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随着网络直播产业的快速发展,重金打赏网络主播的情形屡见不鲜,其中甚至存在以犯罪所得打赏的行为。从性质上来看,网络直播活动系主播付出的特定劳动,因而网络打赏行为应当被界定为一种消费活动,只是以巨额资金打赏的行为涉及"支付明显不合理对价"。虽然相关司法解释没有明确规定以犯罪所得打赏网络主播的可追缴性,但结合刑事追缴的制度目的与司法解释的精神,以犯罪所得重金来打赏网络主播的行为应当被纳入到刑事追缴的范围之内。追缴的对象应当是网络直播平台经营者,而且在追缴中应当以网络主播行业的平均收入为标准作出相应数额的保留。  相似文献   

广东力撑“环境容量”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在未来几年内,一批较早进入珠三角地区发展的外资企业会因为当地环保标准的提高而被迫退出今年8月,广东省环保局和东莞市环保局发出了迄今为止广东省最大金额的排污费追缴单——总额1155万元,对象:由香港上市公司福田集团全资拥有的子公司东莞福安纺织印染公司。广东省环保局环境监察总队队长吴洪杰告诉《瞭望新闻周刊》,“福安案”创下了广东追缴排污费最高纪录,在全国也是非常少见的。他说:“这充分说明,我们对待污染整治的态度是十分坚决的,不论是国内企业还是外资公司,一视同仁。”  相似文献   

王少红  和君玲 《学理论》2011,(32):22-23
随着公共管理理论的发展和完善,我国形成了以政府为主导,非政府组织、营利组织、媒体、公众和国际组织共同参与的危机处理模式。政府的主导地位决定了其在危机处理中的重要作用,但是随着公民社会的完善,以及和谐社会的构建,政府也不再仅仅通过公共权力来影响其他参与主体,而是通过多种影响力方式来应对危机,处理危机,提高办事效率,完善政府形象。  相似文献   

企业合规是公司治理的重要方式,对于企业履行社会责任及其可持续发展,尤其是对于中国企业“走出去”具有重要作用。由此,企业合规可以成为政府监管的一种重要激励机制,通过合规制度的建立来换取行政监管部门或者司法机关的宽大处理:其一,从轻减轻处罚依据的合规,即对于本应处以行政处罚的行为,要求其建立起完善的合规制度,进而予以从轻或者减轻处罚;其二,与监管部门达成和解协议条件的合规,即企业以建立和完善合规制度作为条件,与监管部门达成和解协议;其三,避免移送起诉的合规,即要求企业建立起合规制度,在特定情形下免于移送起诉。  相似文献   

我国行政即时强制制度的设想与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前没有统一的即时强制立法,分散模式虽然对及时地、有针对性地规制某些行政即时强制行为具有积极意义,但它的缺点仍然是显而易见的,有必要制定统一的法典。在完善我国行政即时强制立法体系的过程中,除了要丰富和发展实体制度以外,更要注重完善和规范即时强制的程序设计。即时强制行为作为一种侵害性很强的具体行政行为,在实施过程中,难免会造成对行政相对人合法权益的损害或损失,对于侵权损害或者特别损失,法律应当明确其救济途径,保证相对人能够通过行政救济和司法手段维护自身的合法权益。  相似文献   

在坚持和完善共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度中,如何有效地加强民主党派的民主监督?一些同志提出了“民主监督法律化”问题。所谓“民主监督法律化”,主要包括两方面含义:一是通过法律来保障我国民主党派的民主监督的权利,规范民主监督的对象、范围、内容、方式和程序;二是要用法律来保证民主监督的意见能够被接受和采纳,使我国民主党派的民主监督变成“刚性”监督,具有法律效力。第一方面含义主要  相似文献   

中国人自古以来就善于在外交场合通过"赋诗言志"来表达立场、传递信息;或者通过"赋诗言志"对外交事务发表观点、表达立场,这种外交话语方式,我们称之为"诗赋外交""。诗赋外交"具有悠久的历史传统,最早可以追溯到西周时期的"燕享之礼"。  相似文献   

工伤社会保险,是国家通过立法建立的、使劳动者在工作中遭受事故伤害或者患职业病时,能够及时得到医疗救治和获得经济补偿,同时均衡和减轻用人单位负担,分散经营风险的一种社会保险制度。目前,虽然我国的工伤社会保险制度,在保障因工受到伤害职工的合法权益方面发挥了重要作用,但是也还存在一定的问题有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

新华 《侨园》2016,(4):46
正西班牙移民政策中,除了50万欧元购房移民,还有一项叫做非营利性居留。该项政策中没有明确要求购买房产,只是要求申请者提供西班牙的居住地址,也就是说您可以选择买房或者租房。移民专家表示,西班牙移民费用没你想象的高,租房仅需30万元全家获永居。西班牙非营利性居留法案规定,能够为其家人提供稳定的居所,以及有足够的资金来证明在不工作的情况下能够维持其本人及其家人在西班牙的生活费用。法案要求有  相似文献   

《刑法》第六十四条涉及对涉案财物"追缴、责令退赔、返还、没收、上缴"等多项法律行为,在非法集资犯罪案件中均有体现,适用时容易混淆。违法所得、涉案财物、涉案资产既有区别又有联系,非法集资犯罪中的涉案资产是从处置角度对涉案财物的称谓,涵盖集资款项及延伸资产、集资行为产生的利息分红、担保财产、退赔的合法财产等。涉案延伸资产应通过资产变现、盘活等方式实现追缴,在此基础上确立返还的主体、对象、方式和程序,完成涉案资产的处置分配。  相似文献   

刑法修正案(六)虽然对赃物犯罪的修订力度较大,不仅扩张了赃物犯罪的对象范围、行为方式的种类,而且加重了其法定刑的配置。但这次修订也并不尽如人意,赃物犯罪的对象是否仅限于有体物,不动产能否成为其犯罪对象,赃物是否仅限于经济价值之物,财产性利益可否成为赃物,赃物与相关财物的厘定等问题也没有较为明确的规定,因而探讨并厘清这些问题对于指导司法实践将有所裨益。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate one highly significant aspect of the role of money in judicial elections: whether campaign spending increases citizen participation in the recruitment and retention of judges. Specifically, by using a two-stage modeling strategy that allows us to separate the effects of challengers from the effects of money, we assess whether relatively expensive campaigns improve the chances that citizens will vote in the 260 supreme court elections held from 1990 through 2004 in 18 states using partisan or nonpartisan elections to staff the high court bench. We find that increased spending significantly improves citizen participation in these races. Whether measured as the overall spending in each election or in per capita terms, greater spending facilitates voting. We conclude, contrary to conventional wisdom about the deleterious effects of money in judicial elections, that by stimulating mass participation and giving voters greater ownership in the outcomes of these races, expensive campaigns strengthen the critical linkage between citizens and the bench and enhance the quality of democracy.  相似文献   

当前银行卡违法犯罪的新特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,银行卡违法犯罪对社会的危害越来越严重,犯罪手段呈现多样化趋势,综合起来可归纳为银行卡盗刷、银行卡伪造、银行卡恶意套现三大类。银行卡违法犯罪新特点是:以盗卡号为目的的犯罪手段多样化,不断翻新,防不胜防;采用高科技手段,犯罪手法趋向智能化;借助互联网盗取银行卡资金,并在网上消费或洗钱;利用异地取现,雇佣取现,团伙和网络虚拟团伙作案;利用信用卡大量恶意违规套现。面对新的银行卡违法犯罪活动,持卡人、银行、银监局以及公安机关等部门,都应该从各自的职责范围内防范银行卡诈骗行为,共同营造良好的金融环境。  相似文献   

程序性违法是刑事错案产生的重要原因之一。刑事审讯作为公安机关侦查办案中获取犯罪嫌疑人言词证据的重要方法和手段,受到公安机关和办案人员的高度重视。在“口供至上”的刑事办案理念的影响下,为了获取侦查破案的所谓“关键”证据,办案人员在刑事审讯时不惜违反程序法的相关规定。通过对刑事错案成因的考察可知,在刑事审讯过程中,较为典型的程序违法行为有:讯问地点违法、超期羁押、自创程序、假借合法程序名义非法讯问等等。强化办案人员的程序法定理念、确保刑事审讯的程序合法是预防刑事错案的良策之一。  相似文献   

欧洲人权法院对于非法证据的处理与英美法系国家迥然不同。欧洲人权法院并没有就如何排除非法证据制定系列指导性的纲要,而是采取个案中具体考量的办法,重点考察公权力人员的非法取证行为是否给整个诉讼程序造成不公,以及获取证据与案件关联性的有无及强弱,在此基础上决定证据排除与否。  相似文献   

This article assesses the development of theories of judicial behavior in the United States in the past few decades. It is argued that the study of judicial behavior has been relatively balkanized, with some advances within particular theoretical contexts, but with little successful effort at integrating different approaches within a comprehensive theory. Although I develop no such comprehensive theory in this article, I do argue that the predominant frameworks for analyzing judicial behavior—attitude theory, fact pattern theory, role theory, small group theory, organization theory, and environmental theories—are not incompatible and can be at least partially integrated. In order to accomplish the desired integration, there are three desiderata:
  • The most general and useful unit of theoretical analysis is the individual decision maker.
  • Nonindividual level theories can and should be articulated to include propositions about the underlying microlevel processes.
  • Comprehensive theory can best be developed through models that incorporate influences stemming from various levels (e.g., group, institution, environment) but that ultimately focus on the individual.
Thus, theories of judicial behavior must become more complex if they are to achieve a higher level of explanation and prediction.  相似文献   

During a time of dwindling resources, Boston Mayor Kevin White acquired a significant amount of power. This was in contrast to the experiences of other mayors during the 1960s and 1970s and to the predictions for mayoral leadership in general. Examining the paradox of White's administration underscores the need for politically skillful executives. Effective political skills include the ability to perceive resource opportunities, to select the appropriate strategies and to choose the best arena in which to operate. While all mayors have access to resources, they do not always use them effectively. Resources must be conserved, protected, and pyramided. Focusing on White's role as a power accumulator, his use of federal money, and his shift from audience and media politics to constituent and organization politics, this article examines how a mayor expands his political capital in an environment of limited resources. The major themes that emerge are the importance of political skills and political organization to strong mayoral leadership.  相似文献   

Democratic theorists often distinguish between two views of democratic procedures. 'Outcomes theorists' emphasize the instrumental nature of these procedures and argue that they are only valuable because they tend to produce good outcomes. In contrast, 'proceduralists' emphasize the intrinsic value of democratic procedures, for instance, on the grounds that they are fair. In this paper. I argue that we should reject pure versions of these two theories in favor of an understanding of the democratic ideal that recognizes a commitment to both intrinsically valuable democratic procedures and democratic outcomes. In instances in which there is a conflict between these two commitments, I suggest they must be balanced. This balancing approach offers a justification of judicial review on the grounds that it potentially limits outcomes that undermine democracy. But judicial review is not justifiable in any instance in which a bad democratic outcome results from democratic procedures. When the loss that would result from overturning a democratic procedure is greater than the gain to democracy that would result from ensuring against an undemocratic outcome; judicial review is not justifiable. Loss or gain to democracy is defined by the negative or positive impact of each action on the core democratic values of equality and autonomy, aspects of the democratic ideal. Even when judicial review is justified, the fact that it overturns intrinsically valuable procedures suggests that such review is never ideal from the standpoint of democracy.  相似文献   

我国非法鉴定意见排除规则的定义是指在诉讼过程中,由于鉴定的前、中、后程序出现严重违法或瑕疵,使得鉴定意见非法或者不合法,经过法官审查或合法当事人提出,使相应鉴定意见的证据能力或者证明力失效的规则。非法鉴定意见排除规则由鉴定前、中、后三个程序规则构成,对诉讼理念、制度、程序与社会等各个层面均有重要的意义。  相似文献   

公民知政权是公民依法享有的并通过一定方式知悉、获取执政党和国家机关及其工作人员各种政治活动信息,而不受他人和社会组织非法干涉、侵犯和剥夺的权利。公民知政权是公民的一项基本权利。我国已经初步形成保障公民知政权的民主制度和法律制度,但也存在一些问题和不足。应当通过完善党内民主制度和人民民主制度,进一步完善社会主义法律制度、行政制度和司法治制度,依法保障公民知政权。  相似文献   

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