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张馨文 《学理论》2009,(18):270-271
从高校图书馆女性馆员岗位成才的必要性入手,分析了阻碍女性馆员岗位成才的因素,并对女性馆员岗位成才的途径进行了探讨。借以引起高校有关部门对女性馆员岗位成才的足够重视,帮助女性馆员在工作岗位中发挥出最大的作用,为图书馆的创新发展做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

女性馆员在高校图书馆事业中起着重要的作用.通过对高校图书馆女性馆员素质现状、工作的优势劣势等进行多方面的分析,提出了提升女性馆员素质的主要策略.  相似文献   

本文围绕高校图书馆馆员与读者的关系,进一步分析了高校图书馆馆员与读者冲突的原因,在此基础上论述了宝鸡文理学院图书馆规避馆员与读者之间冲突的相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

介绍学科馆员制度的内涵,分析高校图书馆构建学科馆员制度的必要性,指出高校图书馆构建学科馆员制度所面临的主要问题,提出高校图书馆构建学科馆员制度的几项具体措施。  相似文献   

在信息化时代,高校图书馆随着计算机的普及、互联网的使用及文献信息服务网络化的建立,对图书馆馆员提出了更高的要求。本文简单论述了图书馆馆员应具备的基本素质,图书馆馆员培训的必要性和培训的内容及途径。  相似文献   

金海花 《学理论》2012,(25):141-142
介绍了高校图书馆"学科馆员"的内涵和工作职责,分析了高校图书馆强化学科馆员制度的重要性,重点从创建良好的用户信息服务环境、与院系建立良好的合作关系、嵌入式信息服务、开展学科专题索引推送服务四个方面探讨了高校图书馆学科馆员服务创新。  相似文献   

系统效率能反映出一个单位的管理水平。高校图书馆是一个大的系统。资源、读者、馆员等都是高校图书馆管理中的系统要素。只有建立健全的高校图书馆管理制度,建立良好的信用体系,增强馆员的文化责任意识,培养馆员的制度意识,才能提升高校图书馆的系统效率。  相似文献   

周媛媛 《学理论》2010,(5):63-64
科馆员制度作为一种先进的办馆理念和全新的服务模式,被国内高校广泛引入到图书馆工作中并得到迅速发展。本文阐述了学科馆员制度在国内外高校图书馆的发展过程,国内学科馆员制度实施的策略,以及未来学科馆员发展的方向等。  相似文献   

邵明丽 《学理论》2010,(12):173-174
阐述了高校图书馆的和谐发展必须要注意处理好馆员与读者之间、馆员与馆员之间、领导与馆员之间的关系同时还应该注重图书馆内部环境与外部环境的建设。  相似文献   

文章阐述了学科馆员需要具备的资格和能力、工作职责及高校图书馆设置学科馆员的必要性,并对学科馆员的培养和发展进行了论述。  相似文献   

This paper argues that recruitment and promotion within the Australian Public Service (APS) have historically exemplified the practice of 'social closure'. Three periods of AP'S staff selection that correspond to what Halligan and Power identify as the bureaucratist/technicist, administrationist and political management models of executive branch regime are identified. Social closure in each instance was based on educational credentials or lack thereof. These practices have been justified in terms of various 'ideologies of promotion'. Such ideologies tend to reflect the ideal or material interests of social groups rather than the skill requirements of administrative work. The current form of social closure based on economics degrees illustrates this phenomenon. Accordingly, greater recognition of the value of non-economics degrees is required.  相似文献   

abstract The historically dominant male breadwinner and female carer model in West Germany has resulted in comparably low female employment rates and a gender‐structured labor market. Since the 1970s, the decline of traditional patterns and sectors of male employment has been accompanied by the expansion of the female‐dominated service sector. Supplemented by women's higher educational attainment, a pluralism of household forms, and German unification, the result has been constant growth in female employment. With more working mothers, the question of combining work and family has provoked policy responses that, in West Germany, have mainly centered on family leave policies. In addressing the question of whether these policies have resulted in a more equitable sharing of paid and family work, this article presents longitudinal empirical data on the working patterns of women entitled to different forms of family leave. These show how changing regulations have led to the institutionalization of a “baby break” for younger women and to the promotion of labor market exclusion.  相似文献   

The 1990s witnessed extensive promotion of volunteerism and the creation of a federal and state infrastructure to support government voluntary activities. What has been the impact on local governments? This article reports on a 2003 survey of volunteer involvement in Georgia local government, which followed a similar 1990 study and provides a rare opportunity to examine long‐term trends in public volunteerism. Volunteerism in Georgia cities and counties has increased during the past decade, with 81 percent of all jurisdictions now reporting some volunteer engagement. The events of September 11, 2001, have had a small but generally positive effect on volunteer utilization. However, political and labor resistance to government volunteers has not been resolved. And the increase in public managers' concerns that they lack the funding or staff to utilize volunteers suggests that governmental capacity remains the principal obstacle to greater volunteer involvement in local governments.  相似文献   

This article examines the ability of service networks to improve substance abuse treatment access and service delivery to adult, substance-abusing female offenders. In fiscal year 1995, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services's Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) funded four demonstration projects to establish Criminal Justice Treatment Networks to improve substance abuse treatment access and service delivery to adult female offenders while they were involved in the criminal justice system. This study seeks to determine whether the networks promoted systemic change in the community agencies and organizations where they are housed. This article is based on a series of annual site visits, reports, and regular communication with network staff and local evaluators. The findings indicate that networks can improve service delivery in criminal justice and substance abuse treatment systems.  相似文献   

West J 《政策与政治》1995,23(2):157-170
A review of the experience of adolescent reproductive health clinics in Liverpool and Bristol highlights the potentially disruptive impact of new National Health Service (NHS) policies and competing professional interests on the attempt to provide integrated, high-quality services. In particular, responsiveness to client needs often collides with NHS demands for efficiency. UK health authorities accept, in principle, the need for separate, informal family planning centers for young people. The 34 Brook Advisory Centers, which deliver confidential contraceptive and counseling services to adolescents, face pressure to become population rather than client-based and to reduce time spent on individual sessions. Moreover, new NHS contracting arrangements have greatly increased the role of general practitioners (GPs) in contraceptive provision, with serious implications for family planning clinics. At present, about 70% of UK women obtain contraceptive and sexual health services from a GP. This encroachment has further increased the marginalization of family planning practitioners, the majority of whom are female, within the medical profession. Concerns have been expressed, however, that GPs are not able to offer the comprehensive services available in clinics and lack sufficient female staff.  相似文献   

Although women now represent a significant proportion of many (if not most) jail staffs, the degree to which their perceptions of corrections work differs from males' remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we compare female and male jail staff perceptions regarding the stress associated with work in jails, the job satisfaction to be derived from jail work, the job environment experienced in jails and the level of commitment to jail facilities across five jail settings. Our findings show important gender-based similarities and differences that need to be understood to maximize the benefits of the work force diversity that women bring to the corrections profession.  相似文献   

Although civil society organizations (CSOs) often receive attention in development discourse, they are particularly deemed to provide a new way that ensures good governance. Hence, an understanding of their contributions against the backdrop of governance‐related challenges in Kenya calls for fresh and new research. This article gives attention to CSOs' role in the promotion of community participation in governance. Specifically, it looks into capacities of CSOs involved in these efforts on governance. It links persistent poor governance happening at the counties to inadequate capacities of CSOs involved in the fight against the vice. It argues that CSOs lack vital capacities including adequate funds, staff, offices, and equipment, to be able to sustain action against poor governance. The study methodology involved a survey, focus group discussions, and in‐depth face‐to‐face interviews. A variety of tools were used that included a survey questionnaire, focus group discussion guide, and in‐depth interview guide. Some of the recommendations are that it is important for stakeholders including the government to understand CSOs and provide them with required support. CSOs also need to be given training and exposure to programs in other countries that have successfully addressed governance issues.  相似文献   

江克忠 《公共管理学报》2011,8(3):44-52,125
行政管理支出具有双重属性:过多的支出不利于经济增长,使地方政府在竞争中处于劣势而不利于官员的晋升,同时有违中央政府的宏观政策目标;但能直接提高地方政府官员个人的福利水平。所以,地方政府及官员对行政管理支出存在两难选择。本文利用我国30个省(自治区、直辖市)1998—2006年的面板数据对财政分权与行政管理支出的关系进行实证研究和稳健性检验。主要结论是:在中国特色财政分权的制度环境下,地方政府在财政支出自由裁量权扩大时,总体效应是加大了行政管理支出的规模。同时,行政人员规模与行政管理支出存在显著的正相关关系。地区经济发展水平、资源禀赋、社会结构等因素对行政管理支出也有显著性的影响。在公共财政体制改革的背景下,其他公共财政支出项目(社会保障支出除外)对行政管理支出存在显著的"挤出"效应。  相似文献   

刘佳  吴建南  马亮 《公共管理学报》2012,(2):11-23,122,123
土地财政是当前政府管理中的热点问题,然而学界对于土地财政的动因和引发根源尚未有一致结论。基于晋升锦标赛理论,采用2003—2008年中国257个地级市政府的非平衡面板数据,从地方政府官员晋升竞争角度出发,分析了官员晋升竞争对土地财政的影响。发现,地方政府官员晋升竞争是引发土地财政的根本原因,且这一发现具有较好稳健性,官员任期与土地财政之间存在显著的倒U型关系,官员晋升竞争对土地财政的影响是因条件而异的,行政首长面对晋升竞争时更倾向于土地财政;相较东中部地区,西部地区官员在面对晋升竞争时更倾向于土地财政。由此得出,缓解土地财政问题的关键在于变革官员晋升模式,创新干部考核评价体系,以及延长和稳定官员任期是未来可能的改革路径。本文的发现对进一步理解我国官员治理模式,以及有效缓解土地财政问题具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Democracy promotion has been a centerpiece of US foreign policy for over half a century. This article explores the evolution of democracy promotion in US foreign relations from 1821 to 2014. While the quantity and quality of US democracy promotion policy evolved in a nonlinear fashion, US presidents varied the ways and means of democracy promotion as a way to achieve national security objectives. There is signification variation among US presidents on the specific linkages between democracy and security, resulting in divergent policy applications and technical approaches.  相似文献   

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