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依法国著作权法,侵犯著作权的违法行为被统称为假冒行为,凡是假冒行为,皆属犯罪。较新的法文原始资料显示了法国假冒行为的概念及其构成要件,揭示出法国著作权法针对假冒行为的严格刑事立场,即“具有合理性,但过于严苛”。以此为鉴,我国著作权立法在选择合适的刑事立场时至少应考虑社会背景性和经济性因素。  相似文献   

王玉珏 《法学》2012,(6):152-159
国有医疗机构中的"拉统方"行为,应放在整个医药购销贿赂链条中进行综合分析,才能全面、客观地评价其社会危害性。具体认定应当视行为人对数据信息是否具有管理、监督职能而区别对待。如果行为人未被赋予管理职能,仅提供纯技术性工作,那么该工作属于"从事劳务",该主体是非国家工作人员,即"拉统方"收受贿赂行为成立非国家工作人员受贿罪;如果行为人在数据信息汇总、整理之外,被赋予管理、监督职能,应视作"从事公务",这种"拉统方"行为成立受贿罪。此外,由于管理行为与技术行为的联系愈加紧密,应当正确看待二者的结合。  相似文献   

版权法意义上的"技术措施"有别于纯粹技术性手段,它必须能够用于保护作品和其他受版权法保护的客体。"技术措施"应具有阻止他人对作品等客体实施特定行为的功能,以此区别于"权利管理信息"。"技术措施"是"数字权利管理系统"的下位概念,它不包括对作品的使用进行纯粹经济意义上管理行为的技术性手段。无论是版权人还是其"专有被许可人"或"非专有被许可人"采用的"技术措施",都应当受到版权法的保护。"专有被许可人"或"非专有被许可人"都可以对规避"技术措施"的行为提起诉讼。  相似文献   

诉讼诈骗行为在国外刑法立法中已经被规定为犯罪。社会危害性与现有的规制效果,说明诉讼诈骗行为在我国犯罪化的必要性。在犯罪化之后,诉讼诈骗罪应被规定在"妨害社会管理秩序罪"一章的"妨害司法罪"一节,并可考虑单位犯罪和身份犯等方面而作出具有罪刑阶梯的条文设计。  相似文献   

为了积极推动抵押信贷的发展、刺激国内消费信贷,法国借2006年担保法改革之机在《法国民法典》第2422条〔1〕中确立了"可再负担抵押"制度。这个被法国学者称为"具有革新意义的新制度"〔2〕突破了传统担保物权的  相似文献   

姜影 《法学》2014,(6):61-71
自20世纪60年代始,法国开启了国有企业管理体制改革的进程。经过半个多世纪的探索与实践,法国国有企业管理体制实现了从以"行政管理"为主到"合同化管理"为主,再到以"国家股东管理"为主的转变。实行国家股东管理不仅实现了国家作为资本所有者的职能与其作为行政监管者和公共服务提供者等职能的分离,也提高了国家对国有资本管理的专业化程度。再加之国有企业内部董事会运作机制的完善,新型管理体制不仅在实现国有资本保值增值、维护社会公共利益方面成效显著,更在优化国有资本投资、实现国家经济结构战略性调整中作用积极。法国国有企业管理体制改革的经验对于我国深化国企改革中国资委职能的重新定位、国有企业内部治理机制的完善以及国有资本布局的整体规划等均具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

法国一家T恤生产商因以讽刺手法将总统尼古拉·萨科齐的名字印制在T恤上,被萨科齐告上法庭。这家生产商的T恤胸口处印有"萨科齐"(Sarkozy)字样,其中"o"被替换成枪靶。"萨科齐"名字上面印有法国国训"自由、平等、博爱",但被"泼"上了"鲜血"。路透社报道说,这家T恤商因为屡次恶搞名字被多家知名企业告上法庭,此次可能希望以  相似文献   

论放高利贷行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
<正> 研究和探讨放高利贷行为问题,无论在理论上,还是在实践中,都具有极重要的意义。一、放高利货行为的含义放高利贷行为,是指对所贷之款索取过高利息率的行为。远在古罗马时期,《十二铜表法》就对借贷的最高利率作出限制性规定。中世纪寺院法,禁止公民从事有息借贷,违背者处以"廉耻罪"。王政时代,有息借贷得到恢复,但仍被基督教会视为"不道德的行为"。资产阶级革命胜利后,契约自由成为私法的三大原则之一,德国、英国等许多国家,在民商法领域废除了最高利率的限制,借贷利息,任由当事人约定。法国、日本等少数国家,在商法中也废除了利率的限制,但在民法中则予以保留,按其规定,超过法定最高利率的部分,法  相似文献   

民航扰乱行为是在民用机场或航空器内实施的干扰飞行秩序和危害飞行安全的行为。这类行为近年来在我国民航领域频繁出现,但很少被追究刑事责任,多数行为被行政处罚。但是,民航扰乱行为涉及的"机场"和"航空器"在学理上应属"场所"情节,能够反映危害行为的严重程度。如此理解,便可适用现行刑法已有罪名制裁许多现实发生的民航扰乱行为。同时,对于部分不构成犯罪的民航扰乱行为应该给予较重的行政处罚。  相似文献   

王雷 《法律科学》2014,(6):42-51
民法学视野中的情谊行为包括纯粹的情谊行为和转化形态的情谊行为。纯粹的情谊行为不属于民事法律行为,而是处于"法外空间"的纯粹生活事实,法律不应当过度介入这一社会生活层面的关系,否则将使得社会生活规则被破坏殆尽。情谊行为在一定条件下可能转化为受民法调整的民事法律事实,进入"法内空间"。广义情谊行为中的情谊合同、情谊无因管理、情谊侵权行为是纯粹的情谊行为的转化形态,也都已属于民事法律事实,进入民法的调整领域。爱需要法律,法律在规制爱的过程中需要与其他社会规范相协调,以妥当界定"法外空间"与"法内空间"。民法面对情谊行为应该保持谦抑的态度,民法通过相应的技术调整手段实现对情谊行为施惠者的宽容、鼓励和必要的引导。  相似文献   

Forty male prisoners at a medium-security Canadian penitentiary completed the I Questionnaire, a measure of impulsivity, and two measures of schemas for a hostile world. Both hypervigilance for hostile words during a dichotic shadowing task and hostile attributions made about actors in social vignettes correlated greater than .30 with a criminal history of persistent violence. Impulsivity did not significantly correlate with the schema measures but correlated .30 with persistent violence. The results provide support for the Serin and Kuriychuk model of aggression that links impulsivity and hostile attributions with persistent male violence.  相似文献   

The characteristics of mental disorders, as well as deficiencies in their treatment, must be properly defined. This was a prospective, longitudinal, observational study, in which all men referred to a penitentiary psychiatric consultation of three penitentiary centers in Spain were invited to participate. Those who consented to participation (1328) were interviewed at the baseline timepoint and at intervals for up to 3 years. The presence of mental disorders was high: 68.2% had a cluster B personality disorder, 14% had an affective and/or anxiety disorders, 13% had schizophrenia, and over 80% had a dual disorder. Polypharmacy was the norm. Moreover, the health care received in prison did not match that provided in the community in terms of quantity and quality. These results should help to facilitate the design of mental healthcare provision for prisoners, focusing on both the most frequent patient profiles and equality of care.  相似文献   

Michael Joseph LeBlanc probably became infected with HIV and Hepatitis C while incarcerated in a federal penitentiary. On 18 November 1999, he died at the Regional Hospital in Kingston Penitentiary of complications relating to hepatitis C. Mr LeBlanc died inhumanely, in extreme physical, psychological and emotional distress. His death raises the issues of transmission and prevention of HIV and hepatitis C, compassionate release, and health care and palliative care in federal prisons. An Inquest under the Coroners Act was held in Kingston, Ontario from 30 January to 1 February 2001. These same issues had been raised previously at the October 1997 coroners inquest into the death of William Bell, a person living with AIDS who died while incarcerated in another federal penitentiary.  相似文献   

On 9 May 2002, the BC Court of Appeal released its decision in a prisoner's sentencing appeal where the Crown and the defence agreed that the original sentence was illegal, and differed in their positions as to the appropriate sentence by only one day. That one day meant the difference between serving the sentence in a provincial jail as opposed to a federal penitentiary.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of the use of unofficial force by prison guards in a Texas penitentiary. The findings suggest that rather than being idiosyncratic or sporadic, guard use of physical coercion was highly structured and deeply entrenched in the guard subculture Upperranking guards served as mentors and socialized younger nonmnking guards into the process of using physical coercion. These nonranking guards actually served as apprentices. Most importantly, guards who used physical force were rewarded for their behavior with improved duty posts or even promotions.  相似文献   

This article summarizes a lawsuit commenced recently in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice by an HIV-positive inmate in the federal penitentiary system against the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). This action is an important part of the ongoing struggle to hold government and public officials accountable for failing to address the HIV/AIDS crisis in prisons. The suit contends that CSC must be held liable for the seroconversion of an inmate while in CSC's care and custody, and that it must also be held liable for the alleged negligent provision of medical care to HIV-positive inmates.  相似文献   

Co-occurring mental disorders among criminal offenders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many convicted offenders suffer from major mental disorders. These offenders commit crimes with great frequency. They do not receive mental health care and are often found in isolation cells of correctional facilities. The present investigation examined lifetime multiple disorders, measured by the DIS, among a representative sample of male penitentiary inmates. Pure forms of the major mental disorders were rare. All possible combinations of the major disorders were found to exist. No patterns of groupings of disorders were evident.  相似文献   

This study investigated deliberate self-harm (DSH) in young inmates. The objectives are twofold: first, to identify the social and clinical characteristics of inmates who commit DSH; and secondly, to ascertain the types of personality who are vulnerable in order to be able to predict future inmates who may harm themselves. A cross-sectional design was used to study psychosocial correctional personality characteristics and clinical pictures in inmates with DSH versus a control group without DSH. The measures used to evaluate different variables were a standard protocol and a self-report questionnaire (MCMI-II). Although the two groups compared are homogeneous and similar in terms of different psychosocial variables, inmates with DSH presented a significant background of maltreatment. Borderline, passive-aggressive, and antisocial personality disorders best discriminated both groups. The detection of borderline, negativistic, and antisocial disorders may help the medical services of penitentiary centers to predict youths with a possible risk of DSH. Despite the results obtained, longitudinal studies are needed to help clarify other risk factors, as well as other risk factors leading to self-harm behavior.  相似文献   

The present study is a first-time evaluation of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide's (VRAG) predictive quality for institutional violence in a German-speaking country. The VRAG was assessed for 106 violent and sexual offenders based on their files. Violent infractions during imprisonment were evaluated using the files of the state penitentiary. Results show in accordance with previous studies only a moderate effect between VRAG scores and institutional misconduct. However, these findings were only significant for participants with a sex crime as index offense. In the study, the VRAG was unable to predict verbal and physical violence by violent offenders. The implications of these findings for institutional risk management and the future development of intramural detection of participants at risk in the German-speaking part of Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

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