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目的建立一种灵敏、准确、无损的口红检验方法。方法利用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪,采用SmartPerformer采样器,对202个不同产地、不同品牌和同一品牌不同牌号的口红样品进行分析检验。结果依据红外光谱图中吸收峰的不同,可以将口红样品加以区分。结论该检验方法不破坏检材,重现性好,可用于鉴定案件现场中提取到的口红物证。  相似文献   

在刑事照相中,紫外照相越来越被人们所认识和重视。通过紫外照相有可能显示肉眼看不清甚至看不见的犯罪痕迹和物证。这是因为许多物质在紫外线的照射下,能被激发产生可见荧光,很多物质对紫外线的吸收和反射往往与可见光有明显差异,不同物质对紫外线的吸收和反射也不相同。利用物质的这种特性,通过紫外照相可以获得与白光照明下完全不同的图像效果。近几年来,紫外照相在物证鉴定部门发挥了很大作用,如对书写材料、褪色文件、掩盖字迹、模糊字迹、伪造  相似文献   

玻璃碎片是刑事案件现场常见的一种物证。在司法鉴定实践中,通过玻璃碎片的鉴别和同一认定,确定其来源,对侦破案情有较大的价值。目前国内公、检、法部门鉴别玻璃碎片,主要放在受力情况、折射率等物理机械性能的测试,玻璃碎片化学成分的鉴定未见报导。玻璃的主要成分是硅酸盐。不同型号的玻璃,使用性能有不同要求,其成分有较大  相似文献   

本文根据近年来国外法庭微量物证检验方面的研究成果,从检验对象、检验技术及发展趋势三个方面总结了当前国外微量物证的研究现状。介绍了近年来国外法庭科学家在常见的微量物证如油漆、纤维、玻璃等的检测方法和检测技术,尤其重点介绍了一些新技术如电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱技术(ICP/AES)、微波辅助消融和等离子光谱技术(OES...  相似文献   

光谱成像中光谱基准点选取的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究物证检验应用光谱成像标准化规范化的操作技术方法。方法比较相同数据采集条件下选择不同光谱基准点区分物质的效果。结果选择不同基准点对光谱成像检验效果影响很大。结论应用光谱成像方法检验物证时针对不同检验目的选择不同基准点具有很强的规律性。  相似文献   

黑色透紫外玻璃滤光片的不稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫外光是物证技术领域使用比较普遍的一种光源,在刑事特种照相、紫外观察(照相)系统、现场微量物证的搜索、防伪标志的检测、文件检验的激发光源等领域广泛应用。由于大部分紫外发光源含有其它光谱,我们需在光源前安装黑色透紫外玻璃滤光片,提高使用效果。当前使用比较普遍的黑色透紫外玻璃滤光片,国内生产的牌号有ZWB1、ZWB2、ZWB3,对应于德国的牌号有UG11、UG1、UG5,对应于日本的牌号有U340、U360、U330。该类黑色玻璃滤光片同镀膜滤光片相比,价格是镀膜滤光片的六分之一,透过率比镀膜滤光片高。以ZWB3滤光片为例,其波长365nm处…  相似文献   

本文根据近年来国外法庭微量物证检验方面的研究成果,从检验对象、检验技术及发展趋势三个方面总结了当前国外微量物证的研究现状。介绍了近年来国外法庭科学家在常见的微量物证如油漆、纤维、玻璃等的检测方法和检测技术,尤其重点介绍了一些新技术如电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱技术(ICP/AES)、微波辅助消融和等离子光谱技术(OES/ICP)、激光等离子质谱联用技术(LA/ICP/MS)等在微量物证中的应用。指出国外微量物证研究相对于国内微量物证研究在技术应用、数据库建立、数据分析、合作研究等方面的优越性。  相似文献   

玻璃是常见微量物证,目前国内微量物证检验报告通常只列出检验数据或定性给出比对检验结论,无法量化表达物证比对鉴定结论。似然比证据价值评价方法在全世界被广泛接受,但在中国,针对玻璃物证的定量价值评价方法还未建立,给检察官和法官准确利用玻璃物证带来困难。为提升玻璃物证的证据价值,本文拟建立量化比对检验结论的似然比方法模型并进行评估。基于四大类150个玻璃样品共750个折射率的检验数据,采用高斯核密度估计方法建立似然比(LR)模型,采用直方图和两类错误率对该模型进行评估。通过建立的似然比模型计算得出同源样品间的LR值在6.58~204 500范围内,不同源的样品间的LR值在0~0.68范围内,在150个样品的自身比对中,仅有一个样品自身比对的LR<1,错误排除率为0.67%;对150个不同来源玻璃样品进行两两比对,在C2150=11 175对比对中,有173对LR>1,错误接纳率为1.55%,两个错误率均较低,在可接受范围内。基于高斯核密度估计建立的似然比模型能够对基于玻璃折射率数据的样品比对给出满意的比对结果,可为法庭提供玻璃样品比对的...  相似文献   

目的运用激光显微共聚焦拉曼光谱仪对打印墨水的墨迹样品进行检验。方法采用514nm激发波长,测得EPSON、HP、CANON等3个品牌21种型号墨迹样品的拉曼光谱。结果根据拉曼峰位的异同,可将21种型号墨迹样品分为8大类。结论该方法可以快速区分常见不同种类打印墨水墨迹,为印刷文件的检验鉴定提供方法参考。  相似文献   

微量物证技术相对其它刑事技术手段起步较晚,这是由于其科技含量高,涉及几乎所有工程学科和分析学科,人们对它的认识非常有限。我国微量物证技术起步于20世纪70年代,初期仅开展了油类、射击残留物和爆炸残留物的检验。1984年第一届全国微量物证检验学术交流会的召开,极大推动了微量物证技术的发展。80年代我国微量物证技术得到快速发展,微量物证技术人员不断增加,逐步引进了气相色谱仪、原子发射光谱仪、原子吸收光谱仪、紫外光谱仪、扫描电镜、付里叶显微红外光谱仪、液相色谱仪、示差扫描量热仪和气/质联用仪等大型分析仪器设备,微量物证…  相似文献   

An automated thermal desorption gas chromatography technique has been adapted to analyse traces of volatile compounds in proprietary food-wrapping films. Fourteen brands of polyvinylchloride film, seven brands of polyethylene film and one polyvinylidene chloride film were discriminated. Prior infrared analysis was used to identify the polymer type. The chromatograms showed minor changes in volatiles along the length of a roll of film and major changes in films exposed to daylight or in contact with cannabis resin.  相似文献   

In 0.22 caliber rimfire ammunition, the primer often contains lead or lead and barium compounds. As residues from these primers do not contain lead, barium, and antimony, they cannot be uniquely classified as gunshot residue (GSR) under ASTM designation E 1588-95. In many types of 0.22 caliber rimfire ammunition, the cartridge contains a primer sensitized with glass. In this paper we describe a previously unreported type of GSR particle consisting of glass fused with other primer components. As there appear to be few potential environmental or occupational sources of particles composed of lead and barium compounds fused to glass, particularly borosilicate glass, these particles may have high evidential value. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray detection (SEM-EDX) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) were evaluated for the characterization of glass-containing GSR particles. The occurrence of glass-containing GSR particles was established in the residue from various brands of 0.22 caliber ammunition, and several sub-types were identified.  相似文献   

Document examiners are frequently asked to determine whether or not a colour printout has originated from a particular inkjet printer. The printer can rarely be identified unless some unique defects or irregularities of the printer are present on the printout. However, it is possible to decipher the make and/or model of the printer by comparing the ink-profile of the questioned printout with that of a seized inkjet printer cartridge or from one in a database. This paper presents an overview of a systematic approach to characterising and discriminating the inks of different inkjet printer cartridges using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with multi-wavelength ultra-violet/visible (UV/Vis) detection. Ink samples from 23 different inkjet printer cartridges (including originals and substitutes) of different brands and colour printouts, printed by known printers were examined with newly developed chromatographic methods. Subsequently, a database of the ink-profiles was generated. The methods provide a useful tool for discriminating coloured inks in inkjet printer cartridges of different brands.  相似文献   

Tooth-colored resin fillings have become increasingly popular as restorative materials. Their presence in the dentition presents a challenge to the clinician and the forensic odontologist, as detection of the fillings can be difficult both visually and radiographically. As they necessarily form part of the unique dentition of an individual, recognition of the resins is important for forensic identification. Alternative light sources have been used with success in various fields of forensic science. In recent years small LED flashlights emitting at specific wavelengths in the ultraviolet light (UV) range have been developed. Their low cost, small size, and ready availability makes their use practical in both forensic dental inspection and clinical settings. UV inspection is of interest because enamel, dentin and dental materials all have differing fluorescent properties when illuminated by UV light. It was one goal of this research to quantitatively assess the fluorescence properties of modern restorative resins in order to predict their behavior during inspection using UV illumination. The second goal was to demonstrate practical use of UV in dental inspection with examples of how different materials fluoresce. Quantitative measurements were obtained for optical emission wavelength and intensity for 15 modern resins using a spectrophotometer. Results indicated that resin brands fluoresce at different wavelengths and with varying intensities. Practical use and comparison of the flashlights revealed that the most useful excitation wavelengths for resin detection were in the UVA range (365 and 380 nm). Porcelain restorations and composite resin fillings exhibited different responses to these two wavelengths and thus use of both is recommended for forensic dental inspection.  相似文献   

目的 对新型粉末状荧光502显现手印的方法进行进一步探索和完善,确保其高效便捷和科学准确.方法 将PolyCyano UV粉末加热至230℃使其升华,待该粉末在手印纹线上聚合附着后用长波紫外线或蓝光激发拍照,并与初步研究结果相比较.结果 大部分非渗透性光滑客体表面上的汗潜手印均有很好的显现效果.结论 该方法使显现流程更加高效便捷、显现时间短、无需二次染色增强、不破坏生物检材,适合推广使用.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy is becoming a tool of major importance in forensic science. It is a non-invasive, non-destructive analytical method allowing samples to be examined without any preparation. This paper demonstrates the use of the technique as a general tool for gel pen inks analysis. For this purpose, 55 blue gel pen inks, of different brands and models representative of gel pen available on the world market at the time of this study, were collected. A preliminary solubility test in methanol allowed separating them into two classes: 19 dye-based and 36 pigment-based gel inks. The latter were analysed by Raman spectroscopy (RS) using two wavelength laser sources (514.5 and 830 nm). Two main pigments were identified, pigment blue 15 and pigment violet 23.  相似文献   

目的通过彩色文件上的图文特征鉴别喷墨打印机的品牌。方法在体视显微镜下观察采用不同喷墨机理的惠普、佳能和爱普生三大品牌喷墨打印机打印的彩色图文。结果通过对彩色图文上六种墨迹形态特征的比较,发现三大品牌喷墨打印机打印的彩色图文存在明显差异。结论依据这六种特征对三大品牌的喷墨打印机进行鉴别。  相似文献   

Seals are often placed on important documents, and determining the date when a seal was affixed can be important to assess the authenticity of a document. In this study, thirty‐seven different brands of stamp‐pad inks and three different types of paper were used to make diachronic samples of the seals. The volatile components of stamp‐pad ink were determined, and the stamp‐pad ink was classified by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector. Calibration curves were created to show the relationship between the content of volatile stamp‐pad ink components and the age of stamp‐pad ink entries stored under natural aging, UV‐induced aging, and heating aging conditions. The experimental results showed that GC was useful in the analysis of stamp‐pad ink and applicable for determining the relative age of stamp‐pad ink entries in some cases where the seal was placed on the document within 3 months.  相似文献   

Comparisons are made between the visualization of fingerprint corrosion ridge detail on fired brass cartridge casings, where fingerprint sweat was deposited prefiring, using both ultraviolet (UV) and visible (natural daylight) light sources. A reflected ultraviolet imaging system (RUVIS), normally used for visualizing latent fingerprint sweat deposits, is compared with optical interference and digital color mapping of visible light, the latter using apparatus constructed to easily enable selection of the optimum viewing angle. Results show that reflected UV, with a monochromatic UV source of 254 nm, was unable to visualize fingerprint ridge detail on any of 12 casings analyzed, whereas optical interference and digital color mapping using natural daylight yielded ridge detail on three casings. Reasons for the lack of success with RUVIS are discussed in terms of the variation in thickness of the thin film of metal oxide corrosion and absorption wavelengths for the corrosion products of brass.  相似文献   

目的研究不同品牌透明胶带的区分方法。方法利用测厚仪对35种不同品牌透明胶带的厚度进行检验,并对所得数据进行统计分析。结果 35种品牌透明胶带组成的595组样品对中有458组可以区分,区分率为77.0%。结论厚度检验法能够在一定程度上区分不同品牌的透明胶带,厚度检验结果可与化学成分检验相互佐证,使得鉴定结论更加准确可靠,为法庭科学领域透明胶带物证的区分提供了一种预检验方法。  相似文献   

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