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2008年国际金融危机以来,欧洲社情民意和政党政治发生深远变化.社会民主党作为欧洲主流政党和左翼政治力量,陷入了新一轮选举困境,其持续衰退改变了左翼阵营内部的实力对比,打破了左右两大阵营的传统平衡,加速了各国政党格局的分化重组.政党格局演变、左翼阵营内耗和选举制度的差异程度又影响了各国社会民主党的政治走向.与得益于选举制度的英国工党不同,德国社会民主党和法国社会党的选举困境十分严峻.以2021年德国大选为开端,欧洲主要国家开始了新一轮的政党博弈.在竞争性和周期性选举的压力之下,社会民主党亟须找到政治空间的合适定位,有效实现政党变革、党内团结和党外联合,才能避免沦为边缘政党.  相似文献   

作为拉美左翼政党和组织的协调机构,圣保罗论坛已成立20周年。1990年圣保罗论坛成立时,拉美只有古巴是左翼政党(即古巴共产党)执政,如今拉美已有十多个国家由左翼掌权。圣保罗论坛的成立和发展对拉美左翼的崛起发挥了重要推动作用,使拉美的政治格局发生了重大变化。目前,它的影响越来越大,已成为拉美乃至世界最重要的左翼政党和组织的论坛,其一年一度的年会已成为拉美和世界左翼政党的重要集会。  相似文献   

欧洲政治右倾化与欧洲政党政治的变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近,欧洲的政治格局发生了急剧变化,出现了一种人们所称的"右倾化"形势,即左翼政党执政政府纷纷垮台,右翼政党重新取得了在欧洲政治的主导地位.如何解释这种现象?它是否意味欧洲甚至整个西方新的政治思想轮回的开始?笔者认为,目前欧洲政党政治的变化是欧洲社会结构和政党政治的基础变化的一种结果,但它并不像"右倾化"一词所表示的那样简单划一.客观地说,它预示着欧洲政治进入了一个新的多党竞争格局状态,但其中主流政治及主流政党,尤其是左翼政党的地位受到了严峻挑战.  相似文献   

境外政党长期执政态势是现代政党执政规律研究的重要议题之一。当代非洲在军人政权或一党制向多党制转型过程中,形成了左翼政党长期执政的政治格局,这是非洲多种因素共同作用的结果。持续发展的压力、政党格局的变动、系统腐败的延续、政治民主的滞后、西方民主的输入是非洲左翼政党长期执政的主要挑战。非洲左翼政党要保持和强化长期执政地位,必须实现向团结政党、廉洁政党、现代政党和开放政党的转型,成为引领非洲经济社会发展的领导核心。长期执政具有"双刃剑"效应,以执政有效性和执政合法性为核心,实现向现代化执政党的转型,是长期执政的必由之路。  相似文献   

正最近半年来,拉美左翼政权接连受挫,如阿根廷右翼上台执政,委内瑞拉国会选举右翼反对派大获全胜,巴西众议院通过弹劾罗塞芙议案等,拉美左翼政权步入低潮有着哪些原因?拉美左翼会不会就此低潮下去?近年来,拉美国家的政治格局发生了急剧变化,拉美政坛的钟摆向右摆,其主要表现是:左翼政党在选举中频频失利,执政困难加剧,  相似文献   

从政党联盟理论来看,欧洲激进左翼政党的激进左翼意识形态和选举政治实力,是其他主要政党选择激进左翼政党作为联盟伙伴的重要影响因素。欧洲激进左翼政党进入政府,一方面是为了实现职位和政策目标,另一方面也希望通过执政提升政党形象和政治合法性。政府中的激进左翼政党通过充当社会民主党的"左翼良知",减缓或抑制了政府的新自由主义政策。但欧洲激进左翼政党所取得的政策成就大部分是"防御性"的,很难对总体性政治施加任何实质性影响。此外,加入联盟政府也给欧洲激进左翼政党带来了政治考验,如选举挫败、政治妥协、组织机构的压力等。如何将自己的理想主义目标转化为现实,是欧洲激进左翼政党面临的重大挑战。  相似文献   

<正>2016年,拉美地区政治格局持续演变,左翼力量接连失势,右翼政党相继上台或把控议会。拉美左翼是否盛极而衰?"21世纪社会主义"为代表的左翼旗帜是否将会让位于新自由主义?亲近西方价值观的右翼政权在对外关系上将如何出牌,颇为引人关注。2016年,在国际政治格局深度调整,全球经济复苏艰难的背景下,拉美政治格局持续演变,"左降右升"态势明显,成为全年地区形势主线。自2015年底开始,阿根廷连续执政12年的左翼政党在大选中落败丧失政  相似文献   

在2015—2018年和2022年以来的两波民粹主义浪潮影响下,欧洲极右翼政党趁势崛起,并通过在政治光谱上进行一定程度的“左移”,向主流政党转型;激进左翼政党也一度壮大,但随后遭遇发展瓶颈,而左翼阵营则整体陷入力量分化和内耗之中。随着欧洲主流政党民粹化和民粹政党主流化在政治光谱两侧同时推进,该地区政党政治呈现出激进右翼和激进左翼“双峰凸起”并以前者更为突出的格局。在这种“失衡的极化”之下,欧洲的政党格局更趋碎片化,国内政治纷争和不稳定性加剧。欧洲政治极化态势在重塑地区政治光谱和政党格局的同时产生复杂的外溢效应,给中欧合作带来新挑战。  相似文献   

西班牙工人社会党和人民党交替执政是西班牙政党政治的基本特点。在经济危机、社会危机、政治丑闻、地区分离主义等多重因素的叠加影响下,西班牙社情民意发生深刻变化,政治力量分化重组,左翼民粹主义和极右翼政党相继兴起,左右翼主流政党主导的格局受到冲击。2023年大选后,西班牙政党格局碎片化有所缓解,但左右阵营极化和央地矛盾尖锐化仍然突出,组阁僵局再次出现。随着政治力量对比和执政合作方式不断演变,西班牙传统政党和新兴政党、全国性政党和地方性政党之间的博弈将更趋激烈复杂。  相似文献   

目前,欧洲政治时局正发生重大变化,新右翼主义、新民粹主义、新欧洲怀疑主义的强势崛起对当代欧洲左翼政党与政治构成了共同挑战。为加强对欧洲政治最新变化及其主要特征的认识,把握其未来走向,本刊邀请相关学者通过笔谈方式对新右翼主义、新民粹主义产生发展的动因、作用机理及对左翼政党和政治的影响进行深入解读。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze comparatively how academics, physicians, and nurses positioned themselves in relation to the reconfiguration of power structures and decisional processes, under New Public Management influence, in the hospitals, and higher education institutions. The empirical data are gathered from a survey applied to the three professional groups. Quantitative results show that the three groups have similar positions concerning power concentration at institutions’ top governance. However, relevant differences emerge in their views concerning the organization and control of the social division of work and also of their professional practices.  相似文献   

每年5月1日的国际劳动节,是世界上大多数国家劳动人民共同的节日,而美国和加拿大的劳动节,则是在每年9月的第一个星期一.这一春一秋两个劳动节,都是起源于19世纪末的美国.  相似文献   

This study employs 1993 Continuous Sample Survey of the Population (CSSP) data for Trinidad and Tobago to investigate the determinants of earnings by ethnicity. The data, organised into three ethnic groupings, reveal lower levels of remuneration in the labour market for Africans and Indians than for individuals of other ethnicities taken as a whole. While the larger portion of the earnings differentials generally appears to be explained by ethnic differences in characteristics valued by the labour market, Africans and Indians would benefit substantially if they were to receive the same rates of remuneration for their educational endowments as workers of other ethnicities in the Trinidad and Tobago labour market. Notwithstanding Indians’ lowest average earnings, Africans appear more likely to be discriminated against.  相似文献   

The introduction of the new Green Revolution wheat varieties to Israel is reviewed and analysed. It was found that the first stage varieties (developed from local Mexican wheats) did not have a significant impact on yields in Israel. Dwarf varieties and new crosses bred in Israel from Mexican genetic material contributed significantly to yield increases. Returns to local research are estimated. Conclusions about the role of the International Research System are drawn.  相似文献   

Corruption is perceived in all societies as a social pathology that causes great material and moral damage and is a threat to the society's continual development. Especially in countries with a freshly consolidated democracy, as Slovenia, the phenomena of corruption must be treated with all due attention. This article emphasises that corruption in Slovenia is publicly perceived as one of the most important and even increasing problems in society. We are also analysing one of the crucial side effects of the corruption, resulting itself in ever deeper public distrust to most significant political and administrative institutions.  相似文献   

Passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the US increases demand for nurses and brings health care into the public sphere with all that entails, including public accountability and performance measurement. In the UK’s long-standing national healthcare system, revelations of several years of neglect and poor oversight at one hospital might have contributed to nearly 1,200 deaths. The resulting Francis Report cited, among many factors, undue emphasis on reaching national access targets and balancing budgets for substandard care. Scholars of emotional labor note these trends with interest, because emotional labor is essential to nursing practice. But is emotional labor a universal construct, or is it particular to cultural context? How much can be imported from one study to the next? We compare nurse job stress in individualist and collectivist countries and reveal a statistically significant relationship: The higher a country’s individualism index, the greater the frequency of emotional-labor-demanding job stress.  相似文献   

Forest conversion by agricultural households is the leading cause of deforestation. Yet we know little about agricultural household use of forest and tree products. This article measures household production of and demand for fuelwood and fuel substitutes in two districts in Nepal. Women play a larger role in collection in the district dependant on production from common forestlands. Men and agricultural capital are more important inputs in the district dependant on production from private lands. The article also measures demand elasticities for fuelwood, combustible agricultural residues, and improved stoves (a technological substitute), each by household income group. All price and income demand elasticities are less than one. The substitution elasticities between residues and fuelwood are less than one. Residues are more important substitutes for low income households and improved stoves are more important substitutes for high income households.  相似文献   

Poverty and productivity in female-headed households in Zimbabwe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A household survey conducted in rural Zimbabwe in 2001 is used to compare the position of de facto and de jure female-headed households to those with a male head. These households are characterised by different forms of poverty that impinge on their ability to improve agricultural productivity. However, once inputs are accounted for, it is only for growing cotton that female-headed households' productivity is lower than that found for male-headed households. General poverty alleviation policies will benefit the female-headed household but specific interventions via extension services and access to marketing consortia are also indicated.  相似文献   

Generosity is the thought that comes to mind after hearing and later reading the five studies first presented at a symposium in Toronto (2 October 2008) and published here in this issue of Nationalities Papers. My colleagues, who span the disciplines of history, literary criticism, and political science, have been generous with the time they spent in composing their essays and then traveling to Toronto to deliver them in person, and they have been particularly generous in conveying a spirit of constructive criticism and self-reflection that represent the best aspects of our common intellectual enterprise. To each of you – George G. Grabowicz, Taras Kuzio (who initiated this symposium), Serhii Plokhy, Alexender J. Motyl, and Dominique Arel – I express my deep appreciation for your generosity of mind and spirit.  相似文献   

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