, ecological, and relational inclusiveness) with five principles each. This is applied to the 17 SDGs and their targets. The paper concludes that while the text on the SDGs fares quite well on social inclusiveness, it fares less well in respect to ecological and relational inclusiveness. This implies that there is a risk that implementation processes also focus more on social inclusiveness rather than on ecological and relational inclusiveness. Moreover, in order to de facto achieve social inclusiveness in the Anthropocene, it is critical that the latter two are given equal weight in the actual implementation process.  相似文献   

The highly successful economic development over the past 30 years of central and northeastern Italy, commonly referred to as the Third Italy, has created significant economic and social gains for the regions' women. The high historical prevalence of extended and multiple households among agricultural sharecroppers provided the social materials necessary for constructing a rapid and efficient engine of accumulation in the area's dynamic, small-firm-based economy. Though women have achieved some economic autonomy through employment and entrepreneurial activities, their achievement of greater economic equity is impeded by the continuing double burdens of employment inside and outside of the home. After examining the dimensions of women's status mobility with particular reference to the Marche region, one of the Third Italy's most economically dynamic, as well as socially conservative regions, it is argued that increasing state subsidies to families with children might increase women's options and help achieve greater equity between the sexes.  相似文献   

This systems analysis of the judicial and bail processes of two, large, Ohio jurisdictions provides an empirical data base for the courts to utilize in designing, implementing, and evaluating new or modified bail and court procedures.  相似文献   

The challenges stemming from globalization coupled with more rapid, fundamental technological development compels firms to develop more effective ways to manage. The corporate landscape will change as some firms successfully traverse turbulent periods of industry evolution while others do not. Firms may increase their chances of success by developing a portfolio of alliances in technology development, emphasizing organizational learning, and altering traditional views of strategy and control.  相似文献   

由于人类片面追求经济增长的发展模式,人类社会逐步陷入了发展的困境——生态环境恶化。摆脱发展困境的唯一选择只有走可持续发展道路。可持续发展战略的贯彻与实施必须有公共政策作保障,因为公共政策与可持续发展具有科学性与价值性的统一。只有加强与完善公共政策的制定与实施,才能促进人类社会的持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to outline some ways in which sociological inquiry has helped to interpret general processes of legal development. It comments on a few aspects of a vast subject. Furthermore, it was commissioned in a specific context of debate: as part of an agenda of discussion of the relative merits and potential of sociological and economic analyses of law. Hence, to provide a setting for what I try to argue about the character and value of sociological interpretations of legal change, it seems appropriate to preface those arguments with some general ideas about the nature of sociological inquiries in legal contexts and about perceived contrasts between the orientation of these inquiries and what I take to be certain orientations in economic analysis of law. Accordingly this paper is in two parts. The first offers a few prefatory remarks on the character of theoretically guided sociological inquiries about law (sociology of law). The second discusses various kinds of interpretation of legal development, which have been offered from the perspectives of sociology of law.  相似文献   

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