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在华印支难民既是国际印支难民的重要组成部分,也有其自身特殊性。他们主要是中国与越南关系恶化之后越南反华排华的结果,中国政府一开始是以难侨来对待他们,1979年之后才主要从难民的角度进行处理。中国与国际社会在印支难民问题上积极合作,包括与联合国难民署的友好合作,以及与日本、澳大利亚和老挝等国家在印支难民外流、自愿遣返等问题上的双边合作。这些历史经验为近年来关于中国难民立法与政策的相关争论提供一些有意义的思考。  相似文献   

逾20年前,印支地区烽火连天,约有190万人不顾生命安危逃往海外,引发难民投奔怒海浪潮,亚洲很多国家成为他们的避难地。1975年4月,北越攻占南越首都西贡,4天后一批又一批越南难民乘船登陆马来西亚,马来西亚基于人道立场,及联合国调协下预期他们将获得第三国家收留,而安置这些难民暂时住在比农岛和吉隆坡新街场等7个难民营。马来西亚共收容了25.83万名印支船民,其中超过24.8万名移居第三国家。自1945年以来,澳大利亚吸纳了超过570万来自150多个国家的移民,包括越南难民。为了协助新移民溶入当地社…  相似文献   

一、印支难民问题受到国际上的关注一九七五年越南南方、柬埔寨、老挝都相继获得解放,当时这三国的一些旧政权人员及工商业者,出于政治和经济原因,逃到国外,但为数不多。在黎笋集团统治越南南方以后,为了实现其称霸东南亚的野心,对印支人民进行残暴统治,在越南国内反华、  相似文献   

越战后美国对印支难民的安置与其地区分布分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在印支3国(越南、柬埔寨、老挝)1975年后出现的难民潮中,有大批人移居美国。美国出于现实利益需要和人道主义原则而接纳了他们。最初的难民在经过收容中心后,被安置到全国不同的居留地。他们跟着又与后来的难民分别通过家庭团聚、政府的"疏散政策"以及重择高福利居留地等方式,先后进行"二度移民",从而形成了印支难民在美国地区分布的基本格局。这一分布是高度不平衡的,高集中性的。  相似文献   

据香港报纸报道:今年以来越南难民大批涌入香港。从1月到5月中旬,来港的越南难民人数达4300人,约为去年同期的8倍,使滞港的越南难民总数增至13000多人。据悉,越南沿海还有大批载运越南难民的船只待发。另据我广西北海市不完全统计,今年1至5月,途经北海前往香港的越南难民人数已达3850人,占今年已去港难民人数的89.5%。这足以说明,北海是越南难民去港的第一中转站。同时,随着越南难民的继续涌港,途经我广西、海南沿海地区的越南难民仍会增多,这就增加了我北海市海防工作的复杂性和艰巨性,并提出了种种新的课题。据此,为加强海防战备和管理工作,有  相似文献   

衣远 《南洋问题研究》2011,(1):54-60,72
日本越南人社群是随着印支难民潮产生之后而在日本逐渐形成的新社群。对印支难民的接收开创了战后日本较大规模接收外国难民的先例。为了让越南难民更好地适应在新环境的定居生活,日本方面采取了诸多的措施。如今在日本已经基本形成了较为稳定的越南人社群,但日本越南人在总体上的社会地位还不高。这既与难民本身的特殊性有关,也是由于日本自身对外来人士的封闭性和消极性造成了难民政策措施上的一些缺陷。伴随着对日本社会的不断磨合与适应,日本越南人社群与日本主流社会的距离有望进一步拉近。  相似文献   

泰国,是接受印支难民最早、暂居人数最多的国家,又是印支难民去第三国定居的最大的中转站。10多年来,泰国政府和人民从人道主义出发,克服了种种困难,为安置百万以上的印支难民做了大量的工作,作出了突出的贡献。本文就印支难民在泰国的概况、泰国政府对印支难民的政策、印支难民问题对泰国的影响等问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

(一) 老挝难民据联合国难民高级专员公署的统计,一九八一年到达“第一接待”国家的印支难民有99,169名,其中有四分之三的人是乘船逃出来的。官方公布,从一九七五年以来,有八十五万越南人、老挝人和柬埔寨人逃离他们的祖国,这还未包括在海上失财丧命的人和在柬泰边境死去的人在内。  相似文献   

越南出兵侵占柬埔寨已经9年了,为此,越南付出了巨大的代价。越共“六大”后,阮文灵继任越共总书记,仍难以改变黎笋集团因侵柬反华而长期陷入内外交困的境况。从目前情况看,越南不会轻易放弃侵柬政策,这是因为:(一)吞并柬埔寨,实现“印支联盟”是越南既定的对外战略目标。从越共“六大”制定的对外政策和“六大”以来越南当局在柬埔寨问题上的言行看,越南仍没有改弦易辙之意。主要原因有三:1、侵柬建立“印支联盟”是越共“四大”后制定的对外战略方针,也是越  相似文献   

联合国难民事务高级专员公署(联合国难民署)是全世界最重要的人道主义机构之一。该署根据1950年第5届联合国大会决议于1951年1月1日在日内瓦成立。1971年我国恢复在联合国的合法席位后,我国于1979年6月恢复了在执委会的活动,每年派团出席执委会届会,并派部长级代表团出席了多次有关难民问题的国际会议。此外,自1978年以来,中国政府本着人道主义精神先后接收了28.3万印支难民。难民署也于1979年下半年开始向在华印支难民提供援助并设立了驻  相似文献   

《香港船头货价纸》是中国最早的中文日报《香港中外新报》的前身,在中国近代报业发展史上占有特殊的地位。本论文的主旨为:(1)通过该报(包括日文版的《官版香港新闻》)对“猪仔问题”的报道与评论,考察该报的编辑方针与定位;(2)进一步确认其作为英殖民地香港英文报纸《剌西报》的子报,尽管该报的编者为华人,并自我标榜“有益于唐人”,但仍然不能“自我操权”,不能列入华人自我办报的范畴。  相似文献   

This article is an examination of Hong Kong's importance within British-American security arrangements in the Far East during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Archival evidence indicates that the Eisenhower Administration accepted a greater deal of commitment to the defence of Hong Kong during the 1950s — a period of significant hostility between the United States and the People's Republic of China. To understand this policy evolution in the broader context, this study evaluates the differences in British and American attitudes towards China during the 1950s and the effect of this on US policy towards Hong Kong.  相似文献   


This article is an examination of Hong Kong's importance within British‐American security arrangements in the Far East during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Archival evidence indicates that the Eisenhower Administration accepted a greater deal of commitment to the defence of Hong Kong during the 1950s — a period of significant hostility between the United States and the People's Republic of China. To understand this policy evolution in the broader context, this study evaluates the differences in British and American attitudes towards China during the 1950s and the effect of this on US policy towards Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In the 1840s, the small fishing community that is now Hong Kong became a British colony and an important naval base for the Opium Wars. Now it is a leading capitalist center operating on mainland communist China. Hong Kong is scheduled to go back to China in 1997. In the agreement signed between the British government and China, Hong Kong's present lifestyle is guaranteed for at least 50 years. Textbook colonialism rules here. Foreigners hold the key jobs and earn much more than do the indigenous people. They even receive subsidized housing in this very high rent colony. As for the Hong Kong Chinese, overcrowding into 2 room apartments is the norm even though the government tries to provide more housing units. The large skyscrapers in the New Territories breed their unique social and mental health problems, such as poverty, drug abuse and frustration. Essentially all food is imported from communist China, yet agriculture in Hong Kong does exist--pig farms, duck lakes, and fields of the popular vegetable choi sum. Major industry comprise textiles and sweat shops which pay their workers (mostly illegal immigrants and children with no legal protection) wages that are 1/4 of those paid in Great Britain. Financial services, trade, and tourism may soon dominate Hong Kong's economy. Almost 4 million tourists visit Hong Kong yearly, often looking for bargains. Despite Hong Kong's active Western-like business climate, Chinese culture still abounds. Traditional incense burns in Buddhist temples. Snake soup is served in restaurants. Plus traditional medicine practiced alongside Western medicine contributes to Hong Kong having 1 of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world (9/1000) and to its high life expectancy of 76 years.  相似文献   

Based on Britain and China 1945-1950 (DBPO, 2002), this article examines four major themes in Britain's China policy between 1945 and 1950: British attitudes towards Chinese communism and China's civil war, Anglo-American relations over China, attempts to restore and sustain British commerce in China, and the future of Hong Kong. The central feature of policy was to 'keep a foot in the door', even under a communist government, to protect British interests. Only modest success was achieved. British officials were divided over the issue of Chinese communism and Britain miscalculated the timescale in the ending of the civil war. The US administration proved largely uncooperative over China, and British commerce was eventually squeezed out. Hong Kong survived as a British colony. Amidst the considerable thought given to the future of Hong Kong, and to Britain's ability to defend it, intelligence reported that the communists had no plans to seize the colony.  相似文献   

难民是国际热点问题。第二次世界大战后,安曼城市发展常常遭遇周边国家周期性的难民潮影响。由于约旦政府在难民安置和保护上的相对宽松政策,使其周边国家特别是巴勒斯坦、伊拉克的许多难民来此寻求保护,约旦首都安曼首当其冲成为难民的积聚地。难民不仅与城市发展安全、经济安全密不可分,而且在很大程度上影响着城市人口结构、城市规划与城市生活状况。安曼难民的走向与约旦政府、国际社会政策紧密相连。  相似文献   

长篇小说《遥远的时代》是越南当代著名军旅作家黎榴的代表作。小说主要讲述主人公江明柴在抗美救国战争时期及全国统一后,在部队、家庭、爱情、婚姻生活中所遭遇的种种坎坷和不公平。小说通过描写江明柴,反映了越南社会生活和人们的精神观念在战争年代与和平时期两个不同时代的变迁。小说所体现的不仅是江明柴这个农民出身的军人个人的爱情悲剧,而且是一个农村青年走进新生活的时代所面临的社会心理问题。  相似文献   

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