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Given a current total incidence of erroneously administered blood transfusions of 1:12,000-1:36,000 (AB0 incompatible 1:38,000), the percentage of lethal outcomes ranges between 2 and 5%; i.e. the sole fact of an erroneous transfusion does not mandatorily result in a causal connection with lethal outcome, which can give rise to problems in the medicolegal assessment. We report on the conception and results of a novel interdisciplinary approach to assess the lethal significance of blood transfusion errors. Besides autopsy, histological investigation and immunohistochemical detection of AB0 incompatible foreign red blood cells in autopsy specimens, transfusion medicine investigations offer the opportunity to assess several immunohaematologic features. We assessed the immunohaematologic gel card ("microcolumn") technique for suitability in the forensic assessment of an AB0 incompatible transfusion incident in a septic patient, who had had no history of previous blood transfusions, with lethal outcome. After such an erroneous transfusion had been simulated in vitro, pre-transfusion and cadaver patient blood samples (p.m. interval: 3 days) were analysed. Amongst other things, IgG-loaded erythrocytes were detected in pre- and post-transfusion samples; the presence of irregular antibodies directed against blood group antigens and anti-A or anti-B isoagglutinins, respectively, especially in the pre-transfusion sample was ruled out. Besides the demonstration of AB0 incompatible red blood cells in the cadaver blood sample, blood group incompatibilities other than AB0 were excluded. With regard to the cause of death, in synopsis with autopsy findings and clinical symptoms, the results did not allow for a final discrimination between the impact of the pre-existing septic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis, respectively, and potential lethal effects of a (haemolytic) transfusion reaction. Besides pre- and post-transfusion compatibility testing in clinical transfusion medicine as required by German National Guidelines, the reported immunohaematologic investigations offer an important supportive tool for the forensic assessment of lethal erroneous transfusions and investigation of blood samples of survivors of transfusion incidents as well. Besides established morphological techniques, they allow for a certain evaluation of the pathophysiological impact of transfusion incidents as well as a diversified assessment of immunohaematologic features beyond the AB0 system.  相似文献   

A fatal case of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome resulting from infection in a previously healthy 74-year-old woman is reported. The patient died suddenly within 14 hours after presentation. The diagnosis of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome as the cause of death was established post mortem based on autopsy findings, microscopic examination, measurement of serum procalcitonin concentration (113 ng/ml), and outcome of postmortem bacteriologic cultures that grew in heart and spleen blood samples. Since the introduction of as a new group in the family in 1983, more recent case studies have established its clinical significance and pathogenic potential to cause severe, life-threatening bacteremia and sepsis. is a rare pathogen that should be added to the list of unusual bacteria causing Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome.  相似文献   

Four individuals died as the result of a propane explosion. As with many propane explosions, the question was raised as to the adequacy of the product's odorization after the autopsy studies had been conducted. In most cases, this question leads to litigation. Ethyl mercaptan is a widely used odorant for propane and was used in this instance. Three of the four victims had blood available at autopsy for study. Quantitative analyses of the victims' blood, obtained during autopsy, were performed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, without subjecting the samples to hydrolysis. These analyses determined the relative amounts of propane and ethyl mercaptan in the blood to be 90, 63, and 175 mL/m3 headspace, and 0.36, 0.34, and 0.77 microgram/L blood, respectively. Since mercaptans have been reported in human blood as products of metabolism, modeling studies were conducted to establish the validity of the autopsy data and to develop an autopsy toxicology protocol for investigating explosion deaths. When subjects were not exposed to an atmosphere containing ethyl mercaptan, dimethylsulfide was the only mercaptan detectable in their blood without severe hydrolysis prior to analysis. Metabolic ethyl mercaptan is sufficiently bound to be undetectable by the methods used without hydrolysis. Human subjects were exposed to a flammable mixture of air and propane odorized with ethyl mercaptan. The analyses of the blood from these subjects produced results which were comparable with those for the explosion victims, establishing that the question of odorant adequacy can be addressed at the autopsy of propane explosion victims. It is extremely important that the pathologist and toxicologist investigating gas explosion deaths recognize the valuable evidence existing in the victim's blood.  相似文献   

The serum activity of beta-glucuronidase was investigated in 58 patients after severe trauma as well as in 43 autopsy cases. In 10 cases the enzyme activities in postmortem blood samples from the femoral vein were compared to those present in the correspondent heart blood samples. An elevated activity of beta-glucuronidase was observed in 14% of the patients within the first 36 h after severe trauma increasing to 62% in blood samples collected later on. The activity of beta-glucuronidase in the heart blood samples was always higher than in the corresponding sample from the femoral vein. In cases of prolonged post-mortem interval an elevated activity might have been due to bacterial contamination. In postmortal blood samples from the femoral vein an elevated enzyme activity was found in 70% of the study material. The results of the preliminary study on the activity of beta-glucuronidase in blood samples frequent in forensic routine work indicated that an elevated enzyme activity might be present for the following scenery: after severe trauma, in alcohol/drug abuse, presence of putridity/autolysis, presence of inflammatory processes, in diabetes as well as in carcinoma diseases. The significance of elevated beta-glucuronidase activity concerning alterations of unconjugated drug concentration due to in vitro cleavage of O-glucuronides should be investigated.  相似文献   

When a forensic toxicologist interprets postmortem blood cocaine findings he usually must make assumptions regarding perimortem drug concentrations. In-vitro studies have shown that cocaine rapidly hydrolyzes in unpreserved blood, particularly at elevated temperatures. However, other studies have demonstrated site-dependent postmortem release of some drugs from tissue stores accompanied by increases in drug concentrations in the blood. This study was undertaken to investigate whether blood cocaine concentrations change in the body during the postmortem interval and, if so, to measure the direction and magnitude of the changes. In medical examiner cases in which scene investigation suggested that the decreased was a cocaine user, blood samples were collected as soon after death as possible. At autopsy, a second set of samples was collected. Analysis of paired samples by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) revealed dramatic differences in the cocaine concentration. The magnitude and direction of the change appears to be site dependent. Usually, but not invariably, cocaine concentration in subclavian vein blood decreases while that in heart, aorta, and femoral vein blood increases during the interval between death and autopsy. The findings emphasize the danger inherent in attempting to estimate the concentration of cocaine in blood at the time of death from postmortem data.  相似文献   

Two cases of unexpected childhood death due to hemolytic uremic syndrome are reported. A 21-month-old girl who was discovered dead in bed following a short illness was found at autopsy to have overwhelming sepsis resulting from transmural colitis. Escherichia coli serotype 0157A was isolated from the intestine, and renal changes of hemolytic uremic syndrome were found. A 4-year-old girl died suddenly in hospital from intracranial hemorrhage while being treated for hemolytic uremic syndrome-related renal failure. Culture of urine and feces grew verocytotoxin producing E. coli. These cases demonstrate that hemolytic uremic syndrome may be a rare cause of unexpected childhood death and that the diagnosis may not be established prior to autopsy. Postmortem culture of tissues and fluids in cases of suspected sepsis in children may be essential in establishing this diagnosis, because histologic evaluation may be compromised by profound sepsis and tissue putrefaction. Accuracy in diagnosis may have significant public health and medicolegal consequences.  相似文献   

Four cases of self-injected insulin overdose in nondiabetic individuals are presented. Included are two cases of presumed insulin overdose (no autopsy), one case with elevated vitreous insulin (autopsy), and one case with elevated postmortem blood insulin and low blood C peptide (autopsy). These cases demonstrate the need for a thorough scene investigation, complete autopsy, and proper collection and storage of specimens to certify a death caused by insulin intoxication as well as to determine the manner of death. Appropriate collection and preservation of postmortem blood samples are discussed.  相似文献   

In clinical medicine, C-reactive protein (CRP) is extensively used as a general marker for immune system activation, and post-mortem applicability has been established [M.Q. Fujita, B.L. Zhu, K. Ishida, L. Quan, S. Oritani, H. Maeda, Serum C-reactive protein levels in postmortem blood-an analysis with special reference to the cause of death and survival time, Forensic Sci. Int. 130 (2002) 160-166; L. Uhlin-Hansen, C-reactive protein (CRP), a comparison of pre- and post-mortem blood levels, Forensic Sci. Int. 124 (2001) 32-35]. We have analysed the routine use of CRP in non-selected cases. Scarcity of blood available for analysis is a common problem in forensic investigation, and in response to this we have developed a method using liver as a source. In 50 consecutive autopsy cases, we have evaluated method, validated results and discussed their interpretation. In three cases the analysis was not possible. For each of the remaining cases (n=47) we have analysed whole blood, serum and/or liver samples. 57% (n=25) had serum CRP > 10 mg/L. Serum levels were higher than in whole blood or liver. CRP levels in serum and whole blood samples were stable in more than one month after death, making storage for later analysis possible. Liver levels peaked at one week, but after one month putrefaction was obvious. CRP levels were independent of the post-mortem interval. The use of liver as a source has not yet been described in literature. Our results in liver samples correlate well with plasma results, and liver is a good post-mortem alternative when blood is not available. We conclude that CRP measurements are easy, viable and inexpensive in a forensic setting, and that the number of cases with CRP elevation is high in a non-selected forensic material. In cases of doubt, marked elevation of CRP is an indicator of natural mode of death, and in cases of trauma, it indicates vital reaction. It can be used as a pre-autopsy screening, leading to a more extensive search for diseases not easily diagnosed, such as sepsis or ketoacidosis.  相似文献   

Postmortem interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were investigated prospectively in sepsis-related fatalities and non-septic fatalities by using a linear regression model. At least three blood samples were collected between 0.3 and 139 h postmortem from sepsis-related fatalities (n=8) and non-septic fatalities (n=16). In addition, one antemortem blood sample was collected shortly before death from the septic patients. Antemortem and postmortem IL-6 and CRP levels were highly elevated in all individuals included in the sepsis group. An excessive postmortem increase of IL-6 serum levels associated with progressive time after death was observed in five out of the eight septic patients. Both, IL-6 and CRP serum concentrations seem to be suitable biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis. The determination of IL-6 serum levels above 1500 pg/ml in peripheral venous blood obtained in the early postmortem interval can be considered as a diagnostic hint towards an underlying septic condition. A more precise postmortem discrimination between sepsis and non-septic underlying causes of death is provided by the postmortem measurement of serum CRP in peripheral venous blood: on condition that at least two postmortem CRP values have been determined at different time points postmortem, the CRP level of a deceased at the time of death can be calculated by using linear regression analysis. When assessing postmortem IL-6 and CRP concentrations as biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis, various clinical conditions, such as a preceding trauma or burn injury going along with elevated IL-6 and/or CRP levels prior to death as a result of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) should be taken into consideration, thus adding relevant information for the practical interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Because serum Procalcitonin is reported to be a valid postmortem marker of sepsis, this prospective study was carried out to determine whether the semi-quantitative PCT-Q((R))-Test (B.R.A.H.M.S., Germany) is a reliable indicator of postmortem Procalcitonin (PCT) serum levels, thus enabling a quick "tableside" diagnosis of sepsis. Postmortem PCT-levels of 70 forensic and 78 clinical-pathological autopsy cases (n=148) were examined using the B.R.A.H.M.S-PCT-Q-Test during autopsy. 27 cases were categorized as the cases of sepsis according to the ACCP/SCCM Consensus Conference criteria. 121 cases were assigned to the non-sepsis group. Among the 148 cases, 18 samples could not be analyzed by the reason of strong hemolysis. Using a cut-off point of 2 ng/ml, 20 cases of sepsis were identified (true positive) whereas 3 cases of sepsis were not detected (false negative). In the non-sepsis group (107 cases) 6 cases showed a positive testing (false positive). When applied within 48 h postmortem, the PCT-Q-Test showed a sensitivity of 86.96% and a specificity of 94.39% (at cut-off 2 ng/ml). Likelihood ratios and positive predictive values proved to be lower in the forensic autopsy group (PPV: 59.3% in forensic case vs. 85.1% in clinicopathological cases; NPV: 98.73% in forensic cases vs. 95.2% in clinicopathological cases). The PPVs using a cut-off point of 10 ng/ml were 100% in both groups independent of sepsis prevalences. The results show, that a high NPV for prevalences ranging from 3% to 30% can be reached using a 2 ng/ml cut-off point, whereas a cut-off of 10 ng/ml ensures a high PPV for the respective prevalences in the absence of exclusion criteria. The study provides strong evidence that the introduction of rapid diagnostic test (RDTs) of postmortem PCT serum levels may be useful in achieving rapid distinction between sepsis and non-sepsis-related causes of death, especially in conjunction with the medical case history and further autopsy results. In addition, the use of RDTs enables clinicians to conduct an evidence-based validation of clinical diagnosis, thus facilitating future clinical decision-making.  相似文献   

A 31-year-old engineer was found dead in a reaction vessel (diameter 0.8 m, height 1.8 m) of a bulb factory some minutes after he had entered it for repair work. Resuscitation attempts with artificial respiration were unsuccessful. Despite autopsy and usual toxicological analyses, no cause of death could be found. Since in the normal production process, argon was used as a protecting gas, the possibility of suffocation in an argon atmosphere was investigated. This was rendered more difficult because of the natural content of 0.93 vol.% argon in air and since the excessive argon could have been removed by the resuscitation attempts. Gas samples from larynx, esophagus, bronchi, and stomach, separated blood samples from both ventricles of the heart and from the vena iliaca externa as well as tissue samples from lung and liver were collected during autopsy into headspace vials in such a way that the loss of gas and a dilution by surrounding air was avoided as far as possible. The samples were analyzed by headspace GC-MS. The abundance of Ar+ (m/z = 40) was used for quantification with N2(2+) (m/z = 14) as internal standard. The following argon concentrations were measured (mean values, case under investigation/comparison cases): gas from larynx 1.79/0.96 vol.%, stomach gas 1.58/0.89 vol.%, heart blood (left ventricle) 7.2/2.7 microg/mL, heart blood (right ventricle) 5.8/2.7 microg/mL, blood from vena iliaca externa 3.6/2.7 microg/mL. A clearly increased concentration was also found in lung tissue, whereas in liver tissue no significant difference in comparison to other cases was measured. From the results, it follows that the deceased inhaled an increased amount of argon a short time before death. The concentrations are consistent with asphyxia and subsequent resuscitation attempts. They cannot be explained by a long-term inhalation of an atmosphere enriched with argon before the incident as it is likely to have occurred in this factory hall.  相似文献   

Acute pancreatitis represents a spectrum of disease, ranging from a mild, transitory illness to a severe, rapidly progressive hemorrhagic form, with massive necrosis and mortality rates of up to 24%. The reported incidence of acute pancreatitis diagnosed first at clinicopathologic autopsy ranges between 30% and 42%. To better describe outpatient fatalities due to acute pancreatitis that present as sudden, unexpected death, we retrospectively reviewed the autopsy files at the Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Hamburg, Germany, from 2000-2004. Individual cases were analyzed for sex, age, race, circumstances of death, social background of the deceased and previous medical history, seasonal occurrence of the disease, blood alcohol concentration at the time of death, body mass index, autopsy findings, histopathology, and etiology of acute pancreatitis. Among the 6178 autopsies carried out during the 5-year period evaluated, there were 27 cases of acute pancreatitis that presented as sudden, unexpected death. In all cases, the diagnosis was first made at autopsy. The male:female ratio was 1.7:1 and the mean age was 52 years (range, 30-91 years). Etiologies of acute pancreatitis included alcohol (n=19), gall stones (n=2), other identified etiologic factors (n=3), and idiopathic (n=3). Complications of acute pancreatitis included lung edema and/or acute respiratory distress syndrome, peritonitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and sepsis. At least 20 subjects (74%) had lived isolated, with no social contacts. Contrary to the clinical observations of a clear seasonal variation in the onset of acute pancreatitis, we found no correlation between death due to acute pancreatitis and a specific month or season. Many prior studies have suggested that the majority of deaths in severe acute pancreatitis occur in the late phase of the disease as a result of pancreatic sepsis. Conversely, in the present study, the majority of affected individuals died during the very early phase of the disease. While gallstones represent the main etiologic factor in most larger clinical series, biliary etiology seems to play only a minor role in outpatient deaths undergoing medicolegal autopsies. Data derived from medicolegal autopsy studies should be included in future population-based studies of acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Human identification and forensic criminal casework may involve DNA profiling of decomposed material. Somatic microsatellite (STR) instability may lead to false exclusions and theoretically to false inclusions, both in criminal cases and in human identification. Hence, the somatic and postmortal stability of the actual sequences is crucial to the reliability of such analyses. Somatic STR stability in human tissues has been documented in small series only and the effect of postmortal tissue decomposition on microsatellite stability remains to be elucidated. On this basis, we have systematically searched for somatic STR mutations in 26 deceased humans without signs of decomposition at autopsy and 25 autopsy cases with obvious signs of postmortal decomposition. A blood sample and six tissue samples were collected from each case.Seven STRs were chosen for study, the tetranucleotides HUMVWA31/A, HUMTH01, HUMF13A1, and HUMFES/FPS, and the hyperpolymorphic markers HUMAPOAI1, D11S554 and HUMACTBP2. Denaturing gel electrophoresis was performed on an ABD Prism 377 gene sequencer with Genescan 672 software (Applied Biosystems, Inc.).The bone DNA profile of each case was chosen as the standard DNA profile. All cases gave profiles from additional tissues. By intraindividual comparison of DNA profiles in the cases without signs of degradation we find that the short repetitive sequences under study are stable, that is without evidence of somatic mutations. The cases with varying degree of decomposition display postmortal microsatellite stability, we detect no somatic mutations or other possible postmortal changes that could lead to between-organ non-matches.In conclusion, PCR-based STR analyses are suitable in human identification and forensic casework dealing with different tissues, even when the substrate is heavily decomposed.  相似文献   

Two cases of sudden, unexpected death resulting from coronary artery dissection have been reported. Since sudden and unexpected death falls within medical examiners' jurisdiction, the systematic autopsy examination of such cases offers an opportunity to evaluate this entity as well as other rare causes of natural death. A review of the literature concerning the subject has been presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe lung disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma leading to impaired gas exchange. This condition is often lethal, usually requiring mechanical ventilation and admission to an intensive care unit. We present two fatal cases of hidden pneumonia in young people and discuss the pathophysiological mechanism of ARDS with reference to the histological pattern. A complete forensic approach by means of autopsy and histological, immunohistochemical, and microbiological, examination was carried out. In both cases the cause of death was cardio‐respiratory failure following an acute bilateral pneumonia with diffuse alveolar damage and ARDS associated with sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Our cases suggest on one side the importance of an early diagnosis to avoid unexpected death while on the other that the diagnosis of ARDS has to be confirmed on the basis of a careful postmortem examination and a complete microscopy and microbiological study.  相似文献   

Exogenous insulin has been used for many years to treat diabetes mellitus. Due to the complex nature of insulin therapy, there have been numerous accidental overdoses by these patients. Unfortunately, in other instances, insulin has been used as an agent for suicide and homicide in diabetics as well as nondiabetics. Presented here is a fatal case of accidental insulin overdose in a nondiabetic. Following the case presentation, we review insulin pharmacology and the methods of diagnosing insulin overdose postmortem. In any case of insulin overdose, a comprehensive scene investigation to document the amount and type of insulin used, along with information revealing the source of the insulin is critical. In addition, a complete autopsy, including appropriate laboratory studies, is needed to make a diagnosis in these cases. Proper attention should be given to collection and storage of blood samples, as these specimens often yield the strongest evidence of insulin overdose.  相似文献   

On the basis of the autopsy results in three cases, extensive pathomorphological changes were demonstrated in the stomach, such as Ménétrier's disease and diffuse superficial gastritis. For these cases of sudden death, no cause could be found that could be verified by morphological or toxicological means. Analogous to clinical experience on the protein deficiency syndrome and food allergies and based on the knowledge that the intestinal tract also represents an immune organ, as well as the finding of diffuse changes in the gastric mucosa ideas have been developed regarding hypersensitive immunological reactions which might have not only local but also systemic effects comparable with anaphylactic reactions of different origins. Diffuse gastropathy or gastritis should not simply be assessed as a secondary finding. If other explanations are lacking and there are indications of intensive cellular immune reactions, the possibility arises of reconstructing lethal pathophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hair samples are useful as a matrix for drug testing because drugs can be detected in hair for longer periods than in blood or urine. The authors report a prospective comparison of the detection of cocaine and cocaethylene in routine postmortem biologic specimens to the detection of cocaine and cocaethylene in hair. The authors collected hair samples from various areas of the head in 53 autopsy cases, prepared them, and analyzed them by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for cocaine and cocaethylene. The authors compared the results of hair analysis with the results of toxicologic analysis performed on routine postmortem samples by enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique and GC/MS. Cocaine was found in either biologic fluids or in hair in 16 of 53 samples tested. Nine samples were positive for cocaine in both biologic fluids and hair. Five samples contained cocaine only in biologic fluids, and two contained cocaine only in hair. Cocaethylene was present in two cases. Drug screening of hair provides additional information in some autopsy cases, but the authors have not made hair analysis a routine practice. It may prove useful to save hair samples in all cases for later analysis if warranted by additional history or autopsy findings.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 are diseases characterized by impaired regulation of blood glucose due to decreased insulin production and insulin resistance, respectively. Management of diabetes mellitus often requires injection of exogenous insulin. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII or insulin pump) is a diabetes treatment modality utilizing a device to aid in regulation of glycemic control. Malfunctions in device components can have rare fatal consequences. Described in this report are six fatalities due to one such malfunction, the failure of plastic cannulas of CSII devices to penetrate the skin and deliver insulin, resulting in fatal diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The cases derive from four different death investigation systems. For each case, scene and autopsy findings are presented, as well as selected toxicology and histology findings. These cases illustrate the importance of careful examination of CSII devices in death investigations and introduce a discussion on discrepant manner of death classifications.  相似文献   

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