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刑事既判力在我国刑法中的重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王耀忠 《法律科学》2002,(6):121-126
刑事既判力采取相关主义原则 ,既与刑法溯及力的从旧兼从轻原则相一致 ,蕴含了有利于行为人的思想 ,也与刑法所追求的三大价值目标 ,即公正、谦抑、人道并行不悖。是对罪刑法定原则精神在时间效力上的彻底贯彻。而采取分离主义原则 ,不仅不能彻底贯彻有利于行为人的思想 ,而且与刑法的三大价值目标相背离。建议我国刑事立法应采取相关主义原则 ,对我国刑法第 1 2条第 2款作出重构。  相似文献   

Since 2002, Creative Commons has been continuously evolving in order to create a licensing scheme that not only fulfils the needs of the author but also stays compatible with already existing national copyright laws. The extent of the respect of moral rights provisions has always been highlighted during the licences’ evolution. This Article first examines whether moral rights are expressly mentioned in the licences and if so, what their treatment is. Each element of the moral rights in the French system will be considered in order to verify their compatibility with the Creative Commons licences. In this context, it will be also asserted whether some existing clauses in the licence contradict with the moral rights of authors. The Article will conclude that although a more flexible interpretation of moral rights provisions is needed when dealing with open content licences, it is essential that Creative Commons addresses the aspects of the licences that are identified as problematic in relation to moral rights. Finally, it will be demonstrated that regardless of the legal status of the licences, the authors' responsibility towards their rights is what will ultimately be the safeguard of their creations' path.  相似文献   

Current state laws regulating the licensure of dentists place severe restrictions upon the freedom of movement of practitioners. Most state laws were enacted during a period when a strong rationale for regulating public health and welfare existed. Today, these laws hamper the free movement of dentists and are anachronisms in an era of national standards and practices. The authors contend that the extant laws rest upon outdated assumptions and serve economic and protectionist goals rather than public health and safety. This Article examines the history and application of the traditional justifications for state licensure and their present ramifications. The authors suggest that replacing the current regulatory system with a national clinical examination and a national licensure program will best serve the interests of the public and the dental profession.  相似文献   

宅基地管理与物权法的适用限度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桂华  贺雪峰 《法学研究》2014,36(4):26-46
对土地管理制度的既有讨论,通常是从宪法第10条出发,没有考虑宪法第6条对"生产资料的社会主义公有制"的规定,将"国家所有"与"集体所有"片面理解为民法所有权而忽视其所有制内涵。物权制度是所有制关系的法律反映,"生产资料的社会主义公有制"是超越新中国历部宪法和其它具体法律的基本宪法原则,运用物权规则完善宅基地管理制度,需以公有制为大前提。忽视公有制前提的物权化改革建议,陷入"私法‘宪法中立",的认识误区,加上对宅基地经济社会属性的误会,所提出的改革方案缺乏法理与现实依据。现有制度在实现社会财富公平分配、公共资源有效管理和农民权利保护等方面基本有效,下一步改革只需做局部调整而无需全盘重建。  相似文献   

传染病防治失职罪研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文扼要回顾了我国防治传染病失职罪的立法演变 ,重点探讨了该罪构成特点、罪与非罪和此罪与彼罪的界限以及立法完善问题。文章指出 ,防治传染病失职罪具有侵害客体的单一性、客观行为的失职性、犯罪主体的身份性、主观心态的过失性四个要件特征。同时 ,文章认为有必要对本罪进行立法完善 ,其具体设想就是在法条罪状表述中阐明“过失”主观要件、增设甲类传染病过失危险犯、进一步明确本罪行政犯的构成特征、明确界定本罪主体范围、增设本罪的结果加重犯以及增设剥夺政治权利和罚金作为附加刑  相似文献   

Twenty-four U.S. states have enacted HIV exposure laws that prohibit HIV-positive persons from engaging in sexual activities with partners to whom they have not disclosed their HIV status. There is little standardization among existing HIV exposure laws, which vary substantially with respect to the sexual activities that are prohibited without prior serostatus disclosure. Logical analysis and mathematical modeling were used to explore the HIV prevention effectiveness of two types of HIV exposure laws: "strict" laws that require HIV-positive persons to disclose their serostatus to prospective partners prior to any sexual activity and "flexible" laws that require seropositive status disclosure only prior to high-risk sex (e.g., unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse). These laws were compared relative to each other and to a no-law alternative. The results of these analyses indicate that, under most (though not necessarily all) circumstances, both strict and flexible exposure laws can be expected to reduce HIV transmission risk relative to the no-law alternative, with flexible exposure laws producing the greater reduction in risk. This study demonstrates how logical analysis and mathematical modeling techniques can make an important contribution to the construction of a rational basis for decisions about a highly contested public health policy issue.  相似文献   

Upon receipt of a right to be forgotten request, private actors like Google are responsible for implementing the balancing test between competing rights of privacy and data protection and free expression and access to information. This amounts to private jurisprudence that data subjects, lawyers, and interested parties could, theoretically, game to their advantage. This paper critiques this process and argues two separate, but related points. (1) Search engines have become the sole arbiter of the rights to privacy and data protection under Articles 7 and of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, when safeguarding should be a responsibility of state authorities. (2) As private actors face litigation if their decision is not acceptable to the data subject, the right to access information and the public's right to know is compromised. Search engines exert considerable power over access to and Internet usage, yet nevertheless benefit from frameworks that permit a lack of adherence to similar human rights standards as public actors or agencies. As such, empowering search engines as decision-makers over conflicting fundamental rights is problematic. Rather than allow the content of the right to be forgotten to be fleshed out by private actors, the significant body of existing jurisprudence should form the basis for public guidelines on how to implement the right to be forgotten. An analysis of case law of national courts, the European Court of Human Rights and the CJEU reveals two related matters: it is possible to reverse engineer how search engines determine which requests will be actioned and those which will be denied. This paper argues a) collectively the body of jurisprudence is of sufficient standing to develop a public and transparent balancing test that is fair to all stakeholders and b) private actors should no longer be resolving the conflict between competing fundamental rights. The paper closes by positing a framework, loosely based on ICANN's Uniform Domain Resolution Procedure for resolving conflict between conflicting cyber property rights that provides transparency and accountability to the right to be forgotten and removes search engines as arbiters of the balancing test in select cases.  相似文献   

彭錞 《比较法研究》2022,(1):162-176
我国个人信息保护法对国家机关处理个人信息作出了特别规定,但未明文解释其适用对象或澄清处理的合法性基础。个人信息保护领域的国家机关应采广义,除了通常的国家机关,还包括法律、法规授权提供公共服务的组织和规章授权组织。根据我国个人信息保护法第13条和民法典第1036条,国家机关处理个人信息具有多元的合法性基础:法定基础包括履行法定职责所必需,订立、履行合同或人事管理所必需,为应急所必需,合理处理已自愿或合法公开的个人信息,法律、行政法规规定的其他情形;意定基础指取得个人同意;酌定基础指为维护公共利益或者信息主体合法权益而合理处理个人信息。不同的合法性基础对应不同的告知同意规则,需准确理解适用。  相似文献   

This Article explores the antitrust and other implications of private credentialing and accrediting programs in the health care industry. Although such programs are usually sponsored by powerful competitor groups, they serve the procompetitive purpose of providing useful information and authoritative advice to independent decision makers. Part One examines the risk that credentialing will sometimes be unfair to competitors and deceive consumers. Its survey of common-law, antitrust, and regulatory interventions to correct such unfairness and deception seeks to determine the degree of oversight to which credentialing and similar activities have been and should be subjected. In recommending that judicial or regulatory scrutiny should be limited to discovering whether standards and practices have a rational relation to a procompetitive purpose, the Article argues that greater intrusion into credentialing schemes would be inconsistent with market theory and first amendment values and would discourage line-drawing efforts that stimulate competition and facilitate consumer choice. By emphasizing throughout that personnel certification and institutional accreditation embody ideology and opinion as well as factual information, Part One sets the stage for the argument in Part Two that antitrust law can and should be used to contest the dominance of a single ideology of health care and to facilitate the development of alternative sources of consumer information. The Article's overall thesis is that, whereas the quality of advice given to the public about health care personnel and similar matters should not be closely regulated, neither should the supply of competing information and opinion be artificially curtailed.  相似文献   

This article concerns a relatively novel issue: rule breaking and unlawful conduct by government bodies; to which degree does it occur, what is the nature of this misconduct, what are the underlying motives, and what are the consequences and possible solutions? Rule and law breaking is harmful for the credibility and integrity of a state and its law enforcement system. However, very little empirical research has been carried out into this issue, in comparison to research into state crime. There is little clarity about how public actors deal with criminal and administrative laws and rules in areas like environmental protection, safety regulations and working conditions. Do government bodies set a good example? Is their behaviour better or worse than the public and businesses? An analytical framework for research will be presented and also the results of an extensive research project in the Netherlands; the main themes of which have been benchmarked against data from the United Kingdom. The article will conclude with a summary of the main findings and a number of suggestions for further research and policy development.  相似文献   

This article analyzes trends in litigation brought against corporate actors regarding human rights information. Such information includes, but is not limited to, statements on packaging claiming that products are “ethically sourced” and investor-facing disclosures representing that an issuer's operations are environmentally friendly. It proceeds by outlining the sources of human rights-related disclosures as they arise under both legal and voluntary regimes. The article then addresses the case law. Recent years have seen an increase in lawsuits involving human rights information, or lack thereof, imparted by companies. Consumer protection or consumer fraud cases are being filed, alleging that companies have either provided false and misleading information or omitted information about corporate human rights impacts and mitigation efforts. Investors are filing similar claims. The article examines the trend and considers the role of this litigation both in holding companies to their word and in providing corporate accountability for the underlying human rights abuses that false or misleading human rights information may mask. It ultimately argues that, although success at trial in such cases remains elusive, litigation is a useful and potentially growing tool for holding companies to their word regarding human rights claims. It contextualizes this litigation, arguing that other means by which companies can be held to their word should be strengthened, including public enforcement and—potentially—new disclosure and due diligence laws.  相似文献   

Cheng EK 《Duke law journal》2007,56(5):1263-1318
The Supreme Court's Daubert trilogy places judges in the unenviable position of assessing the reliability of often unfamiliar and complex scientific expert testimony. Over the past decade, scholars have therefore explored various ways of helping judges with their new gatekeeping responsibilities. Unfortunately, the two dominant approaches, which focus on doctrinal tests and external assistance mechanisms, have been largely ineffective. This Article advocates for a neglected but important method for improving scientific decisionmaking--independent judicial research. It argues that judges facing unfamiliar and complex scientific admissibility decisions can and should engage in independent library research to better educate themselves about the underlying principles and methods. Independent research, however, is controversial. A survey of state appellate judges shows sharp divisions on the issue, and at the same time, the rules governing independent research are astonishingly unclear. The Article responds to the likely objections some judges have to independent research and also offers a way of interpreting the existing laws to permit the practice. Finally, the Article assesses independent research's chances for success as a method of scientific evidence reform. Based on the survey results, it concludes that a substantial number of judges will indeed take up the mantle of independent research. An equally substantial portion will likely resist, however, raising deeper issues about the importance of uniformity in judicial practice.  相似文献   

This article offers an examination of the official rules that participate in the organization of street vending activities in Latin American cities. It does so by explaining the legal assemblages that serve to define how, where, and by whom certain Latin American public spaces may be occupied, and by empirically illustrating the way in which the legal status of street vendors—that is, whether or not they are willing or able to get official recognition to work in these public spaces—affects the way they use and occupy the urban landscape. The information gathered here suggests that securing access to official permission to work on the streets does significantly affect vendors' locations as well as their working modalities. The subsequent analysis also illustrates a significant relationship between vendors' legal status and specific interactions with urban authorities and other actors. These findings suggest that, although law cannot prevent the unauthorized occupation of public spaces for commercial purposes, it could certainty avert the reproduction of other illegal practices and, perhaps most importantly, protect the urban poor from the vulnerability they face before state and nonstate violence.  相似文献   

Sexually abused children who are not treated will likely commit violent crimes and will probably abuse or condone the abuse of their own children. But the best of treatment programs are of no use if the abused children are not found. Reporting laws adopted in recent years, even though of somewhat limited scope, have greatly increased the number of children found and brought to treatment, and each child treated not only improves that child's pursuit of happiness, it also breaks a cycle of abuse to his children. Reporting laws can be strengthened. They can help more children. They can cast a broader net of those who must report abuse and of those who are protected when they report. They can clarify the procedures to be taken and the agencies responsible when reports are made. They can provide for confidentiality and protective orders to save the family a second trauma during judicial and administrative procedures. They can identify public policy as to when to treat and when to punish if both cannot be done. They can encourage research for determining the truth of reports and for improving treatment methods. There is resistance to reporting laws. Physicians are well aware that if they report an abuse they may well lose not merely that family as patients but also their friends and relatives which can be a severe economic hardship. Lawyers and physicians resist intrusions into the confidentiality of their relations with their clients and patients. Foster homes and residential care facilities know that even a hint of impropriety may end their arrangements for payment by the public and insurance carriers. Families often resist reporting because of its embarrassment and potential impact on their jobs and on their relationships with friends. Children resist because of guilt feelings or for fear of losing a parent. Mothers resist because they fear the breakup of their homes and loss of a breadwinner. Compulsory reporting laws may be the best means of helping sexually abused children and of breaking the cycle of sexual abuse by those who were sexually abused and even of reducing violent crime. It is not a simple solution. But just as we can do nothing about child abuse unless it is reported, neither can we do anything about abuse unless the reports are managed efficiently, with prompt investigation and prompt action when appropriate. A report allowed to gather dust may have cost a physician a part of his practice without protecting or helping the child.  相似文献   

论承运人在目的港对船载货物的留置权   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文结合海事司法实践和国内留置权立法趋势 ,阐述了海上承运人留置货物面临的困境。通过比较外国法律指出《海商法》第 87条规定的不合理性 ,并以海上运输之特点及承运人和收货人的利益平衡为重点论述了承运人对船载货物行使留置权不应以货物所有权归属债务人为条件 ,最后就承运人行使留置权的范围和程序提出了对《海商法》的修改意见。  相似文献   

Mandatory data breach notification laws have been a significant legislative reform in response to unauthorized disclosures of personal information by public and private sector organizations. These laws originated in the state-based legislatures of the United States during the last decade and have subsequently garnered worldwide legislative interest. We contend that there are conceptual and practical concerns regarding mandatory data breach notification laws which limit the scope of their applicability, particularly in relation to existing information privacy law regimes. We outline these concerns here, in the light of recent European Union and Australian legal developments in this area.  相似文献   

This Article analyzes and critiques apology laws, their potential use, and effectiveness, both legally and ethically, in light of the strong professional norms that shape physicians' reaction to medical errors. Physicians are largely reluctant to disclose medical errors to patients, patients' families, and even other physicians. Some states have passed so-called apology laws in order to encourage physicians to disclose medical errors to patients. Apology laws allow defendants to exclude statements of sympathy made after accidents from evidence in a liability lawsuit. This Article examines potential barriers to physicians' disclosure of medical mistakes and demonstrates how the underlying problem may actually be rooted in professional norms-norms that will remain outside the scope of law's influence. The Article also considers other legal and policy changes that could help to encourage disclosure.  相似文献   

Law plays crucial roles in the field of public health, from defining the power and jurisdiction of health agencies, to influencing the social norms that shape individual behavior. Despite its importance, public health law has been neglected. Over a decade ago, the Institute of Medicine issued a report lamenting the state of public health administration, generally, and calling, in particular, for a revision of public health statutes. The Article examines the current state of public health law. To help create the conditions in which people can be healthy, public health law must reflect an understanding of how public health agencies work to promote health, as well as the political and social contexts in which these agencies operate. The authors first discuss three prevailing ways in which the determinants of health are conceptualized, and the political and social problems each model tends to create for public health efforts. The analysis then turns to the core functions of public health, emphasizing how law furthers public health work. The Article reports the results of a fifty-state survey of communicable disease control law, revealing that few states have systematically reformed their laws to reflect contemporary medical and legal developments. The Article concludes with specific guidelines for law reform.  相似文献   

Children with significant disabilities may qualify for Medicaid benefits, regardless of household income, if their state elects to offer the Tax Equity Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) option. However, a significant number of children with serious medical problems presently are being denied eligibility for, or terminated from, this Medicaid program. This Article describes the ways in which the existing health insurance system inadequately meets the needs of children with significant disabilities, recounts the history and development of the TEFRA Medicaid coverage option, and analyzes the eligibility criteria used by the various states. It proceeds to consider how disability should be legally defined in the health care context and proposes reforms to modernize the eligibility standards so that these benefits can be more effectively, efficiently, and fairly allocated. To accomplish this goal, the federal statute and regulation that define disability, as well as corresponding state laws, must be reformed so that the law can keep pace with advances in modern medical science, and people with disabilities are not, in effect, penalized for receiving currently accepted preventative care that maintains health but will never cure the underlying disease.  相似文献   

董万程 《行政与法》2013,(12):96-100
我国《合同法》第52条第5项的规定是合同无效的一般条款,《合同法司法解释(二)》将其解释为效力性强制性规定.《合同法》中的效力性强制性规定既包括公法中的强制性规范也包括民法上的强制性规范,同国外立法相比,我国立法缺少但书的规定.本文认为,认定违反效力性强制性规定,要以法律、行政法规的明确规定和损害社会公共利益为基准.  相似文献   

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