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湖北省竹山县实行民主理财和财务公开制度;河南省鹤壁市完善节能减排监督检查机制;江西省鹰潭市以“政务环境优化年”活动规范行政行为  相似文献   

论地方环境治理的政府失灵及其矫正:环境公平的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方环境治理的政府失灵,主要原因就在于环境法律制度的失灵,体现在环境治理权力分配的不均衡、政府环境治理权力与社会公众的参与权不均衡以及地方政府环境责任缺失几方面。政府治理理论和环境公平理论为地方环境治理失灵的矫正提供了理论依据。完善地方政府环境治理职能的权威性和独立性,是实现环境公平的前提;实现参与治理主体的多元化,是环境公平实现的有效手段;完善地方政府环境治理责任,是环境公平实现的必要保障;建立和完善跨区域环境治理的法律体系和诉讼机制,是区域间环境公平实现的保证。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,如何避免环境恶化有效节能减排,促进经济良性增长,已成为政府和社会公众日益关注的课题.本文浙江省绍兴市为例,对其排污权交易制度体做了深入的分析和阐述,着重介绍了如何将排污权交易制度引入到市场运行机制中,在政府的宏观指导和调控下,依靠行政和市场双重动作手段,来解决日益严重的环境问题,以此促进排污权交易制度发展,对于我国从制度上构建节能减排长效机制具有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

3月28日下午消息,"十二五"末单位工业增加值能耗、二氧化碳排放量两大工业节能减排约束性指标都锁定为比2010年下降18%,专家分析认为两指标强度有保留.分析认为,工业企业实现这一节能减排目标每年需投入1500-2000亿元.  相似文献   

节能减排是国家在2006年全国人大会议上讨论通过的"十一五"规划中一项重要指标,它旨在减少能源浪费和降低废气排放。节能减排是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择;是推进经济结构调整,转变增长方式的必由之路;是维护中华民族长远利益的必然要求。而当前在我国环境立法中有关节能减排方面依然几乎处于空白状态。本文立足于当前我国立法现状借鉴国外相关立法经验,结合具体实际,认为节能减排的立法可走政策法之路并提出了具体原则以及相关制度。  相似文献   

"自然环境是人类的家园,但近年来时有发生的环境污染事件,使人们对不堪重负的生态环境充满忧虑。"省人大代表、滁州市政府副秘书长、市环保局局长龚荣刚长期奋战在环保一线,采访中,他直截了当地亮明自己的观点:节能减排是‘十一五’规划提出的约束性指标,要完成这一指标,  相似文献   

日本环境协商起源于20世纪50年代,是由日本地方政府创造的制度之一.经过不断地完善和发展,环境协商被广泛地应用于环境保护的各个领域.由于是有效实现环境保护目标的制度之一,也是日本环境行政的特色制度,环境协商成为日本环境治理的“传家法宝”,文章梳理了日本环境协商制度的历史和现状,分析了其蓬勃发展的原因和基本类型,探究了环境协商制度背后的法律问题以及解决方案.  相似文献   

"节能减排不仅作为硬性指标纳入到‘十一五’规划,更是一项事关国家长远发展的民生工程。"省人大代表、安徽省送变电工程公司职工葛静对节能减排的重要性有着独到的见解:百姓一方面希望经济发展又好又快,另一方面更希望环境越来越好,  相似文献   

王哲  杨锦儒 《法制与社会》2011,(16):149-150
资源与环境问题已成为我国经济发展的关键问题,乃至全球亟待解决的发展问题。地方政府在促进节能减排时扮演着重要的角色,往往能成为一个国家和地区经济的有效杠杆。而美国地方政府在节能减排方面先行与我国,积累了较多的经验和有效的措施。本文以沈阳为例,首先剖析我国地方政府在节能减排政策上存在的问题,并对比阐述美国地方政府在节能减排方面的政策,给予对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

韩广  邹甜 《时代法学》2005,3(3):91-96
美国联邦宪法的"正当程序条款"赋予了公民听证的权利,并在此基础上发展形成了一整套听证制度,环境行政听证制度经20世纪后半叶的不断发展也趋于完善,从而给予了公民充分参与环境决策以维护自身环境权益的机会和权利.相比之下,我国的环境行政听证才刚刚起步,有许多地方需要尽快完善.美国完善的环境行政听证制度可以为我们提供这方面的参考.  相似文献   

Contrary to the thesis that claims weak legislative power vis-à-vis the executive is essential if economic modernisation and development are to be driven forward in third world countries, Zambia's developmental interests would be served by making the powers of parliamentary oversight of the public finances more effective. The problematic of 'financial indiscipline' in the public sector is analysed in terms of a nest of principal-agent relationships, between legislature and executive, political executive and bureaucratic executive, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the spending arms of government. Evidence from the Public Accounts Committee is used to illustrate the case for more enforceable mechanisms whereby government can be made accountable for the public finances. At the same time it is argued that more wide-ranging political changes are necessary if there is to be a significant reduction in 'financial indiscipline'.  相似文献   

建设服务型政府的重点是保障和改善民生,让公众受益。乡镇政府作为最基层的行政机关,基层性、直接性和广泛性是其最大特点。乡镇政府政策执行力的高低直接关系到与群众利益相关的各项政策的实施。服务型政府的建设迫切需要提高乡镇政府执行力。本文剖析了制约我国乡镇政府执行力提升的因素,在此基础上提出了提升乡镇政府执行力的相关建议,以期对我国服务型政府建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

西方传统控权理论随着时代的变迁而不断发展。从红灯理论到绿灯理论反映了西方在对待行政权力态度上的变化,但对于控制政府权力的观点始终没有变化。当代,由于行政权力的扩张,对公民权利侵犯的潜在威胁也随之增大。目前,中国行政权力的滥用已经严重地影响了公民的合法权利和社会稳定。因此,借鉴西方控权理论的合理内容,结合中国的国情,探索适合中国的行政控权途径十分重要。本文认为,程序控制是比较理想的选择。  相似文献   

政府效率的高低关键要看政府的执行力度,因此,构建我国政府执行力是一个重要的课题。鉴于政府执行力低、行政理念落后等一系列现存问题,应该理清政府执行力的各个层面,遵循行政逻辑思路来构建我国的政府执行力。  相似文献   

This article reexamines the question of how best to restrain executive power in a political and social context that seems to favor its dramatic expansion. Modern interventionist government amidst a dynamic social environment, where the executive faces a seemingly endless series of “crises” or “emergencies,” provides a heightened scope for executive discretion. At the same time, the US‐style separation of powers, in which an independent president faces a potentially obstinate Congress, offers executives many incentives to exploit crises, real or otherwise. The works examined in this article confront, with varying degrees of success, the seemingly inexorable expansion of executive power within the US version of liberal democracy. We can only hope to deal with the many intellectual and political tasks posed by the symbiotic nexus between executive‐centered and crisis‐oriented government by confronting some tough questions about US constitutional design and the possibility of radical institutional reform. Unfortunately, even those scholars who provide plausible accounts of the US system's fragilities seem hesitant to do so.  相似文献   

政府执行力是提高政府管理能力的关键,是全面贯彻落实科学发展观,推进和谐社会建设的需要。行政文化是行政管理之魂,其对政府执行力的发挥起到潜移默化的作用。从行政文化视角探讨政府执行力弱化的原因并找出相关对策,建构与之相适应的执行力文化,是促进我国行政文化的创新发展,提升政府执行力的有效途径。  相似文献   

The interest of this monograph lies in the fact that it sets forth and resolves extremely important problems in the development of the soviets: the place of the executive committee in the system of the local soviet; theoretical and methodological questions of the scientific organization of labor in the executive committees; improving legal regulation of the auxiliary apparatus of the executive committee and the organization and activity of sections and departments; labor relations of employees of the executive committee apparatus; improving work with information, the forms and methods of administrative activity, and the style of work of the apparatus; the theory and practice of introducing the scientific recommendations of scholarship on law and government into the work of executive committees, and so forth.  相似文献   

地方各级政府作为公共政策、法律法规的执行型组织必须高度重视执行力和公信力的建设。提升政府机关执行力和公信力必须在依法治国基本方略指引下,紧紧围绕依法行政的基本要求,逐步提高地方各级政府机关的行政效能,建设符合区域经济社会发展要求的服务型政府、法治政府、责任政府。  相似文献   

Scholars are unable to rationalise the number of elected representatives in legislative assemblies. This study offers some insights into the political arithmetic by examining the rare event of reducing seats in a legislature. It is hypothesised that a policy of cutting electoral districts occurs during a search for cost efficiencies and a burst of populism. Interviews with party elites involved with seven seat reduction events in Canadian provinces establishes that the primary reason for the policy is its symbolic value. The message of fewer politicians sets an example for belt-tightening across government that will assist the executive branch with its austerity agenda. In these situations, the final number of members of a legislature matters little to a cabinet and most legislators compared with the broader symbolism of a smaller legislative branch.  相似文献   

Can legislatures effectively check unilateral executive power? One prominent and counterintuitive finding in previous work is that executives pursue unilateralism less often under divided government. While executives see greater potential policy gains through unilateral action during divided government, we argue that their likelihood of acting unilaterally depends on an opposed legislature's ability to retaliate. When polarization is high and majorities are marginal, executives are freer to act unilaterally given the difficulties legislatures have in statutorily responding. Unilateralism is also more likely when facing opposition if legislatures lack nonstatutory means of punishment, such as regulatory review. In the largest analysis of gubernatorial executive unilateralism to date, we use a new data set of 24,232 executive orders in the 50 American states between 1993 and 2013 to evaluate this argument and find strong support for its predictions. These results provide insights into how legislative policymaking capacity can influence the functioning of separation of powers systems.  相似文献   

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