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岁末年初,“房多多家族”集中登场:房叔、房婶、房妹、房姐、房媳、房祖宗、东北房哥、陆丰房爷……在“限购”空前严格的今天,“房多多”们的房产数量和购房手段都让人大跌眼镜。在迷雾重重的房屋产权信息的背后,究竟还隐藏着多少“房多多”?酝酿已久的住房信息联网又将如何回应人们的期待?  相似文献   

近年来,许多部门为了转变工作作风,促进廉政建设和提高工作效率.积极开展了民主评议政风、行风活动,收到了良好成效。但我们也看到,有的部门在开展民主评议活动中,无论是聘请行风监督员,或是召开行风座谈会,或是发放行风测评票,多是瞄准各单位的领导,很少有基层群众参加,出现了以“官”代“民”的现象,备受诟病。  相似文献   

贪官之“潜伏定律”: 之一、“潜”得越久的贪官越难查。一是贪官有“经验”了,手段更狡诈;二是事隔多年,很多线索也不好查。倒是一些“新手”贪官更容易“栽”,或是新近发生的腐败更容易暴露。因此案件突破,往往从“新”开始。  相似文献   

社会生活中,不论是大人物或是小人物、名人或是普通人,都有自己的自尊,都希望别人瞧得起。多少年来,我们一直为自己打气鼓劲,“自己要看得起自己。”经过二十多年改革开放,如今“自己瞧得起自己”的人越来越多了,国人的思想解放了,胆子也变得更大了。而与之相反的是,“瞧不起别人”却成了时下一些人的通病:庸人瞧不起能人,闲着的瞧不起干着的。人与  相似文献   

这可能是人们最不愿意看到的“男女平等”。在近几年的腐败丑闻中,女性贪官也开始占据媒体报道的头条,引起公众高度关注。她们或是党委或政府主要负责人,或是在人事管理部门卖官鬻爵,或是管理公共项目时中饱私囊,或是与男性官员同谋半推半就。女性的宽容、善良和美好,被贪欲破坏殆尽。我们找到与女性贪腐犯罪有关的四个关键词,或许能够梳理这些原本不应当发生故事背后的脉络。  相似文献   

王涛 《法制与经济》2008,(21):43-45
2008年什么最火,很多人会回答:“人肉搜索”。本来“人肉搜索”是带着维护道德、主持正义的因素而产生,但是部分网民为了满足个体窥私的欲望和宣泄对假想敌的愤恨,却将之在扭曲的网络中无限放大,或是口水淹没真相或是泄愤打败善良。在现行社会框架下受不到任何限制的“人肉搜索”似乎正在逐渐抛弃传统道德,在道德沦丧的道路上渐行渐远。虚拟世界的扩张,特别是技术的进步,大大挤占我们现实世界的空间,如果“人肉搜索”真的泛滥起来,现实世界的人们将没有个人隐私的空间,将在现实世界中无可逃遁。如何认清这种现象,通过立法规制正确引导网民的价值观、道德观是本文着重论述的问题。  相似文献   

编辑部:《人民检察》1998年第1期在新开栏目“本期焦点”中,推出了龙宗智同志的文章《检察工作中的三个该不该》。作者论述的三个问题,都是我们在执法实践中经常遇到而又难以回答或不愿正面回答的难题,但作者以其丰富的实践经验,深厚的法学功底,可贵的钻研精神,作出了直率、中肯而又鞭辟入里的论述。文章观点鲜明,风格泼辣,如一股清风,令人耳目一新。我们应大力倡导这种文风。毛泽东同志一贯倡导生动、鲜明、泼辣的文风。但近几年来,我们的一些同志似乎忘记了。他们写出的文章,或是咀嚼别人嚼过多遍的剩馒头;或是说些正确而无…  相似文献   

贪污贿赂案件侦查中,“找人”是一项非常关键的工作。所谓“找人”,就是查找案件知情人,包括举报人、同案人、行贿人、关系人等。实践中,“找人”未果的情况时有发生,其后果有目共睹:或是案件不能成立;或者贻误战机,增加办案难度;或是不能有效控制犯罪嫌疑人,导...  相似文献   

沈峰 《法制与经济》2001,(12):31-31
曾经看到一些文字报道,说一些国家若是欠债者在还清欠款之前,下塌高级宾馆或是进行其他高消费将给予判监坐牢的处罚,从而促使欠债人想方设法将债务还清,否则只能过着“贫穷”的生活。  相似文献   

吉春华 《中国司法》2005,(11):108-108
最近,新任司法部长吴爱英同志在部机关、直属单位司(局)级干部会议上,以《集中精力抓落实》为题,作了非常重要的讲话。讲话从政治和全局的高度深刻阐述了工作抓落实的重要性,以及抓落实的具体方法和要求,对我们监狱劳教系统工作抓落实具有十分重要的指导意义。在调研中,我们看到有的监狱劳教所在工作抓落实上下真功夫实功夫,各项工作特别是专项整改活动取得了明显进步,使广大民警尝到了工作抓落实的“甜头”。但同时也发现有的单位工作抓落实还存在一些问题,或是抓得不紧不实不够力度;或是不得抓落实的“要领”,虚功做得比较多,因之各项工作…  相似文献   

条约冲突一方面表明了当代国际法旺盛的生命力,另一方面也会对国际法的进一步发展产生消极影响,因此研究条约冲突及其解决对国际法治建设有着积极意义。条约冲突的产生与国际法不成体系有着密切的因果联系。在各种类型的冲突中,有的可以采用诸如特别法优先原则来处理,有的可以通过条约解释规则加以消弭,有的则可以设置明确的冲突条款来避免。国际法的不成体系,使得解决条约冲突的方法也可能是不成体系的。综合运用各种冲突解决方法,是国际法对解决条约冲突的必然要求。  相似文献   


This article examines the concept of women's political ambition by focusing on electoral politics in Canada. It begins with an overview of some of the key theories associated with political ambition among women and identifies several ways in which previous research indicates that patterns among women legislators may be different from those of their male counterparts. While recognising that there may be some limitations of auto/biographical works as reliable sources of information, the central idea of this article is that political auto/biography of Canadian women legislators may prove to be important resources in furthering our understanding of political ambition among women legislators. As part of this analysis, this research examines 16 auto/biographical works of women who have served in Canada's federal and provincial legislatures since the Second World War.  相似文献   

重庆高校离退休教职工合法权益保障中存在许多问题:如养老金低下,共享社会发展成果方面的某种不公平、不公正和不合理;实行医保后,看病难、费用高和负担重,离退休教职工的某些宪法、法律上权利受到侵犯等。上述问题的产生有各种原因:如对养老金制度的性质、原则和特点缺乏深入研究和足够认识;对共享社会发展成果缺乏应有的机制保障;对医改实行“以药养医”的错误方式;对《老年人权益保障法》的认识不足,贯彻实施不力等。针对上述情况,我们必须采取相应对策和措施予以解决。  相似文献   

Appreciating the many, varied and sometimes ambiguous elements within what may be called ‘Korean culture’ is crucial to a balanced assessment of its relationship to corruption. In particular, it is important to recognise its multivocality and thus its paradoxical relationship with its environment, its tendency to be shaped as well as shape modern institutions and the degree to which it is open to interpretation and contestation and thus to being compromised or altered to meet historical contingencies or political objectives. This approach provides the basis for the type of cultural analysis that can identify some of the cultural influences not only on some forms of corruption but on how a society understands the norms of good governance and what constitutes a deviation from these norms and thus what political corruption involves and why. It may also help us to understand how corruption can be disguised or justified within the Korean context.  相似文献   

Although the Gillick decision was hailed as an important step in the furtherance of respect for children's autonomy, subsequent judgments seemed to undermine this important principle. While it would be difficult to criticise the outcomes of some of the key cases, the reasoning by which these were achieved is rather more contentious. There have been some interesting discussions suggesting more constructive approaches but there is still a great deal of anecdotal evidence indicating that conservative assessments of children's ability to be involved in decisions about their medical treatment remain the norm. The new Department of Health consent forms should help to create a climate where assessment of a child's competence will become more sophisticated. This paper will argue that the Human Rights Act 1998 offers another opportunity to reassess more traditional approaches to children's capacity; indeed, this could be violation, inter alia, of the right not to be subject to inhuman and degrading treatment under Article 3 in extreme circumstances and the right to private and family life enshrined in Article 8. Clearly, it is not always practicable to carry out assessments rigorously and some health professionals may feel they do not have the expertise to do this, but some basic criteria could assist here; courts are not likely to expect more than a demonstration that best endeavors have been employed in reasoned decision-making. Additionally, other privacy rights may have implications for the medical decision-making process as it affects children and their carers particularly where conflict arises. Disputes may also ensue from the right to manifest religion and other beliefs",' under the Act. This paper will explore how such challenges to those responsible for the medical treatment of children may fare.  相似文献   

Like many states, Iran has an ambivalent position towards theStatute of the International Criminal Court (‘Statute’),ranging from enthusiastic support to open scepticism. On accountof its experience in the Iraq–Iran war, Iran is interestedin exploring the Court's jurisdiction over aggression and warcrimes; in addition, it sees the possible adoption of provisionson the crime of aggression as a tool against greater powers’domination. Major issues for Iran are, however, some of thepenalties provided for under Iranian criminal law, includingcapital punishment as well as whipping, stoning and the sectioningof limbs as well as the treatment of minorities and gender.Another problem may be the presence of non-Muslim Judges atthe Court, who, it is feared, may not be familiar with and sensitiveto Shari’a principles; in addition, under theologicalprinciples, Muslims may not be judged by non-Muslim Judges.This question paradoxically constitutes an incentive for Iranto consider ratification of the Statute. So far, Iran has signedbut not ratified the Statute. Studies are under way with a viewto presenting the Statute to Parliament for ratification. However,problems of conflict between some provisions of the Statuteand the principles of Shari’a law may arise if the Statuteis ratified.  相似文献   

This article analyses the Transfer of Undertakings (Protectionof Employment) (TUPE) Regulations 2006, which revoke, entirely,the TUPE Regulations 1981. As well as comprising the UK Government’sresponse to the amending Acquired Rights Directive 1998/50/EC,they purport to fulfil a four-fold aim of increasing the coverageof TUPE in outsourcing situations; clarifying the law on transferconnected dismissals and when employees may agree transfer relatedchanges to employment conditions; providing for the supply bytransferors of employee liability information; and relaxingthe provisions of TUPE in insolvency situations to the extentpermitted by the Acquired Rights Directive 2001/23/EC. It isto be argued that some of these aims are realised in the newRegulations, and others not. And certain areas worthy of newregulation are ignored. What is ultimately apparent howeveris that the new Regulations cannot be taken to be an ‘employers’charter’. In some instances the new Regulations may breathenew life (and litigation) into the law.  相似文献   

While fingerprints are a highly used means of identification, not every fingerprint left behind on a potential crime scene can be used for identification purposes. In some cases, the fingerprint may be smudged, partially preserved or overlapping with other prints hence distorting the ridge pattern and may therefore be not appropriate for identification. Further, fingermark residue yields a very low abundance of genetic material for DNA analysis. In such cases, the fingermark may be used to retrieve basic donor information such as sex. The focus of this paper was to assess the possibility of differentiating between the sexes of the donor of latent fingermarks. Analytical method was GC–MS analysis of the chemical compounds of latent fingermarks using 22 male and 22 female donors. Results showed 44 identified compounds. Two alcohols, octadecanol C18 and eicosanol C20, were found to show a difference that was statistically significant between male and female donors. There is also some evidence for the possibility of distinguishing sex of the fingermark donor based on the distribution of branched chain fatty acids, as free compounds or esterified in wax esters.  相似文献   


Although there may be some value in debating the question of whatever happened to radical criminology, I believe that it is more productive to think in terms of radical and/or critical continuities in pedagogy, research, and practice that have survived time and can be linked to current efforts in visionary criminology and transformative justice. Examining changes in the study of crime and justice from such a perspective, it can be argued that the antiestablishment criminologies of the year 2003 are not any more marginal, and in fact may be less marginal today than when radical criminology first burst onto the scene in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

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