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犯罪调查心理测试技术中的心理信息分析与实践   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的说明心理信息概念对犯罪调查心理测试技术的指导作用。方法综合分析了心理测试技术的功能演变,用信息论的科学原理对心理测试技术进行了全新的定义和诠释,详细论述了心理测试技术的心理信息探查功能,对心理信息的主动性和被动性、测试时机提前、测试前对被测人进行生理状态和心理信息受干扰情况评估、案件测试条件选择、测试题目编制、测前谈话控制、测试目的分析和测试技术综合运用等问题进行了科学系统的论述。结果每一部分论述里都结合了具体的案件办理实践,充分说明了心理信息新理论对心理测试技术实践的科学指导效果。  相似文献   

女性职务犯罪因其主体特殊性受到广泛关注,本文通过研究女性职务犯罪人的心理特征及其在心理测试中出现的行为特点,提出女性职务犯罪人的心理测试应用构想,期冀为此类案件的测试提供一定的经验和方法,同时为案件的侦破提供更多有价值的信息.  相似文献   

关于心理测试,人们常常会问到这样一个问题:心理测试的准确率到底有多高?笔者查阅国外的相关资料进行了研究,并以亲历的2例心理测试成功案例进行印证。认为心理测试工作能够为案件侦查提供方向、缩小侦查范围,但测试结论正确与否却只能在案件破获后才能得以印证。  相似文献   

驾驶员血液乙醇浓度(BAC)是判定酒驾与否的通用指标,如果未能在第一时间进行指标检测,将对后续责任认定造成严重影响.心理测试技术虽然具有事后检验真实心理痕迹的技术优势,但其是否适用于酒驾个体是此项技术能否获准介入上述案件鉴定的关键.文章通过问卷调查研究与实案剖析,提出酒驾事故鉴定中运用心理测试技术是可行的观点.  相似文献   

内盗案件系一类熟悉现场情况的内部人员选择在恰当时间、恰当场合、使用恰当手法与行为方式盗窃的案件,这类案件因犯罪嫌疑人对现场熟悉,预审工作常常无从下手,而心理测试由于可分辨是否犯罪嫌疑人,增加犯罪嫌疑人心理压力,甚至可为直接发现隐匿性很强证据提供线索,所以心理测试是侦破该类案件的重要武器.由于内盗案件犯罪嫌疑人有其固有的心理特征,所以对于内盗案件心理测试也应把握相应的测试技巧.  相似文献   

笔者试结合测试实践,浅谈信访案件中应用该项技术应注意的一些问题。1信访案件中运用心理测试技术的常见问题经对多起信访案件的审查及实践,笔者从测试中发现,目前侦查机关在相当多的信访案件上,运用心理测试技术方面存在一些误区,过低或过高估计心理测试作用,直接导致心理测试  相似文献   

笔者试结合测试实践,浅谈信访案件中应用该项技术应注意的一些问题. 1 信访案件中运用心理测试技术的常见问题  相似文献   

付翠 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):125-128
心理测试(俗称测谎)的主要任务就是发现被测人记忆中是否存在有关测试主题的心理信息,而心理信息的形成主要取决于注意,所以说注意是心理信息形成的重要源泉,也是心理测试的一个重要心理学基础,因此对注意心理机制的分析将有助于测试题目的编制和结果的分析,从而提高测试的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   

袁光明 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):58-60
现代心理测试技术是建立在生理学、心理学和电子技术基础上的一门学科。它与痕迹、法医、理化等刑事技术不同的是,其它刑事技术是以物质的手段作用于物质的对象,是一个对客观痕迹的静态检验过程,方法相对简单可靠。而心理测试技术则是以物质的手段作用于非物质的对象,即人的心理,检测的是案件事实在当事人记忆中和心理上留下的痕迹,是一个提取心理痕迹的过程。这项技术近几年在我国发展很快,正处于理论探讨与实践应用同步发展完善和普及的重要时期。笔者经过4年成功与失误的心理测试实践,有两方面的深刻体会:(1)这项技术经大量实践证明是科…  相似文献   

测试主题是心理测试过程中测试人员呈现给被测人的相关心理刺激所体现的中心思想和核心内容。能否找出案件的测试主题,编制出恰当的测试题目是测试成功与否的关键和核心。在确定测试主题的过程中,必须遵循客观性、关联性、感知性、系统性等原则,并在全面掌握、分析案件相关信息和被测人的"污染"与"漂白"的基础上确定测试主题。  相似文献   

测谎结论与证据的“有限采用规则”   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
何家弘 《中国法学》2002,(2):140-151
识别谎言是司法人员的基本职能;人类在数千年的司法实践中一直在探索识别谎言的有效方法。测谎仪是一种科学的心理测试仪器,但是其结论并非百分之百的准确。测谎技术是犯罪侦查技术的组成部分,也是提高侦查科学化程度的途径之一。测谎技术可以在犯罪侦查中发挥重要的作用,这是毫无疑问的。但是,测谎结论能否成为诉讼中的证据,这是另外一个问题。我们应该给测谎结论以正确定位:它就是一种普普通通的证据,而且是“有限采用"的证据。  相似文献   

Polygraph tests are psychological tests that are widely applied in the criminal justice system, but they are rarely administered or studied by psychologists. Two recent federal appeals court decisions may have opened the door to the admissibility of polygraph tests by displacing the long controllingFrye standard. However, these courts have also raised a number of challenges that must be overcome before polygraph tests will be regularly admitted into evidence. We examined the logic of these two recent decisions and the challenges they raise, and we found those challenges to be significant and perhaps daunting. Many of the challenges facing polygraph arise from poor training and a lack of standardization in the polygraph profession. We consider some potential, solutions, but the outlook for change in the polygraph community is dim unless it is forced by the courts or by legislation. Polygraph tests are also challenged by potentially effective countermeasures, and there presently are no easy solutions to those problems. Increased activity and interest are needed from the scientific community if the general situation is to improve.  相似文献   

The polygraph device has been advanced by proponents as a valid (measures what it is supposed to measure, even against counter-measures), accurate (it does what it is supposed to do), and reliable (produces consistent outcomes) diagnostic tool able to measure physiological responses indicative of deception. These physiological responses are said to be a direct result of psychological arousals. (National Research Council [NRC] of the National Academies, The polygraph and lie detection, 2003). A debate concerning the validity of this test instrument has maintained for over 85 years, since the first polygraph device was introduced. This analysis takes into account court cases that address the issue and the available literature and relevant studies that support judicial decision-making. The conclusion arrived at is that this particular testing device has not attained a level of scientific support to warrant unqualified judicial acceptance.  相似文献   

The PCR technique has become a powerful and very sensitive tool in a broad field of research, that is, molecular biology, medical diagnostics, population genetics, ancient DNA analysis and forensic casework.However, the high sensitivity down to single molecules can easily cause false-positive PCR results due to different types of contamination. In this study, artificial DNA contaminations (saliva and pure DNA) were treated with UV irradiation and other decontamination procedures. A satisfactory DNA removal could not be achieved, emphasizing the necessity of contamination avoidance.  相似文献   

The analysis of DNA from archaeological human remains is plagued by a unique set of methodological problems concerning contamination with modern exogenous DNA. Through an original approach, we propose complementary methods to identify all potential sources of contamination and complete guidelines for the validation of ancient human sequences. The study presented was conducted on non-European human samples (Polynesian and Amerindian) which were collected with all precautions during excavation. This permitted us to distinguish without ambiguity authentic and contaminant sequences. The samples' origins and histories were perfectly known, allowing us to trace all potential contamination sources and to determine the efficiency of precautions followed during all steps of the study. The data obtained confirm that precautions taken during sampling effectively prevent contamination. However, we demonstrate that human contamination can also be introduced during genetic analyses even if all precautions are strictly followed. Indeed, numerous human contaminations were detected in template-PCR products and negative controls, resulting in a striking diversity of contaminant mitochondrial DNA sequences. We argue that this contamination partly derives from the primers. To our knowledge, no previous experiment has been performed to investigate primers as a possible source of human contamination despite the fact that this specific type of contamination poses a real problem in terms of validating ancient human DNA studies. Finally, we confirm that the detection of contaminants in negative controls is clearly related to the number of PCR cycles used. This study enhances our understanding of contamination processes and confirms that, in reality, an absolutely contamination-free situation cannot be obtained. As a consequence, we propose improvements to the guidelines usually followed in the field in order to take the highly probable contamination of PCR reagents, including primers, into account.  相似文献   

Post-conviction polygraph testing of sexual offenders is controversial and the use of the polygraph as a means of supporting supervision of sexual offenders has only recently been explored. This study quantitatively examined qualitatively offender managers’ and sexual offenders’ views on the mandatory use of the polygraph in a community-based supervision. Fifteen polygraphed offenders and their 10 offender managers (polygraph group), and 10 non-polygraphed offenders and their ten offender managers (comparison group) were asked about their experiences and perceptions of a mandatory polygraph use. Using thematic analysis, the results provided four main themes: (1) truth detection, (2) perceptions of behaviour change, (3) perceptions of polygraph as part of supervision, and (4) national implementation of polygraph testing. Results suggest several benefits to mandatory polygraph testing as a support for supervision, including offenders making more high-risk disclosures, motivating offender honesty, and aiding offenders’ compliance with licence conditions.  相似文献   

The authors provide a polygraph primer for police psychologists involved in law enforcement personnel selection. Law-enforcement pre-employment polygraph examinations are a decision-support tool intended to add incremental validity to the personnel selection process. Problems stemming from the use of the polygraph may be related to misunderstanding of the polygraph test and to field practices surrounding the use of polygraphy in the police selection process. Potential problems can result from ineffective selection of test issues, poorly constructed test questions and misguided policies surrounding the use of the polygraph. The authors review the history of polygraph screening, research, and field practices, and suggest that using polygraph results alone to disqualify a candidate from employment is a misguided field practice. Suggestions are offered for maximizing the decision-support value of the polygraph. Polygraph examination targets are discussed, with emphasis on selecting actuarially derived predictors associated with increased success in law enforcement training and job performance. The authors provide recommendations for field practice, and propose that police psychologists may be most suited to effectively integrate the polygraph results and information into the hiring recommendation process.  相似文献   

陈学权 《证据科学》2012,20(1):40-45
山木集团前总裁宋山木强奸案向我们提出了被追诉人有无权利要求测谎的问题。只要在刑事诉讼中允许使用测谎技术,无论是允许其作为证据使用还是仅仅将其作为审查判断证据的手段,被追诉人单方面向法院申请测谎,实质上均是一种试图向法院澄清事实真相的诉讼证明行为。被追诉人的测谎权是一种相对权,而非绝对权。鉴于我国目前的现实情况,测谎只能作为审查判断言词证据的方法,尚不能作为独立的证据适用,因此法院是否批准被追诉人的测谎申请,应以有测谎之必要为前提。  相似文献   

We sampled a total of 411 participants and randomly assigned them one of three brief trial vignettes that contained either no-polygraph evidence, evidence of a passed polygraph test, or evidence of a failed polygraph test. Participants rendered guilt judgments and answered a series of questions concerning the trial in particular, and polygraph tests in general. Similar to previous studies on the impact of polygraph evidence on jurors' guilt judgments, this sample of jury-eligible adults indicated that they did not find polygraph test evidence to be persuasive. Moreover, it mattered little to participants whether the results indicated the defendant passed a polygraph test, or that he failed a polygraph test. However, when our findings are compared to those of previous surveys involving experts in the field of psychophysiology, they differ in a number of important respects. The implications for decisions regarding admissibility (e.g., U.S. v. Alexander, 1975 and U.S. v. Scheffer, 1998) are discussed.  相似文献   

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