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为了解决现阶段我国社会频繁出现的以报复社会为目的的犯罪案件以及群体性暴力事件问题,美国仇恨犯罪理论被引入刑法学和犯罪学的研究之中.但是本文通过从产生背景、犯罪原因和治理策略上对中美两国仇恨犯罪进行比较,最终认为中美两国仇恨犯罪无法被等量齐观,美国式仇恨犯罪在中国语境下并不具有相应的理论解释能力,径直将西方的研究模式移植到中国语境来分析中国特有的法律和社会问题的研究思路值得反思,因此应当对该理论的引进保持谨慎的态度.  相似文献   

任丹 《法制与社会》2010,(20):136-136
在当代社会,传媒与司法可谓是既密切又矛盾的关系,理论上要求两者相互配合,并且强调传媒对司法的监督,但是实际上,传媒和司法却难以实现真正意义上的监督和配合。本文将从传媒与司法的概念,两者在中国社会的现实关系及对两者关系的制度设计三方面展开论述。  相似文献   

"风险社会"理论席卷而来,在刑法解释的语境中,风险同样存在。由于解释目标不确定性、解释结论的多样性和刑法解释在实践中的"水土不服"导致了刑法解释在司法实践产生了很大的社会化风险。风险与利益并存,也许不能做到完全消除风险,但是可以对刑法解释的风险进行必要的防范与控制,以期许在防范刑法解释风险能有所裨益。  相似文献   

在中国,司法解释权是一种相对独立的权力,判文解释不属于司法解释,不具有司法解释的效力。现实生活中法官的能动性受到抑制,不少法官只是机械地适用法律,远不能适应千变万化的社会现实的司法需求,严格依法办事的结果与"民意"相背的情形难以避免。在现代社会中,如何吸纳民意已成为民众参与社会管理、参与司法和对司法实施监督的重要问题。应正确认识司法实践中运用判文解释的必然性及其与吸纳民意的内在关系;通过判文解释有效吸纳民意,化解司法和民意冲突,实现社会管理创新。  相似文献   

立足于我国宪法司法化不能的语境下,在民事审判中,需要运用合宪性解释来解决一些私法主体侵犯宪法权利或违背宪法精神,损害公民合法权益的民事纠纷。合宪性解释不是宪法解释,而是法律解释的一种,也应是法官的一种宪法义务。合宪性解释本质上是一种宪法评价。本文拟就合宪性解释在民事审判中的适用条件,方法规则以及相关的理论问题进行系统性阐述,以期对相关的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

郭卫军 《研究生法学》2008,23(5):137-142
美国当代学者、政治家昂格尔的著作《现代社会中的法律》一书,以法律为切人点对现代社会的特质及其所面临的种种问题进行了独到的剖析。在书中,他毫不隐晦地直陈现有的社会理论已经不能很好地解释现代社会,传统的社会理论范式遭遇了前所未有的困境。基于此,他试图重新建构起具有解释力的现实的社会理论,他的敏锐的问题意识,对我们重新梳理法律与社会的关系问题,反思现代性问题并反观到我们自身的“中国问题”均极具启发意义,可以说,这也恰是我做昂格尔此书的读书札记的目的之所在。  相似文献   

近些年来.我国刑事司法理论研究逐步成熟,学术界越来越重视对现实问题的思考.期望通过理论研究推进社会的进步和发展.反映了学术界强烈的社会责任感。河北大学法学院冯军教授所著的《刑事判决的合法性研究——在政治社会学语境中的分析》一书,就是这样一部力作。  相似文献   

法律解释(学)的基本问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
法律解释是法学研究的的永恒问题 ,但过去的研究仅揭示了法律解释的矛盾或片面地强调了问题的一个方面。本文作者认为事物本身原本就是以矛盾的形式存在的 ,反复进行克服矛盾的努力并不能促成矛盾的解决 ,矛盾依然存在。作者认为法律解释学者应当正视诸如规范与事实、一解与多解、独断与探究、主观与客观、解析与建构之间的矛盾 ,应该在不同的语境中摆正姿态。在一定程度上 ,解释者的姿态决定法律的命运。  相似文献   

一一种宪法实施的规范性理论 今年是82宪法实施三十周年,对于中国宪法实施的整体意义、现状、途径、等问题的思考是知识界的责任,同时也是社会舆论所关注的重大问题。然而,关于宪法实施仍然缺乏一种深层次的规范性理论的思考。一个最基本的问题就是,不能将宪法实施仅仅理解为一个摆脱了实质政治价值、抽离了具体社会语境,从而可以靠法律技术中立操作的程序。这种技术性思考以对宪法文本的解释为基础,但通过解释中国宪法,我们马上会发现文本呈现出一个巨大的、充满张力的开放空间:例如在主权运行上,现行宪法规定的“政党-国家”民主与“立法民主”的双重主权结构;  相似文献   

容易"概念错置",是在现代语境中研究传统中国法的先天障碍。日本学者寺田浩明以西方法为标准,提出"非规则型法"概念以重新认识传统中国法。本文对此新概念进行评述,并思考如何在现代语境中用传统中国法解释和解决现实问题。  相似文献   

间接正犯:以中国的立法与司法为视角   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
间接正犯是大陆法系刑法中的概念 ,在目前中国刑法和司法解释中尚未使用这一术语。但由于间接正犯能够准确而恰当地说明行为主体把一定的人作为中介实施其犯罪行为 ,而其所利用的中介由于某种情况不发生共犯关系的情形 ,这一问题在事实上早已进入我国刑法理论的研讨视野 ,并在司法实践中发挥着实际作用。那么 ,中国的刑事立法与司法应给予间接正犯以何种地位 ,怎样认识间接正犯的性质 ,如何把握间接正犯的形式 ,实践中如何对间接正犯加以认定 ,就成为需要研讨的课题。  相似文献   

面对中国的法学   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文通过对 2 0 0 3年所发生的孙志刚事件和刘涌案的反思 ,指出中国的法律人必须重新在中国的环境中理解法律 ,在中国社会变迁的时空中来理解中国的法律问题 ,要更多用中国人自己的眼光和视角 ,审视包括法律人自身的一切。  相似文献   

This article examines how governments can regulate the values of social media companies that themselves regulate disinformation spread on their own platforms. We use ‘disinformation’ to refer to motivated faking of news. We examine the effects that disinformation initiatives (many based on automated decision-making systems using Artificial Intelligence [AI] to cope with the scale of content being shared) have on freedom of expression, media pluralism and the exercise of democracy, from the wider lens of tackling illegal content online and concerns to request proactive (automated) measures of online intermediaries. We particularly focus on the responses of the member states and institutions of the European Union. In Section 1, we argue that the apparent significance of the threat has led many governments to legislate despite this lack of evidence, with over 40 national laws to combat disinformation chronicled by March 2019. Which types of regulation are proposed, which actors are targeted, and who is making these regulations? Regulating fake news should not fall solely on national governments or supranational bodies like the European Union. Neither should the companies be responsible for regulating themselves. Instead, we favour co-regulation. Co-regulation means that the companies develop – individually or collectively – mechanisms to regulate their own users, which in turn must be approved by democratically legitimate state regulators or legislatures, who also monitor their effectiveness. In Section 2, we explain the current EU use of Codes of Conduct. In Section 3, we then explain the relatively novel idea that social media content regulation, and specifically disinformation, can be dealt with by deploying AI at massive scale. It is necessary to deal with this technological issue in order to explain the wider content of co-regulatory policy options, which we explain and for which we argue in Section 4. In Section 5 we explain what this means for technology regulation generally, and the socio-economic calculus in this policy field.  相似文献   

This article builds on recent field research to articulate a principle-based approach to environmental regulatory design that is applicable to a wide variety of circumstances, irrespective of political and social particularities. At its core, this approach recognizes that an excessive reliance on "single-instrument" policies is misguided, because all instruments have strengths and weaknesses, and none is sufficiently flexible and resilient to successfully address all environmental problems in all contexts. A better strategy is to harness the strengths of individual mechanisms while compensating for their weaknesses by the use of additional instruments. That is, in the large majority of circumstances, a mix of regulatory instruments is required, tailored to specific policy goals. The article identifies a series of regulatory design principles that sequentially address the problems and opportunities arising from the application of multi-instrument mixes and engaging a variety of first-, second-, and third-party participants in the regulatory process. The importance of choosing inherently complementary instrument combinations is also highlighted, with practical guidance provided to policymakers. Although the focus of the article is on environmental regulation, the general principles articulated should also be applicable to other areas of social regulation.  相似文献   

With the increased popularity of online social networking services (SNS) such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+, we propose that a wealth of new resources is available for medicolegal death investigation. Recognizing this potential, we identified cases in which social media had been useful in the past in our office and asked our investigative staff to consider using social media in current cases. These cases provided illustrative examples for this primer regarding how information from SNS was used in death investigations in our office. Information gleaned from online social media aided in establishing preliminary identification of a decedent, locating next‐of‐kin, investigating the circumstances of death as relevant to the manner of death, corroborating eyewitness accounts, and providing information relevant to time of death. Potential pitfalls were identified, such as shared accounts or online impostors. SNS proved useful to the medicolegal death investigator and medical examiner, so long as their limitations were recognized.  相似文献   

经济法的中国性问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究经济法的中国性问题旨在将经济法的本土性、回应性落实于实际。转型中国经济社会的变革和发展显然具有不同于西方国家的本土性,由此,需要经济法学研究秉持"嵌入"型思维来分析转型期经济法具体应回应的中国性问题,并在制度层面上作出应对。经济法解决中国性问题的进路,就是从法学思维出发,推动市场化转型与宪政转型的互动,着眼于社会分化下的强弱势群体间的利益、权利失衡,并构建以经济民主为中心的社会整体利益实现机制。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, the Spanish social fabric has undergone a variety of profound changes, which in turn may explain the rise in police-recorded crime and prison population figures. Although the rise in crime reported to the police has been higher for common offences—misdemeanors—, the mainstream media concentrates overwhelmingly in serious violent crimes—felonies—. Spain does not have an official agency responsible for conducting victimization surveys to measure crime trends as directly experienced by the citizens. Based on this methodology, our study shows that contrary to information gathered from police data, and despite social fabric changes, crime in Spain is decreasing. The present study also reveals the distorted public perception of this trend, which seems to respond to a repetitive coverage of serious crime by the mainstream media.  相似文献   

媒体对司法的监督   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王建林 《河北法学》2004,22(6):133-136
大众传媒是当今社会公众了解公共信息并表达意见的主要渠道。媒体的监督具有促进司法独立、司法公开和司法公正的价值,但媒体与司法之间同时存在着冲突。冲突的解决应当从各国的实际情况出发,找到两者之间的平衡,以达到保障人权和司法公正的实现。从我国的司法现状看,更应强调对媒体作为公众舆论渠道的保护。  相似文献   

本文从患者承诺作为医疗行为的正当性根据出发,从比较法的视角观察了医疗行为中患者承诺的一般有效要件及特殊情形下的豁免与例外等诸种情形,用尊重个人自决权和社会连带之限制的理论阐释了前述情形,最后通过对"安乐死"的简要分析初步回答了如何平衡患者的个人自决权与社会连带之限制这一问题。  相似文献   

The framework brought forward by the United Kingdom's Defamation Act 2013 underlines a traditional hierarchy of expression in which news media are viewed as high-level speech. Although of a different form, social media are a dominant means of expression. The current study explores the rationale for a more robust and forceful discussion of responsibility in speech on social media platforms. The underlying premise here is that speech should be viewed as a qualified good and that a more appropriate paradigm is one found in the phrase ‘freedom to participate’.  相似文献   

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