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This article will first discuss the conflict in the mediator's role as a neutral and impartial third party with no interest in the outcome and his or her role as guardian or advocate for the best interests of the child. That discussion will define terms, consider the legal standard for the best interests of the child as it is used by the courts, and lay out how the legal standard is problematic in general but even more so for mediators. Part 3 will discuss options for mediators attempting to resolve this conflict by looking at a continuum of alternatives, using examples of opening statements that illustrate positions ranging from extreme nonintervention to complete inte mention. An assessment follows each example.  相似文献   

静修与心理健康   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西方心理学和精神医学界很早便注重对静修的研究,根据Roger Walsh等人的报告,静修可能导致很多好处,在生理方面,它能降低觉醒程度,增进大脑半球不同区域的同步性;在心理方面,它能促进放检,解除 催眠状态,以及促进领悟,自我理解和自我控制技能的发展,概括地说,就是有助于人的成长。高级的静修还有助于超个人目标的实现,但将静修用于心理治疗,还应该注意预防情绪不稳定,心理冲突等一系列问题。  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate a link between mindfulness practice and improvements in self-compassion Neff (Self and identity 2(2):85–101, 2003b), self-regulation Baer (Clinical psychology: Science and practice 10(2):125–143, 2003), and a reduction in criminality Rainforth (Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36(1–4):181–203, 2003). Similarly, self-compassion has been linked to greater self-control among criminals Morley (Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 1–15, 2016). The focus of this study was to investigate the impact of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion on criminal impulsivity. To accomplish this investigation, a survey was conducted examining self-compassion as a mediator for the practice of mindfulness-based meditation and criminal impulsivity among jail inmates interested in meditation. The analysis showed that self-compassion, criminal impulsivity, and length of practicing mindfulness meditation were correlated. The results also showed that the relationship between practicing mindfulness meditation and self-reported criminal impulsivity was mediated by self-compassion. The results and limitations of this study were discussed.  相似文献   

长期以来,理性主义往往把人的创造力归功于大脑的凝思与理性的推算,把身体则看作是人类创造活动的障碍。实际上,人的创造能力并不只是来自大脑的思维和人类精神的凝思,而主要是源自以整体性身体为基础的身体感觉。正是发生在身体感觉层次上的具体的活生生的体验与行动变成人的创造潜能,增进着人的创造能力。因此,要想培养或发挥人的创造潜能,关键是要学会体验、捕捉、释放、接受或诱发身体感觉的火花,并能够使其得以凝聚、整合与升华。  相似文献   

杨德昌始终诚实地用胶片书写着自己对人生和社会现实入木三分的观察、敏锐的思考和无情的批判,并以深刻的思想内涵和卓越的艺术技巧,创造了华语电影的一座高峰。他有强烈的社会责任感和历史使命感。其电影不是类型片、娱乐片、商业片,而是一种诚意电影,具有独立制片的美学特征。  相似文献   

Journal of Indian Philosophy - This paper examines the topic of Yogācāra idealism through a little studied Buddhist meditation manual, the so-called ‘Yogalehrbuch’ or...  相似文献   

颜钧是泰州学派的重要传人,他在传扬泰州学派思想的过程中试图从理论上建立一条人人皆可进入儒学殿堂的通道,认为人人可以通过"性情神莫"登堂入室;同时他对儒学理论本身进行了至简至易的独出心裁的诠释,构建出一套新的简易儒学,以期唤起"自我"的觉醒,对明清之际早期启蒙思想产生了催化作用.  相似文献   

霍宪丹 《证据科学》2013,(5):587-591
一、背景 以司法鉴定为主导的证明活动,是运用科学技术手段为和谐社会及人类文明奠定真实之基的重要保障.司法鉴定活动,是综合集成地运用科学技术手段为司法审判提供证据支持的科学技术活动,司法鉴定活动本质上涉及各种科学技术手段的介入与支撑,而科学技术本身门类众多、复杂.因此,司法鉴定科技支撑体系(或证据科学技术体系)的建设,是一项复杂的、前沿性的证据系统工程.分类号:D919.2 文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-1226(2013)05-0587-05  相似文献   

刑罚的本质是决定刑罚之所以为刑罚的内在规定性,是刑罚内部诸要素相互作用的所产生的有机联系,本质是一个综合性的系统,它有层级划分。这是刑罚本质的综合性所决定的,也是运用哲学的方法对刑罚本质进行思考所得出的结论。  相似文献   

Limited research is published on teaching restorative justice in the criminal justice or justice studies curriculum in higher education. This article contributes to the discourse on restorative justice pedagogy by discussing a restorative justice seminar that is taught in a circle process with contemplative practices. Students learn the process of circles, one of the major processes in restorative justice practice, by modeling the practice with participation and leadership. Contemplative practices enhance the learning of restorative justice with meditation and reflection.  相似文献   

文华良 《河北法学》2012,30(11):157-162
印度“人民法庭”为普通民众特别是社会底层民众能够接近司法提供了一个渠道.印度法律明确规定了它的组织机构、受案范围、经费来源和组织成员等.“人民法庭”具有受案范围较广、选择自愿、程序快捷、裁决终局、解决案件免费等特点,它既能对弱势群体予以法律援助也能减轻法院积案负担.鉴于印度“人民法庭”和我国人民调解有较大的相似性,其制度对我国人民调解制度的完善有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

从立宪主义视角把握基本权利的体系与分类,可以看出,随着规范与社会事实的变迁,宪法基本权利的刚性日渐显现。“孙志刚案件”更是让人们看到了这一刚性所产生的共振效果,而围绕该案的讨论同时引发出一些有关宪政构造问题的思考。本文认为,有必要建立独立的司法审查程序,把人权概念所引发的规范性预期纳入司法程序使得相关的法律讨论成为可能。从这一视角看,对中国法治化进程具有决定性作用的实际上是权利这一命题。  相似文献   

马腾 《北方法学》2011,5(2):139-148
"中"的思想,是中国文化的性格特征。随着思孟学派经典《中庸》的出现,以及儒学的意识形态化,"中庸"全面而深刻地影响人生哲学与社会政治。中庸的思想大致呈现出儒家至德、本体论、方法论三个面相,通过不同进路观照于传统法文化。中庸主义一方面要求通过内圣功夫,经由个人内在道德的修养,修塑"治人"之主体人格——传统法文化中秉持"直道",追求无讼,注重调解,兼顾情理法的司法官员;另一方面,在外王意义上,中庸通过治法之和合构建并维持一种超稳定的统治秩序,传统法文化中德刑相辅、礼法融合、宽猛相济、人治"和谐"诸特质均为其题中之义。  相似文献   

Bryen, Ari Z. 2013 . Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation . Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Pp. 376. $75.00 cloth; $75.00 eBook. Ari Byren's Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation (2013) effectively inserts itself into two complementary fields of inquiry and discussion within the field of classical studies. First, it offers a detailed treatment of the social history of small communities in Roman Egypt, providing an important contribution to the study of violence in antiquity—a topic that has gained interest in recent years. Second, it is an extended meditation on the place of violence within a society and law's role in defining and eliminating it.  相似文献   

Collective poisoning with hallucinogenous herbal tea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An incident wherein more than 30 people were poisoned with a herbal infusion during a meditation session is described. The clinical features observed were hallucinations, aggression, agitation, amnesia, mydriasis, dry skin, tachycardia, hyperthermia, hypotension, collapse, coma and respiratory depression. All patients recovered, although mechanical ventilation was required in some instances. A portion of the herbal infusion was found to contain atropine (hyoscyamine), scopolamine (hyoscine), harmine, and other alkaloids. The estimated ingested doses (free bases) were atropine 4 mg, harmine 27 mg, and scopolamine 78 mg. The mean concentrations in 21 serum samples obtained approximately 6h after ingestion of the infusion were atropine 5 ng/ml, harmine 8 ng/ml, and scopolamine 13 ng/ml.  相似文献   

先锋小说以非政治化为诉求的话语变革,是20世纪中国小说中的重要现象.在先锋小说的叙事话语之中隐含着政治话语,叙述艺术表现了特殊的政治美学.先锋小说对"意识流"的发现,揭示了一个政治无法彻底统治的内心世界的存在,颠覆了政治的理性统治.存在的探索和存在感的凸显,还原了现实政治的真相,表现了特别的政治精神.先锋小说的"卑微观点",则从"小"角度解构政治意识形态的"大话".叙事视点本身的显现,构成了小说叙事话语的自赎,是对叙事权力本身的反思和反叛.先锋叙事的政治智慧,也可以反观政治美学的深层结构.  相似文献   

This article announces the discovery of a Sinhalese version of the traditional meditation (borān yogāvacara kammaṭṭhāna) text in which the Consciousness or Mind, personified as a Princess living in a five-branched tree (the body), must understand the nature of death and seek the four gems that are the four noble truths. To do this she must overcome the cravings of the five senses, represented as five birds in the tree. Only in this way will she permanently avoid the attentions of Death, Māra, and his three female servants, Birth, Sickness and Old Age. In this version of the text, when the Princess manages not to succumb to these three, Māra comes and snatches her from her tree and rapes her. The Buddha then appears to her to explain the path to liberation. The text provides a commentary, padārtha, which explains the details of the symbolism of the fruit in terms of rebirth and being born, the tree in terms of the body, etc. The text also offers interpretations of signs of impending death and prognostications regarding the next rebirth. Previously the existence of Khmer and Lānnā versions of this text have been recorded by Francois Bizot and Francois Lagirarde, the former publishing the text as Le Figuier a cinq branches (Le figuier à cinq branches, 1976). The Sinhalese version was redacted for one of the wives of King Kīrti Śrī Rājasiṅha of Kandy by the monk Vara?āṇa Mahāthera of Ayutthayā. This confirms earlier speculation that this form of borān/dhammakāya meditation was brought to Sri Lanka with the introduction of the Siyam Nikāya in the mid-eighteenth century. It also shows that in Sri Lanka, as in Ayutthayā, this form of meditation—which in the modern period was to be rejected as ‘unorthodox’—was promoted at the highest levels of court and Saṅgha.  相似文献   

朱昆 《行政与法》2013,(3):104-107
建立重大敏感案件风险评估机制,已经成为一个不容回避的问题。本文结合法院审判实践,从经验总结的角度对敏感案件进行了归纳,并初步探讨了重大敏感案件的风险评估与处置办法。这些办法主要包括:法院要把好立案关,能够在第一时间发现敏感案件并努力促成调解;审理时要借助网络收集民意,判决结果要综合考虑政治效果、社会效果(舆论效果);执行时争取得到当地党委政府及相关部门的支持,在善用司法建议解决敏感案件的同时提高相关部门的管理水平。  相似文献   

Abstract. Western natural law theory emphasises the derivation of principles of right action said to be universal and objective from the application of practical reasonableness to the pursuit of basic human goods that are self‐evident or based on human nature. Critics say its methodology is inherently subjective. In contrast, the Vedic approach to natural law of the Bhagavad‐Gita emphasises the full development of a universal aspect of human nature—consciousness—to promote right action. A healthy person with a developed intellect, clear mind, balanced emotions and full perception is best placed to fulfil his or her society's highest ideals of ethical and lawful conduct. The Vedic approach advocates a supportive social environment and the use of meditation techniques to promote such development. Research has found that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program promotes improvement in mind, body and behaviour. For example, offenders in Australia, the United States and Senegal practising the technique experienced decreased substance abuse and recidivism and improved wellbeing. From a scientific perspective, TM promotes these improvements by producing a unique psychophysiological state of restful alertness that dissolves stress that blocks the unfoldment of full potential in life.  相似文献   

税兵 《法学研究》2013,(4):4-18
祛除国家所有权的法律神话,遵循解释论立场的研究范式,中国语境中的自然资源国家所有权是一个法规范系统。该系统包含基础性规范、确权性规范、授权性规范及管制性规范四个单元,分别由宪法文本、物权法文本和特别法文本予以载明。具备转介功能的引致条款把各单元串联成一个整体。在现代法秩序中,所有权绝不是由某一个部门法“独家经营”的法律概念。就所有权类型的理论反思而言,自然资源国家所有权蕴含着宪法所有权与民法所有权的双阶构造,纯粹私权说与纯粹公权说均难谓恰当。就自然资源使用的法律调整机制而言,应回归公物与私物二元区分的大陆法传统,并对“非对物采掘类”与“对物采掘类”自然资源作类型化处理,由此形成不同的规范配置。  相似文献   

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