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通过以哈市第六中学学生为研究对象,以SPSS20.0为研究手段对学生学习化学的兴趣进行研究。研究后发现,男同学对化学学习兴趣高于女同学,并存在显著性差异。重点初中与普通初中毕业生在高中的化学学习兴趣并无显著差异。不同成绩排名学生之间存在显著性差异,化学学习兴趣程度与班级成绩排名成正比,因此,化学学习兴趣受学生的班级成绩排名影响。  相似文献   

教材中演示实验或探究实验是针对某一个实验原理引导学生学习化学知识与实验操作技能、验证化学原理、训练科学思维。理论指导实践的化学实验教学模式旨在引导学生用学习过的化学知识和化学实验技能对未知领域进行综合性探索,学习新知,培养创新能力。  相似文献   

情感教学在各个学科被越来越多的教学工作者关注,情感领域是教学目标的重要领域之一,兴趣、情感和意志等非智力因素直接影响学生对化学学科知识的学习与应用.如何以情感来激发学生学习化学的兴趣,如何以情感来培养学生学习化学的自信心,如何以情感来展示化学学科的魅力,这些是本文所要探讨的主要内容.  相似文献   

刘燕 《各界》2008,17(5)
化学新课程标准要求教师从"单纯教师的教"转向"师生共同活动且以学生探究为主的学",体现以人为本、以学生为中心的教学理念.化学的教学,不单纯是化学知识的教学,它还能通过学生主动参与教学过程,激发学生地学习兴趣,培养学生科学的学习方法.对学生认识、理解、掌握并深入探究化学,增强学生的创新精神和实践能力有着积极热而深远的意义.  相似文献   

何燕杰 《各界》2007,(6):131
有句话说的好,在学习中“兴趣是最好的老师”。九年级学生正处于兴趣广泛、求知欲非常旺盛的时期。教师如果从化学课的起始阶段就注意激发和培养学生对化学学习的兴趣,并能因势利导,使学生把兴趣转化成乐趣,进而再转化成志趣,那么,就能保持学生对化学学习经久不衰的求知欲,而在学习  相似文献   

初中化学教学教材为培养学生安全意识及能力提供了丰富的素材,在化学教学中充分运用"体验式学习"这种实用且行之有效教学模式,使学生在活动中逐渐培养了安全意识和自救自护能力。对化学体验式学习中学生安全意识及自救自护能力培养进行深入探讨,是化学教学改革中一项有意义的尝试。  相似文献   

化学实验是化学教学中必不可少的环节,为学生的认知发展提供了依据,激发了学生的学习兴趣,极大地调动了学生的学习积极性。严格的管理是有效实施实验教学的根本保证,是提高学生实验动手水平的前提条件,为培养学生的科学探究思维水平奠定了坚实的基础。所以,严格实验教学的课堂管理,能有效地提高化学实验课堂教学的效果。  相似文献   

初中生正处在爱好广泛,求知欲旺盛的时期,化学又是初三学生新接触的一门学科,学生好奇心与求知欲都很强,因此注意激发和培养孩子们对化学学习的兴趣非常重要,把学生的兴趣转化成乐趣,进而转化成志趣,那就可以对化学学习产生经久不衰的求知欲,几年来本人在教学第一线从正教学,对化学课教学的研究也一直没有间断过,但结合今年教材改革,本人觉得探究学习是一种新的尝  相似文献   

本文就化学教学中,如何在教学中注重教给学生学习的一些方法,进一步激发学生的学习兴趣和对学生能力培养,进行了一些探讨和尝试。  相似文献   

化学实验是化学科学的灵魂,发掘化学实验的教育功能,优化化学实验教学培养学生的创新学习兴趣,产生创新意识,诱发创新思维,激发创新能力.  相似文献   

A study of recent court decisions indicates that courts tend to decide cases in education with apparently little or no citation in their opinions of the findings of research studies in the fields of education, economics, psychology, sociology, etc. This may be unique since the courts seem to be more liberal in other areas of the law where inputs from other disciplines (e.g. medicine) are cited and do find their way into the decisions of cases. The implications of this for educational policy formation and educational research need to be more thoroughly examined.This study merely describes a finding and does not purport to state a position or to offer suggestions for a future course of action.  相似文献   

Policymakers and academics often identify institutional boundaries as one of the factors that shape the capacity of jurisdictions to manage natural resources such as water, forests, and scenic lands. This article examines two key bodies of literature—common‐pool resource management theory and local public economy theory—to explain how the boundaries of political jurisdictions affect natural resource management. Two empirical methods were used to test hypotheses from the literature, using a study of water management programs in California. The results demonstrate that institutional boundaries that coincide with natural resources are likely to be associated with the implementation of more effective resource management programs. At the same time, where jurisdictions can control through coordination, they can also facilitate more effective resource management where jurisdictions do not match resource boundaries. © 2004 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role which the concept of natural law has to play in the political thought of Aquinas, as this is to be found in the Summa Theologiae . It focuses particularly on Aquinas's understanding of the relationship which exists between natural and positive law. It argues that Aquinas's views are inconsistent and that the Summa actually contains two quite different positions regarding this subject. One of these is inherited from the Stoic natural law tradition and the other from Aristotle. The former considers natural law to be a critical standard by means of which positive law can be evaluated by individuals, whereas the latter does not. On the contrary, it maintains that according to Aquinas the principles of natural law require interpretation, and that this interpretation is to be provided, not by the conscience of the individual moral agent, but by positive law. Focus on either one or the other of these two documents leads to quite different interpretations of Aquinas's political thought as a whole. One such interpretation sees Aquinas as being a distant forerunner of the liberal political tradition. The other associates Aquinas much more closely with the notion of authority and hence with conservatism in politics. The article concludes by commenting on the relevance of these different interpretations of Aquinas for the contemporary debate between liberals and communitarians.  相似文献   

The public is generally supportive of space policy, but less supportive of spending for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) compared to other government programs. Previous research has helped identify who is more likely to be supportive of NASA spending, but not why. This study seeks to understand the causal mechanisms that influence support for NASA. Using natural between-survey and induced within-survey experiments, this study attempts to identify factors influencing changes in public support for NASA spending. Short-term programmatic and related media effects appear to have no influence on public support for NASA spending. However, correcting information asymmetries in regard to NASA's budget appears to have a significant positive effect on public support for NASA spending. The findings speak to the importance of the public being well informed on policy issues in order to make a correct policy choice, and demonstrate that individual programmatic aspects may not be as important as overall agency direction.  相似文献   

What should a political theorist say about the justice of the global distribution of natural resources? One issue is whether principles of distributive justice should be applied globally, and this has been debated between nationalists and cosmopolitans. A second, though, is how the category of 'natural resources' should be conceived in relation to other distributable goods. This has not adequately been addressed even by theorists of global justice who expressly focus on natural resources. In particular, neither Charles Beitz's argument for a natural resources redistribution principle nor David Miller's argument against works with a satisfactory account of how the physical distribution of resources relates to the distribution of their economic value. A more satisfactory account can be developed from the perspective of ecological economics as inspired by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen. From this perspective, global inequalities in the command of natural resources can be viewed with the clarity that a normative theory of their justice requires. If natural resources are re-conceptualised in terms of 'ecological space', Beitz's argument can be recast and vindicated. The re-conceptualisation is necessary to overcome the problems with the original version, as is shown by reference to the existing alternative formulations of Hillel Steiner and Thomas Pogge.  相似文献   

How is electoral support for incumbent candidates shaped by natural disasters? Do voters in districts newly recovering from a national disaster punish or reward incumbents for their response to the disaster when compared to their counterparts in unaffected districts? The City of Calgary is used here as a case study. On 20 June 2013, the Bow and Elbow rivers flooded in the Calgary, devastating 26 neighborhoods and displacing approximately 75,000 people, or 7 per cent of the city's population. Four months later, a municipal election was held. When analyzed as a natural experiment, results suggest that support for the incumbent mayor increased city-wide between the 2010 and the 2013 elections, but at a lower rate in areas that experienced residential flooding. However, the flood did not produce equivalent treatment and control groups, as flooded areas differ systematically from areas that were not flooded in ways key to the election outcome. When analyzed more conservatively, results show that the flood had no effect on incumbent support or voter turnout. Thus, this disaster introduces a note of caution into the literature examining the effects of natural disasters on electoral behavior.  相似文献   

Modern bureaucracy faces trade‐offs between public and congressional input and agency expertise. The U.S. Forest Service offers an opportunity to quantitatively analyze whether an agency that is required to be more open to the public and congressional input will be forced to ignore its technical expertise in managing resources. This study uses data on 83,000 hazardous fuels reduction activities conducted by the Forest Service from 2001 to 2011. Although the results show that managers are responsive to public and congressional considerations, this has not prevented them from utilizing their technical knowledge to restore lands most deviated from natural conditions. This suggests that managers can balance responsiveness to public and political principals with technically sound management.  相似文献   

姚展妮 《学理论》2012,(12):226-227
高职高专层次开设的《病原生物与免疫学》是一门重要的医学基础课,是紧密联系基础医学与临床医学的桥梁课程。病原生物学是学生在将来的工作中治疗、预防各种感染性疾病的重要知识基础,医学免疫学又是一门飞速发展、渗透到医学各个学科、具有广泛发展前景的重要课程。这些科目的设置、安排关系到护理学生专业知识的掌握程度[1]。同时让学生明确病原生物与免疫学在以岗位需求为导向的护理专业人才培养中的作用,对学生重视本门课程的学习起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

We demonstrate that deregulation in the form of vertical separation of network components into natural monopoly and potentially competitive markets does not truly represent a lessening of regulatory burdens. That is, vertical separation is not synonymous with deregulation; “more competitors” is not equivalent to “more competition”. We assume a public interest regulator that is constrained to set a unit price that maximizes expected welfare subject to a break-even constraint. We show that under both symmetric and asymmetric information cases the information demands on the regulator of the vertically integrated system are no greater than those in the case of vertical separation.  相似文献   

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