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从16世纪末开始,随着大量的中国通俗小说的流入,小说评点本亦传入朝鲜。在其影响下,朝鲜的汉小说评点也应运而生,小厂主人的《(水山)广寒楼记》评点最具代表性。该书评点有多处与金批《西厢记》的内容类似,一些具体视角又与金批不同。其中,最值得注意的是通过比较《西厢记》与《广寒楼记》的学成果,来评价两篇作品的特征和优劣长短,认为《西厢记》重“”而《广寒楼记》重“情”,故对后的评价更高。因此该评点虽然受金圣叹的影响,但主要是从自身的化、思想背景出发来展开独特的议论,在研究中、韩小说批评史时具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

江平 《中国律师》2002,(4):69-69
我曾在国栋主编的《中国大律师》一书中写了一个序,题名为“律师兴则国家兴”,为我国律师制度在国家民主化、法制化中的作用呐喊。两年后,国栋又拟主编《律师文摘》,我想为律师的气质呐喊。美国前总统卡特曾说过一句话:“我们拥有世界上最多的律师,但我不能说我们拥有的正义就最多。”这句话颇值得我们深思。律师是国家民主法制中重要组成部分,而众多的律师又恰恰不能必然说明民主法制的加强,这只能有一个解释,那就是律师本人的素质与气质不同。在我们今天的律师队伍中也确实存在极大差异,有些律师是民主法制的破坏者,是邪恶的支…  相似文献   

通过对两首诗歌--丁尼生的《鹰》和休斯的《鹰之栖息》的比较分析,作者从诗歌的音乐性和形式入手,旨在深刻体会诗歌的意义和挖掘诗歌的美学价值,诗的形式美与诗的灵魂高度一致,起到说明和强化主题的作用。  相似文献   

苏力《送法下乡》与徐昕《论私力救济》对正处在研究方法转向中的中国法学而言意义重大。两书主题和内容各异,但表述方法却有一定程度的相似:都采取了以个案为切入的写作进路。然而在“小叙事”的获取方式上,两位作者却是迥异的。把两书中个案获取方式进行比较,可以发现《论私力救济》与《送法下乡》中的一致与转变。这种以个案切入为写作思路的转换是目前中国法学研究典范更迭的一个表征。  相似文献   

《四书》(《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》)中引用了许多来自《诗经》的诗歌。考察其引用的具体篇目以及比例,可以发现《四书》在内在精神上与《诗经》提倡的“思无邪”、“温柔敦厚”诗教有一脉相承的关系,即强调培养个人道德修养,教化民众,以平天下,同时对统治者的举措失误和道德败坏,给以及时讥刺。这些是《四书》引《诗经》的主要倾向  相似文献   

对于《鹖冠子》一书,学术界主流观点认为:“黄帝书”很多观点和语句与《鹖冠子》相同,确证后者是先秦古书。本文贾谊《鵩赋》与《世兵》篇的异文着手,试图解决贾谊是否因袭先秦古书问题。  相似文献   

北宋的孙复是庆历前后著名的《春秋》学者,所著《春秋尊王发微》具有浓重的尊王攘夷倾向。细绎之,《春秋尊王发微》在基本观点、尊王倾向,尤其是以日月时例解经等方面都与《毂梁传》有明显的继承关系。从这个角度讲,孙复丰富和发展了《毂梁传》的思想,对《毂梁传》的传承起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

何晏是现存最早的《论语》学代表著作《论语集解》的编纂者,同时也是《论语》学的研究者。他的《论语》学研究主要由两方面构成:一是对他人《论语》学成果的裒集;一是自己对《论语》的注释和理解。何晏的《论语》学研究体现了从汉儒到六朝学者《论语》学研究的因革创变,从一个侧面反映了中古学术转型的方式与规律。在中国古代学术史,特别是《论语》学史上,具有一定的地位和影响。  相似文献   

《台胞投资保护法》实施将15周年,随着两岸政治、经济的变化,《台胞投资保护法》及其《实施细则》存在局限性,需要修改和进一步完善。在CEPA模式下,内地与香港、澳门经济、文化都得到飞跃式发展。台湾和香港、澳门都是一国两制的区域,CEPA在香港、澳门适用过程中的优点、缺点可以类似的借鉴到台湾。本文分析了《台胞投资保护法》及其《实施细则》目前的现状缺陷,归纳CEPA对两法的可借鉴性,提出《台胞投资保护法》及其《实施细则》需要修改和完善的初步建议。  相似文献   

《史记》与《战国策》两者关系究竟如何,这是学术界关心的一个问题。本文作者用大量的实际数据对两书进行比较,证明两书部分篇章相似与不同的原因是:司马迁采用的战国史料中,有一部分与刘向校书时所用的材料相同和不同。  相似文献   

The Electrostatic Dust Print Lifter (EDPL) and the Electrostatic Detection Apparatus(2) (ESDA(2)) were compared to determine if both processes could be used to develop footwear impressions of the same or similar quality and in what order they should be used to develop the highest quality footwear impression. The sensitivity of each technique was also evaluated. The quality of the footwear impressions developed was determined by comparing 25 individual characteristics present on the known shoe to the footwear impressions developed using each technique. The footwear impressions were made by stepping on paper placed over several different surfaces, which included: linoleum, industrial Berber carpet, nylon carpet placed over a (3/8)-in. pad, ceramic tile, cardboard, 1-in. foam, 4-in. foam, cement, asphalt, grass, and mulch. Each of the papers placed on these surfaces was developed using the EDPL before the ESDA(2) and vice versa. The sensitivity test for the ESDA(2) was conducted by processing 10 sheets of stacked paper that were stepped on with the known shoe, beginning with the top sheet. The sensitivity test for the EDPL was conducted by processing 10 sheets of paper stepped on with the known shoe in succession. This study determined the footwear impressions developed using the EDPL were of better comparative value than impressions developed with the ESDA(2). On average, 72.4% of the individual characteristics from the known impression were identified on images developed when the EDPL was used first compared with an average of 38.9% when the ESDA(2) was used first. Therefore, if only one technique is used, the EDPL should be chosen. The sensitivity test determined the ESDA(2) develops high-quality footwear impressions on only the top sheet of paper. No footwear impressions were developed on any sheets under the top sheet of paper. The sensitivity test also determined the EDPL results increase in quality as the amount of dust residue decreases on the surface.  相似文献   

双边投资条约与发展中国家——兼论中国应对之策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双边投资条约遍及全世界,发展中国家与发达国家之间签订的双边投资条约数量比重最大。发达国家通过双边投资条约努力推广其投资自由化理念,强调发达国家海外投资保护政策,推行高标准的投资保护政策;发展中国家假定通过双边投资条约可以吸引更多的外国直接投资流入而接受发达国家的投资策略并积极主动参与双边投资协定的签订,从而导致国际投资法制向发达国家预定轨道行进,发展中国家主权、经济均受到不同程度的影响;为摆脱此两难局面,发展中国家应谨慎从事双边投资条约的谈判与签订之工作,制定本国的双边投资条约范本,重构发展中国家集体力量,割断有利于发达国家投资策略的习惯国际法的形成,维护发展中国家的经济主权与投资带来真实利益。  相似文献   

市场经济地位问题在WTO的环境中,已经成为一种歧视性待遇,成为反倾销中制裁的权利。国际社会对于中国的“市场地位问题”判断标准已经超出了经济意义的范畴,具有发达国家的内国政策性的倾向,和发达国家的内国利益相联系。中国的“市场经济地位”问题可能再次成为在世界贸易组织环境下遭受反倾销的原因,引起众多西方发达国家不承认中国的市场经济地位的恶性循环和中国遭受不公正待遇的“合法”化的国际环境,在以后的经济发展过程中受到“保障措施”的限制。因此,在WTO环境下充分运用WTO成员国的权利,积极促进我国的“市场经济地位”在国际上的承认。  相似文献   

中华民族具有将自然伦理化的独特文化魅力.原始先民"万物有灵"的自然观到商周时代发展为"天人合一"的自然观,人们认为自然界有着与人的伦理道德同构相通的特性,形成了以自然之物比君子之德的"比德"文化.从文艺发生学来看,只有随着人的主体性的逐步确认,人对自然的审美机制才能逐步形成并完善;而且"比德"文学并不是道德建设直接工具性、借用性、辅助性的文艺手法,而是一种审美活动和艺术创造.  相似文献   

Using aggregated data from 25 developed countries over a lengthy period of time, this article presents a measure of the marriage boom observed in the twentieth century and an explanation for its causes. One of my main conclusions is that even though it basically developed after the Second World War, its origins are to be found before it. I found that, contrary to the views of some scholars, this boom was not a short-lived phenomenon, but actually lasted for 90 years on average. Using panel data analysis techniques, I am able to show that the rise in women’s education, state spending on social benefits, and larger percentages of people employed in the primary sector tended to discourage marriage. I also found a quadratic relationship between the nuptiality index and the per capita income and mortality rates.  相似文献   

我国的收费制度是在改革开放过程中逐步发展并形成巨大规模的。本文认为,要想根治乱收费现象,取得费改税的成功,必须深化行政改革。行政改革是税费改革取得成功的前提,税费改革是行政改革的组成部分,税费改革的成功能增强国家推进势在必行的行政改革的决心,而行政改革又能推动税费改革的成功实施。  相似文献   

宋代"别籍异财"法鲜活的时代特色为:由唐及宋初的妇女奁产不在兄弟财产析分之列,发展到北宋仁宗时的非因父祖财产及因官自置财产,不在论分之限;由唐及宋初的父母服阕后的合用析户,发展到北宋中前期的父母葬后即可辄析家产;由唐及宋初的父母主持不脱离户籍的"生分",发展到南宋时期的父母在世,兄弟之间的完全"别籍异财";由唐代对"别籍异财"者的严禁与刑罚,发展到宋代对"别籍异财"者的逐渐认同与宽容。宋代"别籍异财"法特色的生成不仅与家庭个体的财产权利意识高涨、已婚妇女的推动有关,更与家产争讼有关;其嬗变历程无疑为我们深刻认识宋代法律的近世化转型提供了一种崭新的视角,亦昭示了法律须随社会变动而变动的法律哲理。  相似文献   

Researchers are currently seeking antecedents of psychopathy among children and adolescents. Instruments developed for this purpose are likely to be used in the future in ways that may have serious implications for youths in delinquency and criminal cases. In this regard, and because the concept and measurement of psychopathy have been developed in reference to adults, there is reason to be concerned about potential developmental sources of false positives when measuring psychopathic traits in juvenile offenders. We provide the basis for our concern, as well as standards regarding the types of research evidence that should be provided before psychopathy measures are accepted for use in juvenile forensic assessments.  相似文献   

The ability of 1,2-indanedione and 5,6-dimethoxy-1,2-indanedione to detect latent prints on porous surfaces, as compared to DFO and ninhydrin, has been evaluated. Comparisons of prints developed under various conditions determined the optimum development conditions for the new reagents. The indanediones tested were found to have lower detection limits for glycine. The carrier solvent used was found to affect the quality of the prints developed. In Arklone, the new reagents developed prints that displayed superior luminescence to those developed with DFO. In HFE 7100, 1,2-indanedione and 5,6-dimethoxy-1,2-indanedione gave superior luminescence to DFO after zinc salt treatment and cooling with liquid nitrogen, both of which improve the luminescence of prints developed with 1,2-indanediones. 1,2-Indanediones could offer less expensive but effective alternatives to DFO. With further optimization, the new reagents may supersede DFO as the method of choice for the detection of latent fingerprints on porous surfaces.  相似文献   

我国公务员培训现状、问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对公务员进行培训,既有利于公务员个体德才素质全面提升,也有利于促进整个社会协调和谐发展。自公务员制度正式推行以来,我国公务员培训工作取得了较大的成就,但毕竟由于时间很短,与发达国家相比在许多方面还存在较大的差距,因此,我们必须积极吸收和借鉴西方发达国家的经验,结合我国实际寻找对策,推进我国公务员培训制度逐步走向法制化和科学化。  相似文献   

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