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Three geographic areas of Italy have been sampled and genotyped for 9 Y chromosome STRs: DYS19, DYS385, DYS388, DYS389 I and II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393. Sampling was focused on residents of small areas, well distant from major urban centres. Only individuals whose grandfather would live in the same area were included. A total of 210 unrelated individuals were collected. Distribution of genetic variation across the three samples and comparison with previously published Italian database indicated that so far Y chromosome diversity has been only partially explored in the Italian Peninsula.  相似文献   

To establish a database for the three MiniNC01 loci D10S1248, D14S1434, D22S1045 in a population sample from North-eastern Italy, 102 unrelated individuals were typed. DNA was amplified in a multiplex reaction with subsequent automatic detection using capillary electrophoresis. The obtained data give a contribution to the definition of Italian population miniSTRs allele frequencies for the three analysed loci. These three MiniSTRs were tested on 21 neoplastic tissues and the obtained genotypes were compared to those obtained from normal tissue. Only 3 cases (14.28%) gave a different genotype suggesting a better performance of these markers than traditional STRs.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty individuals have been sampled across Central-South Italy and genotyped for Y chromosome STRs by PowerPlex Y system. Comparison with previous Italian databases revealed that majority of Y chromosome variation still need to be sampled. Identification of locus duplications, distribution of genetic variation and firstly identified alleles point to the necessity of more focused sampling strategies for reference databases.  相似文献   

STR profiling of animal species has a wide range of applications, including forensic identification, wildlife preservation, veterinary public health protection and food safety. We tested the efficacy of a multiplex PCR-based assay including 11 porcine-specific tetrameric STRs in a population sample of wild boars (n = 142) originating from Piedmont (North West Italy). Multiple deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were observed, mostly due to a reduction in observed heterozygosity indicative of a high degree of inbreeding. A value of θ of 0.046 and an inbreeding coefficient of 0.089 were estimated. Combined power of discrimination and probability of exclusion values for the STR panel were 0.9999999999996 and 0.99989. In order to test the suitability of the method for meat traceability purposes, a domestic pig reference sample (n = 412), consisting of commercial lines commonly used in the meat production process, was also typed. A Bayesian cluster analysis carried out using the observed genotypes, showed a percentage of correct subspecies assignment of individual samples of 0.974 for wild boars and 0.991 for pigs, thus demonstrating the usefulness of the multiplex STR-typing system for discrimination purposes.  相似文献   

In this study, Japanese and Han Chinese individuals (n = 32, each) were genotyped for 261 autosomal STRs, and allele frequencies were calculated for each locus in each population. The average number of alleles for all loci in Japanese and Han Chinese populations was 6.65 and 6.56, respectively. The tests for deviations from HWE performed using an exact test showed that the number of STRs (P > 0.05) in Japanese and Han Chinese populations was 236 and 241, respectively. Calculation of forensic parameters showed heterozygosity, and the exclusion means in the Japanese population were 0.7185 and 4813 and those in the Han Chinese population were 0.7308 and 0.5008. In addition, population genetic analyses, such as principal component analysis and factorial correspondence analysis, were performed and a differential formula with likelihood ratios was applied for various number of STR loci based on the effectiveness of differentiation between the two populations. Accordingly, this study suggests that statistical differentiation between genetically close populations, such as the Japanese and Han Chinese populations, is possible if approximately 40–50 effective STR loci are analyzed.  相似文献   

The distribution of Y chromosomal haplotypes and haplogroups in two different population samples from the Romagna region (North Italy) was performed. One population sample was collected in the urban area of Rimini, an ancient port in Roman age and the other one in the near and geographically more isolated rural area of Valmarecchia. Fast and slow evolving markers have been studied to infer population history and to analyse the microgeographic heterogeneity of Y chromosome in a Northern Italian region. Haplotype variability values compared to those observed in a Central Italy sample from the other side of Apennine mountains and in an Austrian population sample were very similar.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(3):243-252
Typing short tandem repeats (STRs) is the basis for human identification in current forensic testing. The standard method uses capillary electrophoresis (CE) to separate amplicons by length and fluorescent labeling. In recent years new methods, including massively parallel sequencing (MPS), have been developed which increased the discriminative power of STRs through sequencing. MPS also offers the opportunity to test more genetic markers in a run than is possible with standard CE technology. Verogen’s ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep kit includes over 150 genetic markers [STRs and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)]. Further, MPS separation depends on sequences rather than lengths; therefore, amplicons can be small or even of the same lengths. These improvements are advantageous when testing challenging forensic samples that could be severely degraded.This study tested the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep kit in repeated experimental runs on series of degraded DNA samples, ranging from mild to severe degradation, as well as 24 mock case-type samples, derived from bones, blood cards, and teeth. Despite passing the quality metrics, positive controls (2800 M) showed drop-outs at some loci, mostly SNPs. Sequencing DNA samples repeatedly in two experimental runs as well as sequencing one pooled library in triplicate led to the assumption that spurious alleles of the Y-STRs in this study were not a result of sequencing artifacts but could be due to sequence structures (e.g. duplications, palindromes) of the Y-chromosome and/or might be accumulated during library preparation.Two sets of serially degraded DNA samples revealed that dropped-out loci were primarily loci with long amplicons as well as low read numbers (coverage), e.g. PentaE, DXS8378, and rs1736442. STRs started to drop out at degradation indices (DIs) > 4. However, severely degraded DNA (DI: 44) still resulted in 90% of the 20 CODIS loci, while only 35% were obtained using Promega’s PowerPlex® Fusion kit, a current standard CE kit. Mock case-type samples confirmed these results. ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep kit demonstrated that it can be successfully used on degraded DNA samples. This study may be helpful for other laboratories assessing and validating MPS technologies.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(2):229-237
The existence of the Chinese population in the predominantly Malay population in Indonesia can be traced back thousands of years, and it has been suspected that it played an essential role in the history of the Malay population origin in Maritime South East Asia. With the fact that the Malay-Indonesian population is currently predominant compared to the Chinese population in Indonesia (Chinese-Indonesian), the selection of the origin of the STRs allele frequency panel population becomes an issue in DNA profiling, including in paternity testing. This study analyses the genetic relationship between the Chinese-Indonesian and Malay-Indonesian populations and how this affects the Paternity Index (PI) ??calculation in paternity test cases. The study of the relationship between populations was carried out using neighbour-joining (NJ) tree analysis and multidimensional scaling (MDS) on the allele frequency panel of 19 autosomal STRs loci of Malay-Indonesian (n = 210) and Chinese-Indonesian (n = 78) populations. Four population groups were used as references: Malay-Malaysian, Filipino, Chinese, and Caucasian. An MDS analysis was also performed based on the pairwise FST calculation. The combined Paternity Index (CPI) calculation was carried out on 132 paternity cases from the Malay-Indonesian population with inclusive results using a panel of allele frequencies from the six populations. The pairwise FST MDS indicates a closer relationship between the Chinese-Indonesian and Malay-Indonesian compared to the Chinese population, which is in line with the CPIs comparison test. The outcome suggests that the alternative use of allele frequency database between Malay-Indonesian and Chinese-Indonesian for CPI calculations is not very influential. These results can also be considered in studying the extent of genetic assimilation between the two populations. In addition, these results support the robustness claim of multivariate analysis to represent phenomena that phylogenetic analyses may not be able to demonstrate, especially for massive panel data.  相似文献   

The CEPH human genome diversity cell line panel (CEPH-HGDP) of 51 globally distributed populations was used to analyze patterns of variability in 20 core human identification STRs. The markers typed comprised the 15 STRs of Identifiler, one of the most widely used forensic STR multiplexes, plus five recently introduced European Standard Set (ESS) STRs: D1S1656, D2S441, D10S1248, D12S391 and D22S1045. From the genotypes obtained for the ESS STRs we identified rare, intermediate or off-ladder alleles that had not been previously reported for these loci. Examples of novel ESS STR alleles found were characterized by sequence analysis. This revealed extensive repeat structure variation in three ESS STRs, with D12S391 showing particularly high variability for tandem runs of AGAT and AGAC repeat units. The global geographic distribution of the CEPH panel samples gave an opportunity to study in detail the extent of substructure shown by the 20 STRs amongst populations and between their parent population groups. An assessment was made of the forensic informativeness of the new ESS STRs compared to the loci they will replace: CSF1PO, D5S818, D7S820, D13S317 and TPOX, with results showing a clear enhancement of discrimination power using multiplexes that genotype the new ESS loci. We also measured the ability of Identifiler and ESS STRs to infer the ancestry of the CEPH-HGDP samples and demonstrate that forensic STRs in large multiplexes have the potential to differentiate the major population groups but only with sufficient reliability when used with other ancestry-informative markers such as single nucleotide polymorphisms. Finally we checked for possible association by linkage between the two ESS multiplex STRs closely positioned on chromosome-12: vWA and D12S391 by examining paired genotypes from the complete CEPH data set.  相似文献   

On February 22nd, 2021, a landslide on the Italian coast caused the collapse of an old cemetery. About 370 coffins tumbled and more than 200 fell into the sea. 333 groups of unidentified human remains were found: 140 decomposed bodies and 193 bags of commingled skeletal remains. The Medical Staff of Legal and Forensic Medicine was involved for analyzing the remains in order to identify and bury them. The remains involved belonged to people who died between the end of the XIX century and 2017; all were interesting by advanced transformative phenomena. For the identifications, new forms, based on the Interpol DVI ones, were created. Information was collected by relatives through a specific antemortem form. Relatives’ information and post-mortem data were compared: 19 body were identified thanks to secondary methods (like object in the bury, dresses, medical devices). 147 bone samples (long bones and teeth) were collected for the genetic analysis. Among the 77 relatives eligible for a genetic comparison, 66 gave consent to DNA swab for collection and genetic typing. Currently, after 48 samples DNA analysis (STRs and Y-polymorphism) 12 remains were identified, 21 presented a profile suitable for comparison but without attribution, and 7 did not return a comparable profile caused by stochastic effects. 31 subjects have been identified and the genetics analysis are still in progress. The Cemetery collapse shows that every disaster requires a tailored approach.  相似文献   

Sample disruption was a necessary step for DNA isolation. Bone and teeth were useful biological sources particular in human remains and advance decomposed bodies. The compact bone and teeth required several preparation steps prior to analyzing process. However, the methods in standard protocol were laborious and time consuming. An alternating pulverization, bead beating homogenizer, was purposed in its effectiveness for forensic casework. (1) Here, we applied this technique to the burnt cracked bone and tooth that recovered from house fire for forensic DNA analysis. After cleansed an external surface, the eight multidirectional motion tissue homogenizer, Precellys® evolution, was utilized to pulverize bone and tooth followed by a DNA extraction and amplification. For detection with a capillary electrophoresis, full profiles of autosomal STRs and Y-chromosomal STRs were recovered from tooth sample but the partial profile STR was demonstrated in bone sample. The new technique in bone homogenization was less time consuming (around 30 s), less exposure to chemical agents (no need of liquid nitrogen), high efficiency, with high-throughput productivity.  相似文献   

Application of subpopulation theory to evaluation of DNA evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The strength of any evidence can be assessed using a likelihood ratio (from Bayes' point of view). This is the ratio of the probabilities that the evidence would have been obtained given that the suspect is guilty and innocent, respectively. This, in turn, depends upon the probability that a match will be produced if the suspect is innocent. An essential population genetics parameter is the 'coancestry coefficient', or θ, or F(ST), which is the correlation between two genes sampled from distinct individuals within a subpopulation. In this paper, θ coefficients for the southern Polish population were calculated for three loci of forensic interest: TH01, TPOX and CSF1PO. Three small southern Polish subpopulations of different ethnic origin were analysed. The results suggest that values of θ appropriate to forensic applications are quite small in the southern Polish population (they vary in the range of 0.002 to 0.013), and the value of θ=0.03 suggested by the National Research Council is too conservative for the defendant.  相似文献   

Two women were found dead inside a residence. Choke causes death in one that had been naked in a bed and contusion injury in another that was found on a sofa. Were received samples of vaginal and anal swabs of the two victims of homicide with suspected of having suffered sexual violence. References also received samples of two victims and a suspect. We performed genetic analysis for identification of samples from the meeting of any possibility of overlap between patterns and profiles of sequences of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based on genetic relationship between those involved. The reference samples were subjected to the procedure of extraction of nuclear DNA by Chelex method and the swabs samples by differential extraction. For all the samples were performed for amplification of STRs loci and autosomal STRs of chromosome Y. The profiles of DNA sequences were obtained by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), using sequences starting with marked substances emitting fluorescence detected by reading the optical laser in 3100 Avant automatic sequencer from Applied Biosystems. The information of consecutive loci of Short Repeats or STRs of autosomal chromosomes and the Y chromosome was obtained using the systems or products sold in multilocus, methodologies recommended by the supplier and valid for analysis of DNA. We used the multilocus Identifiler and YFiler system of Applied Biosystems to the amplification of samples. The validation of results has shown a genetic profile in male anal secretion of the victims with a complete coincidence with the suspect.  相似文献   

Analysis of forensic samples to evaluate the rate of success for molecular markers: autosomal STRs, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA. Since 2006 to date a total of 390 forensic samples were analyzed: bones, teeth, hairs, swabs, stains and paraffin embedded tissue. Bones and teeth, were pulverized in a Freezer Mill, extracted by chloroform/phenol/isoamyl alcohol method, and then purified with Centricon 100 columns. DNA from paraffin was extracted with QIAmp DNA Mini kit (QIAGEN). Mitochondrial DNA Control Region sequences were determined for regions HV1/HV2. Sequencing was performed using the BigDye® Terminator v 1.1 Kit and analyzed in ABIPRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer (AB). STRs were amplified using Amp FlSTR Identifiler®, Minifiler® and YFiler® Kit (AB) and analyzed in ABI PRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer and ABI PRISM® 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (AB). Among forensic samples, bones and teeth analyzed for autosomal STRs, we obtained successful results in all of them. Incomplete typing are represented by loci of higher molecular weight, which demonstrates the poor quality of the sample due to its state of degradation and obtained better results using mini STRs. Successful results in sequencing for mitochondrial HV1 region for all samples analyzed, but in few hair samples we obtained mixed sequences and that represented important difficulties for the analysis. Age of samples and conservation are factors related which affect DNA viability. Autosomal STRs solved all the samples analyzed in our study, but Y chromosome analysis and mitochondrial DNA sequencing are also important and necessary markers in some forensic cases.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between chronological age and pulp tooth area ratio (PTR) in maxillary central teeth using cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) images in the Turkish population. The sample consisted of CBCT images of 120 male and female subjects between 14 and 75 years old. The PTR of the maxillary central teeth was calculated using inVivo 5 software (Anatomage, San Jose, CA). Data were analyzed with independent t‐test and Pearson's rank correlation test. There was a significant negative correlation between chronological age and PTR (r = ?0.615). The results showed that the PTR of maxillary central teeth is a reliable method for age estimation in the Turkish population.  相似文献   

调查DYS19、DYS390和DYS389Ⅰ/Ⅱ基因座在广东汉族群体的单倍型分布。PCR扩增后,用不连续PAGE电泳系统分型。在130名无关男性个体中,共检出81种不同的单倍型,其中52种只出现过1次。4个基因座单倍型的遗传多样性、个体识别率和非父排除率分别为0.9989,0.9824,0.9824,结果表明,4个STR基因座的单倍型检测在法医学个体识别和亲权鉴定方面有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Existing histological age estimation methods using the rib were developed mainly from the midshaft; however, in forensic practice, uncertainty of sampling location often arises due to fragmented or previously sampled ribs. The potential for error increases when sampling location is uncertain and utilizing a section beyond the midshaft (either anterior or posterior) may result in erroneous age estimates. Additionally, there is debate within the field regarding the minimum number of sections needed for accurate age estimation. The aim of this research is to determine the importance of the midshaft distinction for age-at-death assessment and the necessity of analyzing serial sections by evaluating histological variables at sampling locations along the length of the rib. Three seriated histological sections at three sampling locations (anterior, midshaft, and posterior) were obtained from sixth ribs of ten postmortem human subjects. Cortical area (Ct.Ar) and osteon population density (OPD) were collected from each section (n = 90). Significant differences were determined in Ct.Ar between sampling locations, demonstrating the variation present along the length of the rib. A comparison of OPD at sampling locations revealed significant differences, suggesting that sampling site is critical to accurate age estimates. When sampling location is uncertain, a more anterior section should be taken. Analysis of serial sections within locations revealed no significant differences in OPD or Ct.Ar, supporting the practice of collecting data from one section for age estimation. While an age estimate can be achieved through the analysis of one section, best practice suggests reading two sections to capture intraindividual variation.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for 17 STRs, together with some parameters of forensic interest, were estimated in a sample of 835 unrelated individuals born in Tuscany, an Italian region. These data were compared with Italian, Chinese, Kosovo Albanian, Romanian and Tunisian populations, strongly represented in this area. No significant differences in single loci were detected, except for Chinese in comparison with all the other populations.  相似文献   

DNA forensics and the poaching of wildlife in Italy: a case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA molecular techniques were used in a forensic investigation involving the poaching of wildlife in a national park of Italy. A poacher, after having snared a wild boar (Sus scrofa) sow, knifed it to death. The animal was retrieved by conservation officers at the scene before the poacher could remove the carcass. Subsequently, the suspect denied the charges. During a search of his home, a bloodstained knife was confiscated. A method to identify the species from the DNA extracted from the stains revealed the blood to be that of the non-domestic form of Sus scrofa. Further DNA typing for individual identity using species-specific single tandem repeats or microsatellites (STRs) showed that the DNA on the knife matched that of the poached boar. Based upon the forensic evidence obtained, the suspect was convicted of poaching and of cruelty to animals.  相似文献   

中国东部蒙古族人群15个STR基因座多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Du QX  Wang J  Huang YL 《法医学杂志》2004,20(3):164-166
目的调查15个STR基因座在中国东部蒙古族人群中的基因频率分布。方法应用四色荧光标记引物复合扩增技术,对105名东部蒙古族无关个的血样15个STR基因座进行多态性研究。结果在东部蒙古族人群中15个STR基因座偶合率在0.0084~0.2169之间,个体识别概率(DP)在0.7831~0.9916之间,杂合度在0.5619~0.9231之间,三联非父排除率(PE)在0.4490~0.8444之间,多态性信息总量(PIC)在0.5438~0.9178之间,15个STR基因座总TDP值为0.9999999999998,所有基因座经χ2检验符合Hard-Weinberg平衡。结论上述15个STR基因座在东部蒙古族人群中等位基因分布较好,个体识别率高,适合法医个体识别和亲子鉴定。  相似文献   

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