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李苑 《刑事技术》2002,(5):62-64
数码影像是由高新信息技术引发的一种新的证据形式,虽然我国司法实践中已经开始使用这类证据,但是,由于数码影像具有易修改和不易留痕的特性,在真实性方面人们始终存有诸多疑虑,如;数码影像的真实性如何?技术上,专业人员如何操作才能保证真实性?诉讼过程中,哪些数码影像可以采信?哪些现在不易采信?等等。以至于一些专业人员也有些迷茫了,甚至有的竟不敢按动计算机中的任何一个图像编辑按钮,生怕越“雷池”一步……。显然,由数码影像资料证据的真实性而引发这一系列问题,一定程度上已经对实际工作构成了障碍。因此,认真研究…  相似文献   

庄乾龙 《时代法学》2012,10(2):37-43
司法实践中电子邮件加密方法主要有对称密钥加密与非对称密钥加密两类,结合数字认证、数字签名等辅助加密技术,可以相应提高加密级别,增加电子邮件安全性。一般而言,加密电子邮件可靠性要高于非加密电子邮件,加密电子邮件证据能力受解密程序影响。电子邮件证据证明力受加密方法、行为人对电子邮件控制程度等因素影响。电子邮件证据证明力随加密级别的提高而提高。  相似文献   

本文分析了二维条码技术防伪的优越性,提出了使用二维条码提高机动车号牌防伪特性的技术方案.首先使用授权数字证书对号牌的生产信息、车辆信息进行数字签名,生成加密二维码,然后通过激光刻蚀工艺,将二维条码直接标记在号牌背面,最后公安交通管理机关验证二维码的合法性.实验结果表明该方案使用数字加密和自动识别技术,具有简单、可靠、成本低等优点,可以有效提高号牌防伪性能.  相似文献   

郝新华 《政法学刊》2003,20(2):74-75
数码影像的质量完全适合刑事照相的要求,数码影像的证据作用也不容置疑。当前,摆在刑事照相技术人员面前的主要任务应该是如何更好地将数码照相技术运用于刑事照相,解决数码照相技术在刑事照相运用中出现的质量、证据等新问题,研究解决的新方法。  相似文献   

凭借科学技术的发展,各种造假手段也日益猖獗起来,花样繁多。与此同时,防伪技术也在向高科技、深层次、多方位的方向发展。截至1998年底,全国从事防伪产品的生产企业已有上千家,防伪技术已有几十个门类,仅在国家专利局申报批准的防伪专利就近200项。防卫技术大致可以分为九个方面。一、印章、印油、墨水的防伪技术1.印章防伪。主要是印章的图文加密、新型章体、光学防伪印章等。如日本TATYO集团SUN系列产品,采用了智能IC卡加密技术、条码技术与先进的电脑制作技术结合,使伪造印章几乎不可能。承德方达防伪印章设…  相似文献   

伴随互联网技术的发展,数字化生活于司法领域导入相应数字形态诉讼证据,传统证据体系之逻辑规则无疑受到新介质载体的极大挑战,本文拟以司法实务为索引,以TSA(可信时间戳)技术在司法取证中的应用方案为基础,针对电子证据保全与开示程序中出现的证据真实性问题,提出相关证据采集系统建构的设想与论证,以期提出技术视野下解决司法实践问题的新思路。  相似文献   

DNA证据以其高度的个体特异性,被视为"证据之王",但DNA技术所提供的只是一种证据,是为司法活动服务的,而司法活动是人的活动,将DNA技术正确应用,必须和司法规律相契合,才能避免错案。  相似文献   

胡萌 《证据科学》2021,(1):31-40
区块链技术因其自身特性而与司法需求相契合,被日益广泛地应用于确权与存证领域,也更加突显了电子证据的独立价值.相关司法解释对区块链技术作为电子存证手段进行了法律确认,助推第三方存证机构与司法区块链平台的搭建,有利于改善传统电子证据采信率低的司法现状.由于区块链技术的复杂性以及司法审查规则的缺位,区块链存证对于电子数据真实...  相似文献   

非法证据是刑事诉讼活动中一个不容回避的现象。立法和司法上如何对待非法证据,不仅反映了诉讼技术层面的差异,而且体现了诉讼文明程度和法治发展水平。然而,目前,我国立法对非法证据的排除规则和举证责任的分担尚没有明确规定,造成司法实践中做法不一。笔者就非法证据的排除规则及如何确认证据合法与否的举证责任谈点看法。  相似文献   

行政执法与刑事司法之间存在着密切的联系,近年来,我国加强了行政执法和刑事司法的衔接工作,对各类违法犯罪活动进行了有效的打击,但是由于行政执法与刑事司法之间还没有形成顺畅的衔接机制,行政执法证据在刑事诉讼中作为证据使用还存在一系列的问题,有鉴于此,本文着重对行政执法证据在刑事诉讼中作为证据的使用问题进行了分析和研究,以期能够对行政执法证据转化为刑事司法证据提供必要的参考意见。  相似文献   

The physical comparison of known (K) and questioned (Q) evidence samples is an accepted tool in numerous forensic identification disciplines (1). A subset of this process is the use of antemortem and postmortem dental radiographs to identify unidentified human remains. This method has been generally accepted for decades (2). The outcome is performed with a considerable degree of accuracy, due in part to a finite pool of possible candidates for identification derived via the NCIC database, passenger lists, and law enforcement Missing Persons reports. This paper describes a dental identification comparison protocol that incorporated digital imaging technology in this process. The computer was used to create digital exemplars of the K and Q evidence that were spatially and quantitatively compared (3). The digital mode allowed direct metric and morphologic comparison through the aid of a digital camera, desktop computer, monitor, and printer. The well-known computer program Adobe Photoshop 5.0 (4) was used to process the digital information in two forensic cases described in this paper. It is a commercially available digital imaging editing program that is operated on laptop and desktop computers possessing sufficient chip speed and RAM (Pentium II or equivalent and at least 76MB RAM) to open the large-size files generated by high-resolution digital capture devices. This program accepts raster-based image formats (e.g. .JPG, .BMP). Photoshop is noted for its diverse imaging functions, which allow the computer monitor to be used as a comparison microscope when Q and K sample images are tiled side-by-side and/or superimposed. Two and three-dimensional Q and K evidence samples can be individually digitized and then independently resized to allow two-dimensional comparison. The investigator also has the ability to create magnified images (200% to 300%) when the original digital image has been captured at near photoquality resolution (300 dpi). The visual comparison of physical features on the computer monitor permits a large field of view and robust digital control over image quality. Photographic measurement and enhancement features of Adobe Photoshop mimics and in some circumstances surpasses the historic use of conventional photographic manipulation in forensic casework. This paper presents two cases processed via routine forensic odontology identification protocols. These protocols had minimal results due to limitations described in the case histories. The additional application of digital methods proved useful in the ultimate identification of these human remains.  相似文献   

Android智能手机的取证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一种新兴的智能手机,Android手机发展势头极为迅猛,并越来越多的受到人们的关注。通过对Android智能手机的取证研究,在介绍了Android手机的基本工作原理后,详细描述了取证方式。通过Android SDK工具对手机内外置存储进行镜像备份,逻辑分析利用文件系统分析,查找每个应用程序自带的数据库文件来获得有价值信息,物理分析通过对内存镜像进行数据恢复以寻找删除的文件,两者互相结合。结果表明,能够从Android手机中有效寻找到潜在证据。  相似文献   

The emergence of webOS on Palm devices has created new challenges and opportunities for digital investigators. With the purchase of Palm by Hewlett Packard, there are plans to use webOS on an increasing number and variety of computer systems. These devices can store substantial amounts of information relevant to an investigation, including digital photographs, videos, call logs, SMS/MMS messages, e-mail, remnants of Web browsing and much more. Although some files can be obtained from such devices with relative ease, the majority of information of forensic interest is stored in databases on a system partition that many mobile forensic tools do not acquire. This paper provides a methodology for acquiring and examining forensic duplicates of user and system partitions from a device running webOS. The primary sources of digital evidence on these devices are covered with illustrative examples. In addition, the recovery of deleted items from various areas on webOS devices is discussed.  相似文献   

The forensic science community raised the need for improved evidence recognition, collection, and visualization analytical instrumentation for field and laboratory use. While the 3D optical techniques for imaging static objects have been extensively studied, there is still a major gap between current knowledge and collecting high‐quality footwear and tire impression evidence. Among optical means for 3D imaging, digital fringe projection (DFP) techniques reconstruct 3D shape from phase information, achieving camera‐pixel spatial resolution. This paper presents a high‐resolution 3D imaging technology using DFP techniques dedicated to footwear and tire impression capture. We developed fully automated software algorithms and a graphical user interface (GUI) that allow anyone without training to operate for high‐quality 3D data capture. We performed accuracy evaluations and comparisons comparing with the commercial high‐end 3D scanner and carried out qualitative tests for various impressions comparing with the current practices. Overall, our technology achieves similar levels of accuracy and resolution with a high‐end commercially available 3D scanner, while having the merits of being (1) more affordable; (2) much easier to operate; and (3) more robust. Compared with the current practice of casting, our technology demonstrates its superiority because it (1) is non‐destructive; (2) collects more evidence detail than casts, especially when an impression is fragile; (3) requires less time and money to collect each piece of evidence; and (4) results in a digital file that can easily be shared with other examiners.  相似文献   

数字证据的程序法定位--技术、经济视角的法律分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于证据在程序中的重要地位以及证据与社会发展息息相关的紧密关联,要促进程序法在数字时代的发展,首先要研究的便是数字技术对包括民事、行政、刑事证据在内的程序证据制度的影响.使用"计算机证据"、"电子证据"概念并不能科学地归纳出这种证据的内涵,而"数字证据"概念则更符合其本质特征.在证据类型上,数字证据与书证、视听资料等已有证据类型颇不相同,是一种新的独立的证据类型,并且,在证据规则上,数字证据具有与其数字技术特性相应的新规则.  相似文献   

Bite mark evidence seen in skin injuries or objects is commonly photographed for evidentiary documentation, preservation, and analysis. Distortion in forensic evidence photographs diminishes the outcome of analytical procedures available to the forensic odontologist. Inaccurate positioning of the evidence, camera, or measurement reference scale creates perspective and parallax distortion of the captured image. These variables must be eliminated, if possible, to ensure reliable results derived from comparison of the suspect teeth and the bite mark. Detection and measurement of camera/evidence/scale misalignment is the threshold step in evidence evaluation, and is possible through digital imaging methods coupled with established methods. Correction (rectification) of perspective distortion is possible through the application of additional digital editing techniques. This study establishes type categories of perspective and parallax distortion seen in bite mark evidence, validates the use of the digital imaging tools of Adobe Photoshop to correct certain types of distortion, and establishes a forensic protocol to verify the accuracy of evidence photographs requiring dimensional accuracy.  相似文献   

The increasingly global role of a forensic anthropologist necessitates a proper means for archiving evidence for re-examination. Large quantities of evidence can be stored and be made readily accessible through digital imaging. This study focuses on age assessment from digital photographs for personal identity reconstructions. A comparison of 52 Suchey-Brooks scores assigned to digital images and actual bone revealed that age assessment from digital images can be completed with accuracy. Coefficients of concordance imply that there significant agreement between osteological assessment of aging criteria from digital images and direct observation-greater than random change alone (p < 0.05). However, assessments from images should be approached with caution since there are inherent limitations of the naked eye in identifying morphological changes in certain skeletal features, especially where older adults are concerned. Although there is no replacement for a hands-on physical assessment, a digital archive may facilitate the global needs of the forensic anthropologist.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) with a focus on relevance to digital forensic investigators. RDAP was developed as the successor to the aging WHOIS system and is intended to eventually replace WHOIS as the authoritative source for registration information on IP addresses, Domain Names, Autonomous Systems, and more. RDAP uses a RESTful interface over HTTP and introduces a number of new features related to security, internationalization, and standardized query/response definitions. It is important for digital forensic investigators to become familiar with RDAP as it will play an increasingly important role in Internet investigations requiring the search and collection of registration data as evidence.  相似文献   

数字文化商品是信息社会诞生的一种新型的财产形态。美国法对数字文化商品提供知识产权保护;俄罗斯则直接以所有权模式对它加以保护;欧盟则把数字文化商品交易作为服务对待。这三种保护模式均有失偏颇。应立足数字文化商品的自身属性,理性反思《美国统一计算机信息交易法》确立的信息权制度,以大陆法系的民法思维进行重构。信息权是一种既不同于知识产权和物权又不同于债权的崭新的财产权形态,是权利人直接支配特定的信息产品并排除他人干涉的权利。大陆法系视野下的信息权制度的提出,不仅可以有效地为数字文化商品确权,而且可以为数字文化商品交易规则的构建奠定基础。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(4):424-432
In forensic radiology, computed tomography (CT) is often used as a medical imaging technique to identify the cause and manner of death of deceased victims of a possible crime. In this study, medical imaging is used to examine concealed bodies and packaging materials. Medical imaging techniques, mainly CT scan, were used to scan packaged or concealed bodies inside containers to identify clues and evidence indicating whether a crime might have been committed. Also, scene integrity and scene safety along with a systematic search for relevant evidentiary items value were considered.Eighteen concealed bodies that had been assessed using medical imaging techniques between 2010 and 2018 at the request of the Dutch National Police were selected. The file records of each case contained imaging data, a photographic record of the unpacking procedure, a list of all items and traces found in the package, and the forensic pathology report. The images were assessed with respect to the different aspects of the case and through a systematic approach.The packages included adult males, adult females, newborn infants, and animals. All human cases were related to criminal offences. In nine adult cases, evidence of a possible violent death could be determined using CT imaging. The cause of death in newborn infants, however, could not be determined. In cases of dismemberment, the completeness of the body could be determined by CT imaging, and the cutting surfaces of bones could be matched on CT images. Regarding scene safety and integrity, in this study all relevant macroscopic items were detected on the CT images.The CT-scans were supplemented with fiduciary markers to better map CT data with the real objects. This information in combination with 2D and 3D images provided the forensic investigator with information on how to unwrap the package layer by layer and help determine different types of packaging materials. Different textiles could not always be identified. The orientation of the body within the packages was provided in all cases, and advice could be given on the optimal approach to access the contents. The overall detection rate of items was 78%.This is one of the first studies to illustrate the contribution of medical imaging, specifically CT scan, to the analysis of concealed bodies and packaging materials prior to unpacking. This demonstrates its contribution to a systematic approach of the investigation by ensuring the safety and health of the investigator while documenting and maintaining the integrity of the crime scene. Imaging also provides information that can be helpful to determine whether a crime might have been committed and reducing the risk of damaging a concealed body. Medical imaging also provides the forensic investigator with information to draw up a workplan prior to unpacking, minimising loss of evidence and determining whether different forensic specialists (e.g., digital or DNA) are needed. It is therefore strongly recommended to use medical imaging, especially CT scanning, before opening a package containing a concealed body.  相似文献   

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