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“执行难、执行乱”一直是困扰我国法院执行工作多年的难题,在海事执行中的船舶扣押尤其如此.本文主要就海事诉讼保全船舶扣押的救济问题、船舶扣押中遇到的“死扣”“活扣”标准问题、扣押船舶的监管等问题进行分析.  相似文献   

船舶活扣押有严格活扣押和宽松活扣押两种形式,是中国独创的司法扣押船舶模式,体现了“效率优先,兼顾公平”的市场法则和“放水养鱼”的中国传统思维方式,可以实现船舶使用价值的最大化,有效避免错误扣船可能的赔偿责任。然而,活扣押期间船舶可能附上优先债权,也可能船舶被非法转让、抵押,从而影响海事请求人权利的实现,即保全效果有时可能不如死扣押。在宽松活扣押的船舶之上能否进行死扣押,反之,在死扣押的船舶之上能否宽松活扣押,这是困扰海事司法多年的难题,也滋生了海事法院之间的诸多矛盾,采用船舶轮候扣押制度,即可有效化解有关的难题与矛盾。在扣船实务中,海事法院并未认真执行严格活扣押期限“一般”为一个航次的规定,使该活扣押成了事实上的无限期扣押,为此笔者建议:将两种活扣押的期限均修改为三个月,期限届满未行续扣的,宽松活扣押效力自动终止,严格活扣押则当然回复到死扣押状态。目前,活扣押的对象仅限航行于国内航线的中国籍船舶,但基于商船登记制度已臻完善,其对象可扩展到航行港、澳航线及国际航线的中国籍船舶,以提高保全效率、节省保全费用。  相似文献   

南海燕 《法制与社会》2013,(24):238-239
英国对物扣押令源于罗马法,经过罗马法时代、斯图亚特王朝时代的发展,呈现出现代海事扣押令的特点:扣押"过错"物能更好清偿债务,海事法院只审"物",不审人。法院确定管辖权后签发扣押令,对船舶进行扣押,迫使船东出现或提供担保,而后释放船舶或拍卖船舶清偿债务。通过此过程满足海事请求人的海事请求。对英国对物扣押令的了解,可为我国相关船舶扣押程序的完善提供借鉴。  相似文献   

潘剑 《特区法坛》2001,(3):28-29
在海事审判中,扣押和拍卖船舶是海事请求保全、海事诉讼保全和海事执行等程序中的一个重要又行之有效的手段。但是在扣押、拍卖船舶的司法实践中,经常忽视了对该船上剩存船用燃油的处理。目前,我国现有的法律法规中极少涉及对船用燃油的问题。本文拟就在海事审判中扣押和拍卖船舶时对船舶上剩存船用燃油的处理略陈管见。  相似文献   

船舶留置权是担保造船人、修船人债权的船舶担保物权,船舶扣押是法院为保障海事请求人的海事请求而采取的保全措施。当法院扣押修理中的船舶,船舶留置权与船舶扣押就会发生冲突,因为关于留置权人在船舶扣押前没有行使船舶留置权而在船舶扣押后是否仍享有该留置权的问题,法律没有规定。主要从占有和优先受偿两个方面分析船舶在扣押后继续停留在修船厂时留置权人的权利,并对船舶在扣押后离开修船厂的弊端及避免纠纷的措施进行探讨,指出船舶扣押前留置权人未行使船舶留置权的,船舶扣押后留置权人对船舶丧失了占有,但其相关债权对船舶价款仍享有优先受偿权,而且船舶在扣押后不应离开留置权人的修船厂,除非扣船请求人提供担保。  相似文献   

冯玖聚 《法制与社会》2013,(10):263-264
航运业是重资产行业,船舶融资租赁是近年来除了传统融资方式外,为世界航运界普遍采纳的一种融资方式,它可以通过"融物"的形式来达到"融资"的目的。由于船舶自身的特殊性和航运业务的国际性的特点,对于在船舶融资租赁业务中如何有效地通过扣押船舶来进行财产保全以及通过何种方式可以最大程度避免融资租赁船舶有因某些海事请求而被扣押等一系列法律问题都围绕着船舶是否可以扣押展开,故有必要进行厘清。  相似文献   

从正当性视角出发,以当事船扣押和姊妹船扣押为研究对象,分析立法和司法在船舶扣押程序中与正当性相关联的因素,指出船舶扣押程序存在的合法性及合理性问题,提出船舶扣押的正当性标准.对禁止重复扣押之立法正当性进行解析,并对允许重复扣船的三种情形进行正当性考察,提出判断其是否具备正当性的三个标准.  相似文献   

中国与南非的船舶扣押制度在法律渊源、法院管辖、海事请求事项、扣押船舶的范围等方面既有共同之处,又有相互区别的地方,而最大不同在于南非扣押关联船舶的规定在中国法律下是不存在的.中国国有船舶在南非遭遇关联船舶制度下的扣押.有关船东须积极应对,力争创立有利判例,以免国有船舶再受该制度下的扣押之苦.  相似文献   

论船舶优先权的行使   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
船舶优先权的行使方式有三种 :扣船行使、卖船行使、参与分配行使。当事船舶被依法扣押是船舶优先权的行使条件。船舶扣押地法院对船舶优先权的确认和行使具有专门管辖权。本文分析了船舶优先权的行使特性 ,船舶运输企业、海上生产企业破产程序对船舶优先权行使的影响 ,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

许俊强 《人民司法》2012,(21):98-101
两岸法律渊源相同,但立法有各自的特点。扣押船舶是海商法中的重要制度,本文通过比较两岸保全程序中船舶扣押制度,就两岸船舶扣押制度中可供相互借鉴之处提出自己的看法。一、扣押船舶的界定海事诉讼特别程序法(以下简称海诉法)第十二条规定,海事请求保全是指海事法院根据海事请求人的申请,为保障其海事请求的实现,对被请求人的财产所采取的强制措施。可见,海事请求保全属财产保全的范畴,其特殊性在于这种请求必须基于特定的债权即海  相似文献   

This article assesses the effectiveness of United Kingdom age discrimination law in protecting older workers from claims that they are less productive and perform more poorly than younger workers. The article assesses employer perceptions and the incompatibility of such perceptions with existing research and the current interpretation of age discrimination law by the CJEU and the Supreme Court which accords with such research. The effectiveness of age discrimination law in practice is assessed through an analysis of existing compensation reduction rules. The article concludes that the existing rules which allow for a reduction in compensation payable where there is a chance that the same outcome would have been reached in the absence of discrimination (the ‘chance model’) reduces the effectiveness of the existing protections. A move to a ‘certainty model’ would be less speculative, would serve the objectives of anti‐discrimination law and would reduce concerns about compatibility with EU law.  相似文献   

This article will analyse two models of criminal law beyond the State, which are here termed ‘eunomic’ and ‘dialogic’. It will then focus on one case study, European criminal law, which was inherently ‘dialogic’ until the last decade of the past century but has now quite unique features. In accordance with classic liberal views, criminal law has always been conceptualised as one of the most salient attributes of the sovereign State. The monopoly on the use of violence was to be legitimised by the State's concern for the sphere of autonomy of the individual. It is submitted in this article that it is precisely this condition that is lacking in the current European model, which promotes security‐oriented paradigms of self‐fulfilment and effectiveness. However, criminal law, if properly conceived, could in theory function as a powerful vehicle of integration.  相似文献   

This article presents research carried out as part of a government research programme looking at how police tactic of 'stop and search' in England and Wales. For many years, figures which have shown a higher rate of stop and search of minority ethnic groups, particularly black people, have provoked much controversy, and have been seen by many as a manifestation of police racism. This article reviews the way in which stop and search impacts on public confidence, with particular reference to those from minority ethnic groups. It goes on to explore its role within policing, including an examination of its effectiveness against crime and the evidence for racism in police practice. Following from this, it considers how stop and search can be used in a way that minimises negative impacts on the community and maximises its effectiveness against crime.  相似文献   

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 introduces a social value duty. It requires public authorities in England and Wales that are carrying out procurement activities to ‘consider’ how such activities might ‘improve … economic, social and environmental well-being’. This article analyses qualitative, empirical data on how the social value duty has been interpreted and applied across local government in England. Although only a weak legal duty, this law has made a notable impact on practice. The article explains the changes brought about in practice under the social value duty and seeks to understand why these changes have occurred. It does so by recognizing local government procurement markets, as well as local government organizations themselves, as strategic action fields. In these fields, there are competing visions for social value. It is through conversations between actors that a common meaning comes to be attached to the law.  相似文献   

最高人民法院2012年3月31日颁布的《最高人民法院关于审理买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第10条第4款突出了“交付”为船舶所有权变动的生效要件,但这样的规定容易造成信赖登记的善意第三人的利益难以得到保护,不能适应新兴的船舶融资租赁等交易方式的发展。中国法律应赋予登记以公信力,船舶所有权变动应当采登记生效主义更为妥当,这更符合司法实践和航运实务的操作。  相似文献   

Drawing on international research, policy, and practice, this article explores what is meant by service user involvement, how it has developed, and how it has been implemented across different areas of practice. Using examples from across the health and social care fields, it reflects on how the learning from other areas of practice in which service user involvement has been successful may be applied to the family justice field. The arguments presented highlight the value of taking a bottom‐up approach in designing and implementing innovations in family justice, which would embrace the views of family members, including children, as ‘service users.’ It is important, however, to balance both the challenges and the opportunities offered by involving those who are ‘experts by experience’ in the family justice processes, in order to lead to improved services and experiences.  相似文献   


This article considers the trajectory and effectiveness of policy, procedures and practice in the UK since the early 1990s in responding to young people who display problematic and harmful sexual behaviours. It draws on data from three publications in which research, policy and practice in the last 20 years have been reviewed. Key themes raised by Masson and Hackett are revisited including: denial and minimisation; terminology and categorisation; similarities with other young offenders; the child protection and youth justice systems; and assessment and interventions. The authors find that there is improvement in recognition of, and practice in response to, this group of young people, but good practice standards are inconsistently applied. With devolution of political powers, Scotland and Northern Ireland are now embarking on a more strategic response than England. The absence of a public debate and prioritising of primary prevention of child sexual abuse is noted.  相似文献   


This article presents a framework that extends the discussion of translational criminology and the dynamic process of translating research to practice. The goal is to provide an explicit dissection of the translation process into four phases to help outline a structured way of thinking about how to incorporate research into police practice. The four-phases include: Phase I: ‘Does it Work?’ Research and Evaluation; Phase II: ‘What Works?’ Synthesis and Dissemination; Phase III: ‘How to Make it Work?’ Implementation and Evaluation; and Phase IV: ‘Make it Work!’ Institutionalization and Sustainability. The process is founded in implementation science and the ‘Knowledge to Action’ model (KTA) used in the medical and public health fields, as well as current translation activities for policing, and the authors’ experience as practitioners, researchers, and ‘translators’ over the last 25 years. It is the hope that parsing out four distinct phases for the translation of research to practice will assist researchers and police leaders to identify and fill gaps in current and future translation activities.  相似文献   

In October 2016, the Home Secretary ruled out a public inquiry into the ‘Battle of Orgreave', arguing that ‘very few lessons’ could be learned from a review of practices of three decades ago. It was suggested that policing has undergone a progressive transformation since the 1984–5 miners’ strike, at political, legal, and operational levels. This article, in contrast, charts a significant expansion of state control over public protest since the strike, including a proliferation of public order offences and an extension of pre‐emptive policing powers. Whilst concerns have been raised about the impact of these developments on protest rights, there is an absence of socio‐legal research into the operation of public order powers in practice. In this article, I begin to fill this lacuna. Drawing on three empirical case‐studies of protesters’ experiences of arrest and the criminal justice process, I highlight the relevance of Orgreave for contemporary policing practice.  相似文献   

The fortunes of information transfer and technology are inextricably bound. The extent to which technology transfer is accomplished depends largely on the effectiveness, selectivity, and efficiency with which information is transferred. This article reviews DoD agents that bring about the transfer of its information; in doing so, they contribute to the transfer of DoD’s technology to state and local governments and to the private sector. It emphasizes the role played by the Defense Technical Information Center.  相似文献   

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