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鞋底磨损是指人在运动的过程中鞋底与地面或足之间通过机械的、化学的相互作用产生的鞋底物质的逐渐损失。人体足底压力分布反映有关足的解剖结构、功能及整个身体姿势控制等情况,同时与鞋底磨损情况也密不可分,它是造成鞋底磨损的原因之一。鞋底磨损由于往往是在鞋子穿用过程中形成的,必然受人体行走时力的大小、方向以及受力部位及行走习惯动作等因素影响,即与步法特征有关。  相似文献   

同一人在不同的心理状态下书写的笔迹,其笔迹特征会发生一定的变化,这些变化在一定程度上增加了检验中准确把握特征价值的难度。本文介绍一个案例,讨论受心理状态影响笔迹的特征变化规律、特点及其检验。  相似文献   

足迹检验技术是刑事技术的一种,在刑事案件侦破中起着重要作用。在道路交通事故重建中,通常应用的足迹检验技术是鞋底花纹检验。实践中,足迹检验技术可以判断人车是否接触,从而认定肇事车辆。还可以判断事故发生时的车辆驾驶人,从而认定违法嫌疑人。  相似文献   

火车撞击人体时,其巨大的动能撞击在人体软组织上,因撞击部位、方向不同,人体位置不同及人身上穿着衣物的多少,是否有剐、扯等不同因素,会形成多种形态各异的伤势,非常复杂,难以鉴别.对于火车撞击人体损伤,根据其损伤特征,结合现场勘查检验结果进行归纳总结,发现火车撞击致人死亡案例发生频率较高,损伤复杂、严重,判定困难.火车撞击致人死亡判定难度较大,对所受损伤应结合现场勘查检验结果综合判定.  相似文献   

重叠透视法是痕迹检验的一种直接重影方法,对较大面积的痕迹检验,可以迅速有效地确定部位和寻找比对特征。在手印检验中,经过恰当处理,也同样适用这种方法。  相似文献   

笔迹鉴定作为认定人身同一的一门法庭科学技术,其原理主要是基于不同书写人的书写习惯体系总和不同,即个人书写习惯的特殊性。然而,基于书写规则、教育环境等共同条件,不同人的笔迹特征可能具有程度不同的共同性。在笔迹鉴定时,文件检验技术人员应当对于两个不同人之间出现的书写习惯相似性问题引起足够重视,尽量避免由此产生误检。  相似文献   

乒乓球运动的特点决定了步法训练比手法训练更为重要。"步法是乒乓球运动员的生命"这句话是十分精辟的。然而,在训练中,基础训练前期阶段,很多人忽略了步法的训练。这种"先手法后步法"训练的结果造成了运动员手法好而步法差。从而影响了运动技术水平的进步和提高。在乒乓球运动中,每一个击球动作之起始,力量的来源,无不来之脚和腿。步伐是运动的基础.步法在乒乓球技术中越来越显示出它的重要性,它是及时准确地使用与衔接各项技术动作的枢纽,也是执行各项战术的有力保证.所以,在学习乒乓球技术时就应该重视步法的训练,乒乓球的步法一般分为单步、跨步、并步、跳步、交叉步、小碎步等。  相似文献   

当今组织环境的一个重要特征是,组织获得竞争优势必须具备比对手更快地获取新知识的能力。获取知识的主要途径是通过学习活动,因此组织学习已成为组织所必须掌握的一项“生存技能”。组织学习专家阿吉里斯和舍恩在其著作《组织学习:行动的视角》中给出的组织学习定义为“错误的检验和修订”。在进行错误的检验和修订过程中,会出现许多影响组织学习的因素,很多研究者将其称为“组织学习障碍”。  相似文献   

犯罪现场气割痕迹指犯罪嫌疑人使用气割工具分离特定客体,在切割部位因高温作用而引起的变形。气割痕迹检验的目的是判断现场提取的分离体与切割余材是否构成同一整体,为破案提供证据,这与整体分离痕迹检验的目的完全相同。气割痕迹是相对独立的,而该类痕迹的检验原理与其他痕迹的检验具有共同性,都是基于同一认定理论,运用化学、断裂力学、材料力学等相关学科知识,研究痕迹的形成机理、痕迹特征的变化规律等。  相似文献   

星竹 《党政论坛》2012,(8):31-31
冬季,如果人在茫茫的雪地上行走半天,就会有患雪盲症的危险。令人费解的是,即使你戴上墨镜,挡住阳光落在雪地上反射出的光亮,你仍不可避免地要患上雪盲症。  相似文献   

《1844年经济学哲学手稿》和《德意志意识形态》中蕴涵了很多马克思关于人的解放的思想。着重从人的解放理论出发,结合著作中具体的理论观点加以分析,并结合自己的理解进行解读。从分析工人的现状、异化劳动、分工等学说提出人的解放的重要性,然后通过研究工人的现状从中发现造成工人悲惨状况的原因。最后提出一些实现人的解放的途径,这也是最重要的一点,理论与实践相结合,找出解决的方法与途径。  相似文献   

通过已知顺序实弹射击取样,显微观察弹头上发射过程中形成的痕迹,从中发现与排序有关的痕迹,然后通过统计、分析和归纳研究,发现弹头进膛时形成的痕迹及其形态变化,可以判断六四手枪发射子弹的顺序。  相似文献   

The collection of delinquent fines is a vast and ongoing public administration challenge. In the United Kingdom, unpaid fines amount to more than 500 million pounds. Managing noncompliant accounts and dispatching bailiffs to collect fines in person is costly. This paper reports the results of a large randomized controlled trial, led by the UK Cabinet Office's Behavioural Insights Team, which was designed to test the effectiveness of mobile phone text messaging as an alternative method of inducing people to pay their outstanding fines. An adaptive trial design was used, first to test the effectiveness of text messaging against no treatment and then to test the relative effectiveness of alternative messages. Text messages, which are relatively inexpensive, are found to significantly increase average payment of delinquent fines. We found text messages to be especially effective when they address the recipient by name.  相似文献   

佟瑛 《学理论》2009,(21):205-207
新时期教育推崇“以人为本”的理念,在现代班级管理中,人的因素越来越重要,并且要求充分地重视人、尊重人、发展人,班级的发展重在充分调动学生的主动性、积极性、创造性。因此,这就决定了以人为本思想成为班级管理理念的必要性和必然性。文章对以人为本的班级管理的含义及意义作了理论的探讨,并且就以人为本的班级管理的实践途径进行论述。  相似文献   

刘文 《学理论》2008,(24):7-8
对科学发展观核心的以人为本含义的理解,应放在人与自然、人与社会、人与人、人与组织的关系中去理解。以人为本作为党的执政理念,不仅是一种思维方式,也是对人在经济社会发展中主体作用与地位的肯定,更是一种价值取向。同时深入理解以人为本的内涵,还必须澄清以人为本与以民为本、人本主义等几个模糊认识。  相似文献   

In this article, we will compare ethical issues raised by first and second generation biometrics. First generation biometrics use characteristics readily visible to the naked eye to ensure that the person identified is the person he claims to be, whereas second generation biometrics focus on behavioral patterns with the aim of predicting suspicious behavior or hostile intentions. While the collection of biometric features for identification is visible to the person involved, capturing biometric features from a distance may go unnoticed. Our study of a range of U.S. and European projects of second generation biometrics, particularly of Future Attribute Screening Technology and Automatic Detection of Abnormal Behaviour and Threats in crowded Spaces, shows that if data subjects are not aware of the processing of their data, and if behavioral patterns are interpreted without any knowledge of the subject's will and motives, there are risks of discrimination and stigmatization. Thus, second generation biometrics raise some new ethical concerns besides issues of integrity, privacy, and data protection and further underscore the importance of the principle of informed consent in order to maintain public trust.  相似文献   

Welborn  David M. 《Publius》1988,18(1):27-44
Many of the environmental laws enacted by Congress employ adistinctive blend of national and state authority. In theseconjoint arrangements, state authority is not totally preempted,but it is subordinated to national authority if states wishto participate in environmental regulation. Under normal circumstances,national and state authority are deployed concurrently in pursuitof environmental policy objectives. Conjoint arrangements aremuch more controlling of state action than the stimulative andfacilitative approach to intergovernmental program implementationcommonly associated with cooperative federalism. Despite nationalprimacy, in the bargaining that marks implementation processes,state officials may enjoy considerable influence. Although administrativelycumbersome and criticized from a variety of perspectives, conjointarrangements are not the major reasons for a slow rate of improvementin environmental quality. When the various options are considered,there are reasons to conclude that conjoint arrangements arethe most realistic means for attacking environmental problems,although questions remain about the appropriate balance of nationaland state authority in them.  相似文献   

失踪人被宣告死亡后,婚姻关系从死亡宣告之日起消灭,被宣告死亡人的配偶有再婚的权利,而对于失踪人在不知道被宣告死亡的条件下是否可以再婚,却缺乏明确的法律规定,无疑对被宣告死亡人重婚罪认定产生困惑。关于死亡宣告刑法上的效力,有肯定和否定之争,通过对死亡宣告中"死亡"性质和犯罪事实的理论分析可以看出,死亡宣告的法律后果在失踪人生存的情况下不具有刑法上的效力,即死亡宣告后,失踪人在不知情的情况下的再婚行为构成重婚罪。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):211-230

Against the enthusiasm for dialogue and deliberation in recent democratic theory, the Italian philosopher Roberto Esposito and French philosopher Jacques Rancière construct their political philosophies around the nondialogical figure of the third person. The strikingly different deployments of the figure of the third person offered by Esposito and Rancière present a crystallization of their respective approaches to political philosophy. In this essay, the divergent analyses of the third person offered by these two thinkers are considered in terms of the critical strategies they employ. Contrasting Esposito’s strategy of “ethical dissensus” with Rancière’s strategy of “aesthetic dissensus,” it is argued that Esposito’s attempts to recruit the figure of the third person to dismantle the dispositif of the person are politically (if not philosophically) problematic, while Rancière’s alternative account of the third person is more promising for political theory and practice.  相似文献   

Framing responsibility for political issues: The case of poverty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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