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协合型政策议程作为体制内行为者通过"体制内协商"方式,持续吸纳公众利益诉求进而推动议题纳入政策过程的议程创建新类型,既是体制内外行为主体互相"借力"的过程,又是集权与分权相结合的议程建构模式.立足话语理论确立的核心原则,协合型政策议程建构理应基于集体的反思理性和蕴涵着伙伴相依关系,但在多元行动者话语互动过程中,并非所有的行动者均具有同等的影响能力,而是存在着话语暴政.鉴于此,需要通过不断完善体制内外行为主体的对话结构、发挥体制外行为主体在议程建构中的积极作用以及不断增强弱势群体的博弈能力等多元途径,来搭建利益相关主体间的平等对话平台.最大限度地避免议程建构过程中的话语操纵和垄断,最终实现我国协合型政策议程建构过程的优化.  相似文献   

民族伟大复兴和实现现代化强国往往伴随着话语的崛起和强大。语言的本质是思想、话语的直接现实和展示。马克思恩格斯关于语言生成论、语言属性论、语言革命论和语言使命论的深刻洞见为中国话语建构和发展提供了重要的理论资源、方法论基础和价值指引。语言生成论揭示了中国话语建构必须"始终站在现实历史的基础上";语言属性论揭示了中国话语建构是阶级性与公共性的辩证统一;语言革命论揭示了中国话语建构以"改变世界"为历史任务;语言使命论揭示了中国话语建构以"人类解放"为价值本位。  相似文献   

为破解美国对华舆论战的内在机理,需要重点从核心话语与话语框架两个维度及其相互作用的关系入手,分析美国涉华舆论的话语建构机制。核心话语是话语的中心思想与主题凝练,具备符号化的特征,会成为一种所指卷入话语权力的运作。作为话语在思想层面的“内容建构”,核心话语作用的发挥需要话语框架提供底层诠释体系与合法化机制。根据美国涉华舆论议题,可以提炼出四种核心话语:中国威胁论、中国责任论、中国崩溃论及黄祸论。在此基础上,结合当代美国意识形态图谱,可以解析出三种话语框架:自由主义话语框架、保守主义话语框架以及进步主义话语框架。尽管三种话语框架背后的价值逻辑存在差异,但共同构造出一个意识形态方阵,将中国“他者”化,为“污名化”中国提供认知框架与价值支撑,并为美国及其利益相关者建构集体认同。中国要与之进行有效的话语竞争,需警惕“话语陷阱”,一方面基于国际社会认可的话语框架提炼出中国的核心话语,另一方面也要基于更丰富的价值模型为国际社会贡献更多元的话语框架,推动国际话语权的公平分配。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以后,哈贝马斯作为推动规范政治哲学复兴的重要人物,通过经典共和主义和康德自由主义的相互校正.提出了话语民主理论.之后一些公共行政学者基于后现代社会的某些视角,提出要重塑政策过程中的话语机制.话语民主理论与政策过程之间存在着一定的逻辑关联性.引入话语民主理论,倡导政策过程中的对话与协商、积极的公民参与意识与公共精神,可以促进政府与公民、政治国家与公民社会在政策过程中的良性互动,由此也将促进我国政策现代化与善治的实现.  相似文献   

新时代中国话语的阐释逻辑,是"时代任务论""基本立场论""精神动力论""支撑基础论""传播路径论""国际场域论"综合性建构的阐释体系,是立场、思想、主体、媒介与内容协同作用的逻辑体系。推动中国话语阐释与时俱进,需要阐释者遵循公共阐释基本原则。因此,中国话语阐释的理论与实践必须明确阐释的总体框架:落实意识形态工作"两个巩固"的根本任务,是时代任务论的核心要义;坚持人民主体地位,明晰阐释的人民性,是基本立场论的价值前提;充分发掘话语阐释能动性与受动性协调统一的现实作用,推动中国话语阐释的良性发展,是精神动力论的内在要求;构建中国特色哲学社会科学话语体系,是支撑基础论的实践依据;在特定话语解释的基础上,拓展话语外在空间性,提炼话语内在共通性,是传播路径论的实现条件;推动中国话语的内容优化与形式革新,是国际场域论的发展走向。  相似文献   

"生命共同体"话语表征自然界各要素、人与自然、人与人的共生共荣,其旨趣是实现人与自然共同利益的兼容与人类社会的长远发展。依据话语理论,可以从话语主体、话语对象、话语内容、陈述方式四个维度建构"生命共同体"话语。这一话语实现了价值主体的多元化与全球化,以辩证的话语内容超越了人与自然二元对立的思维窠臼,借助隐喻实现话语的通俗化、生动化表达,体现了其在话语对象、话语形式、话语内容等方面的创新。  相似文献   

在政策参与过程中,公众所表达出来的政策意见常常呈现离散状态,难以作为公共政策制定的依据,如果能够找到政策意见聚合的逻辑,就能够提升政策参与的效能与效果,这也是公众从初步实现政策参与的"存在感"到政策意见被采纳的"获得感"的一种演进,是公共政策民主的实质性体现。在政策议题场域中,政策意见聚合的能量主要来自强化入场动机的公民身份认知、改变政策意见流向的价值认同以及引导公共讨论有序的话语规则等,这是一种自内而外、从主观感受到客观程序、从心理到行为的理性逻辑。  相似文献   

环境话语是试图明确环境价值承诺、定位环境制度、引导环境利用和改造活动、形塑绿色发展方式和生活方式的话语实践。西方环保主义基于话语框架理论特别是话语即权力与权利的理念,把环境问题裁定为危机、困境、灾难,进行归因分析,然后从伦理修辞、政党规训、仪式话语和全球动员多个维度,探讨环境问题的消解,建构了包含环境问题性状话语、归因话语和路径话语于一体的环境话语体系,是我国环境话语建构的有益养料。  相似文献   

中国话语在其建构过程中要始终坚持科学思想、明确价值立场、确定目标指向。坚持马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际相结合的基本原则、运用唯物辩证的思维方法、保持开放性的话语姿态,是中国话语建构过程中所应坚持的科学思想;中国话语建构“为了人民”“依靠人民”“面向人民”,是中国话语建构过程中所应明确的价值立场;追求“真理性”“价值性”“共在性”是中国话语建构过程中所应确定的目标指向。  相似文献   

受传统社会话语秩序的自由张力影响,网络话语失序是突发事件网络舆情危机的必然结果。在突发事件的强力冲击下,话语主体"集群化"、话语内容"失真化"、话语伦理"消解化"成为网络舆情中话语失序的集中呈现形式。结合突发事件和网络话语的结构性特点,话语失序的原因可归结为:突发事件网络舆情中不同话语群体的身份焦虑与错位、突发事件网络舆情应对的对话与表达机制尚不健全和突发事件网络舆情背后的多元利益诉求与抗争。以问题倒逼改革,在国家治理现代化进程中,对突发事件网络舆情中的话语失序现象进行治理,要求切实做好健全突发事件网络对话沟通机制、规范突发事件网络话语建构秩序以及加强突发事件网络话语生态治理等工作。  相似文献   

It has been observed that countries that implemented new public management (NPM) reforms are currently witnessing growing complaints about a decline in the policy capacity of their public services. Australia is a part of this trend with public sector leaders increasingly voicing concern about policy capacity decline within the Australian Public Service (APS). This article sets out to examine whether there is an empirical basis for this discourse and to assess allegations that NPM reforms have contributed to any related shifts. It draws on rail policy and the Department of Transport as its case study. It finds that the reforms transformed role of the department in a way that enhanced strategic policy capacity. However, the reforms also introduced a number of structural impediments that make it difficult for the new role to be effectively executed .  相似文献   

On the basis of the premise that China, besides being a powerful civilization and state, is also a powerful discourse, this essay will set forth, as a preliminary analytical step, a plausible definition of the ‘Chinese mind’ by describing certain essential characteristics that have been forged in China’s classical culture and thought. When placed in the more creative sphere of discourse construction, these essential characteristics become ideological compounds of the here theorized ‘discourse called China’, whose impact is weighed up as the focal analytical point in the discursive space of the PRC’s foreign policy and diplomacy.  相似文献   

Official Discourse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses two Official Reports on law and order. They confront legitimation deficits, seeking discursively to redeem them by denial of their material geneses. This denial establishes an absence in the discourse. This absence, the Other, is the silence of a world constituted by material relations whose reality cannot be appropriated by a mode of normative argument which speaks to and from its own self-image via an idealised conception of justice. The paper discusses first the Reports' discursive problems, secondly, the disparate jurisprudential knowledges realised by the texts, and lastly the discursive presentation of these knowledges.  相似文献   

The literature on government responsiveness to societal issues is extensive but provides a mixed assessment of effectiveness. We examine this issue in the case of policy addressing effective and safe management of research and development in the emerging field of nanotechnology. Specifically, we examine the agenda setting effects of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (the Act), a piece of legislation designed to be implemented by a network of actors in the nanotechnology research and development policy subsystem. We adopt a public values lens in our examination of discourse related to societal concerns. Policy documents from Congress, an agency, and federal funding recipients are examined. Findings suggest a narrowing of public values discourse around more specific societal concerns in the documents crafted after the Act was passed.  相似文献   

Intellectual discourse on democracy has made important impacts on China’s transformation and the Chinese pursuit of democracy. There has been an intense divergence in understanding and interpretation of democracy among the Chinese scholars. In spite of different point of views among scholars in China, there is a growing consensus among them that political reform is the right answer to China’s today’s problems and democracy is a good thing for China. This paper analyzes the on-gong heated debates on democracy. It reviews the main structure, characteristics, and implications of the debates on democracy among three major schools of thought, namely: democracy with Chinese characteristics, liberalism, and New-Leftism.  相似文献   

This review essay critically maps the Anglophone reception of Lyotard's Discourse, Figure onto the text's own two-part organization. Earlier deconstructive readings tended to focus on the critique of structuralism presented in Discourse, Figure’s first half, under-emphasizing (and even criticizing) the post-Freudian philosophy of desire developed by Lyotard in the text's latter stages. This essay instead presents Lyotard's first major work not as two separable or opposed parts, but as a coherent trajectory responding to a specific philosophical problem, namely, the Hegelian account of sense-perception and signification as outlined in Hyppolite's Logic and Existence. In so doing, this review essay seeks to isolate key references and clarify the stakes for future readings of Lyotard's text.  相似文献   

论"话语的秩序"--福柯话语理论的一次重要转折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《话语的秩序》是福柯话语理论中具有重要过渡意义的一个文本。其中,福柯不仅深入分析了话语的内部结构及其特征,而且分析了话语外部的控制因素,将话语与权力、社会机制联系在一起,从而开拓了话语的外部空间。这既是福柯对自己研究的一次总结,也昭示了福柯话语研究中新方法论的出现。  相似文献   

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