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全国首例“手机病毒恶意扣费”案告破 数十万人受害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
手机娱乐功能越来越多,用手机下载彩铃、图片、游戏等服务的市民也越来越多,这些服务叫SP增值服务,提供这些服务的叫SP服务提供商。前些年,SP服务提供商恶意扣费的事情时有发生,有关部门专门对手机扣费做出种种规  相似文献   

本文通过对手机无线增值服务的法律研究,指出该服务目前存在很多问题,理清服务过程中的法律关系,探讨了各主体的法律责任。在此基础上,作者对规范该服务,保护消费者权益提出了建议。  相似文献   

网络环境下链接侵犯著作权纠纷较多,如何认定链接服务提供商的侵权责任分歧较大。本文通过分析不同类别链接服务的内容、方式,所设链接的经济价值等内容,以链接服务提供商的预见能力、控制能力为依据,以及收益与风险相一致的原则,赋予链接服务提供商不同程度的注意义务,以明确"应知"侵权事实的情况准确认定链接服务提供商的间接侵权责任。  相似文献   

唐芳 《河北法学》2008,26(6):18-23
自从有了电信增值业务,电信欺诈和盗窃行为日益猖獗,从此电信用户就沦落为任电信运营商和电信增值业务服务提供商随意"宰割"的对象。面对强大的电信运营商和电信增值业务服务提供商,用户能够通过投诉或诉讼获得胜诉的微乎其微。针对电信增值业务市场所出现的这种规避法律打击、疯狂"圈钱"的行为,我们必须借助现有法律的相关规定给予最严厉的制裁,切实保障公民的合法财产免遭不法侵害。  相似文献   

中国网通(集团)有限公司保定市分公司是以经营固定电话业务、小灵通业务、宽带上网业务、数据通信业务、通信增值业务为主的宽带通信和多媒体服务提供商.公司辖23个分支机构,拥有遍布城乡的自办、代办营业服务网点1300余个。作为保定市主导通信企业之一,公司存竭诚为全市人民提供通信服务的同时,还肩负着党政军专用通信、应急通信、普遍服务等重要任务。近年来,公司先后被评为“全国邮电先进集体”、“河北省标兵企业”、“河北省用户满意服务企业”、“河北省消费者信得过单位”等,荣获“河北省五一奖状”,并连续9届18年保持了省级“文明单位”的荣誉。  相似文献   

电信增值服务具有信息化、虚拟化等特征,服务中涉及的问题较多,由此引发的纠纷呈上升趋势。目前,对其调整偏重于管制,一定程度上忽视了市场法则作用的发挥,效果不理想。因此,有必要从剖析电信增值服务合同、移动增值业务合作协议以及电信服务合同入手,理顺电信增值服务的法律关系,确立以市场规则为主的法律调整手段。针对电信增值服务关系的所具有的特殊性,论文从合同效力扩张的角度,阐述了电信运营商在电信增值服务关系中的特殊地位,建议让电信运营商承担起特定的义务。最后,笔者还就如何通过保障信息的充分性来维护用户的利益谈了自己的思路和建议。  相似文献   

论服务消费与我国消费者权益保护法的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦冉  陈德敏 《河北法学》2005,23(4):120-124
服务消费近年来随着经济的发展而迅猛发展,而服务消费中存在的诸多消费者权益得不到保护的现象也不断出现,逐渐上升。针对我国服务消费中消费者权益受损害的实际状况,分析了服务消费类型、问题及原因,指出了服务消费法制的欠缺,对服务消费权益保护从法理上作了初步分析,提出了完善《消费者权益保护法》与服务消费管理条例的立法建议。  相似文献   

一、消费者权益的根本是质量在市场经济条件下,消费者和经营者是市场的两大主体,法律上处于平等地位。当消费者用持有货币与经营者提供的商品或者服务进行交换时,二者的目的是各不相同的。经营者出售商品或者提供服务是为了实现价值增值,获取利润;而消费者购买商品或者接受服务则是为了通过消费获得商品或服务的使用价值,以满足物质文化生活的需要。经营者追  相似文献   

滚珠合同是从格式合同变迁而来,合同法律制度对格式合同规定了不利提供方解释原则。在滚珠合同中,运营商一头连接增值商,一头连结消费者,一方面为消费者提供信息服务网站,并且按时间或者按信息流量代理增值商收取费用;另一方面为增值商提供客源,并且按照代收金额分取固定比例的费用,实际上就是中介人。所以,当增值商违法时,增值商须承担法律责任,而作为中介人的运营商也应按照我国《注册会计师法》和《律师法》等法律精神,对损失承担连带责任。  相似文献   

所谓增值电信业务,是指利用公共网络基础设施提供的电信与信息服务的业务。根据《电信业务分类目录》,包括:(1)存储转发类业务;(2)呼叫中心业务;(3)因特网接入服务;(4)信息服务业务。与增值电信业务相对应的是基础电信业务,基础电信业务是指提供公共网络基础设施、公共数据传送和基本话音通信服务的业务。  相似文献   

随着移动商务的迅猛发展,电信市场不断扩张,服务提供商开发的业务种类日益繁多,由此所引发的滥收费用、隐瞒欺诈等信用问题也越发凸显,并逐渐成为制约移动商务发展的瓶颈。本文初步构建了移动服务提供商的信用评价指标体系,并对提高移动服务提供商的信用水平提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

In the real world, we usually identify persons by their appearance, voice, and so on. If this is not sufficient, identity cards are used. In the virtual world the situation is different. The basic concepts of the internet provide for unique identification of devices, not of their users. Hence, some kind of identity management system is required, which can be provided either by the state or by the private sector. Official electronic identity schemes, such as the Austrian Citizen Card, are being established in more and more countries. The carrier media of the Citizen Card is a smart card but, since 2009, the mobile phone signature is offered as a more comfortable alternative. However, much more widespread than that are simple user accounts with passwords, one for each individual service. This system has significant flaws. A solution can be provided by the concept of identity federation: an ‘identity ecosystem’ can be established in which a user can choose among several identity providers, authorise them to identify him towards service providers, authorise attribute providers to provide particular qualified user information to a service provider, etc. In this paper the different concepts mentioned above are elaborated and their interrelations and legal difficulties are described.  相似文献   

论网络侵权责任中的反通知及效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网科技的不断发展,人们日常生活对网络的依赖有增无减。人们在享受网络带给生活的巨大便利的同时,也倍受各种网络侵权行为的干扰。《侵权责任法》第36条为解决网络侵权问题找到了出口,但除了该条第2款中明确规定的被侵权人享有向网络服务提供者发出通知的权利之外,侵权网络用户也享有向网络服务提供者发出反通知的权利。这样才能平衡网络侵权中以网络服务提供者为中心的被侵权人、侵权网络用户和其他网络用户之间的利益。  相似文献   

论计算机信息交易的法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐爱民  周伟萌 《法律科学》2010,28(3):118-126
计算机信息交易是指以计算机信息为客体的在线电子交易,是电子商务的一种特殊类型。计算机信息交易包括计算机信息在线销售与计算机信息在线服务。从法律性质上讲,计算机信息交易是一种信息产品交易,而不涉及知识产权许可与知识产权转让。计算机信息交易的核心是信息产品上的信息财产权,而不是知识产权。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,企业的市场营销必须转变观念,确立服务营销是企业营销立足之道的理念,明确要推进社会主义市场经济的发展,必须承认服务也是一种销售力,承认服务也是一种销售力,有利于提高企业市场竞争的能力和企业的经济效益,服务营销的竞争与商品竞争、价格竞争相比较,具有间接性,隐蔽性、能见度低,可塑性强,艺术性要求高等特点,企业应根据自身的实际情况,有选择地运用服务营销的策略,同时要处理好服务营销的创新与规范的关系,认真导入ISO,提高服务品质。  相似文献   

黄良友 《河北法学》2012,(10):75-85
随着互联网的发展和广泛应用,网上侵权纠纷也大量发生。由于网上侵权纠纷当事人具有虚拟性、匿名性、隐蔽性、全球性和广泛性等特征,查找侵权人和查明当事人的真实身份往往存在着极大的困难,给当事人的确定带来了巨大的挑战。对于网上侵权纠纷的当事人,可以通过网页、账户密码、用户注册资料、IP地址、第三方证明、电子签名、暗记等方法来进行查找和确定。虽然网上侵权行为的实施均需借助网络服务提供者提供的网络服务,但不能一刀切地将网络服务提供者列为被告并追究其侵权责任,而应根据其提供服务的性质、是否存在过错等具体情形来确定网络服务提供者的诉讼地位。  相似文献   

This study designs a method of identifying the camera model used to take videos that are distributed through mobile phones and determines the original version of the mobile phone video for use as legal evidence. For this analysis, an experiment was conducted to find the unique characteristics of each mobile phone. The videos recorded by mobile phones were analyzed to establish the delay time of sound signals, and the differences between the delay times of sound signals for different mobile phones were traced by classifying their characteristics. Furthermore, the sound input signals for mobile phone videos used as legal evidence were analyzed to ascertain whether they have the unique characteristics of the original version. The objective of this study was to find a method for validating the use of mobile phone videos as legal evidence using mobile phones through differences in the delay times of sound input signals.  相似文献   

An experimental outreach program offered shelter-based support groups or phone counseling to battered women in the criminal and civil courts. The outreach project attempted to contact 1,895 eligible women drawn from the court dockets. Nearly 50% of these women could not be reached, another third refused services, and about a fifth of the women accepted either the shelter-based counseling or phone counseling. However, only 19% (n = 71) of those who accepted service (or less than 4% of the total eligible women) actually participated in the service. The women refused services primarily because they did not feel they needed them; they accepted service mainly to get help with their emotions. The women who participated in the shelter-based counseling tended to be of a higher social economic status than women who generally contacted the courts. The main problems for the women in phone counseling was recurring abuse from their partners and getting help for their children. The findings may suggest different types of battered women that warrant different strategies to reach them. The outreach efforts might be further developed, as well, to more actively recruit and engage women in general.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(3):385-398
Data from mobile phones are regularly used in the investigation of crime and court proceedings. Previously published research has primarily addressed technical issues or provided operational manuals for using forensic science evidence, rather than analysing human factors and the implementation of forensic tools in investigation settings. Moreover, previous research has focused almost entirely on western countries, and there is a dearth of research into the uses of forensic evidence in China. In this study, a review was carried out of court sentencing documents referring to mobile phone evidence in China over the period 2013–2018. Automated content analysis was used to identify the specific evidence types utilised and the sentencing outcome for each case. Results show that mobile phone evidence was used in 3.3% of criminal proceedings. Among various data types mentioned in criminal proceedings, call records sustained as the most frequently used type of data. After which, instant messaging tools (e.g. WeChat) are an increasing proportion of all mobile phone evidence, from 1% in 2015 to 25% in 2018. For cases that utilised mobile phone data, the analysis of instant messaging and online transaction tools is routine, with little variation in the use of each application (WeChat, Alipay, QQ) for investigations of different types of crime. However, in the majority of criminal cases, mobile phone data function as subsidiary evidence and posed limited impacts on verdict reached. The current findings indicate that a large amount of mobile phone evidence was transformed into other evidence formats or filtered out directly before court proceedings.  相似文献   

“WAP搜索”及相关服务著作权侵权问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王迁 《知识产权》2012,(1):18-26
搜索引擎在向手机用户提供“WAP搜索”时,会对原网页进行格式转换,以便用户在较小的手机屏幕上浏览网页.这一过程涉及的“临时复制”不产生有独立经济价值的复制件,即使在承认“临时复制”构成复制行为的欧盟,此行为也不构成对复制权的侵权.但刻意将转换后的网页存储在服务器中,并直接向后续手机用户提供的行为,则无法根据“系统缓存避风港”或合理使用的一般规则免责,因此构成直接侵权.由于搜索引擎难以直接证明自己仅提供搜索和即时格式转换,以及没有在服务器中保留转换后的网页,所以法院应在个案中结合“WAP搜索”的技术特征,根据优势证据规则作出判断.  相似文献   

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