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The socialist core value system is an important strategic system of thought proposed on the basis of Marxist principles and summarizing the experience of constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics."The socialist core value system is the embodiment of the essence of socialist ideology."1 It is the internal substance and soul of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,laying down the requirements and direction for its construction,and guiding human rights development under it.The theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics  相似文献   

常健 《人权》2014,(1):10-14
<正>Since the reform and openingup period began in China in late 1978,the Communist Party of China(CPC)has led the Chinese people to combine the Marxist theory of human rights with real conditions,the characteristics of the times,the historical traditions and the culture of human rights in China,in a bid to solve the"special"issues of China’s human rights development,continue to achieve theoretical innovation,and promote the healthy development of China’s human rights cause.The major theoretical  相似文献   

<正>In order to gradually build a theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics that conforms to the development of the times through rigorous academic research,researchers need to break through the basic thinking tendency of"from idea to idea"step by step and finally establish the fundamental research orientation of"specifying human rights stud-  相似文献   

The ongoing discussion orga-nized by the Human Rights magazine on building a theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics is definitely of great significance. Theory guides practice. Correct theories can be turned into an immensely great  相似文献   

<正>The letters and visits system is a kind of system for hu-man rights protection with Chinese characteristics.The system has made tremendous achievements in promoting and safeguarding human rights and ac-cumulated rich experience in the protection of human rights.in the future,it will continuously play a unique role in China’s human rights protection.I.China’s Letters and Visits System Is a System for Human Rights Protection Since the United nations General assembly passed the Universal  相似文献   

谷春德 《人权》2015,(2):113-121
Law is the fundamental method of governance and the rule of law symbolizes modern civilization. The socialist rule of law is the rule of law rooted in the Chinese tradition, and designed and led by the Communist Party of China(CPC). It is not only a tool for government, but also a driver of social progress. Meanwhile, the Chinese human rights system is also designed by the CPC. Both concepts—the socialist rule of law and the human rights system——are different from the West in terms of theory, path and systems. Human rights are the fundamental values of and the ultimate goal pursued by the rule of law; and the rule of law is the recognition of and guarantee for human rights. Efforts must be made to advance legislative, administrative and judicial protection of human rights.  相似文献   

<正>The 19~(th) National Congress of the Communist Party of China established Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in a new era,and opened up a new era for the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.This indicates the direction for China’s human rights cause to move towards a new era,which has laid  相似文献   

QI YANPING 《人权》2014,(5):16-17
We feel a great honor and heavy responsibil- ity upon the Human Rights Research Center at Shandong University being named one of China's national human rights education and training bases. In our view, national human rights education and training bases should keep up with the times, bring into full play their ad- vantages of uniqueness and openness, complement each other, make con- certed efforts to achieve innovation and vigorously boost the development of Chinese human rights theory and practice. The university center will continue to bring into play its tradi- tional strength in theoretical research and graduate education and work hard to fulfill all the tasks of the center. It will focus on the following work.  相似文献   

<正>I.Concept of People’s Livelihood in Traditional Chinese Culture The concept of human rights was borrowed from the West.In order to have it become rooted in China,people needed to i nd traces in Chinese culture on which the human rights theoretical system could be based and the Chinese human rights idea could be realized.Only if the idea of human rights is grounded in Chinese culture can the concept of human rights be understood by the people and human  相似文献   

LUO YUTING 《人权》2014,(5):15-16
<正>The Human Rights Research Academy of Wu han University being named a national human rights education and training base is an affirmation and sign of trust in the university as well as a glorious responsibility.We are going to work hard to build the academy into a world-recognized education and research platform with Chinese characteristics,making its necessary contribution to human rights development in China.Wuhan University has a long tradition and academic strength in  相似文献   

历史决定论的理解模式、历史主体本身的不成熟以及历史主体与实践主体的混同等是马克思主义中国化历史主体被遮蔽的根本原因:马克思主义中国化历史的主体性和马克思主义主体的历史性之间是一种逻辑互动的关系,前者是实现后者的力量源泉,而后者则是彰显前者的基础和保障;总的来说,马克思主义中国化的历史主体有三种存在样态.即知性存在样态、意义存在样态和实残存在样态.  相似文献   

《深圳市综合配套改革方案》的出台,标志着“行政三分制”这一新型行政管理模式的付诸实践。行政三分制在彰显其制度创新优势的同时,也面临着行政法治契舍的难题,而这则关系到行政体制改革的成败。  相似文献   

贪污犯罪数额的大小,是惩治贪污犯罪的主要依据。在共同犯罪中,犯罪行为人贪污数额的认定相当复杂,既有共同贪污的数额,又有各人分赃所得的数额,还有因贪污的停止形态而未实际获取财产等情形。关于共同贪污犯罪行为人数额的认定,理论界存在着“分赃数额说”、“参与数额说”和“犯罪总额说”等不同的学说。笔者更倾向于“犯罪总额说”。  相似文献   

论业主委员会的制度建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
业主委员会是城市住房私有化的必然产物,也是城市社区治理的重要制度支撑.由于政府管理部门、居民委员会、开发商、物业管理公司、业主之间利益关系复杂,现行法律法规对有关规定的不完善,政府主管部门的行政行为失当,业主普遍缺乏公民意识和责任意识,业主委员会在筹备设立和实际运行方面都存在诸多的问题.我国应尽快出台<业主委员会法>,明确规定业主委员会的法律地位,规范业主委员会各项基本制度;并且进一步调整完善街道办事处、居民委员会与业主自治的关系,在物权法中明确居民的房屋物权;健全行政程序的有关制度.  相似文献   

所有人抵押是指所有人于自己所有物上存在的抵押权 ,是一种特殊的抵押权。确立所有人抵押制度可以防止后次序抵押权人获取不当得利 ,保护抵押物所有人的利益 ,有利于所有人进行融资 ,节省交易手续和费用 ,促进商品流通。我国《担保法》没有规定所有人抵押 ,可借鉴其他国家、地区的做法 ,从所有人抵押的思路选择、成立、变动等方面入手对此制度作出具体设计。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和访谈发现,茂名市电白区中学生对传统类毒品的认知程度较高,对常见的合成类毒品有一定的了解,对伪装类毒品认知较低;当地学校开展毒品预防宣传教育频率不高,方法缺乏创新,体系不健全等。对此,应加强对伪装类、液态类毒品的宣传;在宣传方式上要注意创新,应结合青少年规律特点,构建信息传播新平台;学校应从长远的角度出发建立健全毒品预防宣传教育工作体系。  相似文献   

我国现阶段各种合法职业劳动者的劳动都创造价值。这里的价值是指凝结在社会产品、服务 (包括有形的和无形的 )中的一般人类劳动 ,它体现劳动者对社会财富 (物质的、精神的 )增长乃至社会进步做出的贡献。在新时代 ,对马克思的劳动价值概念作进一步的扩展是必要的。一种劳动只要它是整个社会主义市场经济体系中不可缺少的部分或环节 ,那么 ,无论它的直接成果是否成为商品 ,都是创造价值的。在我国现阶段 ,政府作为国家机器的职能已经有了较大的变化 ,更多地从阶级统治转向发展经济 ,它对宏观经济的管理和调控作用不可或缺且十分巨大 ,因而也是创造价值的。  相似文献   

不作为犯罪是我国刑事犯罪的重要组成部分,它与作为犯罪一样具有严重的社会危害性。研究不作为犯罪,首先要明确不作为犯罪的义务来源,不作为犯罪的义务来源是不作为犯罪的核心问题,它包括四个方面:法律明文规定的义务,先行行为引起的义务,职务或业务上要求的义务以及法律行为引起的义务。除此之外,道德义务不应成为不作为犯罪的义务来源。  相似文献   

监狱罪犯离监探亲是法律规定的一项有利于监狱罪犯再社会化的刑事政策,专门系统地探讨这个问题具有重要价值。现行离监狱探亲制度在《监狱法》、司法部规定和监狱实践三个层面均面临诸多问题,因此,在对策方面,基于对监狱离监探亲决定权的行政执法权属性分析,从法律上赋予罪犯法定离监探亲权,要从《监狱法》及司法部的规定上加以完善,还要解决监狱办理上面临的实际困难,以促使这项制度得到常态化落实,促进罪犯改造和再社会化。  相似文献   

论虚假诉讼罪中的“捏造事实”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鉴于法条和司法解释内容规定的不明确性和不完整性,需要对虚假诉讼罪中"捏造事实"的含义进行进一步解释。虚假诉讼罪是单一行为犯,利用他人捏造的事实提起诉讼的,也构成虚假诉讼罪。篡改部分民事法律事实提起民事诉讼也属于虚假诉讼罪中的"捏造",成立虚假诉讼罪。虚假诉讼罪的行为方式不包括不作为,隐瞒他人已经偿还债务的事实依然进行民事诉讼的,是积极地虚构事实,理应认定为"捏造事实"。若捏造的事实不会影响法院的公正裁决,不能定性为虚假诉讼罪。  相似文献   

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