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第四届中国一亚欧博览会于9月1日在新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市隆重开幕,乌鲁木齐市公安局交通警察支队的民警,为了确保博览会期间道路交通安全,白天在烈日酷暑下执勤,晚上联勤联动,通宵达旦,反恐防暴维稳,忠诚履职,奋战在交通安全保卫第一线,很多民警带病执勤,克服家庭各种困难,以高度的责任感和顽强拼搏的作风,始终奋战在交通安保第一线,事迹感人,可歌可泣。  相似文献   

陈华 《中国公证》2012,(5):10-10
我国正处于社会转型期,社会在变革,思想在变革,公证改革也在不断深化,公证行风建设也正是顺应公证改革和发展的要求,不断引导公证行业持续稳步健康发展,进而彰显公证的社会价值。那么,如何在新形势下打造鲜明的公证特征,在加强社会文化建设的大潮中培育公证文化呢?儒家思想被视为我国思想文化建设的重要内容,在提高公证队伍素质,加强制度建设的同时,我们不妨考虑在思想建设方面渗入儒家思想,增强从业人员的中国传统理念教化,从加强个人修养入手,引导公证人员树立正确的从业思想,进而实现公证行风建设的目标。  相似文献   

为提高人大常委会议题审议质量和效果,南和县人大在全面审议的基础上,突出重点,集中审议,收到较好效果。召开常委会前,在深入调研,全面了解情况的基础上,召开委员预备会集体讨论研究,确定议题的审议重点,以使常委会审议有的放矢,更为准确和科学。在审议政府部门工作报告中,重点围绕如何推进和解决制约我县各项事业跨越式发展的关键性问题进行审议,在审议意见中,  相似文献   

崔振 《江淮法治》2011,(21):58-58
一个秋天的午后,带儿子去田野,他在前边一边奔跑,一边为四野的金黄欢呼着。他停下来,阳光像金子洒在稚嫩的脸上,突然,他伸出小手在空中左右挥舞,我正奇怪,他回过头来,一脸的惊喜,“爸爸,猜猜我的手心里是什么?”小小的拳头握得紧紧的,在我眼前晃来晃去。我一脸茫然地摇摇头,在孩子面前,  相似文献   

在成都待久一些日子才会体会到成都的人文天性。有一支童谣唱的是“胖娃胖嘟嘟,骑马到成都。成都又好耍,胖娃骑白马。白马高又高,胖娃耍大刀。”可见成都是一座悠闲的城市。无论你走到哪里,都有茶馆,那种与生活连接得很近的茶馆,坐落得非常随意,可谓见缝插针。大桥头,竹林中,大街上,巷子里,无处不在,小老百姓都进得去。一清早茶馆就开始接客,在这里热茶就早点过一个早上是日常的事,很多闲客几乎一整天一碗茶,坐到傍晚。在没有互联网以及电视媒体的时代,资讯的传播集中在茶馆里。国家大事,小道消息,世态新闻,家长里短,在这里迅速传递。所以不要小瞧这些闲人群,他们可是事事通。我看中了这种地方研究人物的价值,经常泡在这群人中画速写。在这种放松的地方,同时休养身心。  相似文献   

同志们都知道,我们国家从八十年代以来,在贯彻“1979”刑法的过程中,我们不仅强调严格依法办事,而且在特别强调政策的指导,从八一年开始,特别是从八三年开始,我们在全国范围内开展实施依法从重从快,严厉打击严重刑事犯罪这样一个方针。在这样一个方针主导下,我们在1983年、1996年、2001年由中央统一组织布置开展实施了所谓的严打斗争,  相似文献   

施雨岑  田苗 《政府法制》2008,(23):58-59
前不久,一名在贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州黄平县采访的记者发现,在他驾驶途中,很多小学生在遇见车辆时,都会立刻停下脚步,双脚并拢,行一个庄严的少先队队礼。  相似文献   

穆萨江·麦麦提26岁,新疆喀什人,在北京8年,专做卖切糕生意。“有人说我们的坏话,我也没办法。我靠这个(切糕)养活一家人,这就是我们的生活。”库尔班江·赛买提,32岁,新疆和田人,在北京8年,纪录片摄像师。“我不停地在做,但有时候,一个暴恐事件.所有的努力就都归零了。”阿利甫·亚克甫26岁,新疆乌鲁木齐人.在北京24年,北京某贸易公司职员、微博“在北京的新疆人”运营者。  相似文献   

日前,“全国人大代表与优秀企业家高峰论坛”在人民大会堂举行。在此次高峰论坛上,“首届最具社会责任感企业”评选活动结果揭晓,在包括贵州茅台,燕京啤酒等著名企业的榜单上面,北京东友律师事务所赫然在列。一家律师事务所在企业评选中获奖,这在各类评选中十分少见,有关人士认为,这种结果说明,律师事务所已经不再仅是一种法律服务机构,而已经成为一种具有特殊责任的经济实体。  相似文献   

马建峰 《政府法制》2014,(31):50-51
随着企业的转型跨越发展和市场形势的不断变化,企业思想政治工作面临着许多新课题、新问题和新挑战,这就要求企业的党务工作者必须在新形势下,按照新要求,准确把握当前和今后一个时期党建工作的主要任务,明确重点工作要求,不断转变思想政治工作方式方法,依照“五个注重”,即在管理上更加注重服务,在对象更更加注重个性,在教育上更加注重实效,在时空上更加注重全程,在范围上更加注重全员,深入开展企业职工思想政治工作,为企业持续稳定发展提供坚强保证和动力支持。  相似文献   

The recent studies on the genes, the neurons and the information, are influencing the form to know us and to know the reality. The opportunity is had, for this reason, to improve the formation of the professor and the students of the Right, to happen of an education of repetitions to one of new features, discovery, diversion, that is to say, investigation. One is to avoid “to transmit” information, but to explore it, to construct it, only to invent it, working in equipment, professor and students, inside and outside the hall classes. The contents to investigate can be placed in the past, the present or in the future, like the human rights. Thus, it is tried that the well-known or effective human rights, the products of the legal rationalism, are extended to protect the emotional human dignity: the respect, the confidence, the tolerance, the responsibility, the happiness, desire, the pleasure. Human intelligence is multiple, for that reason the human rights must be intelligent, that protect and develop the intellect, the affectivity, the corporal one, the energy, the environment and its cosmovisión.  相似文献   

Evaluation appointment orders provide enforceable scaffolding for conduct of family court parenting plan evaluations, and use of the evaluator's reports, feedback, file, and testimony. Unlike a contract, a stipulated or adjudicated appointment order is directly enforceable by the family court. It unambiguously positions the evaluator as the family court's appointee – answerable directly to the court and, in some jurisdictions, protected by quasi-judicial immunity from damages claims. A well-crafted appointment order governs the roles and expectations of the court, the evaluator, the parties, the lawyers, and the collateral witnesses. An appointment order mandates the legal duties, rights, powers, and responsibilities of the professionals, the parties, and the collateral witnesses. At minimum, an appointment order articulates the legal basis for the appointment, the purpose and scope of the evaluation, compensation of evaluator, and the duty of the parties to participate in the process. A written evaluation protocol or procedures statement discloses in advance the methods of investigation and assessment that the evaluator intends to use. Together, the appointment order and written protocol help the evaluator, lawyers, parents, and judge manage the complexity of the evaluation process.  相似文献   

中国农村养老保险工作述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张献 《行政与法》2006,(7):80-83
为了体现社会的公平,应对老龄化的提前到来,中国政府从80年代中期开始,探索性地建立了农村社会养老保险制度,但存在诸多问题,甚至出现了停顿、徘徊不前的现象。笔者认为,中国目前已经具备实行农村社会养老保障的经济条件,应树立超前意识,在《县级农村社会养老保险基本方案》的基础上,重新调整,增加国家的投入,依靠法律,逐步建立、健全农村养老保险制度,与土地制度、家庭养老、社会救助相结合,共同达到保障我国农村老人基本生活的目的。  相似文献   

Human-type blood group activities on the red blood cells (RBCs) of three chimpanzees were individually examined with commercial mouse monoclonal antibodies (anti-A, -B, -H, -M, -N, -Lea, and -Leb) as well as lectins (UEA-I and VGA) and conventional polyclonal antisera for the systems ABO, MN, Lewis, Rh-Hr, P, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, and Lutheran. For further analysis of the MN antigens, treatment of the RBCs with sialidase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin were employed. The activities recognized among the three chimpanzees were A, H, M, N, Leb, c, S, k, and Jka. The RBCs of the three individuals possessed the A antigen which showed the same serologic activity as the human A1. Those chimpanzee RBCs showed higher H-activity than the human A1 RBCs. The Lewis b activity was revealed by the absorption-elution method. The RBCs of the three individuals showed a reactivity to the polyclonal anti-M reagents, which was affected by both the sialidase and trypsin treatment. The RBCs of two individuals were agglutinated with the monoclonal anti-N. The receptor was sensitive to sialidase and chymotrypsin. The RBCs of the three individuals, however, did not react with the monoclonal anti-M or with one of the polyclonal anti-N. These results indicate structural differences in the glycophorins and MN antigens between the human and chimpanzee.  相似文献   

This study examined the trends, patterns, and socio-spatial conditions and factors that foster assaultive incidents and behaviors in Accra, Ghana. Specifically, the study examined how much assaults occurred over time, background characteristics of the victims and offenders, victim-offender relationships, and the housing units that recorded the most assaults. Among the triggers of assaults were females in familial settings and neighborhood propinquity, that is, disputants related through kinship, residential proximity, and contractual obligations. Arguments, drunkenness name-calling, jokes, funerals, inheritance, property, festivals, chieftaincy, communal living and sharing, such spatial factors as transient populations and routine activities were among the remote and immediate causes of the assaultive incidents. Among the housing units, the compound houses recorded the highest assaults. The majority of the victims and suspects were young males, between eighteen and thirty-four years, unemployed or in low paying blue-collar jobs. The majority of the assaults occurred in Accra Central, the precinct with the most compound homes and lower-class neighborhoods, followed by Nima, Kaneshie, and Kpeshie. Most assault incidents occurred in the morning, between 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and in the afternoon, between 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  相似文献   

在我国刑事诉讼制度中,检察机关与侦查机关之间主要围绕侦查分工和追诉目标形成相应的配合制约机制;检察机关与审判机关之间则围绕查清犯罪事实和管辖程序展开配合、围绕裁判和审理程序展开制约。检察机关主要通过通知立案、通知撤案、不捕、不诉、追捕、追诉、纠正违法等方式对侦查机关进行制约,侦查机关则通过对不捕、不诉决定的复议、复核等方式对检察机关进行制约;检察机关主要通过抗诉和纠正违法对审判机关进行制约,审判机关则通过无罪判决、改变指控等对检察机关进行制约。在司法实践中,检察机关还通过侦诉协作、附条件逮捕、建议撤案和地方政法委协调等方式与侦查机关和审判机关进行配合。总体而言,在检察机关与侦查、审判机关之间的配合制约体系中还存在制约范围不全面、制约手段有限、制约结构不稳定、配合机制缺乏约束力、配合范围不明确、考核评价机制不协调等问题。对此,应当分别加以解决和完善。  相似文献   

需要干预经济关系论——一种经济法的认知模式   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应飞虎 《中国法学》2001,(2):132-144
需要干预经济关系论基于对市场缺陷的动态性、干预成本的不可避免、政府失灵的普遍存在以及法治的功能局限的认识 ,界定了国家干预的范围 ,确立了干预者和被干预者之间的双向互动制衡关系 ,因而蕴含了均衡干预、有效干预、经济民主、被干预者对干预者的干预以及经济法权威的价值理念。在实践中 ,需要干预经济关系论有助于确定国家与市场的职能边界 ,有助于克服制度僵化 ,及时进行制度变迁 ,有助于促进政府体制改革 ,克服国家完全理性假设  相似文献   

我国当前民间借贷的特点、问题及其法律对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前民间借贷市场已经进入高级阶段,资金供需两旺,并具有迅速走红网络经济的发展趋势。然而,民间借贷相关立法滞后,市场监管缺位,司法主导突出,整个市场呈现出产生发展的内生化、投资主体的多元化、交易形式的电子化、法律规则的零散化、法律地位的尴尬化以及裁判结果依赖指导性解释等特征。民间借贷组织的主体地位问题、民间借贷合同的效力认定问题、民间借贷利率的法律管制问题、网络借贷平台的风险控制问题以及民间借贷交易的信息监测问题等日益突出,加强监管立法和监管机构主动执法,依法规范民间借贷行为,严厉打击高利贷,已成为金融生态建设中民间借贷法律规制的必然选择。  相似文献   

One of the fundamental aspects of the process of identification through fingerprints is the comparison of the minutiae between the fingermark obtained at the scene of the crime and the suspect's corresponding finger. There is no scientific basis in this process that allows the use of numerical standards, such as those kept in different countries, to obtain the identification. The recent mistakes made in the field of dactyloscopy, together with the growing rigor and scrutiny that forensic evidence undergoes in the legislative and scientific areas, have resulted in the need to reconsider some of the basic principles that support this discipline. A probabilistic estimation of the evidential value is especially necessary; therefore, it is indispensable to know and quantify the variability of the features used in the identification process. The sample studied for this research was obtained from 100 Caucasian men and 100 Caucasian women from the Spanish population, which amounts to a total of 2000 fingerprints. The different types of minutiae were located, identified, and quantified visually on the fingerprint, in four sectors, and inside and outside of a circle, whose radius cut, perpendicularly, fifteen ridges starting from the center cut of the axes that defined the sectors. According to the results obtained in this study, through dactyloscopic identification, the weight of the evidence of a minutia, such as the ridge endings, with frequencies between 55% and 65%, according to the area and gender evaluated, cannot be the same as that of a bifurcation or convergence, with frequencies of 13-18% or those of other minutiae that show frequencies lower than 3%. The significant differences found in the topological distribution of the endings, bifurcations, and convergences show the need to take into account, for its demonstrational value, the finger area in which they are evaluated. The significant association observed between the types of minutiae and the different fingers revealed a greater frequency of endings on the thumb and index fingers, and bifurcations and convergences on the middle, ring, and little fingers.  相似文献   

现行《行政诉讼法》已远不能适应现实需要 ,其修改势在必行。《行政诉讼法》的修订目标是解决行政诉讼实践中存在的问题、实现人权公约的承诺、满足入世的要求及扩充行政诉讼的功能。在具体制度上 ,应从诉讼类型、受案范围、审级制度、当事人制度、审理程序、庭审方式、审理标准、证据规则至判决制度等方面进行全面修改。此外 ,对《行政诉讼法》的修订还需要关注制度的外围环境和配套制度的建立健全。  相似文献   

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