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随着社会的不断发展,教育工作的日益复杂,人格教育的重要性越来越突出,引起社会、教师和学生家长的重视。通过2006至2008年对全国(以安徽省为主)8346名青少年与2008年对全国(以安徽省为主)155名教育者的抽样调查,从青少年人格教育的生存环境、青少年的期望与效果评价入手,可以了解新时期青少年人格教育的基本现状。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院决定 ,今年4月28日至30日在北京召开全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会。目前 ,大会的各项筹备工作正在紧张进行 ,各地全国劳模的推荐评选已接近尾声。评选、表彰全国劳动模范和先进工作者是我国各族人民十分关注的政治生活中的一件大事。为此 ,本刊记者对全国劳模大会的有关情况作了了解。举国瞩目的群英盛会这次全国劳模大会是继1995年全国劳模大会之后的又一次全国群英盛会。届时 ,将有1995年以来在改革开放、经济建设和各项社会事业中作出突出贡献的3000名工人、农民、科教人员、企业管理人员、机关工作…  相似文献   

全国工商联、全国总工会开展“关爱员工,实现双赢”活动日前,全国工商联和全国总工会联合发出通知,在全国民营企业广泛开展“关爱员工,实现双赢”活动。据了解,目前,我国民营企业的从业人员已经超过1亿人,民营企业已成为解决就业的重要渠道。在积极促进民营经济健康发展,努力增加社会就业的同时,民营企业中员工的生活、工作和学习状态也备受重视。开展这次活动的目的,就是引导民营企业严格执行《劳动法》,切实维护员工的合法权益,促进企业和员工的共同发展。  相似文献   

2007年全国范围内将建立农村最低生活保障制度,今后,全国农村困难家庭都会逐步被纳入农村最低生活保障体系。目前国家有关部门正加紧研究相关政策。为帮助农民朋友较详细地了解这项重大惠农政策的内容和具体措施,指导基本生活困难的群众正确申请低保待遇,我们下面将对这一政策进行解读。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国经济取得令人瞩目的显著成绩,人民物质生活条件得到明显改善。随着经济结构的调整,社会结构也发生明显变化。了解这种变化,研究社会各阶层间的相互利益关系,充分掌握不同阶层、不同群体的民主政治诉求、经济利益需要、精神文化需求、社会保障愿望,用社会结构理论分析各个阶层生产生活和发展状况,以一种全新的视角和独特的眼光认识职工队伍结构出现的新变化,用社会科学研究成果审视研究工会工作,对我们拓宽思路、创新方法,有着十分有益的积极作用。  相似文献   

全国各行各业的同志们:在“五一”国际劳动节即将到来的时候,党中央、国务院召开大会,隆重表彰全国劳动模范和先进工作者,这是党和政府对全国亿万劳动群众的巨大鼓舞和亲切关怀。当前,我国经济和社会发展正进入一个新的历史时期,我们一定不辜负党和政府的殷切期望,决心与全国各行各业的同志们一道,继续发扬艰苦奋斗、无私奉献的精神,再接再厉,在改革开放和社会主义现代化建设中不断创造新的业绩。为此,我们提出如下倡议:一、认真贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策和国家法律法规,自觉地在思想上、政治上和行动上与党中央保持高度一致,积极投身建…  相似文献   

对甘肃省兰州、金昌、天水等市198名产业工人的问卷调查显示:多数被调查者的生活与过去相比得到改善,大多数被调查者认为自己处于社会的中下层;多数被调查者的政治热情较高;集体取向的价值观念仍得到多数被调查者的认同;大多数被调查者对企业改革表示关切,工资收入问题成为被调查者目前最大的利益要求;大多数被调查者认为当前社会存在的"分配不公"、"地区差别"问题必须重视解决;绝大多数被调查者对社会腐败问题高度关注.  相似文献   

一、建国初期工会组织的发展及工会组织建设的成就为了配合国家形势的发展,解放战争胜利前夕召开了六次劳大。六次劳大恢复了中华全国总工会,提出了在新的时期和新的条件下迅速组织全国职工和全国人民一道,推翻旧的统治,建立新中国的任务。六次劳大为新中国的工会发展和组织建设作了准备。随着全国主要大城市的相继解放,  相似文献   

1953年5月召开的中国工会第七次全国代表大会制定了建国后的第一个工运指导方针。这个方针对工会工作和工会理论产生过重大的长时期的影响。它很清晰地反映了一个时期内的工会指导思想和党对工会问题的认识。因此,认真分析这个方针,不仅对总结历史的经验是必要的,而且对今后的工会工作也是有益的。一工会“七大”制定的方针是:“在中国共产党领导下,联系并教育工人群众,不断提高工人群众的觉悟程度和组织程度,巩固工农联盟,团结各阶层人民,积极完成国家建设计划,并在发展生产的基础上,逐步地改善工人阶级和全体劳动人民的物质生活与文化生活,为逐步实现国家的工业化与过渡到社会主义社会而斗争。”这一方针在  相似文献   

为了迎接邮电通信事业在“八五”和今后一个时期的发展,从今年三月开始,邮电工会全委会在全国范围内对邮电职工技术业务素质状况进行了较大规模的调查。整个调查采取抽样问卷和典型调查相结合的方法,对全国二十一个省区市的邮电单位(包括省会局、地市局、县局邮电通信企业二十七个)进行了调查,情况综述如下:  相似文献   

This introduction situates the articles making up this special issue within four thematic clouds, positing queer theorization as broadly relevant for critically engaging with computational technologies and culture. These sub-themes offer suggestions for future queer inquiry and praxis and reflect key terms in performance studies and queer theory that have undergone transformation with the ubiquity of digital technology.  相似文献   

This article reconsiders Victorian images of mermaids and sirens through a detailed examination of two images: Frederic Leighton's Lieder ohne Worte (1861, oil on canvas, Tate Britain) and Edward Burne-Jones's The Depths of the Sea (1886, oil on canvas, private collection). It demonstrates that the themes of water, music and femininity were entwined in the Victorian imagination, by setting these two paintings within the context of Victorian artistic, literary and cultural production. It shows that musical images were prevalent in the emerging Aesthetic movement. Musical subjects freed artists and audiences from the conventions of narrative interpretation, and allowed them instead to concentrate on exploring mood and colour.

Pictures of mermaids add a further twist to the Aesthetic preoccupation with music. This article reveals that mermaids made explicit the underlying connection between musical performance and sensuality. It also suggests that the idiosyncratic depiction of the mermaid by Burne-Jones and the ambiguous sexuality of Leighton's figures could be read as symptomatic of changing conceptions of desire. It argues that these images embodied the shift from ardour to libido. In other words, love was no longer described as burning and fixed, but as fluid and shifting. This transformation in the way desire was theorised was most urgently presented in Freud's Three Essays on Sexuality (1905). However, this article suggests that the same ideas were being made visible in Aesthetic art and writing from the mid-nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify and address the normative void that resides at the heart of postmodernist-feminist theory, and to propose a philosophical framework – beyond postmodernism, but incorporating its central insights – for thinking through the normative questions with which feminists are inevitably confronted in their engagements with positive law. Two varieties of postmodernist-feminism are identified and critically analysed: the ‘corporeal feminism’ of Elizabeth Grosz and Judith Butler, which seeks to ground feminist critical practice in the irruptive capacities of the material body considered as an arte fact of social construction; and the deconstructionist feminism of Drucilla Cornell, for whom ‘the feminine’ is an indeterminate but disruptive force beyond its construction in law and in other social sites. The first component of the argument elaborated here is that each of these approaches ultimately reduces to a form of aestheticism which is incapable of generating a worthwhile and workable feminist approach to the restructuring of politics and law. The second component of the argument involves a return to aesthetics, in particular to the philosophical aesthetics of Kant’s Critique of Judgement. Kant’s aesthetic philosophy, it will be suggested, yields a framework of concepts which, duly re-manipulated, could speak to the very concerns that have inspired postmodernist-feminism: how to attend to (bodily) particularity while avoiding the dangers associated with ‘essentialism’; and how to theorise the propensity of the unrepresentable power of the feminine to exceed both embodied human capacities and the confining rein of socially privileged rationalities. Crucially, however it also responds to a set of preoccupations – those of the feminist lawyer – that cannot be accommodated by postmodernism: how to translate embodied experience into (legal) norms; generalise from the particular; seek consensus; and codify an endless potentiality in the form of law. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Between     
Thinking with this special issue's group of feminist thinkers – some artists and others scholars – this introduction makes a strong case for co-authorship and a more collaborative humanities, while also insisting that the couple form – that stalwart object of queer and feminist theory – is neither a known quantity nor an exhausted entity, but rather, a field ripe for analysis. Situated squarely within performance studies, this introduction pivots away from questions of ontology and toward method and performativity, in order to ask: what modes of intellectual practice, erotic exchange, political work, and aesthetic experimentation happen uniquely within couple forms, in their most capacious and non-self-same iterations? What queer and feminist work can they do? What, in other words, is possible in the infinity, if indeed it is an infinity, between one and two?  相似文献   

The genesis of this conversation was the forthcoming new Penguin edition - under the general editorship of Adam Phillips - of the works of Freud. Mark and Phillips consider the concept of a 'literary' Freud alongside the 'scientific'or 'clinical' Freud, and discuss the related issues of translation, representation and interpretation, particularly as they bear on psychoanalytic writing. Adam Phillips's relationship to the institutions of psychoanalysis is considered, and the perpetuation of these institutions through the training of psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. Also discussed is the project of psychoanalysis: the nature of psychoanalysis as a therapy as well as a body of ideas. Mark and Phillips make reference to the work of Freud, Lacan, Klein, Winnicott and Laplanche, and to concepts such as the 'enigmatic signifier' and 'transgenerational haunting'.  相似文献   

In this collaboratively written essay, artists Park McArthur and Constantina Zavitsanos take a queer materialist feminist approach to the entanglement of dependency and reproductive labor, disability, intimacy, and the impossibility of exchanging incommensurables. The text merges the authors' experiences receiving and providing one another care with their artistic practices, and includes instructive performance scores for past, rather than future, events.  相似文献   

Solutions to world hunger continue to be impeded by a frame – a set of assumptions – that keeps much of humanity focusing narrowly on quantitative growth. The result is greater food production and greater hunger. Yet, across the world another way of seeing, one grounded in the relational insights of ecology, is transforming food systems in ways that both enhance flora and fauna and strengthen human relationships, enabling farmers to gain a greater voice in food production and fairer access to the food produced.  相似文献   

Men in Skirts     
There are signs that the wearing of skirts by men appears to be on the increase in the West. Connor's essay provides a series of historical reflections on the signification and cultural phenomenology of male and female apparel. The first appearance of bifurcated dress in the late mediaeval period is considered, along with the struggle between men and women for command of lateral space during the seventeenth century in Europe, as attested to by commentators like John Bulwer and John Evelyn. Explications are offered of the thematics of the fringe and the pocket, as they are dramatized in trousers and skirts, as well as of the logic of lightness and of the pendant. Trousers, Connors concludes, have never lost their fanciful associations with utility, practicality and rationality; they are the signs of occupation, of being taken up in what you do, rather than consumed in what you are. The political victory of the trousered over the untrousered races (Romans, Scots, Indians etc.) is confirmed by its inversion in male masochist fantasies of 'petticoat government', from the late nineteenth century onwards.  相似文献   

The argument that the provocation defence is adeeply sexed excuse for murder and should beabolished is often dismissed as polemical. Thisarticle challenges this subordinating strategyfavoured by the law of provocation's apologistsand continues to make the case againstprovocation. Drawing on a range of theoreticalapproaches to questions related to polemic,anger, and ethics, it strives to valorisefeminist and queer anger about provocation'svictim-blaming narratives, while remainingcognisant of poststructuralistproblematisations of both law and law reform.  相似文献   

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