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The period from mid-2007 to the end of 2008 is the peak time for the change of power in world major countries. Starting from the enthronement of French President Sarkozy and to the election of a new president for the United States this year, the one and a half years' time will witness the change of leaders in four of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. A new generation of world leaders have come on stage and a fresh chapter of international politics has been opened.  相似文献   

Japan's diplomacy in Central Asia started in the wake of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. After years of efforts, Japan's strategy on Asia was formed and its diplomacy in Central Asia entered a stage of steady growth. Though having scored some achievements, Japan still has some marked limitations as far as its Central Asia diplomacy is concerned. In the foreseeable future, Japan will still find it hard to become a main player on the stage of Central Asia diplomacy.  相似文献   

As Abe was replaced by Fukuda, Japan's domestic and foreign policies were also amended. Abe's "proactive diplomacy" has been replaced by Fukuda's "synergy diplomacy" which emphasizes strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance and Japan's ties with Asia. Abe's diplomacy toward Asia was characterized by "value oriented diplomacy", whereas Fukuda seeks to carry out "active diplomacy toward Asia" after his cabinet was formed. The changes in foreign policy of the Abe and Fukuda cabinets show that Japan's nationalist foreign policy is evolving in twists and turns from being radical to being more rational against the backdrop of domestic and international political reality. To explore this change and its causes is conducive to the better understanding of some features of Japan's diplomacy toward Asia.  相似文献   

After a year's perfection and evolution, the Obama Administra- tion's New Deal in foreign policy has taken shape. A distinctive feature of the Obama diplomacy is that to maintain the leadership status in the world, the United States should use its "mart power" to achieve its foreign policy goals through multilateral cooperation and in a soft and pragmatic way.  相似文献   

At present, the security structure on the Korean Peninsula is on the eve of a historic change. It is an important task facing the directly related parties to establish a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula, which can replace the Armistice signed by the Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteers for one party, and the United States on behalf of the "UN Command" for the other in 1953.  相似文献   

It is of great significance to study the diplomacy and security strategies of the Obama administration which took office on 20th January 2009, not only because of the current global financial crisis but also because of Obama's "politics of change", a slogan raised by him in the campaign. How to lead America out of the seemingly "still deteriorating domestic financial and economic dilemma is not only the most important criterion for judging Obama's governance capability but also the biggest obstacle affecting the new Democrat administration's domestic and foreign policies. To analyze the adjustments of the Obama administration's foreign and security policies, we must focus our attention on how it will take corresponding measures to overcome the financial crisis and how to put its campaign slogan "politics of change" into practice. In retrospect of the Obama administration's first three-month performance, the "politics of change" promised by him has dramatically evolved into the "diplomacy of change" first. In the following sections, we will thoroughly analyze the trend of the new administration's diplomatic and security strategies on the basis of its first one-hundred-day performance.  相似文献   

In September 2008, Yasuo Fukuda resigned after serving for a year as prime minister, and then Taro Aso formed a new cabinet. Due to the boycott of the opposition parties in the Diet, which wielded the majority, the Fukuda cabinet had achieved little in terms of internal affair. In foreign affairs, however, it left a deep impression by improving relations with China and advancing the New Fukuda Doctrine. As for the Aso cabinet, people were once worried that troubles might erupt in China-Japan relations given Aso's past stand. But since taking office as prime minister, Aso has kept a positive attitude toward promoting China-Japan relations and Asian diplomacy. Then what are the new considerations of Japan in its Asian diplomacy and Japan-China relations? What position do China-Japan relations occupy in Japan's Asian diplomacy? What are the tendencies of Japan's Asian diplomacy and its China policy? All these issues warrant in-depth probing.  相似文献   

The term "public diplomacy" was first used in 1965 by the Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University. The term has no fixed definition no matter in China or other countries. Scholars agree on some points but disagree on some others. The Dictionary of International Relations Terms compiled by the U.S. Department of State in 1987 illustrates that public diplomacy refers to government-sponsored programs intended to understand, inform or influence public opinion in other "countries, reduce foreign governments' and public's misperceptions on the United States, enhance the image and influence of the United States in overseas public and promote national interest;  相似文献   

More than 20 years have elapsed since Japan put forth the slogan of marching toward a "political power" from an economic one in the mid-1980s. People find that not only Japan's economic bubble has burst but its "political power" strategy is also quite feeble. The mettle Japan held in those years to "lead the world together with the United States" has long become grievance at the current state of affair and reminiscence of the good old days.  相似文献   

President Barack Obama has trumpeted a "new era of engagement" for the United States. The central components of his strategy include a world order characterized by peaceful accommodation between established and rising powers; the collective management of transnational problems; and the overhaul of international institutions to reflect these shifting power dynamics and the new global agenda. Placing less emphasis than his predecessor on the pursuit of American primacy, Obama envisions--indeed, insists-that other global powers assume new responsibilities. Notwithstanding its multilateral instincts, though, the Obama administration is limited in its practical ability to promote and embrace sweeping reforms to global governance. Therefore, rather than casting its lot entirely with universal organizations like the United Nations, the United States will adopt a pragmatic approach to international cooperation that combines formal institutions with more flexible partnerships to achieve US national interests. The balance sheet for Obama's first year in office underscores both the opportunities for and the constraints on global governance reform in the current geopolitical environment.  相似文献   

A new chapter began in Japan's political history when Yukio Hatoyama and his Democratic Party (DPJ) replaced the long-governing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), thus creating the long-contemplated structure of alternate rule by the two major political parties. Attaching more importance to independence in diplomacy, the Hatoyama Cabinet is expected to stand for a repositioning of its relations with the United States and make greater diplomatic efforts in Asia with the focus on building an East Asian Community so as to adapt to the evolving international relations in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The meeting of the 10th Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding has accomplished all its agenda according to the schedule, and come to an end. The meeting has reviewed and summarized the work of the 9th council, brought up a train of thought on the work in the future, adopted the report of the "revised draft to the constitutions of CAFIU", and elected the new leadership. I'm honored to serve as thePresident of CAFIU. Here I would like to thank you for your trust in me.  相似文献   

The 10th Executive Council of CAFIU was elected in April 2009.In the past two years,focusing on the overall state diplomacy,and under the guidance of its leadership and the support of the Executive Council members,CAFIU has made thoughtful plans and active explorations in external relations in a solitary and down-to-earth manner.  相似文献   

The year2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of the an-ti-fascist war of the world and the founding of the United Na-tions. By resolution of 58/291 of May 6, 2004, the General Assem-bly of the United Nations held a summit meeting on September 14-16of the same year. Based on the report by UN Secretary-General An-nan In Larger Freedom: towards Development, Security and HumanRights for All, the participants in the meeting had a full discussion ofthe practices of Millennium Decl…  相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, China's military diplomacy has displayed an omni-directional and multi-level form, and with an increasing transparency which has increased trust and reduced doubt. China has enhanced its conventional military functions and strengthened its military soft power. This has helped China develop into a responsible state on the world stage. Through military exchanges with other countries, the Chinese military has gradually strengthened its ability to undertake a variety of tasks. The Chinese military has to make greater efforts to counter the perception of a "China threat." There is also a need to establish a system of military spokesmen and to develop a theory of military diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

The Right of Collective Self-Defense: the Essential Features of the Japan-US Military Alliance
Wang Ping
This paper, through studying the debate and wrestling on constitutional amendment and lifting the ban on the right of collective self-defense in the post war Japan, has traced the historical development of Japan, "the abnormal child" of the Cold War system, in drafting contradictory constitution, and entering conflicting peace accords and the US-Japan Security Treaty under the control of the US, and the changes of Japanese government' s explanation in regard to constitutional amendment and lifting the ban on the right of collective self- defense. The paper also pointed out the reasons and results of the Andouble administration trying to amend the constitution and lift the ban on the right of collective self-defense, and analyzed Japan' s third political right deviation as well as the goals of its third national development strategy, namely becoming a military power, while sorting out and analyzing the formation and features of the Japan-US military alliance.  相似文献   

Battlefield for Strategic Rivalry
In recent years, the Asia-Pacific strategic configuration has entered a stare of in-depth readiustments. The relative decline of the United States,China's rapid rise, Russia's fast revival and Japan's quickening step toward a "normal country" have combined to turn regional multi-polarity into a reality. Not surprisingly, the world' s strategic structure has begun to focus on the region, with intensifying rivalry among major countries centered on economic competition and aggravating geopolitical game conducive to a security dilemma. As a matter of fact, U.S.-Japanese provocations have been at work in tuming regional hotspot issues into tools for such a game. As a result, escalating security threats to China in the East and South China Seas are converging into potential risks of collision and conflicts with other contenders.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Sino-Japanese relations have been tense in recent years. In Jparticular, since Abe came to power, Japan has not only been "desperately struggling" with China on territorial and historical issues, but has also tried to set up an "encircling network" against China. Thus Sino-Japanese relations have emerged as the most risky bilateral relations in the Asia-Pacific region. As the two largest powers in East Asia, and the world's second and third largest economies, the continuing confrontation between China and Japan will have huge negative repercussions on regional and global peace. With the approaching of the APEC meeting, however, the Abe government has repeatedly expressed its hopes for diplomatic dialogue with China. The Abe government's shift in attitude towards China from "hard" to a new "moderate" position has attracted wide international attention. We cannot help but ask:  相似文献   

The cultural diplomacy of China today has entered into a period of rapid development. Yet there is still much room for improvement in promoting China's new diplomatic thinking. In step with China's growing economy and increased weight in international affairs, the Chinese government has changed its diplomatic strategy to "building a harmonious world." To make this concept more attractive and acceptable to other countries and peoples, China should expand its soft power resources, strengthen international cultural exchanges to draw on the fine achievements of foreign cultures, enhance the influence of Chinese culture worldwide, exploit new channels for international cultural exchanges, develop its cultural industry, and improve its comprehensive power.  相似文献   

The United Nations Charter is the concentrated embodiment of the development of current international constitutionalism, but it still has some structural defects. The present UN reform not only touches upon the reorganization of the Security Council, but also involves the reform of the international structure and international order. The deepening reform will improve the composition of the UN Charter and gradually make it a quasiconstitution for the international community.  相似文献   

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