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Pacifiers and bottle nipples entail the risk of asphyxia when they are swallowed, self-made or have become porous, or when used by older children whose teeth and chewing musculature have developed beyond the suckling stage. A further danger lies in the various devices used to tie the pacifier to the child, as they can cause strangulation. On the basis of this first case of a 2-year-old biting off a piece of her pacifier and fatally aspirating it, we point to the dangers and security requirements related to pacifiers and bottle nipples, and give a review of the related literature.  相似文献   

A 55-year-old man was found unconscious with ventricular fibrillations at his working place near a power press. CPR was successful. After three weeks of intensive care the patient died of ischemic brain damage. The first suspected diagnosis of myocardial infarction was revised when typical current marks were detected on both palms. At the working place the top of a lubricating grease container was found to be energized due to a technical damage: There is a round, multiple-pole plug mounted upon the container top the proper orientation of which is coded by a set of five plastic nipples. All the nipples had been abraded by longlasting mechanical stress, so that the plug could be connected in a variety of possible orientations. In actual fact, the incorrect orientation caused a voltage of up to 240 V to the container top.  相似文献   

The report describes a case of post-mortem scavenging by a songbird. A married couple had opened the cage of an astrild (finch) prior to their joint death. The body of the wife showed unusual patchy epidermal lesions on parts of the body not covered by the clothing, which were obviously caused by the songbird. According to the observations made by Roll and Rous they are attributable to "pecking and pulling". The behaviour of the bird was most probably due to lack of fluid.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 30-year-old woman with learning difficulties who was found dead at home by her mother. Her body was partially naked and covered in a number of unusual skin lesions with a targetoid appearance with red erythematous centers and well-delineated halos of pallor. These lesions were initially thought to be bruises by the police and by a forensic postmortem instigated. Postmortem examination also identified hepatosplenomegaly, severe lymphadenopathy, and focal patchy colonic ulceration. Histologic examination of the skin and bowel ulcers showed the lesions to be areas of infarction caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa vasculitis. Pseudomonas was also cultured from the swabs of the abdomen, the spleen, and the blood cultures. Histologic findings of the lymph nodes showed complete effacement of the normal architecture by a population of pleomorphic small lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the predominant cell type to be T-cells. The diagnosis of peripheral T-cell lymphoma was made. The cause of death was given as Pseudomonas septicemia secondary to immunocompromise resulting from the undiagnosed peripheral T-cell lymphoma. The pathogenesis of Pseudomonas and its association with malignancy is discussed along with a brief review of peripheral T-cell lymphomas. This case report demonstrates the characteristic macroscopic appearance of cutaneous Pseudomonas-associated lesions and how they can be misinterpreted as bruises.  相似文献   

The case history of a suicide due to 120 stab wounds of the chest is presented. The victim was a 41 years old man with a paranoid-hallucinative psychosis. The problem to distinguish homicides and suicides is discussed by the well-known criminalistic and forensic-medical criterias. Induced by this very unusual case the autopsy material with stab wounds was analyzed retrospectively (n = 246, out of about 14,000 autopsies at the Institut of Forensic Medicine in Hamburg). Cases with more than 40 single lesions are normally homicides. However, the pattern of the injuries is more important than the number--especially in doubtful cases.  相似文献   

Arrow wounds represent an unusual class of wounds rarely seen by most forensic pathologists. In this paper we present a case of homicide by bow and arrow and the characteristics of such injuries. The essential characteristics of the lesions obtained from conically-tapered field points and from hunting broadhead tips are described and discussed in relation to injuries caused by firearm bullets. In the present case, three arrows struck the victim, and the order in which the injuries were sustained are analyzed. We also discuss the possibilities of localizing the shooter relative to the victim by analysis of the trajectories.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous bruises caused by blunt injury are common findings in medicolegal case work. If the hematoma involves the anterior thoracic wall, bruises are mostly absent in the region of the nipples and the surrounding areola. A similar phenomenon has already been described for hypostatic skin hemorrhages. A possible explanation for both phenomena is the special tissue texture in the nipple–areola complex. Based on four cases from the forensic autopsy material and two cases from clinical forensic examinations, the macromorphological findings and the histological correlates are presented.  相似文献   

The evaluation of injuries due to self-mutilation may be complicated by atypical lesions and fabricated histories of the causative events. Four cases are described where one of the most striking findings was the presence of "mirror-image" injuries and/or a "chessboard" pattern of intersecting parallel lines from self-inflicted incised wounds. Case 1: A 32-year-old man was dead in his burnt-out car, with symmetrical, "mirror-image", circular burns from the car cigarette lighter over his forehead, cheeks, ears, upper and lower arms, the dorsal and palmar aspects of the hands, the anterior chest wall including the nipples, the anterior abdomen, thighs, lower legs, and the back of his neck. The deceased had a history of psychotic depression and had died of burns and inhalation of products of combustion. Case 2: A 19-year-old woman who fabricated a history of assault demonstrated multiple, superficial, "mirror-image" injuries of her thighs and forearms. Case 3: A 32-year-old man who exsanguinated from cut wrists showed multiple, superficial, and "mirror-image" incised wounds of the wrists, with a "chessboard" pattern. Case 4: A 26-year-old man died after jumping from a building. He had multiple superficial, "mirror-image" incised wounds of his anterior chest and thighs, with a typical "chessboard" pattern. Given the difficulties that sometimes arise in determining whether injuries have been self-inflicted or not, the finding of symmetrical "mirror-image" injuries, and/or a "chessboard" pattern formed by 2 groups of regular, parallel, superficial incised wounds running at right angles to each other provides compelling evidence of self-mutilation, unless a plausible alternative explanation is available.  相似文献   

When the anterior thoracic wall is within the hypostatic area, postmortem lividity in the region of the nipples and their immediate vicinity is less intense or absent. Where hypostatic skin haemorrhages (so-called vibices) are present, these are also found outside the areola of the nipple only. This phenomenon is visible not only externally, but is particularly pronounced on the cut surface. A possible explanation may be the different distribution pattern of connective tissue, smooth muscles and blood vessels inside and outside the areola mammae. Based on 13 cases from the forensic autopsy material--mostly drug related deaths--the macromorphological findings and their histological correlates are presented.  相似文献   

Sudden death secondary to acute dissection of a coronary artery is a rare, but increasingly recognized, cause of sudden, unexpected death in apparently healthy persons. It has been reported more frequently in women and has been associated with sudden death during the puerperium. It has also been reported that these involved coronary vessels contain increased numbers of eosinophils and often show areas of cystic medial necrosis. In this article, we report a case of sudden death in a 47-year-old white woman due to dissection of the distal segment of her left anterior descending coronary artery. There was marked involvement of the coronary arterial walls with cystic degeneration of the media with accumulation of glycosaminoglycans as demonstrated by Alcian blue staining. There was no eosinophilic infiltrate within the arterial walls. This case is unusual in that this woman's mother and brother both have had aneurysms, which stresses the importance of not only searching carefully for these lesions, but also of obtaining family history in such cases.  相似文献   

顾功耘 《中国法学》2012,(2):131-145
我国目前对证券交易异常情况处置的制度规定存在着明显的缺失。因重大差错而产生的交易异常情况还未正式纳入法律制度框架,暂缓交收的处置措施缺乏完整的制度设计,而撤销交易这一域外已发展成熟的制度在我国仍然处于空缺状态,因交易异常以及交易所的处置行为而产生的法律责任还未明晰。因此,补充引发交易异常的情形、改进与拓展交易异常情况的处置措施、厘定交易异常情况及其处置中所引发的法律责任,应成为今后制度设计的重点。  相似文献   

After strangulation, cervical arterial injuries (CAI) are uncommon. We report three unusual cases where strangulation induced immediate stroke. CAI were examined using brain CT scan and Doppler ultrasonography in the three cases and then by autopsy in one of the victims. One of the two victims who survived the attempted strangulation had a unilateral carotid dissection, whereas in the other victim, no arterial dissection or thrombosis was observed. As regards the deceased victim, the autopsy confirmed the bilateral dissection showed on CT scan and Doppler ultrasonic examination and revealed that both carotid arteries were dilated up to two times the normal diameter. Microscopic examination showed a major bilateral hemorrhagic dissection of the media with obliterating fibrous endarteritis lesions associated with inflammatory damage. CT scan with arteriography does not demonstrate all the different types of arterial injury, particularly atheromatous embolism, direct compression, or prolonged spasm. Thus, traditional autopsy remains an essential forensic tool after strangulation to show the type of CAI.  相似文献   

Chest skeletal injuries are the most frequent complications of external chest massage (ECM) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but heart and great vessels lacerations that are indeed very rare. We report the case of a 35‐year‐old workman who collapsed and underwent ECM by his co‐workers for almost 30 min. At autopsy, no external injuries, fractures or bruises of the ribs or sternum, were observed. A hemopericardium with a rupture of the heart was found, with no signs of pre‐existent cardiac disease. Bruises of thoracic aortic wall, lung petechiae, a contusion of the liver, and bruises of lumbar muscles were found. The cause of death was due to sudden cardiac death with an extensive cardiac rupture. This is an unusual report of massive heart damage without any skeletal or muscle chest injuries, secondary to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This kind of cardiac lesions may be considered when thoracic–abdominal trauma, or medical history, is unclear.  相似文献   

The act of leaving a victim's body in an unusual position is a conscious criminal action by an offender to thwart an investigation, shock the finder and investigators of the crime scene, or give perverted pleasure to the killer. The unusual position concepts of posing and staging a murder victim have been documented thoroughly and have been accepted by the courts as a definable phenomenon. One staging case and one posing case are outlined and reveal characteristics of those homicides. From the Washington State Attorney General's Homicide Investigation and Tracking System's database on murder covering the years 1981-2000 (a total of 5,224 cases), the relative frequency of unusual body dispositions is revealed as a very rare occurrence. Only 1.3% of victims are left in an unusual position, with 0.3% being posed and 0.1% being staged. The characteristics of these types of murders also set them apart: compared to all other murders, in staged murders the victims and killers are, on average, older. All victims and offenders in the staged murders are white, with victims being disproportionately white in murders with any kind of unusual body disposition. Likewise, females stand out as victims when the body is posed, staged, or left in other unusual positions. Whereas posed bodies are more likely to include sexual assault, often in serial murders, there is no evidence of either in the staged cases. Lastly, when a body is left in an unusual position, binding is more likely, as well as the use of more "hands on" means of killing the victim, such as stabbing or cutting weapons, bludgeons, ligatures, or hands and feet.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study investigated the effects of time, cyanoacrylate fuming, and location of the biological material on DNA analysis of post‐blast pipe bomb fragments. Multiple aliquots of a cell suspension (prepared by soaking buccal swabs in water) were deposited on components of the devices prior to assembly. The pipe bombs were then deflagrated and the fragments recovered. Fragments from half of the devices were cyanoacrylate fumed. The cell spots on the fragments were swabbed and polymerase chain reaction/short tandem repeat analysis was performed 1 week and 3 months after deflagration. A significant decrease in the amount of DNA recovered was observed between samples collected and analyzed within 1 week compared with the samples collected and analyzed 3 months after deflagration. Cyanoacrylate fuming did not have a measurable effect on the success of the DNA analysis at either time point. Greater quantities of DNA were recovered from the pipe nipples than the end caps. Undeflagrated controls showed that the majority (>95%) of the DNA deposited on the devices was not recovered at a week or 3 months.  相似文献   

Deaths due to electrocution are mostly accidental. Homicide by electrocution is rarely reported in the literature. However, the location and pattern of the electrocution wound can raise concern for a possible homicidal manner of death. We are reporting an unusual case wherein the dead body of a middle-aged man was found lying in a suspicious condition on the roadside of desolated area. There were circumferential, grooved electrocution lesions over the left and right second toes with oval electrocution lesions on the medial aspects of both the left and right third toes. There were split lacerations over the right high parietal region, right pinna, and forehead. There was avulsion of the nail of the left thumb. Pressure abrasion was consistent with a ligature mark on the lower part of the left leg. The locations and pattern of these injuries raised the possibility of torture infliction. Death was attributed to electrocution, which was confirmed by histopathology. Autopsy findings and possible inferences were furnished to the police. This case highlights the careful observation of different characterizations and locations of the wounds and deducing inferences about the possible manner of death. This information can be useful to investigating agencies.  相似文献   

The authors describe an unusual case of suicide that required particular attention to establish whether the victim was murdered, was preparing a terrorist attack or had committed suicide. Examination of the corpse and the crime scene, as well as testimonies, led the authors to determine the real cause of death, namely, an unusual method of suicide.  相似文献   

In a recent shootout by a terrorist group against a law enforcement agency, some unusual firearms were seized. On examination, these firearms were found to be homemade, battery-operated, multi-barreled muzzle-loading guns, analogous to a repeater. Reference to battery-operated firearms is rather scanty in the literature. Hence, the unique design features, electrical circuit, and the operation system of these unusual guns are described.  相似文献   

We describe the circumstances and medical findings of four unusual hanging deaths. In brief, the unusual features are tracheostomy, delayed death, self-mutilation combined with severe neck injury caused by lengthy drop, and homicidal hanging in a young girl.  相似文献   

Traumatic asphyxia is a rare syndrome due to compression of thorax, abdomen or both. The diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia is based on typical findings consisting of cervico-facial congestion with swelling, multiple petechial hemorrhages in skin and conjunctiva with a history of traumatic compression. The authors report three cases of traumatic asphyxia in car crash to illustrate few unusual findings along with the typical autopsy findings. All three cases showed the typical findings of traumatic asphyxia. Regarding unusual findings, blisters containing hemorrhagic fluid were observed in two cases over areas subjected to traumatic compression. One case showed the peculiar skin pattern in the form of absent congestion corresponding to the tight-fitting strap of banyan. Subcutaneous emphysema was noted in two cases in presence of intact visceral pleura. These unusual findings could be used as additional markers of traumatic asphyxia in conjunction with characteristic features to support the diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia.  相似文献   

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