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总结历史,立足现实,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府签订和平解放西藏的"十七条协议",和平解放西藏.立足民族平等,消除民族隔阂,加强藏、汉民族团结,强调民族工作要"慢",不能急躁,采取灵活、"慎重、稳进"的方针开展工作.实行民族区域自治是中国共产党和毛泽东解决民族问题的基本主张.坚定不移的实行民族区域自治,藏族人民在政治上实现当家作主.帮助西藏发展经济和社会各项事业.尊重藏民族的生活习惯,保障宗教信仰自由.对达赖喇嘛的基本立场和态度是,停止独立活动,欢迎他回来.  相似文献   

In 1969, by the time he turned 16, Xi Jinping arrived in a small village in Shaanxi Province as a zhiqing, or "educated youth." Educated youth were young urban people who either volunteered or were sent to work in rural areas as part of a campaign launched by Chairman Mao Zedong that called on urban youth to work in rural areas during the period from the 1950s to the end of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76). Life there was tough for the young Xi. In the beginning, fleas troubled him so badly that he was unable to fall asleep. Every day he undertook all kinds of labor of the countryside, such as reclaiming wasteland, hoeing, herding, hauling coal, and carrying manure. As time passed, tough work became easy. Xi became a hardworking capable young man in the villagers' eyes. Gaining their trust, he was elected village Party chief. He was once awarded a motorized tricycle after being named a "model educated youth." However, he exchanged the tricycle for a walking tractor, a flour milling machine and farm tools to benefit the villagers.  相似文献   

Ira once asked Dr.Henry Kissinger whether he had seen any Marxist classics in late Chairman Mao Zedong’s personal libry,since Mao had received him there multiple times.His answer was probably not.Nevertheless,there were all kinds of thread-stitched books,all Chinese classics.  相似文献   

ZONGLI TANG 《当代中国》2006,15(48):551-573
Mao's rural surveys, or investigations as he called them, conducted in the red base area in Jiangxi and Fujian provinces between 1927 and 1934, have long been overlooked in the scholarship especially in interpreting the issue of landownership inequality. Mao highly valued the role of investigation, and the importance of investigations to the formation of his view of class struggle and to his strategy-making is doubtless. This study for the first time reveals that Mao did not establish his macro conclusion of land distribution inequality on his gathered data, and that landownership concentrations were not so drastic in the red base area as Mao described. This study argues that other dimensions of rural inequality, including high debts, rentals, interest rates, and security deposits, appear as the greatest encumbrance to peasants and play a more important role in aggravating class confrontations. This study also argues that the role of poverty is critical in understanding the structural nature of the Communist Revolution. From poverty, Mao discovered not only a majority of the people but also moralism to support his revolution.  相似文献   

The basic law of dialectics is the unity of opposites. It is natural for Marxists to stress opposites rather than unity, for it advances the doctrine of class struggle. Mao adopted Lenin's proposition that the unity of opposites is transitory, while the struggle of opposites is absolute. However, both Lenin and Mao failed to see the logical inconsistencies between this proposition and the law of the unity of opposites.

Stalin, who disagreed with the concept of “identity of contradiction,” asserted that the process of development is achieved through combat rather than harmony. Mao at first disagreed with this philosophy and advocated the unity of opposites. This accounted for the polemic of “the identity of thinking and being” in China, from 1959 to 1962.

However, in 1964, Mao launched a campaign to criticize “two combined into one “ and to propagate his own idea of “one divided into two.” The chief reason for this was that Mao needed an ideological legitimization for the schism with the USSR. This was a turning point in Mao's philosophy, for it implied the abandonment of the “unity of opposites” and a retreat towards Stalin's viewpoint. Ultimately Mao devised his “philosophy of struggle” to serve as the guiding philosophy for the Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

T HE International Forum on Poverty Gover-nance and Development Towards Moderniza-tion was held in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture,southwest China's Yunnan Prov-ince,on May 18,2021.The event,which hosted around 150 diplomats,officials,and scholars from 18 coun-tries and four international organizations including the United Nations,aimed to draw lessons from Chi-na's poverty alleviation efforts,promote international cooperation on poverty reduction and development,and advance sustainable development towards modernization.  相似文献   

张辉 《桂海论丛》2004,20(3):41-43
为了维护国家主权与安全,维护世界和平,建国后,毛泽东先后提出了"中间地带"理论和"三个世界"理论,两大理论构成了毛泽东国际统一战线思想不同时期的核心内容;毛泽东国际统一战线思想具有鲜明的特点;这一思想在国际政治和中国对外关系两个领域具有十分重要的实践意义,但其也有一定的历史局限性.  相似文献   

周恩来在王明“左倾”错误统治中央时期,在毛泽东已被排挤出中央苏区党和红军领导岗位的情况下,顶住压力,主动争取毛泽东参与红军作战指挥;坚持毛泽东的军事路线,为确立毛泽东在党和红军中的主导地位做出了特殊贡献。红一、四方面军会师后,周恩来坚持北上抗日战略方针,协助毛泽东粉碎张国焘的分裂图谋,维护了党中央和红军的团结统一。在处理西安事变前后,周恩来提出“停止内战,一致抗日”的主张,贯彻毛泽东建立抗日民族统一战线的主张,为推动第二次国共合作做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

在对遵义会议的回忆、研究中,虽然大部分史实已经清楚,基本问题已有结论,但是还有值得深入探讨之处。遵义会议是在中共中央与共产国际中断联系的情况下独立自主召开的;三人军事指挥小组是1935年3月17日,在红军三渡赤水后于川黔交界的陈福村成立的;选举张闻天代替博古任中共中央总书记是当时正确的选择;毛泽东在红军和中共中央领导地位的确立,是在遵义会议前后半年多的实践中逐步形成的。  相似文献   

自皮尔斯1978年提出"贫困女性化"概念以来,女性与贫困的关联研究成为劳动经济学、家庭社会学、人类学、发展研究以及女性主义研究的重要领域。在全球化语境下,贫困女性化的现象具有客观性,但在不同政治经济文化条件下呈现的形式则有所不同,因此不能简单地将其看作一成不变的全球性现象。具体而言,对贫困女性化的研究不能只关注收入和消费维度;在研究方法上需要超越以"女性户主家庭"为分析单元的局限性,将贫困问题放置于宽化的性别和其他群体领域,特别需要关注多维度的贫困和致贫的原因;针对城市化、工业化转型过程中所出现的女性的竞争劣势性也需要从总体社会关系的角度加以分析,单一的女性本位的发展干预往往会产生负面结果。本文认为,贫困女性化虽然具有实证研究的支持,但是女性与贫困问题在不同经济社会语境和社会关系维度上呈现出了复杂性和多样性。  相似文献   

汤胜利 《桂海论丛》2003,19(3):64-67
在反腐倡廉问题上 ,毛泽东取得了清正廉洁、执法如山、以法反腐、精兵简政、思想反腐、防患未然、民主反腐、专项反腐等成功经验。为新中国的诞生、巩固 ,作出了不可磨灭的巨大贡献。在改革开放的今天 ,我们要研究继承毛泽东反腐倡廉的成功经验 ,深入反腐 ,跳出可恶的周期率  相似文献   

Girging him with“incitement of insurction”and describing him as a“clear id present danger”to the nation,the U.S.House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump for a historic second time.Ten Republican members broke ranks and joined Democrats.Coming in the waning days of Trump's administration,the date of a Senate trial is still uncertain,but there are indications that it might proceed months later after the business of helping a new administration take root has been completed,and long alter he has left office.  相似文献   

中国共产党经历了以毛泽东为首的党的第一代领导集体,结合中国革命具体实践,实事求是,创立了毛泽东思想。以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体,解放思想,实事求是,提出社会主义市场经济,从而发展了毛泽东思想,形成了邓小平理论。新世纪,以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体,解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,提出"三个代表"重要思想。纵观中国共产党82年的发展史,就是与时俱进、不断创新的历史。  相似文献   

After eradicating absolute poverty,China rises to new challenges China’s herculean task in alleviating poverty has borne results.As UN Secretary General António Guterres said when addressing the Beijing Forum in December 2020 via video link,"China has been a leader[in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals]"by helping hundreds of millions of people get out of poverty.In Guterres’words,that was"the greatest anti-poverty accomplishment in history."  相似文献   

葛洪一生时出时入,仕隐不定.始则治身治国兼顾,终于弃人事而求长生,是出处两得的一生,也是出处两难的一生.葛洪之所以选择这种人生道路,是他隐显任时的人生态度、"静为逸民之宗,动为元凯之表"的人生理想以及两晋之交风云变幻的政局共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

宋生贵 《思想战线》2002,28(3):97-100
人类生存与发展的需求 ,总是促使其与自然环境保持一种根本性的关系 ,但要真正实现“和谐共存” ,则必须建立相适的制衡机制。其中 ,关键性的问题 ,是要实现对于人自身的调节 ,而调节的重心则是要抑制贪欲 ,高扬诗性 ,建立起富有审美特质的关系。此可谓是当代背景下新的生存理性的自觉  相似文献   

ANTONINO Scordo,a 38-year-old Italian,is an executive sous chef at Jinling Hotel's Restaurant Pacific Grill in Nanjing.He is affectionately called "Nino" by his friends.Having a passion for culinary arts,he often walks out of the kitchen and interacts with the diners.For him,cooking is more than just a simple act of preparing a dish.More importantly,it helps express the emotion of the chef and his or her unique understanding of the world.During Nino's days of living and working in China,the warm-hearted people around him have made him feel quite at home.  相似文献   

参与式扶贫开发模式是对传统自上而下扶贫模式的"扬弃"和发展,它以受助者——贫困人口为主体,并在扶贫开发运行机制上赋权于民,充分体现了"相信群众、依靠群众"、"从群众中来到群众中去"的思想理念和工作方法。甘肃省麻安村是这一模式推行较早的试点行政村,并且取得了较为显著的成效,对该村运行机制和绩效分析可获得参与式扶贫开发模式的一般规律和经验,对我国农村扶贫政策趋向具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

正A Shanghai doctor saves lives and makes medical services smarter at the footof Mount QomolangmaYue Mengchen,the son of a doctor,refused to hand in his Father's Day homework because it was not a poster with the latest photo starring him being with his father,as required,but a photoshopped image showing them together.The 7-year-old burst into tears and said,"It's different.When will daddy be home?"His father,Yue Fei,is a deputy chief surgeon from Shanghai-based Ruijin Hospital.He volunteered to serve at the Xigaze People' s Hospital,in Tibet Autonomous Region,for three years as part of a medical partnership assistance program to help the region grow.Xigaze,situated at the foot of Mount Qomolangma,is 4,215 km away from Shanghai.  相似文献   

Jinxin Huang 《当代中国》2005,14(45):631-641
Conventional wisdom has held that China is a success and India is a failure, that India's democracy leads to its poverty and religious intolerance, and China's economic reform without political opening was the only correct path to development and stability. The success of the Indian domestic software industry awed many Chinese and contributed to recent online discussion of India among Chinese scholars. This article sheds light on the changing views of India in China through surveying online articles posted on two major Chinese websites. The new discourse focuses on the historical, cultural, and institutional roots, particularly government policies that have led to the current situation in India. The new Chinese discourse also reflects evaluations of China's own economic policies in the past few decades.  相似文献   

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