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目的 探索曲形槽状齿钥匙上的增配痕迹特征及其随开启次数的变化.方法 用被增配过的原配钥匙进行模拟开锁实验,观察开启前后的增配痕迹.结果 发现原配钥匙上的增配痕迹主要为钥匙板侧上的夹持痕迹和齿槽底面、齿槽壁上的擦划痕迹,且齿底面上的擦划痕迹随开启次数增加较稳定,齿壁上的擦划痕迹随开启次数增加呈渐变性变化.结论 原配钥匙上的增配痕迹主要为夹持痕迹和仿形针擦划痕迹,夹持痕迹反映不明显,仿形针擦划痕迹较稳定.  相似文献   

目的探索被增配凸形钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度与齿坡角间的关系。方法用铝板制作相同坡长不同齿坡角的钥匙模型,在相同夹持方式下模拟增配过程,观察并总结钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度的变化。结果不同齿坡角上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度不同。结论凸齿钥匙上仿形刀增配痕迹倾斜角度随齿坡角的增大而减小。  相似文献   

目的 探索远近两种夹持方式对凸齿钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度的影响.方法 用铝板制作相同坡长、不同齿坡角的凸齿钥匙模型,在远近两种夹持方式下模拟增配过程,观察并总结钥匙上仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度的变化.结果 两种夹持方式下的仿形刀痕迹倾斜角相等.结论 远近夹持不影响仿形刀痕迹倾斜角度.  相似文献   

目的探索方形坡状齿钥匙增配痕迹形成规律、增配痕迹随开启次数的渐变过程以及增配痕迹的变化因素。方法用被增配过的原配钥匙和增配钥匙进行模拟开启实验,观察并记录开启前和开启过程中的增配痕迹。结果被增配钥匙的坡面上有明显的印压痕迹和擦划痕迹,增配痕迹随开启次数增加呈渐变性变化,且原配钥匙和增配钥匙上的增配痕迹变化不同。结论增配痕迹为印压痕迹和擦划痕迹,印压痕迹随着开启次数增加而逐渐消失,擦划痕迹较稳定。  相似文献   

目的探索月牙槽状齿钥匙增配痕迹形成规律、增配痕迹随开启次数的渐变过程以及影响增配痕迹的变化因素。方法用被增配过的原配钥匙进行模拟开锁实验,观察并记录开启前和开启过程中的增配痕迹。结果被增配钥匙的齿面上有明显的磕碰痕迹和擦划痕迹,增配痕迹随开启次数增加呈渐变性变化,且不同区域的增配痕迹变化不同。结论月牙槽状齿钥匙的被增配痕迹为磕碰痕迹和擦划痕迹,齿槽壁上的被增配痕迹随着开启次数增加较稳定。  相似文献   

钥匙上复制痕迹的检验要点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 钥匙被复制形成的痕迹类别钥匙被复制形成的痕迹是指在增配钥匙时,配匙机器的有关部件作用于匙模上形成的形态变化,其分为固定夹板的夹待印压痕和定位刀的刮划痕两种.匙模,是指用来当作模型的钥匙,它既可以是原配钥匙,也可以是后配钥匙.1.1 夹持印压痕:位于匙体两侧面,是固定夹板对钥匙匙体的两侧面同时施加对向正压力而形成.痕迹呈长条带状,平行于钥匙轴线,新鲜痕迹反映较好,痕迹发亮,略有发毛.  相似文献   

目的研究几类常见钥匙增配痕迹特征分布。方法用光学显微镜观察钥匙的增配痕迹。结果几类钥匙的增配痕迹能够观察到。结论通过检验不同种类钥匙上的痕迹特征可以确定是否为增配使用痕迹。  相似文献   

目的研究内、外铣槽钥匙机械配制后痕迹的出现规律及其影响因素。方法利用传统的痕迹检验方法观察痕迹出现的位置、形态及分布规律。结果内、外铣槽钥匙机械配制后会留下不同于其原始加工痕迹和使用痕迹的增配痕迹,这种痕迹是否明显出现、出现的形态和位置受钥匙材质和结构、配匙机、配匙人员工作经验等因素的影响。结论当未发现内、外铣槽钥匙上有明显增配痕迹时,不能轻易做出钥匙未被增配的判断。  相似文献   

后配钥匙是借助于手工或机械锉、铣加工复制,齿列关系与原配钥匙相一致的新钥匙。而对用后配钥匙做案案例的研究,往往偏重于后配钥匙在锁芯弹子上形成的痕迹和原配钥匙在复制过程中形成痕迹的分析、研究,最能反映加工复制痕迹的后配钥匙常常被忽视。对其进行科学地分析和检验、识别原配或后配钥匙,这在实践工作中具有很大的应用价值。 1 后配钥匙上复制加工痕迹及其形成机理 后配钥匙一般是使用匙坯加工复制而成的,开齿过程中在钥匙坯上会形成明显的加工痕迹。后配钥匙上的加工痕迹主要有以下5种。  相似文献   

对于发生在室内的刑事案件,门锁的勘验对于案件的侦破尤为重要,尤其是案件进出口不明时,门锁的勘验就有利于判定案犯是否为内部人员(包括内外勾结)所为。近年来,随着治安形势的日益严峻,人们的防范意识逐渐加强,许多家庭已改过去普遍使用的“一”字型和“十”字型锁,门锁改用量子锁具,这对于防范起到了积极作用,但使用量子锁具的家庭也时有刑案发生,且有时进出口不明。在此类案件中不乏有增配钥匙作案的例子,笔者通过此类案件原配钥匙的检验和大量实验中,发现原配钥匙上的增配痕迹存在一定规律。1量子锁原配钥匙情况量子钥匙不同于单齿钥匙…  相似文献   

内凹齿钥匙痕迹特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的运用光学仪器研究内凹齿钥匙痕迹形态特征。方法制作内凹齿钥匙正常开锁和被钥匙机复制后的样本,用光学显微镜拍照固定痕迹特征。结果内凹齿钥匙开锁痕迹特征明显,且被钥匙机复制后能留下复制痕迹。结论通过检验内凹齿钥匙上的痕迹特征能确定钥匙是否被复制过。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mechanisms governing transfer, persistence, and recovery of trace evidence, together with background prevalence in the population of interest, and other task relevant information, is key for the forensic interpretation and reconstruction of what happened at the activity level. Up to now, this informational “toolkit” has largely been developed through empirical forensic studies on specific trace materials such as glass, textile fibers, and soil. Combined with the identified systemic siloing between disciplines, while valuable, such research tends to be very material-dependent, introducing specific parameters and interpretations that may have actually impeded the recognition of underlying foundational factors applicable to most material types. In Australia, there has been a renewed interest in developing a discipline-independent framework for the interpretation and/or reconstruction of trace evidence to interpret specific circumstances in casework. In this paper, we present a discipline agnostic “way of thinking” that has been anchored in foundational science underpinning the trace evidence discipline. Physical and mechanical material properties such as material geometry and surface topography, strength, stiffness, and hardness collectively influence contact interactions through underlying friction, wear, and lubrication cause and effect mechanisms. We discuss how these fundamental factors and parameters stemming from materials science and tribology may be adopted and adapted by forensic practitioners and researchers to contribute to a better understanding of transfer, persistence, and recovery mechanisms irrespective of evidence discipline and material type. Examples are provided to demonstrate the practical significance to real-life casework and academic research.  相似文献   

Lanyard chains are commonly worn around the neck to hold keys and identification badges. A ten-year-old Black male child was home alone jumping and swinging of the raised crossbars on his mother's four-poster bed. He commonly did this. He also wore a lanyard around his neck with his house key, which he used to let himself in after school. His mother found him hanging on the corner of the bedpost by the lanyard when she returned from work. The death scene showed that he was jumping on the bed and the lanyard hooked over the top of the corner bedpost, causing first and second cervical vertebrae dislocation of an abrupt "drop-type" hanging with neck abrasion marks. Lanyards, or any loose rope material around the neck, are inherently dangerous due to their strength and ability to catch fixed or moving objects. Safety modifications to the lanyards are easily made with "breakaway" Velcro-type or plastic clip fasteners. This is the first reported case of an accidental hanging after review of the medical literature and files of the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission.  相似文献   

Car key burglary has recently become the focus of empirical investigation as offenders, no longer able to steal vehicles without first obtaining their keys, resort to "burgling" target properties. Research surrounding the modus operandi of these offenses is beginning to emerge; however, little attention has been paid to investigating the characteristics of car key burglary offenders. Challenging the assumption that car key burglary offenses are perpetrated by regular burglars, this study aims to differentiate between offenders. Logistic regression analysis of 110 car key and 110 regular burglary offenders revealed that car key burglars are more likely to have previous vehicle theft convictions and are also more likely to be detected on information supplied to the police than regular burglars. Regular burglars are more likely to have previous shoplifting convictions. It was concluded that car key burglars are a distinct sample of offenders and the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

犯罪心理画像论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈闻高 《犯罪研究》2013,(6):2-15,22
犯罪心理画像是在研究罪案统计资料的基础上,运用心理学原理和技术,透视案件痕迹物证中的心理痕迹和心理现场,在重建犯罪过程中分析未知案犯的形象和行为、动机、心理过程、心理特征群等,从而确定作案人范围的侦查技术。考察犯罪心理画像研究的历史与现状。心理画像的实质是心理现场的重构,其逻辑线索是一种侦查推理,是关于作案人情况的假说。其归纳式心理画像和演绎式心理画像可结合起来,用其长处,避其短处。在借鉴现场分析、心理侦查、行为证据分析、地理画像等方法的基础上,我国应建立犯罪行为人性状和特征的数据库,完善相应的指标体系,以提高心理画像技术的科学性。  相似文献   

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