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基因编辑风险是现代医学科技发展过程中因"人为决定"而产生的风险,属于风险社会所指的生物安全风险,具有不可预测性、不确定性、人为性等特征.不少国家已经将基因编辑行为作为犯罪加以规制,只是规制范围有所不同.我国刑法对此也予以关注,但是,基于预防导向将风险发展走向不明确的行为犯罪化,就需要说明刑罚的正当性根据,即解释刑罚何以适用于基因编辑行为.分析基因编辑犯罪的刑罚正当性根据,也有利于反思、考察刑法介入的正当性.基因编辑犯罪中,将刑罚积极一般预防作为刑罚正当性根据更加适当.  相似文献   

国际前沿的生物基因技术给人类社会带来了挑战。本文论述了基因犯罪以及生殖陆克隆人是否构成犯罪以及如何处罚的这一全新法律问题,并向人们展示了生物科技时代刑事法律的发展趋势。  相似文献   

贾元 《法学》2024,(4):77-94
基因技术利用行为在给人类社会带来福祉的同时,也引发了一系列伦理和安全问题,需要刑法对之加以回应。现有刑法对基因技术利用行为规制的不足主要有两方面原因:一是我国的刑事立法具有滞后性,并在生物科技利用行为规制方面呈现被动性特点;二是现有罪名存在一定的局限性,虽然我国刑法已经设立了非法植入基因编辑、克隆胚胎罪和非法采集人类遗传资源、走私人类遗传资源材料罪等罪名,但尚不足以应对可能出现的新基因技术利用行为的规制需求。由于基因技术利用行为具有强烈的风险不确定性以及强伦理性,对这类行为的规制应当以风险预防原则为基础展开。在现有刑法框架下,对相关行为可以通过对现有罪名,如以危险方法危害公共安全罪、故意伤害罪等罪名的解释适用进行规制,但这样仅能起到事后惩罚作用,而无法实现风险的提前预防。所以最有效方式是通过立法途径对风险进行溯源预防,即在基因开发利用行为的研究阶段就采取较为严格的规制措施,必要时设立新的罪名。  相似文献   

学理界对是否赋予基因本身和基因技术专利法保护存在较大的争议,本文认为基因本身和基因技术是具有可专利性的,但不能以此为由,全面抹杀传统的原则和宗旨。为了协调好国家、基因提供者与基因专利权人之间的利益,一方面我们可以借鉴国外先进经验,设立专门机构对涉外基因专利进行统一管理,以防止基因资源的流失;另一方面通过规定“农民权”,认定基因是一种由国家和基因提供者共同所有的财产,使广大农民也能分享专利权带来的好处。  相似文献   

21世纪人类进入了"后基因组时代",面临着如何进一步将已经解析的基因组情报加以应用于人类各种生活领域的课题,与基因技术相关的伦理、法律以及社会问题研究成了人们关注的热点,而基因隐私权问题就是其中被重点关注的问题之一。本文从对基因信息的概念及特征分析入手,提出对基因隐私权的法律保护,这正是基因技术对所面临的法律挑战做出的必要应对措施。  相似文献   

师索 《犯罪研究》2011,(5):34-44
风险社会中,犯罪不应再被认为是社会病态现象,而应被视为日常风险产物。因此需要以犯罪接受并改变风险作为引导运行的视角来重新看待犯罪。犯罪运行需要犯罪风险源作为能量为其提供动力。犯罪风险源包括人造风险、发展性风险、人性风险以及激发性风险。犯罪运行的过程也必然要和风险发生各种关系。风险的感知、分配、放大与沟通都会使犯罪呈现不同形态。在风险社会中对犯罪进行治理需要从犯罪运行、犯罪风险源以及犯罪与风险的关系三个方面入手。  相似文献   

医用基因技术实用性与可专利性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因时代 ,随着基因技术的不断创新 ,人类能够发明并生产出高精度基因诊断工具和特效基因药物以对抗目前尚难以控制的疾病。但基因技术在给人类带来福音的同时 ,也面临着法律保护上的缺陷与空白 ,进而影响到我们的日常工作与生活 ,对此问题进行研讨有其现实性和必要性。  相似文献   

保险中“基因歧视”的立法对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王迁 《法学》2003,(12)
基因时代 ,随着基因技术的不断创新 ,人类能够发明并生产出高精度基因诊断工具和特效基因药物以对抗目前尚难以控制的疾病。但基因技术在给人类带来福音的同时 ,也面临着法律保护上的缺陷与空白 ,进而影响到我们的日常工作与生活 ,对此问题进行研讨有其现实性和必要性。  相似文献   

基因时代 ,随着基因技术的不断创新 ,人类能够发明并生产出高精度基因诊断工具和特效基因药物以对抗目前尚难以控制的疾病。但基因技术在给人类带来福音的同时 ,也面临着法律保护上的缺陷与空白 ,进而影响到我们的日常工作与生活 ,对此问题进行研讨有其现实性和必要性。  相似文献   

随着基因技术的发展,对知识产权制度尤其是专利制度提出了诸多挑战,通过基因可专利性问题的探讨,可以看出在我国实施基因专利保护有着很深的基础和现实意义.本文针对当前我国基因保护的立法现状及其不足,提出了完善我国基因保护的立法对策.  相似文献   

Research Summary Business transactions have increasingly been crossing national borders, thereby presenting greater opportunities for white-collar crime and for the externalization of risk. The global economic crisis, resulting in part from the subprime mortgage scandal, is a prime example of this potential. To develop theoretical perspectives and practical interventions to prevent and respond to the global financial crisis, we consider similar issues of risk and white-collar crime associated with global transactions in electronic waste (E-waste). Policy Implications Smart (or responsive) regulation is a promising approach for addressing both E-waste and the current economic crisis. This response includes crime prevention, third-party- and self-regulation, and the threat of strong state intervention. Future research should explore the extent to which smart regulation reduces specific forms of white-collar crime and risk, as well as whether these interventions generalize to other transnational problems.  相似文献   

丈夫拒绝签字导致妻子死亡的行为属于间接故意杀人。肖志军因具有法定的救助义务而成立不作为;刑法应偏向患者利益,在医疗领域中采用风险增高理论来判断因果关系;在拒签时,肖志军认识到了妻子死亡的具体危险性,这决定了他属于间接故意的杀人。在社会救助体制缺失时,刑法期待通过强化个人责任而确立"全力救助患者生命"的价值导向。  相似文献   

Several researchers point to the anticipation of early death, or a sense of “futurelessness,” as a contributing factor to youth crime. It is argued that young people who perceive a high probability of early death may have little reason to delay gratification for the promise of future benefits, as the future itself is discounted. Consequently, these young people tend to pursue high‐risk behaviors associated with immediate rewards, which include crime and violence. Although existing studies lend support to these arguments and show a statistical relationship between anticipated early death and youth crime, this support remains tentative. Moreover, several questions remain regarding the interpretation of this relationship, the meanings that offenders attach to the prospect of early death, and the cognitive processes that link anticipated early death to youth crime. In this article, we address the limitations of previous studies using a multimethods approach, which involves the analyses of national survey data and in‐depth interviews with active street offenders.  相似文献   

本文将金融风险和被害人因素结合起来,借鉴被害人理论,社会学的风险社会理论,经济学的金融风险理论,结合收集到的关于金融犯罪被害的实事材料,通过分析金融风险转化为金融犯罪被害的三种模式对导致金融犯罪被害的风险因素进行分析,探讨金融犯罪被害风险问题。具体分析金融风险与金融犯罪被害的关系,金融风险是在何种机制下转化成金融犯罪被害事实,这个转化过程是怎样发展演化的,找出由金融风险转化为金融犯罪被害的关键。在特定被害情境下,金融风险通过风险载体与加害人发生联系,并被加害人加以利用,进而使金融风险发展成金融犯罪的被害要因,由潜在的被害可能性向现实的被害结果转化。探索隐含于金融活动中的各种风险与金融犯罪被害之间的关系,为正确认识金融风险,化解金融风险,也可为防范金融犯罪被害提供决策依据和指导建议。因此,探索金融领域的风险与金融犯罪被害之间的作用机制,消除金融风险的负面影响,进而减少金融犯罪被害问题是十分有意义的。  相似文献   

董桂文 《法律科学》2013,31(1):191-200
目前的器官犯罪主要与器官移植有关,是科技风险在该领域的突出表现.对此,《刑法修正案(八)》第37条新增了有关器官犯罪的内容,旨在以刑法手段应对与器官犯罪有关的科技风险.该条文既具有科学合理之处,如理性克服了对供/受体直接交易行为的犯罪化冲动等问题,也存在不尽完善之处,如未对精神病患者等特殊对象权利保护问题作出规定等.因此,有必要结合科技风险对该条涉及的器官犯罪若干问题进行深入研究并提出完善建议.  相似文献   

植物DNA检验技术是利用植物遗传性状的稳态性对关联植物物证进行检验鉴定的手段。将该技术应用于现场重建,应基于植物物证与犯罪嫌疑人、被害人及其活动环境具有"重大关联性"。从命案现场重建的需求上看,应围绕犯罪嫌疑人及其可控物品中附着植物与现场植物的种属同一性判断、被害人尸体(尸块或尸骸)及其随附物品中附着植物与中心现场植物的种属同一性判断、疑似侵害物及其附着植物与嫌疑人行为关联植物的种属同一性判断等三个角度或层次进行检验和综合分析。植物DNA检验技术可阐明物证的时空运行停顿规律,为命案现场重建工作提供一种参考性解决方案。  相似文献   

Recent theoretical extensions of threat theory have posited that Whites frequently view Blacks as a criminal threat because of stereotypes linking race and crime. Several studies have found indirect support for this hypothesis and have shown that the percentage of neighborhood residents who are Black is positively associated with the perceptions of victimization risk and fear of crime by White residents. To date, however, little research has investigated whether, as theory would suggest, this relationship is either a consequence of or is contingent on Whites holding stereotypes of Blacks as criminals. In this article, we address this issue by examining whether racial typification of crime mediates or moderates the relationships between static and dynamic measures of neighborhood racial composition and the perceptions of victimization risk by Whites. The results offer mixed support for the threat hypothesis and show that racial typification of crime conditions the relationship between perceived changes in neighborhood racial composition and the perceptions of victimization risk by Whites, but neither explains nor influences the association between static measures of racial composition and the latter. The implications of the findings for threat theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Linking isolated instances of organized crime in a systematic way can inform law enforcement in identifying high-risk activities and markets and prioritizing them according to objective factors known to be associated with organized crime. There are five ways in which risk assessment organized crime can be achieved. Improvements to data collection, utilizing a team approach to gather information, identifying common elements in organized crime incidents, understanding the parameters of a risk assessment instrument, and connecting organized crime risk assessment to the implementation of law and policy are practical ways in which organized crime activity can be better anticipated, investigated, and prevented. Connecting isolated incidents to organized crime through better information from offenders, victims, and police is possible with teams of investigators, researchers, and analysts. An organized crime risk assessment tool is presented that offers systematic analysis of opportunity factors, the criminal environment, and harm potential among the seventeen risk factors identified. Risk assessment can be used to evaluate the influence of organized crime in local jurisdictions, and the impact of new laws and policies that affect commerce and criminal opportunities.  相似文献   

Both trauma psychology and criminology have studied the psychological correlates of crime victimization. While the former discipline has primarily focused on the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among crime victims, the latter has particularly studied the association between history of victimization and fear of crime. A major difference between both concepts is that PTSD is experienced in relation to previous victimization, while fear of crime does not necessarily follow from previous victimization and is primarily experienced in anticipation of possible future victimization. Despite their different orientations, both perspectives share one central tenet: they both argue that feelings of anxiety are accompanied by increased perceptions of risk for future victimization. Given this theoretical overlap, both types of anxiety may correlate with each other. The current study explored this topic in a sample of Dutch university students (N = 375) and found that PTSD symptom severity and fear of crime were significantly associated with each other, both in univariate and multivariate analyses. This association was stronger for participants who scored higher on perceived risk of personal crime victimization than for those who scored lower. Results were discussed in light of study limitations and directions for future research.  相似文献   

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