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体育性别歧视是体育运动中对某种性别参与者的不平等对待。奥林匹克运动有性别歧视的传统。体育性别歧视的样态表现在:体育参与机会不均等、同工不同酬和体育性骚扰。它侵权的类别有:体育参与权、体育劳动权和体育人格权。反体育性别歧视的法律制度体现在国际公约方面和国内立法方面。体育性别歧视法律应对机制存在不足,应该对其进行完善。  相似文献   

我国就业中的性别歧视的主要原因并非劳动力供大于求,而是现有的法律制度对用人单位因女性在劳动力市场中固有的弱势形成的劳动力成本高于男性的经济因素规制不力.由于我国在制度规范设计上不具体、缺乏可操作性,以致难以起到约束用人单位任意性别选择的规范作用.完善禁止就业性别歧视的法律保障机制需要建立对女性就业的社会补偿和保险制度,实行用人单位人员性别最低比例的制度,完善多元化的就业性别歧视纠纷解决机制,培育社会的性别平等观念等.  相似文献   

为控制就业性别歧视,我国亟待建立就业性别歧视的法律判断标准和识别方法,美国的相关经验值得参考和借鉴。根据美国联邦立法及其司法判例,就业性别歧视的具体判断标准和识别方法是:一种工作类型明显地使一种性别受到限制的职业分类是直接性别歧视;不符合真实职业资格成立要件的差别对待是直接性别歧视;对于以合法的非歧视理由为借口以及与雇佣结果有因果关系的性别歧视言论都是直接证据,如果雇主提出的合法的不歧视理由不可信则是间接证据;包含性别歧视的混合动机下的雇佣行为是直接性别歧视;判断间接性别歧视中所做的业务必要性审查主要考察的是成功完成有关工作所必需的最低工作资格。  相似文献   

性别歧视的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李傲 《河北法学》2007,25(1):68-72
歧视现象,近年来越来越泛地受到关注.性别歧视、劳动歧视、地域歧视、乙肝歧视、身高歧视……人们在日常生活中的诸多领域发现了不平等、不公平的现象,宪法中的"人人平等"原则从一个抽象而空泛的规定突然变和触手可及.性别歧视作为常见的歧视形式,尤其引起了人们的关注.界定歧视的概念,制定有关歧视的法律,确立禁止歧视的原则,建立有效的事后救济途径,动员立法、司法机关以及社会各界力量,提供积极措施,通过赋予被歧视者以合法权利的方式,消除两性歧视,是法学研究面临的重大课题之一.目前,深化对性别歧视问题的讨论,是尽快启动性别歧视立法程序,推动社会和谐进步的有效步骤.  相似文献   

对女大学生就业机会歧视的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国对女大学生就业机会歧视的现象比较严重,主要表现在招收录用、职业培训、生育保险等方面.从理论上认识这种就业机会上的性别歧视,从法律制度上对之进行规制已是当务之急.因此,应该在严格执行现行法律法规的基础上,进一步完善相关法律法规,尤其是完善<妇女权益保障法>的相关规定,以保障和促进女性就业.  相似文献   

高校女毕业生的就业权保护问题已成为一个社会问题,亟待解决.本文从法律设置、制度建设、公共管理角度,分析高校女毕业生在就业中的性别歧视问题,从立法、执法和司法三个方面,建立促进高校女毕业生就业的法律保护和制度建设,以及应该构建广义上的政府、企业等经济组织、高校及有关公益性组织共同治理下的公共管理模式.  相似文献   

美国有关性别歧视的判例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,在美国的法律制度、理论研究和实践运用中,人仅指男人。第14修正案公然剥夺妇女的选举权,表明了美国宪法对女性的制度性歧视。在美国,消除性别歧视的最初目标,就是使妇女实际上获得人的主体地位。美国宪法史上两性平等权的发展历程,同时亦是妇女争取享有平等宪法权、争取做人的权利的历程。本文将通过对美国历史上有关性别歧视之典型判例的研究,揭示女性曾受到的不公平对待,批判历史传统、社会习俗乃至法律制度对妇女权利的漠视,阐明司法在实现性别平等目标中应当发挥的作用。  相似文献   

体育法是历来极有争议的法律现象,特别是有关它的地位的争论更是激烈.目前有四种观点:综合体育法论、部门法分支法论、体育行政法论和独立部门法论.由于我国目前体育立法主要是行政性立法、立法层次较低等原因,决定了我国体育法不可能具有独立的法律地位.  相似文献   

大学生是主要的就业人群之一,而女大学生就业性别歧视现象的存在已是不争的事实,成为挡在女大学生就业路上的一道难以逾越的门槛。就业过程中的性别歧视不仅挫伤了女大学生学习、生活的积极性,还可能助长部分女学生"学得好不如嫁得好"的观念。我国现行法律对女大学生就业性别歧视这一方面的规定存在盲点和不足之处,这是导致女大学生就业性别歧视这一现象长期以来得不到有效解决的重要原因。  相似文献   

市场需要国家的适当干预,国家干预可以采取政治、行政、经济和法律等手段,其中运用法律进行规制是最科学有效的,而且也只有国家能够对市场进行法律规制。自1995年颁布《体育法》十余年来,我国共制定体育行政法规和规范性文件7部,体育部门规章和规范性文件150余部,地方性体育法规和政府规章160余部。体育立法的领域也在不断扩展,立法质量不断提高,正在逐步形成基本覆盖体育领域的多个方面、位阶层次丰富的体育法规体系。但是,我国体育市场历经十几年的发展却不理想。本文通过调查访问和整理相关法律文件,认为我国体育市场长期处于行政管制时期,应该逐步过渡到法律规制阶段,用市场规制法的思维重新思考我国体育市场规制问题,促进我国体育市场的繁荣。  相似文献   

农民的“法律排斥”与“社会排斥”既相关联,又具有自身的独特性。“法律排斥”具有法制根本性、权利本质性和过程系统性等特征。从宪法权利体系而言,农民的“法律排斥”突出表现在:农民的选举权不对等、土地财产权不明确、结社权悬空、物质帮助权缺乏等。解决农民的“法律排斥”问题是一项法治系统工程,需从立法、行政、司法等多个方面予以完善。具体包括修改宪法和与完善专门立法,依法行政与实施普惠政策,确立司法保障与违宪审查制度。  相似文献   

和谐社会呼唤立法平等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粟丹 《法学论坛》2006,21(6):22-27
和谐社会的核心问题是协调好人与人的利益关系,利益关系在法律上表现为权利义务关系。当前我国出现一些不和谐现象的一个重要原因是立法上的权利义务分配不均。只有立法贯彻普遍平等的原则,赋予每个人平等的权利和义务,做到立法平等,才能使我们的社会利益趋于均衡,实现社会和谐。  相似文献   

It is well known that transgender youth in foster care often face egregious discrimination and victimization based on their gender identities. Unfortunately, transgender youth in foster care have also been deprived of transgender-specific medical care that is vital to their health and well-being. This Note advocates that child welfare agencies adopt legislation that will demonstrate their commitment to fulfilling their constitutional duty to provide medically necessary care to transgender youth in their custody. This Note examines recent case law on the topic and addresses counterarguments to the proposal, including risks associated with treatment, high cost, and the stigma of gender identity disorder. Ultimately, this Note concludes that adopting the proposed legislation is a necessary step toward securing health care rights for transgender foster care youth.  相似文献   

劳动权的平等保护及禁止就业歧视的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞铁力 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):118-123
目前我国社会就业歧视现象愈演愈烈,劳动权作为公民的基本权利之一,其内在包含的就业平等权要求禁止就业歧视,因此禁止就业歧视是劳动权的题中之义。本文将以劳动权的平等保护为出发点,界定就业歧视的概念和主要表现形式,论述禁止就业歧视的必要性。我国禁止就业歧视的相关立法存在不足,应从立法、执法、司法三方面完善禁止就业歧视、维护劳动者的就业平等权的法律保障。  相似文献   

In a report released on 23 June 2000, the Review Panel tasked by the federal Minister of Justice with reviewing the Canadian Human Rights Act made some welcome recommendations for improving the Act and the way the Canadian Human Rights Commission functions. Three are of particular significance: the recommendation that "social condition" be added to the prohibited grounds for discrimination listed in the Act; the recommendation that the Canadian Human Rights Commission should have, under its governing legislation, the duty to monitor and report to Parliament and the UN Human Rights Committee on the federal government's compliance with international human rights treaties regarding economic, social, and cultural rights; and the recommendation that "gender identity" should be expressly added to the Act as a prohibited ground of discrimination.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between EU anti‐discrimination law and intersexuality. Recent changes in German legislation that recognise intersexuality have prompted consideration of sex and gender throughout Europe. This article considers some of the disadvantages in the way the German legislation has been adopted and attempts to remedy them through the existent Recast Directive. The article rejects the current binary approach to sex and gender and recommends a broader interpretation that understands sex as a spectrum or continuum. It concludes that anti‐discrimination law may be a more suitable realm for questions of intersex to be raised than mandatory state documentation. Anti‐discrimination law is preferable, it is submitted, because it offers individuals an opt‐in model, which does not require any medical ‘proof’. Similarly, anti‐discrimination law offers activists a fluid site of resistance that is not based on medicine or the potential fixity of the birth certificate.  相似文献   

巴西体育法律规制介评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄世席 《河北法学》2003,21(4):123-127
巴西作为足球大国,其所有的体育立法都与足球有关,而对其他领域则涉及很少。目前生效的 《贝利法》对有关巴西体育的法律制度作了规定,主要有体育联盟的设立、赢利性体育组织的设 立、劳动合同规范、体育法庭的组成、转播权以及运动员的保险政策等规范。我国可以借鉴巴西 有关的体育立法以加强中国体育法制的建设。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国城乡差距总体上呈现逐步扩大的趋势。从法律的层面来看,国家对城镇和农村在资金投入、教育权利、劳动就业权利、社会保障权利的不平等待遇,是城乡差距产生的一个主要原因。随着以征地活动为主的城市化进程发展,法律的不完善导致城市化进程中农民利益进一步受损,加剧了城乡差别。统筹城乡发展要借鉴国际经验,通过积极的立法形式向农村倾斜,扶植农村经济的发展;通过完善土地征用的有关法律、加强农村社会保障的立法,构建农村社会保障制度维护农民的权利;以完善违宪审查制度为切入点,全面清理对农民不平等的政策法规,使农民和城镇居民一样享受到宪法规定的同等待遇。  相似文献   

Judicial protection of fundamental rights in the Commonwealth Caribbean is identifiable in recent decisions in the areas of: vindicatory damages; discrimination and mala fides; proportionality; and the independence of Magistrates. Under vindicatory damages, the courts recognise the need for non‐compensatory damages for breaches of fundamental rights. In the area of discrimination judicial decisions indicate a movement towards the removal of the requirement of proof of mala fides for an allegation of unequal treatment by a public authority. Also of note are the introduction of proportionality and protection against contracting out of Constitutional rights, with regard to magistrates and their tenure.  相似文献   

Abstract: The principle of equality of men and women as understood by Community institutions covers four distinguishable aspects. The first is equal treatment, defined in Community texts as the absence of legal gender discrimination. This concept focuses on individual rights and does not take into account the social context in which rules function. Second, the Community seeks to realise equal opportunities, understood as factual equality of chances. Third, Community law displays a concern for factually equal outcomes. The institutions accept legally different treatment that seeks to equalise unequal living conditions and inversely admit that facially neutral rules can have discriminatory effects. Finally, various documents conceive of gender equality as equal representation of the sexes in professional and public life. In the Kalanke decision of October 1995, the Court for the first time dealt with quotas in favour of women. It held that a national provision granting female candidates an automatic preference is incompatible with the right to equal treatment. The Court failed to acknowledge the tensions that arise from the coexistence of paradigms. An awareness of the multiplicity of concepts of equality, exhibited in Community law and rooted in the common constitutional heritage of the Member States, is however a prerequisite for a more sophisticated discussion of the issue of positive action.  相似文献   

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