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This article examines the role of social insurance law in the survival strategies of factory workers in Vietnam, especially when they are faced with pressing family needs and an uncertain future. Despite the official discourse of the law which encourages employees to accumulate social insurance for their pension benefits, workers in this study have considered their social insurance fund as a form of saving and opted to gain early access to it when they are in desperate need of money. Workers understand and use the law in a way that answers to their needs; however, such action simultaneously puts them outside the protection of the law. In workers' daily struggles, law generates a moral tension between rights and needs, and ultimately perpetuates their precarious, vulnerable condition. The article demonstrates how workers' legal consciousness varies according to their perception of their precariousness, a precariousness generated by the fragile nature of their work and underpinned by their traditional familial moral obligations. This research advances our understanding of the way state law in postsocialist regimes informs social action and consciousness in ways that oftentimes contradict the spirit of the law.  相似文献   

Though several states have legalized marijuana use, the drug remains illegal under federal law. Not surprisingly, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) refuses to register trademarks related to marijuana because of the federal prohibition. What is surprising, though, is the willingness to grant trademarks for cannabidiol (CBD), a marijuana derivative that is likewise expressly illegal under federal drug laws. This article explains why the USPTO's divergent treatment of trademark applications for CBD and marijuana products is legally incoherent. Additionally, when viewed from an entrepreneurial perspective, this phenomenon exemplifies how legal uncertainty breeds entrepreneurial opportunity. Specifically, the article argues that the evolving regulatory landscape for CBD and marijuana products has been and continues to be ripe for legal strategists and innovative entrepreneurs to combine forces to create competitive advantage in the emerging marijuana industry.  相似文献   

随着近年城管执法机关职能不断增加,执法任务不断增多,违法行为难以有效发现或者发现违法行为后难以追究违法行为人责任并记录在案即"违法黑数"的问题显得日益突出.为此,我们有必要对"违法黑数"现状及其形成的原因进行深入调查和研究,从而采取有针对性的对策和措施,减少违法黑数,破解执法难题,以切实提高城管执法机关的执法效能,改善城市环境秩序.  相似文献   

运动型思维支配下的法治活动有针对性强、集中整治和收效快的特点,在维护社会秩序、打击违法行为方面有一定的规模效用和即时效果.但从根本上看,运动型思维与法治理性、法治规律存在一定冲突,甚至可能会误导、姑息某些违法行为,破坏法律适用的平等性.所以,在转型社会之中国应逐步摒弃运动型思维和法律实用主义思维,回归稳健、规范和持续的法治理性之路.  相似文献   

A systematic revision of the notion of facilitating practices is put forward in this paper, with the purpose of relaxing the long-debated tension between economic and legal perspectives on oligopoly. Whereas the law knows of just one collusive illegal conduct, namely agreements, in economic theory the focus on internal enforcement makes the distinction between agreements and other behaviour resulting in the collusive outcome irrelevant. However, the tension may be relaxed, at least in a number of relevant circumstances, provided the focus of competition law shifts from straightforward co-ordination on market strategies to the firms' concerted efforts in the design and implementation of given organisational arrangements of the oligopolistic industry, to which an anticompetitive object can be attached. The theoretical analysis is extensively supported by examples drawn from some recent decisions of the European Commission and the Italian Competition Authority.  相似文献   

在打击非法证券活动的过程中,有产权经纪资质的中介公司从事在产权交易所项目挂牌的非上市股份有限公司股权转让融资行为的性质如何认定,不仅关系到打击非法证券活动的法律正确适用问题,更关系到法律是否因为政治的原因而逾越基本的原则。  相似文献   

论环境标准的法律地位——对主流观点的反思与补充   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨朝霞 《行政与法》2008,(1):107-112
环境标准不同于环境标准法律规范,也不同于环境标准法律制度。从形式上看,它无构成法律规范所需的完整结构,也无独立的法律效力,故其属性只可属于行政规范性文件,而不应归于环境法的渊源,但环境标准可经法律规范的援引而成为构成该规范的“条件假设”或“行为模式”的组成部分。从而才被赋予相应的法律效力和法律意义。在裁判实践中,环境标准可作为判断环境行为违法与否的法律事实——“超标”或“这标”的依据,但不能单独作为环境行为是否违法的判断准则,违法与否还必须结合相关法律规范的具体规定才能做出正确判断,即达标不一定合法,超标也并不必然违法。  相似文献   

Abstract: South East Asian countries are known for illegal poaching and trade of crocodiles clandestinely, to be used in skin, medicinal, and cosmetic industries. Besides crocodiles being listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, India has its Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 for conservation of crocodile species. Hitherto, lack of any rapid and reliable technique for examinations of crocodile‐based crime exhibits such as skin, bones, etc. has been a major problem for an effective promulgation of law on illegal trade. DNA‐based identification of species using PCR‐RFLP technique for an apt identification of all the three Indian crocodile species namely, Crocodylus porosus, Crocodylus palustris and Gavialis gangeticus is presented here. A 628 bp segment of cytochrome b gene was amplified using novel primers followed by restriction digestion with three enzymes i.e., HaeIII, MboI, and MwoI, separately and in combination. The technique has produced a species‐specific pattern for identifying the three crocodile species individually, which fulfills the requirement for its forensic application. It is expected that the technique will prove handy in identification of all the three Indian crocodile species and strengthen conservation efforts.  相似文献   


In the physical world, spaces are tangibly defined to secure privacy. The cyberspace equivalent of sealed envelopes and locked doors is encryption. Encryption uses hardware and/or software to ensure that electronic communication is not intercepted by unwelcome and unintended parties. The technology allows communicators transmitting across telephone lines to encode conversations or data.

Sophisticated encryption technology protects legitimate privacy, but it may also cloak illegal activities by obstructing electronic surveillance by law enforcement agencies. The Escrowed Encryption Standard is a federal plan to protect telephone and computer communication from illegal interception and allow government access to these communications for surveillance. This article examines the plan's possibly adverse impacts on constitutional rights, with specific attention to the First, Fourth and Fifth amendments.  相似文献   

郭旭 《行政与法》2014,(7):71-75
非法证据排除规则是我国《刑事诉讼法》新增加的重要内容,在实现保障人权的价值目标中发挥着重要作用.我国的非法证据排除规则具有自身的特点,在司法实践中也存在一些问题急需理论上予以解决.本文认为,非法证据排除的范围已经逐渐从“非法手段”扩大至“程序违法”,而现行的侦查、审查起诉和审判阶段均可依职权或依申请排除非法证据的规定并不能收到很好的效果.因此,在实施非法证据排除的过程中,有必要对非法证据排除的方式、效果和证明标准进行深入探讨.  相似文献   

In 2001, Portugal decriminalized the acquisition, possession, and use of small quantities of all psychoactive drugs. The significance of this legislation has been misunderstood. Decriminalization did not trigger dramatic changes in drug‐related behavior because, as an analysis of Portugal's predecriminalization laws and practices reveals, the reforms were more modest than suggested by the media attention they received. Portugal illustrates the shortcomings of before‐and‐after analysis because, as is often the case, the de jure legal change largely codified de facto practices. In the years before the law's passage, less than 1 percent of those incarcerated for a drug offense had been convicted of use. Surprisingly, the change in law regarding use appears associated with a marked reduction in drug trafficker sanctioning. While the number of arrests for trafficking changed little, the number of individuals convicted and imprisoned for trafficking since 2001 has fallen nearly 50 percent.  相似文献   

徐兴华 《河北法学》2011,29(10):107-111
违法性认识历来备受刑法学界的关注,是大陆法系刑法理论长期聚讼不休的一个重大的基础理论问题,而违法性认识的认定问题则是这场论争的焦点。国内学者对该问题的研究虽然起步较晚,但近年来的交锋已日趋白热化,取得了卓有成效的阶段性理论成果,但总体上不尽人意。通过对古今中外成文法体系下违法性认识的各种观点进行系统梳理,从哲学认识论的角度出发,认为使用推定方法来认定违法性认识的观点是值得肯定的,同时在吸收前辈学者观点基础上,提出了有实际价值的违法性认识的认定方法,为进一步"完善或重构违法性认识认定体系"搭建基础性平台。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of issues related to research on gender and the law. Following a discussion of the ways in which gender and the law interact, we assess the extent to which Law and Human Behavior (LHB) has addressed the issue of gender. Specifically, we present the results of our analysis of the role of gender in articles published in LHB from 1990 through 1996. We discuss the relatively few gender-relevant studies that appeared, as well as comment upon the attention given to gender by research with other primary foci. We then discuss various strategies for conducting gender research and their implications for research on gender and the law. We conclude by introducing the articles in this special issue on gender and the law, commenting on how they add to our accumulated knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

依最高人民法院《关于审理非法行医刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》规定,个人未取得《医疗机构执业许可证》开办医疗机构的行为应认定为《刑法》第三百三十六条第一款规定的“未取得医生执业资格的人非法行医”,即在个体行医的场合下,医师必须取得《医疗机构执业许可证》,方能开展诊疗活动,否则便属于非法行医。然而,非个体行医的情形下,医师在无执业许可证的医疗机构行医,是否属于非法行医?对此,法律并无相关规定,本文对此类案件所涉医师是否属于刑法规定的“未取得医生执业资格的人”进行探讨。  相似文献   


The biological aspects of illegal harvests of threatened wildlife are outlined. It is shown that local agriculturalists are beneficiaries of illegal harvesting and that competition from agriculture exacerbates the extinction risk. Illegal harvesting of wildlife is driven by the profitability of the exercise, but law enforcement activity can deter poaching by reducing the associated expected profits. Law enforcement may be unable to limit illegal harvesting to levels threatened populations can sustain as a result of perverse consequences or strategic responses by poachers to law enforcement activity. Poaching activity is sensitive to the beliefs of participants about future prices and the availability of wildlife. Erroneous beliefs result in price collapses being observed. Integrating legal markets with increased local control of wildlife and punitive law enforcement strategies may be the most effective and efficient means to constrain illegal harvests.  相似文献   

劳动刑法视野下劳动用工违法犯罪的惩治与预防机制对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张勇 《河北法学》2008,26(4):107-110
劳动用工违法犯罪的行为可以分为违法犯罪类型、单纯违法类型和模糊行为类型;劳动刑法应当以保障劳动密集型企业中底层劳动者的合法权益为重心,严厉惩治严重的劳动侵权犯罪;同时关注劳动者和用人单位双方利益的适度平衡;惩治和预防劳动用工违法犯罪,应当构建和完善劳动刑事处罚机制、宽严相济刑事政策机制、劳动法律体系衔接机制、司法协调救济机制等。  相似文献   

葛景富 《行政与法》2007,(7):100-103
赌博,是指用财物作注比输赢,以偶然性的胜负争财物或财产利益得失的行为。对赌博罪、赌博中的违法行为与娱乐活动进行界定,可以使我们正确区分罪与非罪,赌博罪、赌博中的违法行为与娱乐活动的界限以及认清赌博中的犯罪与违法的特殊形态和表现形式。  相似文献   

蒋月 《政法论丛》2013,(6):50-59
为防治基因技术的滥用和基因信息歧视,以《2008年禁止基因信息歧视法》为代表的美国联邦和州立法积极实施干预,以确保所有人雇佣机会平等、享有平等健康保险待遇,全面参与社会生活.美国反基因歧视法内容详尽,既禁止基因信息歧视行为,又兼顾保险公司、雇主的合理要求以及避免可能给第三人及公众带来的风险,使违法行为几乎“无缝隙可钻”,且法律对公立雇主的要求高于私立雇主.美国反基因歧视法律实践,对于我们客观认识和把握平等权,完善相关立法和公共政策,具有一定启迪.  相似文献   

违法建筑在私法上的地位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘武元 《现代法学》2001,23(4):100-105
本文从私权的角度 ,侧重论述了违法建筑的归属和利用两大问题 ,认为违法建筑作为不动产 ,依事实行为的完成而由建造人直接取得所有权 ,公法上对违法建筑的限制 ,不是针对违法建筑的所有权的取得 ,而是针对所有人的权利的行使。利用违法建筑 ,应当兼顾社会公共利益和各方当事人的利益 ,并符合物尽其用的宗旨。  相似文献   

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