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2012年4月5日,中国颁布实施了《校车安全管理条例》。校车安全问题为什么能够得到关注,问题是如何被关注的,其政策议程是如何建立的,为了回答这些问题,在此将采用案例研究的方法,运用触发机制理论、议程设置理论以及多源流理论,从多维视角对其政策议程建构过程进行解释和分析,并以此透视当代中国公共政策议程建构的机理和特点。  相似文献   

刘龙 《法制与社会》2010,(9):292-292
本文对CNKI中收录的从1994年至今的203篇研究议程设置理论的论文进行文献综述,然后对中国传播学整体研究情况进行探讨。文中论述了议程设置理论的产生和在中国的发展过程;其次,归纳了议程设置理论在中国研究和应用的四个主要方向;再次,指出了中国议程设置理论研究和应用中存在的问题;最后,对中国传播学的发展方向做出了探讨。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展及网民队伍的不断壮大,"网络议政"和"网络倒逼决策"已然是当前我国互联网社会发展的重要特征。然而,透视近年来数十起网络公共事件可以发现,即便是在关乎社会公平正义的特定领域里,网络民意也不再局限于只对政府选定的政策议程进行讨论、监督和评价,而是不断借助网民集体行动和媒体的力量,在社会与政府的互动过程中确立新的政策议程,从而影响公共政策的制定。因此,客观且准确地描述并抽象出中国网络公共事件的议程互动模式以及理清该模式中主要环节的变化方式、作用及相互关系,对于提升网络时代中国政府决策的科学性、民主性和有效性以及维护社会稳定都具有积极意义。  相似文献   

多源流理论是对公共政策议程进行研究的重要工具。金登指出,政策制定系统中,存在着问题溪流、政策溪流和政治溪流,这三种溪流共同影响了公共政策议程,且当三种溪流相结合时会打开政策之窗,进而迎来政策出台的最佳时机。本文将多源流理论引入上海"钓鱼执法"案例,分析案例中的三种政策溪流及政策之窗,指出公民的网络参与会直接影响公共政策议程:引发政府的关注,提出解决方案,并最终推动新的公共政策出台。  相似文献   

沈璐 《法制与社会》2011,(21):172-173
大众传媒被认为是“立法、行政、司法”之外的“第四种权力”,它对于公共政策过程的重要性主要体现在国家政策议程的设定上。本文主要结合大众传媒自身的特点,从三个方面详细论述了大众传媒对政策议程设定的积极影响,并指出在一定程度上保持大众传媒独立性和自由的重要意义。  相似文献   

大众传播广泛的渗透在现代生活的方方面面,对人们的影响越来越大。它之所以具有这么大的影响力,很重要的一点便是由于它的"议程设置"功能。我国的大众传媒是社会主义媒介,不但不否认自己的舆论导向作用,还旗帜鲜明地把引导舆论作为基本任务。那么大众媒介如何利用"议程设置"功能引导舆论呢,本文进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

本文通过运用公共政策分析中的过程模型,从问题的确定、议程设置、政策形成、政策执行、政策合法化和政策评估六个方面对驮队改革奋斗史这一案例进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

建立公共政策议程是公共政策制定过程中的起始阶段,公共政策议程决定着社会问题成为公共政策问题,并直接影响着公共政策质量。本文从成本角度分析了公共政策议程,指出公共政策议程有决策成本和外部成本,依此分析了公共政策议程不同类型的成本原因。在公共政策议程中由于成本的存在,当代中国公共政策议程具有内在推动特征。  相似文献   

当今社会,新闻传媒随着科学技术日新月异的变化不断发展壮大,新闻信息传递十分迅速,进而因新闻带来的舆论导向也逐步增强着对人类和社会的影响力。每一个体、群体都时刻关注着与之利益相关的新闻及舆论,尤其是大学生,他们是年轻的一代,也是接触新媒体最多的一代,而随着新媒体时代的到来,校报作为平面媒体面临着巨大挑战。面对这些挑战,如何通过议程设置发挥高校校报在宣传中的主导地位,并实现其育人功能成为高校校报发展中不可忽略的重要方面。  相似文献   

侣庆谭 《法制与社会》2010,(19):146-147
电视新闻塑造国家形象的理论基础是拟态环境和议程设置。本文对当前电视新闻塑造国家形象所面临的国际国内形势及困难作了简要的分析,最后对于电视塑造国家形象提出了相关建议。  相似文献   


The impact agenda in academic research affords rich opportunities – to inform the media, policymakers and the general public; to co-produce research with third sector organisations. In the context of Brexit, the prevailing ignorance of politicians and other stakeholders has been so profound, and the falsehoods that have had popular purchase so baseless, as to make the need for impact and public engagement all the more acute. This is not simply about fact-checking, but about making the case for the very worth of expertise, and reasserting the basic, core scientific values that drive academic work – values that have been trashed by the precepts of a postmodern nihilism, in which all positions are equally (in)valid and only your own gut can be trusted. But challenging these precepts in public arenas has personal and professional costs: significant workload implications, the acquisition of new skills and often a torrent of abuse. As such, this work needs institutional support. Departments need to value it appropriately, to promote equal access to impact opportunities and to confront the discriminatory barriers to (and consequences of) taking up the impact gauntlet. Throughout the Brexit process, expertise and experts have been dismissed and denigrated. The task now is to restore public faith in the value of the pursuit of truth.  相似文献   

This article argues that institutions not only reflect ideas prevalent at the time of their creation, but also play vital roles in driving the growth and dissemination of knowledge. Because institutions are not actors in their own right, however, it is essential to identify the mechanisms through which they influence the behavior of those who are producers and consumers of knowledge. The central section of the article explores three distinct mechanisms or families of mechanisms that come into play in this context:(1) framing the research agenda, (2) privileging certain types of knowledge claims, and (3) guiding the application of knowledge to specific policy concerns. The article's concluding section examines the policy implications flowing from the proposition that institutions play significant roles in creating knowledge regarding the issues they address. Throughout, observations relating to international environmental or resources regimes provide a source of illustrations.  相似文献   

Major economic crises are focal events that often drive changes in various aspects of political systems. Although extensive work has been done to investigate the effect of exogenous shocks on political phenomena such as government termination, public opinion and policy outcomes, the impact of major crises on the process of policymaking has so far received scarce attention. Building on existing literature on policy agendas and legislative organization, this paper explores how the Eurozone crisis has affected the legislative agenda of the Italian parliament. The data used include information on the 1,110 bills submitted to parliament during Legislature XVI (2008–2013). Our analysis shows that, with the worsening of the crisis, bill proposals related to macroeconomic issues become increasingly more likely to enter the legislative agenda, displacing legislation dealing with other topics. Our argument is corroborated by a comparison between Legislature XVI and a pre-crisis legislature (2001–2006), as in the latter term the legislative agenda follows different patterns.  相似文献   

Innovation diffusion is important for both firms’ profitability and countries’ economic growth. For these reasons, policies that aim to reduce the main barriers to innovation diffusion are a relevant issue on the agenda of most policy makers. Although the importance of this topic is widely recognized, few studies explore public policies that aim to enhance innovation diffusion. This article attempts to fill this literature gap. Specifically, the study aims to clarify the role of policy makers in promoting new technology diffusion, to identify the barriers that affect the process of innovation diffusion and that are relevant for public policy makers and to analyze potential policies to overcome the main barriers to the diffusion of new relevant technologies. This study shows that public policies must simultaneously address the most relevant barriers to the diffusion of a new technology to be effective. Focusing on only specific barriers by developing policies with a too narrow scope may lead to poor results. The study explores a topic that is almost neglected in the innovation management literature. On the one hand, the article provides a conceptual framework for analyzing public policies. On the other hand, it proposes an overview of the repertoire of policies that policy makers can use to overcome the most relevant barriers to the diffusion of a new technology. In doing so, it also contributes to the debate about the role of the policy maker in the process of innovation development and diffusion.  相似文献   

How do multi-party coalition governments share agenda power? In principle, coalitions might allocate agenda power among their members by distributing special proposal rights, distributing special blocking rights, or both. The literature has prominent models embodying each polar possibility, with Laver and Shepsle's model envisaging that each party in a coalition has the ability to propose any bill(s) it wishes within the jurisdiction of a ministry it controls; and Cox and McCubbins' cartel theory envisaging that each party has the ability to block bills, thus necessitating collective bargaining over the overall agenda. This paper shows that agenda-setting in Israel is not consistent with the ‘ministerial dictatorship’ version of the Laver–Shepsle model but is consistent with the Cox–McCubbins model.  相似文献   

A recent decision on the application of public benefit under the Charities Act 2006 sidestepped the political debate surrounding the charitable status of independent fee‐charging schools. The broader political context nevertheless underscores the legislative reforms, and this article questions whether the new statutory public benefit requirement has utility as a welfare policy tool in the field of education. It examines the public benefit requirement in charity law against the backdrop of government policy towards education and the broader political agenda for a mixed economy of welfare provision, and argues that the difficulties Labour faced in developing its education policies were replicated in the application of the post‐Act public benefit requirement to fee‐charging schools. As a result, achieving broader policy goals for widening educational opportunity through public benefit was almost impossible given the regulatory framework and the principles upon which charity law is founded.  相似文献   

Most research on roll call votes considers each voting decision by members of parliament (MPs) as an independent observation. Only recently have scholars (for example, Clinton, 2012, American Journal of Political Science, 56, 355–372; Clinton & Meirowitz, 2004, American Journal of Political Science, 48, 675–689) started to assess how knowledge about the sequence of votes may help us to understand the legislative process in more detail. Many of these analyses are, however, predicated on quite important assumptions regarding the forward-looking capacities of MPs. In this paper, this more recent literature is drawn on and brought to bear on an analysis of two bills adopted in the Swiss parliament. Having detailed information available on MPs’ preferences over various options voted upon, it is possible to test whether MPs behave strategically, and to what degree they are capable of anticipating the way forward through the agenda tree. Evidence is found that MPs behave strategically, but their foresight is not as perfect as one would expect from theoretical models.  相似文献   

Scholars suggest that consumers rely on heuristics to evaluate products. They employ both extrinsic and intrinsic cues to evaluate product quality and utilize the same cues to differentiate between counterfeit and genuine products. This has far-reaching public health, economic, product authentication, and even criminal justice policy implications due to the emerging ideas of criminalizing the purchase of counterfeit goods. In order to predict the viability and the possible effects of such a policy, a thorough understanding of consumer attitudes toward counterfeits, purchase motivation, and behavior, as well as of their ability to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit goods, is imperative. Building on cue utilization theory, this article develops a framework for understanding how consumers develop and utilize heuristics for product authentication in the context of intellectual property infringements and outlines a research agenda. Additionally, it helps to inform the development of prevention and enforcement efforts, in consumer education and enforcement agent training, as well as a basis for policy decisions.  相似文献   

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