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检验目击证人对犯罪嫌疑人面孔记忆的正确性是一项困难的工作。在证人面孔记忆的语义提取过程中,严格遵守完形原则,尽量减少影响证人记忆和再认的因素,把握细节,可以提高目击证人心理面孔重建的质量。认知脑电位检测法可以通过对记忆反应的脑电图成分、潜伏期、波幅等指标的测量,有效判断证人对列队辨认中的面孔是否存有记忆。本文对脑电位检测在目击证人心理面孔重建中的研究和应用进行综述,希望能为相关研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

目击证人对犯罪嫌疑人辨认的结果是定案的重要依据,但目击证人的错误记忆产生的不当陈述又是案件错判的最常见原因,提高目击证人辨认的准确性对于惩罚犯罪和保障公民的权利至关重要。目击证人受外界环境、主观心理等多方面的作用,形成错误记忆,严重影响辨认的准确性。因此,应当借鉴认知心理学对错误记忆的研究方法,抑制错误记忆对目击证人的影响因素,提高目击证人辨认结果的准确性。  相似文献   

王龙  刘洪广 《证据科学》2012,20(5):592-598
影响证人记忆的因素众多,而证人的记忆准确性决定了其证言的可靠性,从心理学的角度对这些影响因素进行分析并找出应对方法,将证人的记忆提取效率提高到最大化,减少错误记忆的发生。讨论认知神经科学应用在探查证人记忆的可行性及现有理论支撑,该方式在证人记忆检测中将有极大的作用。  相似文献   

张欣 《刑事技术》1998,(4):29-29
陈述记忆画像是通过目击证人对案犯面貌形象的回忆刻划,目前世界上许多国家在这项技术的运用上有很多成功的经验。笔者在办案过程中体会到陈述记忆画像的制作虽有难度,但关键在制作画像过程中体会目击证人的心理。 1 目击证人的记忆是画像的首要条件 记忆是视觉、感觉、知觉、想象、思维等因素的综合,目击证人的记忆通常分为两种情况:一种是有意识的记忆,另一种是无意识的记忆,在进行画像工作时必须要深入现场了解情况,分析目击证人记忆的由来及形成过程的可靠性,科学地反映出罪犯的真实面貌特征。  相似文献   

证人证言的形成经历了感知案情、记忆案情和陈述案情等三个阶段。在每一个阶段,都有可能由于各种主客观因素的影响,导致证人提供的证言不完全真实可靠,甚至完全不真实可靠。对此,笔者曾在1985年第3期本刊上发表的《对证言失真的心理分析》一文中作过概括的论述。现就其中记忆对证言可靠性的影响作进一步的分析。无疑,这将有助于办案人员对证人证言的真实可靠性作出正确判断。如前文所述,记忆是人脑对经验过的事物的反映。记忆包括识记、保持、回忆或再认等几个彼此紧密联系的过程。  相似文献   

在诉讼活动中,证人证言是一种最为常见的证据种类。根据法律规定,证人证言必须经查证属实,才o作为认定案件事实的根据。上此,用证人证言的审核是案件审理中的一川二要工作。从心理学角厂看,证人证言不是人的言语或文字的简单的表护,而是证人对案件事实感知、记忆和陈述的心理过程的客观反映。在这个心理过程中,由于各种主客观因素的影响,往往使证人证言与案件事实发生差异。心理追溯法,就是对现有的证人证言,通过追溯其形成的心理过程进行审查,发现影响证人证言真实性的各种主客观因素,以此判断证人证言的真伪。根据心理学有关…  相似文献   

现代心理学研究结果表明,由于各种因素的影响,目击证人的证言有时并不准确.为了防止目击证人错误辨认可能带来的消极后果.英国<1984年警察与刑事证据法·守则D>在吸收心理学最新研究成果的基础上,不定期进行修改,从而最大程度地确保目击证人辨认结果的可靠性.2008年重新修订后的<守则D>从限制主持辨认的警官资格、减少辨认程序本身固有的暗示性、控制事后信息、保障犯罪嫌疑人权利行使等角度作了科学、细致的规定,对于预防和减少目击证人的错误辨认具有重要意义.  相似文献   

研究目击证人辨认具有重要的理论意义与实践意义。本文重点介绍了影响目击证人辨认准确性的因素,即估计者变量和系统变量,并分析了目击证人辨认研究的现存问题。  相似文献   

研究目击证人辨认具有重要的理论意义与实践意义.本文重点介绍了影响目击证人辨认准确性的因素,即估计者变量和系统变量,并分析了目击证人辨认研究的现存问题.  相似文献   

研究目击证人辨认具有重要的理论意义与实践意义.本文重点介绍了影响目击证人辨认准确性的因素,即估计者变量和系统变量,并分析了目击证人辨认研究的现存问题.  相似文献   

Purpose. Intervening line‐ups affect identification accuracy in subsequent line‐ups. We conducted 3 experiments to investigate the conditions under which viewing multiple line‐ups is more likely to affect eyewitness identification accuracy. Method. In each of the 3 experiments, a forensically relevant factor known to affect the accuracy of face recognition memory was manipulated to assess how the factor impacted the suggestive influence of an intervening line‐up on eyewitness identification accuracy in a subsequent test line‐up. These factors were (a) in Experiment 1, same‐race versus cross race target faces, (b) in Experiment 2, whether the intervening line‐up occurred on the day of the presentation phase (close to presentation) or 1 month later on the day of the subsequent test line‐up (far from presentation), and (c) in Experiment 3, whether the target face was presented for 10 seconds or 60 seconds. Results. In each experiment, factors associated with poorer memory for the target face led to a greater suggestive influence of the intervening line‐up on identification accuracy in the subsequent line‐up, evidenced by lower hit rates and higher false‐alarm rates. Conclusions. These findings suggest that the problem of decreased identification accuracy following the viewing of an intervening photograph is especially of concern when memory for the perpetrator is likely to be poor. Implications of these findings for interpreting line‐up results in the courtroom are discussed.  相似文献   

A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of High Stress on Eyewitness Memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past 30 years researchers have examined the impact of heightened stress on the fidelity of eyewitness memory. Meta-analyses were conducted on 27 independent tests of the effects of heightened stress on eyewitness identification of the perpetrator or target person and separately on 36 tests of eyewitness recall of details associated with the crime. There was considerable support for the hypothesis that high levels of stress negatively impact both types of eyewitness memory. Meta-analytic Z-scores, whether unweighted or weighted by sample size, ranged from –5.40 to –6.44 (high stress condition–low stress condition). The overall effect sizes were –.31 for both proportion of correct identifications and accuracy of eyewitness recall. Effect sizes were notably larger for target-present than for target-absent lineups, for eyewitness identification studies than for face recognition studies and for eyewitness studies employing a staged crime than for eyewitness studies employing other means to induce stress.  相似文献   

This study identifies a memory-testing procedure that is relatively resistant to the documented effects of suggestibility on eyewitness memory. Most studies on suggestibility have used averbal recognition memory test in which the alternative test items are sentences, each to be verified as true or false regarding an originally viewedvisual sequence. In this study, participants were tested with either the verbal recognition memory test typical of studies demonstrating the eyewitness suggestibility effect or a visual recognition memory test. The typical eyewitness suggestibility effect resulted in the verbal test condition. However, with the visual recognition memory test, the hit rates did not significantly differ between the control and misled conditions. Thus, in testing memory for a visual event, a visual recognition memory test is more resistant to the influences of suggestibility than is a verbal test. These results suggest that the original item is preserved in memory, not overwritten by the misleading information. Accordingly, with a visual recognition memory test, the original information is more likely to be recovered with a visual recognition memory test than with a verbal one.  相似文献   

Several factors influence the reliability of eyewitness identification evidence. Typically, recognition for same-race faces is better than for different-race faces (the own-race bias), and alcohol intoxication decreases overall face recognition accuracy. This research investigated how alcohol intoxication influences the own-race bias. Asian and European participants completed tests of recognition memory for Asian and European faces when either mildly intoxicated (mean breath alcohol concentration of .05) or when sober. Compared to their sober counterparts, intoxicated participants showed a reduced own-race bias. Specifically, alcohol intoxication had a larger negative effect on the recognition of same-race faces compared to different-race faces. The legal and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The lay-person's knowledge of the factors that influence eyewitness memory was examined by evaluating the manner in which mock jurors integrated eyewitness evidence to draw inferences about defendant culpability and the likelihood that an identification was correct. Three hundred and twenty-one undergraduates viewed a videotaped trial within which ten witness and identification factors were manipulated between trials. Manipulation checks showed that subjects demonstrated superior memory for the evidence and the manipulated variables had their intended impact on appropriate rating scales. However, only one variable, witness confidence, had reliable effects on subjects' perceptions of culpability, on the perceived likelihood that the identification was correct, and on several other relevant dependent variables. Eight variables that have been shown to affect identification accuracy in the empirical literature had trivial effects on mock jurors' inferences. It was concluded that lay-people are insensitive to the factors that influence eyewitness memory.  相似文献   

Guidelines for conducting police line‐ups typically recommend immediate assessment of eyewitness confidence following identification. This confidence level can presumably be used to estimate accuracy even in the presence of subsequently inflated confidence. In this experiment, we examined students' perceptions of immediate and inflated confidence and whether their reliance on confidence varies as a function of the explanations given by the eyewitness for her inflated confidence. Each of 126 university students viewed one of five versions of a videotaped officer–eyewitness interaction depicting an eyewitness identification and follow‐up interview in which the eyewitness gave a (1) high or (2) moderate level of confidence or inflated her confidence and gave a (3) confidence epiphany, (4) memory contamination, or (5) no explanation for the inflation. The memory contamination and confidence epiphany explanations led to lower ratings of identification accuracy as compared to the high‐confidence control condition, supporting the immediate confidence recommendation but in some ways contradicting previous research on this issue. The results suggest the need for further research to understand the conditions under which confidence inflation influences juror evaluations of eyewitness identification.  相似文献   


This paper challenges accepted notions about the importance of cognitive distortions expressed by child molesters. First, we consider the role of excuse-making in a healthy life, and as a result question whether it is in the best interests of our clients to challenge their distortions. We examine the literature on eyewitness reports and the reconstructive nature of memory to call into question the value of requiring child molesters’ reports of their offence to match the victim's account. Next we show that the evidence does not demonstrate convincingly that cognitive distortions are criminogenic. Furthermore, the responses of child molesters to measures of cognitive distortions indicate that they simply endorse less disagreement with the items than do others. However, we note that some of these distortions, while not criminogenic, may nevertheless interfere with the acquisition of skills for important treatment targets (e.g. relationships). We offer suggestions for the most effective way to elicit and change these distortions.  相似文献   

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