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关玲香 《学理论》2013,(12):83-84
社会转型带来的变化及我国城市社会结构的变迁,使得城市社区的发展越来越迅速,其中社区体育承担了社区居民健康更为重要的历史使命。为给城市社区体育的发展提供新思路,促进城市社区体育的健康发展,在论证了民营体育企业介入城市社区体育运作的必要性的基础上,讨论了民营体育企业介入的具体路径,以期为城市社区体育的发展提供建议。  相似文献   

静安寺街道地处上海市中心城区,辖居委会12个,居民1.5万多户,约4.6万人。社区内科研、文化、教育单位较多,居民呈"三多一高"的特点,即知识分子多、侨眷侨胞多、知名人士多,居民知识层次高。1997年,我们利用社区内教育、文化、体育等资源,在全市率先成立了融思想教育、文化科普、技能培训为一体的社区学校。8年多,约有万余人次参加学习。社区学校不仅为居民学科学、学技术、学知识提供了场所,而且成为开展社区思想政治工作的有效载体。  相似文献   

谢文辉 《各界》2008,17(12)
人文奥运理念的提出,标志着中国体育文化新的发展阶段.然而北京奥运会的顺利结束,必将会促进中国社区体育建设迅速发展.通过对人文奥运与社区体育相互关系的评析,提出了新时期发展新疆社区体育建设的途径,以进一步推进人文奥运理念与社区体育发展的相互促进、共同进步.  相似文献   

韩智 《学理论》2012,(22):212-213
豫南高校体育开展状况良好,随着全民健身活动的开展,社区体育越来越受到人们的重视。以信阳师范学院和信阳农业高等专科学校为例,对两所高校与其周边社区体育的互动现状进行调查研究,最终提出实现高校体育与社区体育互动的有效措施,从而推动社区体育的蓬勃发展,也为高校体育体制改革和教学改革提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

曹艳霞 《理论导刊》2007,(11):25-27
城市社区体育是城市化发展进程的产物,是现代城市文明的标志。随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市社区体育不仅有了广阔的发展空间,而且也不断提升了自身的地位,使其成为我国全民健身运动的主要组成部分。针对目前面临的困难,加快现行体育政策的改革和制度创新,充分利用政府力量引导社区体育设施建设,并关注城市中农民工的体育活动,就成为发展城市社区体育的主要对策。  相似文献   

容云  吴家琳  赵永亮 《学理论》2014,(2):62-64,84
开展"社区、学校、家庭"体育一体化的社区项目,是一项较好的社会公益服务活动,"社区、学校、家庭"体育一体化发展的重点对象是儿童少年,又包括社区居民,其实质是体育与健身文化,通过体育手段促进人的发展。通过开展体育教育活动形式,采用现场教学和实践活动的模式,目的是为了让人们认识到"社区、学校、家庭"体育一体化模式对体育健康实施的促进作用,探索"社区、学校、家庭"体育一体化发展模式,形成新型有效的互动运行机制。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法,对高校的体育资源、群众体育健身意识及高校与社会体育资源共享现状进行了调查。通过高校的体育教学资源与社区进行资源共享,可以达到以下目的:使广大民众与高校在校学生的体育锻炼需求能够得到满足;可使锻炼者的健身方法更加合理;同时能够改善广大高校体育教学过程中的教学资源的合理运转情况,使得锻炼者的锻炼形式更加多样化。  相似文献   

吴丛妍 《学理论》2013,(3):51-52
在社区服务中,社区的教育志愿者队伍是一股不容忽视的重要力量,许多社区都在积极推广和实践。笔者以S社区的实践经验为例,探讨和总结了社区教育志愿服务存在的优势和劣势,并针对劣势,结合社区各种可利用的资源,提出了可供参考的社区教育志愿者管理的改进思路。  相似文献   

夏铁牛 《各界》2008,17(12)
体育课程作为基础教育的一门重要课程,要达到新一轮课程改革的目标,需要有一定的课程资源作为前提.因地制宜地开发和利用体育课程资源,可以充分发挥其应有的教育优势,体现体育教育课程的弹性和地方特色.本文主要采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,结合当前体育课程的改革与实践,对新疆少数民族地区体育课程资源的开发和利用进行全面、深入的研究分析,旨在推动新疆少数民族地区体育课程的改革和发展.  相似文献   

社区结构是行为主体为满足居民需求而选择的获取和利用资源的方式及由此形成的相互关系。物质资源对行为主体的相互关系的决定性影响以及主体观念对相互关系的能动作用共同改变着社区的结构,透过物、关系和观念审视社区结构生成和演变所揭示出的内在的规律和发展的逻辑,为解释当前社区体制改革所面临的问题提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In this study we examine responses to the recent expansion of information technology in two rural Minnesota towns. One of these towns took a cooperative approach to technology access, developing a community electronic network, while the other town relied on a more individualistic, entrepreneurial model. The present study examines citizens' attitudes concerning social, political, and technological issues in these two communities, with the goal of uncovering what kinds of attitudes and resources citizens need to have in order to help support and sustain a community electronic network. Structural equation modeling is used to specify the relationships among individuals' economic, political, and social resources, technology ownership and use, and awareness of and support for the community network. Drawing on a theory of social capital, we consider the relative importance of privately- oriented social engagement versus publicly- oriented political engagement in relation to collective outcomes. Our analysis shows that in the town with the broadly- based community electronic network, individuals' political as well as economic resources are linked to knowledge and use of computer resources, whereas in the comparison community, economic stratification alone drives computer access. The implications of these findings for issues of equity, access to technology, and the development of strong community ties are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,竞技体育不正之风蔓延,"假赌黑"、服用兴奋剂、修改年龄等事件层出不穷,中国竞技体育亟需用法律对其进行全方位的规制。应采取的措施主要有:界定体育行政管理机关的管理权限和体育社会团体的自治管理权限,探索设立专门的体育仲裁机构,建立与体育社会团体自治范畴有效对接的体育仲裁规则;确定专门的体育博彩监管部门,将发行销售与监督相互分离,加强预防与制约的制度设置,以疏代堵;将违反兴奋剂管理的行为纳入《刑法》规制范畴,明确兴奋剂查禁的主体、对象、权限、强制措施范围、程序等,并在查禁中配合信息公开、查禁人员回避、被查禁人权利救济等相关制度。  相似文献   

Institutions for collective action (ICAs), comprising individuals that informally organize to manage collective resources, have gained recognition as a significant means of informal governance of common resources alongside the more formal schemes of privatization and top-down regulation. Using the case study of community gardens, this article locates ICAs within the broader phenomenon of self-organization in complex systems, and inquires whether ICAs exhibit dynamics of social contagion and diffuse in accordance with patterns that prevail in self-organized complex systems. Applying quantitative methods derived from the field of complexity, we measure the temporal, spatial, and spatiotemporal diffusion of community gardens in the city of Jerusalem. The results suggest that the spread of community gardens in the urban space displays patterns of self-organization and social contagion. More generally, these findings suggest that ICAs may scale from the micro to the macro level in a bottom-up, self-expanding manner, while maintaining the advantages of local, commons-based arrangements. This perspective carries significant policy implications, and highlights the potential use of ICAs as a means for the governance of public resources, not only on a local, micro scale but also on a more global scale.  相似文献   

Memes are a common way for individuals to communicate online. Internet users often use memes to reply to each other on social networking sites or other online forums. This research argues that memes are successfully used for communication purposes because certain memes (specifically image macros) are essentially speech acts and are also understood as being speech acts by internet users. When creating a meme, choices are made concerning the specific semiotic resources to be used and the internet community then interprets these resources to facilitate communication between the meme creator and the internet community. Memes can be recreated for different purposes and therefore it is possible to group memes under already existing speech acts and speculate about the ways in which these might correspond to speech acts in the future. To accomplish this, a limited amount of specific meme types are analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

Sports issues have increasingly become prominent items on the urban policy agenda. Most demands for sports-related policies have been woven into the general fabric of economic development in the community. in this article, the authors examine the issues surrounding sports stadium development in Chicago from 1985–90. An urban regime framework, based on the notion of governing coalitions, is used to analyze the incorporation of stadiums into Chicago's policy agenda during these years. The article is instructive of the way in which progressive city administrations have used the regime to mediate corporate demands for the often intangible benefits of sports.  相似文献   

This article explores how local economic structure directly and indirectly affects community philanthropy. Drawing on campaign data for local United Way (UW) affiliates at three points in time (1990, 2000, and 2010), the article tests the degree to which the relationship between economic structure and community philanthropy is mediated through local stocks of human resources and social capital. The results suggest that retail employment and industrial concentration negatively affect local UW campaigns, while nonlocal ownership positively affects UW campaign size. These measures of economic structure also indirectly influence local UW fund‐raising activities by affecting the levels of human resources and social capital. In the midst of global efforts to increase community‐based philanthropy, these findings have important policy implications for efforts to promote community solutions to social issues in changing economies.  相似文献   

罗见旭 《学理论》2012,(15):51-52
建立符合实际的社区教育运行机制和管理模式,强化和完善社区教育服务功能,构建与经济社会发展相适应的社区教育体系,促进学习型社会的形成,是发展社区教育的必然要求。而学校与其所属的社区能有效地互动,相互提供资源,实施资源共享是完善教育功能的一条十分有效的途径。实现学校与社区双向开放、双向参与、双向服务、双向受益,在社区大力支持教育的同时,学校凭借人才、知识、信息等优1势发挥对社区的辐射功能,实现学校与社区教育共同发展。  相似文献   


Public awareness may contribute to enforcement of fair housing law. But available resources would be more productively used if they were invested directly in more aggressive and innovative law enforcement activities. Emerging debates over land use practices, particularly those pertaining to sprawl and affordable housing, may create new avenues for fair housing activity. The overriding challenge for the fair housing community, however, is to organize an effective constituency that can demand greater attention to education, enforcement, or other actions to achieve fair housing goals.  相似文献   

伴随城镇化和老龄化,空间转换过程中流动到大城市的老人在居住环境、经济状况、社会交往、社会参与等方面出现空间排异。年龄、同住人数、居住年限、是否农业户口等人口特征变量以及人均住房面积、个人月收入状况、自评健康状况、自评社会经济地位、社区满意度、邻里交往频率、社区参与情况等因素均显著影响流动老人的生活质量。基于此,建议政府广泛利用多种就业形式促进流动老人的人力资源开发,加快完善统一的社会保障体系提升老人异地养老保障水平,重视城市社区公共文化空间建设,组织开展多样化的社区活动,合理规划城市社区基本公共服务设施,保障并提高流动老人的生活质量。  相似文献   


Voluntary sport organizations make up the largest part of voluntary sector in many countries. Yet, in light of the renewed social and political interest in civil society, we do not know very much about how sport organizations operate and function. Accordingly, this article addresses the question of how voluntary sport organizations contribute to social integration through differences in community structures. First a theoretical framework making it possible to distinguish between various forms of community structures—strong, weak, mediated and pragmatic communities—is developed. Then, the first empirical part describes how members in sport organizations belong to such various forms of communities. Next, the article explains differences in social integration through social background, variation in participation in sports and various recruitment channels. Finally, the article explores how differences in community structures matters for the experience of sport activity, for organizational democracy and social capital (trust and political interests).  相似文献   

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