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常女,7岁.1997年3月15日下午6时左右失踪,次日发现被人抛尸于村外河沟内.尸检见常女发育正常,营养中等,尸斑不明显,尸僵存在于全身各处,较强硬.颈部有一索沟,有表皮剥脱及点状皮肤出血.颜面部青紫,口鼻有血性液体,口唇粘膜有点状出血.双眼球睑结膜有点状出血.处女膜完整,小阴唇内侧面有点片状膜内出血.解剖见颈部皮下及肌肉无明显出血,心脏浆膜面有点状出血,内部窒息征象明显.胃基本呈充盈状态,胃内容物呈半糊状,重约300g,其内容物可分辨出有梨皮、菠菜、大米、面疙瘩、粉条等.根据胃内容的量及消化程度推断死亡距最后一餐时间为2小时左右.(就餐时间一般指正餐时间).  相似文献   

案例:张某,女,17岁,被人害于玉米地里。尸检见头无损伤,眼睑结膜有点状出血,颈部左侧有横向不规则表皮剥脱伴皮下出血,处女膜3,6点处新鲜破裂。解剖见:颈部左胸锁乳突肌有不规则条片状出血斑,左胸骨舌骨肌舌骨端有绿豆大出血斑。舌骨无骨折,胸膜壁层点状出血,心外膜点状出血,气管及支气管内有多量胃内容物,其中明显可见青菜叶片等食物残渣;肺淤血水肿,表面有散在点状出血,切面有多量泡沫样粉红色液体流出。小支气管内容物涂片淀粉反应阳性。阴道拭子镜下检见人精子。胃内容物经化验未检出一般常见毒物。1.扼死是指用一只手或双手压迫受害人…  相似文献   

案例:张某,女,17岁,被人害于玉米地里.尸检见头无损伤,眼睑结膜有点状出血,颈部左侧有横向不规则表皮剥脱伴皮下出血,处女膜3,6点处新鲜破裂.解剖见:颈部左胸锁乳突肌有不规则条片状出血斑,左胸骨舌骨肌舌骨端有绿豆大出血斑.舌骨无骨折,胸膜壁层点状出血,心外膜点状出血,气管及支气管内有多量胃内容物,其中明显可见青菜叶片等食物残渣;肺淤血水肿,表面有散在点状出血,切面有多量泡沫样粉红色液体流出.小支气管内容物涂片淀粉反应阳性.阴道拭子镜下检见人精子.胃内容物经化验未检出一般常见毒物.  相似文献   

梁希  成静 《刑事技术》2012,(4):66+72-66,72
1案件简介某年11月26日下午,某山庄一别墅内发现女户主易某及余某在家中死亡,易某呈仰卧位倒在客厅沙发边地上,余某的尸体位于本人卧室床上,呈仰卧位,身上盖有棉被。易某(女)尸检情况:尸斑呈暗紫红色,位于项部、背部及四肢背侧未受压处,指压褪色。左眼睑结膜苍白,左眼球穹隆部见小点状出血,右眼上睑结膜外侧见小点状出血,右眼下睑、球结膜苍白。口鼻周围红肿,上、下唇见散在的小片状表皮剥脱,口唇粘膜与皮肤交界处呈鲜红色,下唇粘膜正中见点状出血区;头颅解剖无异常。剖开颈部、胸腹部,见死者血液呈流动性,颈部皮下及肌肉无出血,舌骨及甲状软骨无骨折。气管内见大量白色泡沫,气管粘膜无充血水肿;  相似文献   

压颈窒息致人死亡在法医实践中时有所见,但同时合并钝性外力作用于胸部造成心脏破裂比较少见。现将笔者所遇1例报告如下: 1995年3月18日下午胡某死于自己家中,家人怀疑他杀而报案。 死后24小时尸检:尸长156cm,尸斑紫褐色位于背部未受压处,指压不褪色。面部青紫肿胀,双眼睑结膜有点片状出血,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,直径0.6cm。鼻腔中有胃内容溢出。口唇青紫,口腔内充满胃内容物。颏下区有6cm×3.5cm擦挫伤,左下颌角有5cm×4cm片状擦伤,颈前有一10cm×6cm紫红色挫伤。肛门大便溢出,阴茎龟头有精液溢出,其它部位未见明显损伤。解剖见:  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1 简要案情 某女,45岁.因囚禁绝食3d被人灌食米糊后,出现咳嗽、烦躁、口唇发绀、昏迷等症状,经送医院抢救无效于当日下午6时许死亡. 1.2尸体检验 死后1d解剖.尸斑暗红色,全身体表无损伤,颜面部肿胀,口唇及双手指甲发绀,双眼睑结膜见出血点,左眼球结膜内侧见芝麻大小片状出血.颈部肌肉无损伤,舌骨及甲状软骨无骨折,局部软组织无出血.口腔、咽、喉部见少量乳白色米糊样物质附着,气管及左、右支气管腔内见米糊状物,食道内干净,胃呈空虚状;脑、心、肝、肾等肉眼观无异常.  相似文献   

<正> 1案例资料 案例1 某男,51岁。进食早餐后不到10min,自觉不适,突然晕倒、抽搐、痰中带血,半小时内死亡。 尸检见尸斑呈暗红色,尸僵极其强硬,四肢呈痉挛状态;口唇、甲床紫绀;全身血管充盈,血液呈流动性;气管内见淡红色泡沫状液体,肺淤血、水肿,肺叶间胸膜见点片状出血;胃内容物为浅褐色水样物,胃粘膜充血水肿,胃大弯部见粘膜片状脱落;肝赃、肾脏淤血。余无特殊。  相似文献   

1案例1997年9月30日,王某与李某(男,29岁)外出打猎,途中王某的猎枪走火,击中了李某,lh后,李某在被送往医院途中死亡。尸检见尸体头左颞顶部、左面颊部、左侧颈部及左肩部散在分布30余处小孔状创口,直径25~30cm。喉结下1.5cm处、前正中线左右两侧各有一直径约1.5mm的小孔状创口,两创相距2.0cm,两创连线呈水平位。打开胸腔,见双肺呈淤血性肺水肿,浆膜下散在分布有点片状出血;心脏浆膜下散在分布有针尖状出血点。打开喉部及气管,见声带充血水肿,声门高度狭窄呈闭锁状。左右甲状软骨板分别有一直径约1.5mm的穿孔,与体表喉…  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料1.1简要案情及现场勘验包某,女,43岁,某日被发现死于家中床上。尸体呈仰卧位,头及肩背部枕于两只枕头上,颈部紧勒一棕色牛皮带,搭扣位于右项部,皮带自左向右扭曲折叠后穿过搭扣并向左颈部反折,顺时针扭曲沿腋前线下行握于左手,穿出左手部分长30cm,双上肢自然屈曲于胸腹前。赤足,足内侧弓及其上方有点状血迹,足底有泥。头部南侧枕头边缘及床头、床边有血迹,床头边垃圾篓内见红色血液约4m L,垃圾篓南侧  相似文献   

1案例某男,49岁,因患高血压,曾予心痛定治疗。某日突发昏迷,不省人事,被送至医院救治,入院时情况:昏迷,血压为0,体温、脉搏测不出,皮肤粘膜苍白,四肢厥冷,经抢救无效于当日死亡。死后6月余尸体剖验情况:尸体已腐败。颈部皮肤未见缢、勒、扼痕;胸腹腔内各器官位置关系正常,未见破裂出血。颅骨未见骨折,硬脑膜外、硬脑膜下及蛛网膜下腔均未见出血,脑高度自溶,全脑切面未见出血。胃内有约200mL暗红色液体,见黄色、白色小片状物及褐色小颗粒状物,大者0.1cm×0.1cm,取心血、胃内容物备检。组织学检查示:多器官高度自溶,肝、脾、肾等器官小动脉管…  相似文献   

Sex determination in forensic practice is performed mostly on sexually dimorphic bones, including pelvic bones such as the os sacrum. Postmortem CT scan provides an easy and fast method for depicting and measuring bone structures prior to elaborate autopsy preparations. To develop a simple and objective method for sex determination in postmortem CT, metric data were evaluated from CT images of the pelvic-associated os sacrum of 95 corpses (49 men and 46 women) from the Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Discriminant function analysis of the data showed that the best accuracy in determining sex was 76.8% and 78.9% with two different observers. It is concluded that measuring the os sacrumin postmortem CT for sex determination has moderate accuracy and should only be applied in combination with other methods.  相似文献   

Citalopram is a bicyclic phthalate compound approved in 1998 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of depression. It is a highly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that appears to have little effect on noradrenaline or dopamine reuptake. Since this drug has only recently been released on the U.S. market, information regarding therapeutic, toxic, and lethal concentrations is sparse. This study reports the detection of citalopram in 22 postmortem cases. Citalopram was identified and quantitated by capillary column gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection after basic liquid-liquid extraction. Confirmation was achieved by full scan electron impact gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In the 22 cases studied, heart blood citalopram concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 1.64 mg/L (n = 22, mean +/- SD = 0.51+/-0.43, median = 0.34); femoral blood concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 0.76 mg/L (n = 14, mean +/- SD = 0.34+/-0.23, median = 0.28); and urine concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 276.00 mg/L (n = 13). Liver was analyzed in three cases with citalopram concentrations ranging from 2.22 to 8.08 mg/kg. The average heart blood/femoral blood ratio was 1.26 (range 0.75 to 1.98, n = 14). In each case, the cause of death was not considered to be related to citalopram toxicity. These data may therefore provide a basis for establishing post mortem citalopram concentrations following therapeutic doses.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in skin samples from seven forensic cases was detected by HPLC to distinguish their antemortem or postmortem origin. In total, there were thirteen antemortem and seven postmortem specimens. The results showed that LTB4 was found in all antemortem wound specimens which were either fresh, or refrigerated or fixed in formalin for less than 10 days. In contrast, LTB4 could not be detected in postmortem wound specimens. These results suggested that detecting the content of LTB4 is a useful method for distinguishing antemortem from postmortem injuries.  相似文献   

Quetiapine is a new atypical antipsychotic that was approved in 1997 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of schizophrenia. It possesses a high affinity for 5-HT2 receptors and a low affinity for D1 and D2 dopamine receptors. Because quetiapine has only been released recently to the U.S. market, little information exists regarding therapeutic, toxic, and lethal concentrations. This study reports the detection of quetiapine in 13 postmortem cases. Following a basic liquid-liquid extraction, quetiapine was identified and quantitated by capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection. Confirmation was accomplished by full scan electron impact gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Heart blood quetiapine concentrations ranged from 0.07 to 18.37 mg/L (N = 12, mean +/- SD = 3.42 +/- 5.67, median 0.62) and femoral blood concentrations ranged from 0.06 to 19.25 mg/L (N = 10. mean +/- SD = 3.89 +/- 6.12, median 0.81). The average heart blood/femoral blood ratio was 1.31 (range 0.55 to 2.57, N = 10). Urine, bile, and gastric contents were assayed in all cases in which they were submitted. In three cases, the cause of death was determined to be quetiapine toxicity. In these cases heart blood concentrations ranged from 0.72 to 18.37 mg/L (N = 3). These data may provide a basis for establishing levels associated with quetiapine toxicity as well as therapeutic concentrations in postmortem specimens.  相似文献   

DNA extracted from 33 postmortem muscle specimens was analyzed using MZ 1.3, a hypervariable minisatellite probe, as well as locus-specific minisatellite probes (g3, MS1 and MS43). After storage at -25 degrees C for 10 months, DNA from all the samples was partially (approximately 21% of total DNA) degraded even when autopsy was performed 1 day postmortem. However, more than 90% of DNA samples up to at least 3 days postmortem were suitable to obtain good restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns. When small strips of specimen were stored for 8 days at room temperature in moist chambers, approximately 42% of total DNA was degraded. Only 30% of these DNA samples still showed good RFLP patterns. However, no obvious relation between qualities of DNA analyzed by detection of RFLP and quantities of total and high-MW DNA became apparent. A case of familial relationship was ascertained by DNA fingerprints. Since DNA of good quality can be recovered from muscle tissues in large quantities, DNA extraction from muscle tissues and detection of RFLP patterns should be very useful for individual identification in autopsy cases.  相似文献   

For the past 10 years, medical imaging techniques have been increasingly applied to forensic investigations. To obtain histological and toxicological information, tissue and liquid samples are required. In this article, we describe the development of a low-cost, secure, and reliable approach for a telematic add-on for remotely planning biopsies on the Virtobot robotic system. Data sets are encrypted and submitted over the Internet. A plugin for the OsiriX medical image viewer allows for remote planning of needle trajectories that are used for needle placement. The application of teleradiological methods to image-guided biopsy in the forensic setting has the potential to reduce costs and, in conjunction with a mobile computer tomographic scanner, allows for tissue sampling in a mass casualty situation involving nuclear, biological, or chemical agents, in a manner that minimizes the risk to involved staff.  相似文献   

Human pentastomiasis discovered postmortem   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The autopsy of an 18-year-old girl who had died suddenly at home revealed generalised pentastomiasis. The location of this disease in the intestines was responsible for death by hemorrhagic enterocolitis. This discovery constituted an atypical case in our daily practice of forensic medicine.  相似文献   

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