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This article was originally presented as a paper to the National Conference of the Institute of Public Administration Australia on 1 December 2000. It considers why governments have adopted a more market-oriented approach to governance, concluding that this change in means has generally helped them to achieve their preferred courses of action. However, the principal threats to government capacity are political not technical, and the article also discusses the limitations of market-based policies in this respect.  相似文献   

This case study is based on an evaluation report of a German project for development co-operation in the field of public administration in the Republic of North Yemen. It describes the history, the efforts and the problems of the project which operated within the framework of the National Institute of Public Administration in Sana'a and in order to understand the project there is an outline of the public administration of North Yemen. The paper also describes the structure of the German side of the administration of development policy, the Ministry of Economic Co-operation, the German Society for Technical Cooperation and the Public Administration Promotion Centre in Berlin. Both the practical problems of administrative co-operation and of undertaking evaluation are analysed and a practical approach to evaluation and evaluation techniques is presented for discussion. The paper argues the merits of providing aid in support of training in order to improve public administration, and specifically emphasises the value of preparatory courses which link the educational system within the occupational system of the public sector by preparing university graduates for the profession of public administration.  相似文献   

Until it was discontinued in 1988, the Australian Journal of Public Administration published an administrative chronicle intended to document the events of the past year in state and commonwealth administrations.
This administrative essay, the first of a projected annual series, has a different, although related purpose. It is organised on a thematic, rather than a state-by-state basis, and attempts to describe and to illuminate the main issues in public administration in Australia as they emerged through the events of 1995.
In a short essay, detail must necessarily be sacrificed in order to capture the main trends. Nevertheless, the major features of the administrative landscape, as they appeared during 1995, have been faithfully recorded.  相似文献   

The title of this address results in part from discontent with much of the literature of Public Administration and Public Policy. It is mild discontent, and I do not want unduly to depreciate our writings. But I stop reading many books and articles disappointed, at finding old or obvious ideas restated in new words; at seeing a useful idea refined by scholasticism into complex and empirically untestable propositions; feeling that I am being "got at"; worst of all, with a sense that the work casts only a fitful or elusive light on the important problems it claims to deal with. Schuyler Wallace said years ago when I was starting my academic career that administrative study had been mainly built on the basis of half-truths and fictions,1 and I believe this is still true. If I had remembered this phrase earlier, I might have called the paper "Half-Truths and Fictions in Public Administration". If it reflects some real discontents, it is also intended to be a bit jokey. Should the jokes fall flat or degenerate into vulgar abuse, blame the author.  相似文献   

The article provides an inventory of key issues and results in Policy Analysis and Public Administration research in Germany in the last fifty years. It outlines main trends (planning, implementation, networks, management, ideas and institutions), discusses relations to the international debate, to other areas of political science and theoretical developments, other disciplines, and to political and administrative practice, and it illustrates the central importance of this area for German political science.  相似文献   

Professor Ali Farazmand has written a manifesto for administrative action in an effort to improve public governance and administration capacity not only for today but also for tomorrow, which is highly volatile and uncertain. Farazmand's earlier works, especially his essay "Globalization and Public Administration" (PAR, November/December 1999), are familiar to many students and scholars in public administration around the world.  相似文献   

In this and the last issue, the Australian Journal of Public Administration has profiled issues of current importance to Australian local/regional government. Contributors to Building Local Government looked at organisational change, performance measurement, leadership and social–capital–building roles in local government. Future of Regionalism now focuses on local and subnational government generally, in the financial, administrative and constitutional context. A major trigger for this focus is the present inquiry of the Commonwealth House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration into the financial position of local government.  相似文献   

Public management reforms often are portrayed as part of a global wave of change, and all organizational change is interpreted within a single reform paradigm that is rooted in economics and market–based principles. Reforms outside this paradigm go unnoticed. This article examines the assertion that different drivers of change competing with the dominant focus of management discourse remain present and influence the direction of reform. It presents three alternative drivers of change rooted in normative values and provides evidence of their relevance from three national cases. Normative influences are reflected in a stream of activities occurring within the same time period in different civil service systems. The direction of public management practice cannot be seen as fully determined by any one approach to government reform or as traveling in only one direction. Understanding the balance among competing drivers of change is a key to interpreting both contemporary and future administrative reform.  相似文献   

《公共行政学:管理、政治和法律途径》一书是美国著名行政学家戴维·H·罗森布鲁姆和罗伯特·S·克拉夫丘克的力作,是一部在国际公共行政学领域中享有盛誉的经典著作.首先总结了该书提出的三种不同视角的公共行政观、公共行政未来发展九大趋势及坚持传统公共行政范式,力图将(新)公共管理纳入其框架之中的主要观点.其次,分析了该书将法律途径纳入研究视角、多视角地研究公共行政的多元公共行政观及重视公共行政中民主宪政的重要性三方面的贡献及创新之处.再次,指出本书中的三点不足之处:其一是并未达到作者所预期的"合各种途径"的目的;其二是结构略显庞杂,论述不够深入、细致;其三是视角较为狭隘,仅局限于美国.最后,对于该书对我国的借鉴与启示作用,认为:一方面由于中、美国情差异很大,应该慎重对待该书中的相关理论;另一方面应借鉴该书中适用中国的经验、方法,推进中国公共行政理论与实践的发展.  相似文献   

‘New Public Management’ (NPM) ideas gained widespread acceptance all over the world in the 1980s and 1990s. In developing countries, notable examples of its influence include the Brazilian ‘Master Plan for Reforming Public Administration’, launched in 1995 by president Cardoso, and the Mexican ‘Federal Public Administration Modernisation Programme’ created in the same year by president Zedillo. Both reflected NPM doctrine and advanced changes for the organisation of the Executive. This article explores the evolution of these two countries' managerial reforms and the extent to which they eventually continued converging (or not) around similar principles, such as those often referred to as ‘Post-New Public Management’ (Post-NPM). By applying quantitative textual analysis of official documents and an analysis of self-reported institutional changes, the article concludes that despite their governing parties' strong political differences Mexico and Brazil did converge during the 2000s, improving controls from the centre, and prioritising the adoption of transparency and participation tools. The comparison of the trajectories of the administrative reforms of these countries between 1995 and 2016 contributes to international debates on policy convergence and Post-NPM reforms.  相似文献   

Russian local governments now have primary responsibility for the administration of social assistance programmes thanks to a combination of decentralization of some responsibilities from higher levels of government and the transfer of certain administrative functions from state enterprises to municipalities. Over the past few years, there has also been a distinct shift to means‐testing of social assistance. This article reports on the results of a pilot project undertaken to improve the efficiency of programme administration conducted in the city of Arzamas (pop. 110,000). The municipal administration promotes it as a programme to ease client burden and improve access to benefits. Specifically, the pilot introduced a unified application form for all the major social assistance programmes in the city and required, regardless of how many programmes are applied for, that applicants visit only one office and supply one set of documents verifying their eligibility for assistance. Benefit processing is also consolidated. Staff efficiency improvements are substantial: under the one‐window system, 127 benefits are processed per month per staff member, while 85 benefits were processed per month per staff member under the old administrative system. Impressive time savings for clients were also observed: the statistically average client saves between 1.3 and 2.4 hours, depending on the degree to which a client was able to coordinate documentation collection and trips to the benefit agencies under the old system. The total potential time saved by clients as a result of the one‐window reforms is between 4100 and 7600 person hours per month. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In September of 1969, the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government, formerly the Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration, initiated a new program of professional graduate education for students expecting to enter public service. Twenty-one students were chosen to participate in the Public Policy Program's first experimental year. The author was one of those students, and in this article he attempts to explain the purposes of the Program, the features which distinguish it from other graduate educations with similar purposes, the form it took in its first year, and the direction in which it seems to be moving. At various stages of the article, also, the author has inserted student comments concerning the Program's first year and suggestions for its further evolution. The hope is that this format will offer a somewhat more intimate view of the Public Policy Program than could be gleaned from a reading of catalogs, news releases, or a hurried article by a faculty member.  相似文献   

根据《行政处罚法》和《治安管理处罚条例》等法律的有关规定 ,公安机关实施治安行政处罚履行告知程序的形式和内容是规范、系统和有层次的。其中公安机关在作出治安行政处罚决定之前 ,应当告知当事人作出治安行政处罚决定的事实、理由、依据和当事人依法享有陈述权、申辩权、要求举行听证权和确认权等 ;公安机关作出治安行政处罚决定之时 ,应当告知当事人依法享有的申诉权、起诉权、提出国家行政赔偿权和暂缓执行权等 ;公安机关在作出行政处罚决定之后 ,应当告知当事人依法享有的拒绝缴纳罚款权、暂缓或者分期缴纳罚款权 ;公安机关在实施治安行政处罚的过程中 ,应当告知当事人依法履行改正违反治安管理行为、协助公安机关进行调查、履行治安行政处罚决定和承担民事责任等法定义务。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes and reviews the significance of the Alabama Public Administration Lecture Series, one of the most distinguished and long‐lasting platforms in public administration. Based on guest lectures that were delivered annually to University of Alabama graduate students in public administration, the series began in 1944 and concluded in 2000. During those 57 years, most of the lectures were published as books, usually by the University of Alabama Press. The last book of the series will be published in 2009. This article examines the series as a whole and asks, what does the series tell us about public administration? What does it tell us about how our field got to where it is now? These questions are important because the books present a running conversation on the important subjects of public administration. The article shows that the lecture series offers a history of the field, reflecting the topics that were considered important by leading thinkers in their times.  相似文献   

Public Administration Reform (PAR) in Vietnam is an ambitious programme that seeks to implement ‘rule by law’ within a centralized, state management framework. It is a political strategy by the key party and state officials with the aim of institutionalizing and legitimizing the transition to the ‘socialist market economy’ through creating a dependable system of rule‐bound public administration. This programme has received extensive donor support. In the content and trajectory of PAR, external models and technical assistance are influential but the political struggle over control of state resources shapes the process. This is seen in the attempts to constitutionalize the powers of state organs and to distinguish them from the party; to separate owner and manager roles and to replace political with economic criteria in the operation of state owned enterprises; to combat corruption in ‘street level’ decision making; to rationalize the machinery of government; to create a centrally managed, professional civil service; and to reform the system of public finances. In each of these areas, there is resistance to reform proposals and evidence of implementation gaps. In these circumstances, concentration of donor support on the centrally managed PAR programme is a high risk strategy. Continued support for local, ‘bottom‐up’ reform initiatives could help sustain the demand for reform. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on samples of 217 of the best applications to the Ford Foundation‐Kennedy School of Government innovation awards and 33 of the best applications to the Institute of Public Administration of Canada's management innovation award, both between 1990 and 1994, this article discusses the nature of public management innovation in the United States and Canada. Some of the issues examined are (1) the characteristics of public sector innovations, (2) where in the organization innovations originate, (3) whether innovations come about as a result of planning or groping, (4) the obstacles to change innovators faced and how they overcame them, (5) the results achieved by these innovations, and (6) whether these innovations were replicated. It is found that, despite the difference between congressional and parliamentary government and the different problems being addressed, the patterns of innovation are similar in the two countries. © 2000 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Tom Christensen 《管理》2001,14(4):457-480
Three interwoven change elements characterize New Public Management: substantial horizontal and vertical specialization, substituting an integrated sector model for a fragmented functional model, and extensive use of contracts as part of a "make the manager manage" kind of incentive system. This article discusses the effects and implications of these reform elements on political-democratic processes in general, and on political, administrative, and public enterprise leadership roles more specifically. Examples from Norway and New Zealand illustrate the discussion.  相似文献   

Brownfields pose challenges to both communities and policy makers. Public funds are insufficient to remediate these contaminated sites, but, given the uncertainty of contamination and the complexity of liability, private interests are reluctant to become involved for fear of future litigation. From a New Public Management perspective, market incentives can be used to encourage private sector remediation of sites. However, this change implies a shift in administrative function from regulation to “getting the incentives right.” In this research, the authors investigate whether state and federal reforms aimed at increasing private sector involvement have actually done so, and they consider the implications for other goals of brownfield remediation, such as providing economic development assistance in communities where such change is needed. Findings show that developers respond to insurance and tax incentives, but the authors question whether public incentives are making unattractive redevelopment opportunities worth investing in or simply making profitable redevelopment opportunities more profitable.  相似文献   

基于公众服务的网上行政审批系统模型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国的电子政务建设刚刚起步,迫切需要各种理论和实践的支持。通过对电子政务重要组成部分———面向公众服务的行政审批系统的分析,从系统和工程的观点提出了可以应用到行政审批系统中的角色互动网络模型,并通过给出的模型建立行政审批系统的应用软件系统框架结构、网络体系结构、建设模式、运行管理模式。网上审批是信息时代对公共管理发展客观需要的现实选择。它的影响不仅在于手段的电子化,更重要的是还会引起管理价值、管理范式、管理权力、管理职能、管理组织、管理主客体等方面的变化。网上审批将通过信息技术与公共管理的有机融合促使公共管理由传统的管制管理向服务管理的转变。  相似文献   

This article discusses various ways of systematically measuring the time one would expect various administrative proceedings to consume relative to the time they actually consume taking into consideration the diverse complexity of such proceedings. The article uses the problem of administrative delay to illustrate the broader problem of creating a dependent criterion variable that measures the gap between the actual, empirical, or real situation on the one hand and the predicted, normative, or ideal situation on the other.Thanks are owed to the following who played a part in the preparation of this article but who are not responsible for the results: (1) the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure for which the author was an assistant counsel when he conducted the research; (2) the Yale Law School-Russell Sage Program in which the author was a Law and Social Science Fellow when he wrote the article; (3) the 1971 Conference on Measuring Public Policy Impact at Florida State University where the article was initially presented; and (4) the National Science Foundation which partly financed the writing under grant GS-2875 as one of a series of policy science studies on measuring and achieving effects of alternative legal policies.  相似文献   

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