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随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程的加快和中国-东盟博览会的连续举办,中国-东盟博览会在欧洲影响力也越来越大。第六届中国-东盟博览会将于今年10月20日-24日在南宁举办,博览会除了继续邀请东盟国家领导人出席,将以中国政府名义有重点地向欧洲国家领导人发出邀请,中国-东盟博览会秘书处赴欧洲推介招商也取得良好成效。这充分表明,中国-东盟博览会的国际元素越来越多,开放性也越来越大。  相似文献   

细胞因子(IL-6、TNF-α)在损伤时间中原位杂交法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用原位杂交法,研究大鼠切削皮肤中细胞团子IL-6、TNF-αmRNA表达量,旨在探讨IL-6、TNF-α推断法医损伤时间的应用价值以及其在损伤生活反应中的分子机制。研究结果表明,根据大鼠损伤皮肤中TNF-αmRNA表达量能够区别生前伤与死后伤,并可以利用TNF-αmRNA表达量改变准确区别60min内和60min后损伤时间,但IL-6mRNA表达量在研究组内均未见阳性反应,不能推断损伤时间。  相似文献   

HLA-A位点DNA分型及其法医学应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用聚合酶链反应0寡核苷酸探针(PCR-SSO)斑点杂交技术,对222名辽宁地区汉族人群无关个体进行HLA-A基因检测,研究中国辽宁地区汉族群体的HLA-A座位基因分布状况。共检出HLA-A等位基因24个,其中以等位基因HLA-A0201最为常见,频率为0.2635;依次是2402101和1101,等位基因频率分别为0.1847和0.1262.理论杂合度为87%,个人鉴别机率为92%,非父排除率为73.3%。在中国辽宁汉族中检出73种基因型,对观察值和期望值进行X2检验,符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律(x2=6.28,df=9,0.5<P<0.75)。家系分析结果表明按照孟德尔方式遗传。提出的中国辽宁汉族HLA-A等位基因的遗传基因情况,可用于法医学个人识别和亲子鉴定。人类学,HLA相关疾病,及器官移植研究。  相似文献   

用“502”显现指印时,由于客体的不同,显现效果有很大的差异。如在白色塑料、白色油漆面、白色瓷器等客体上形成的指印,经“502”显现后,反差小,不易观察,拍照提取极为困难。针对这些客体,先采用“502”熏显,再用BBD染色,结合多波段光源进行显现,效果优于其它染色方法。但是染色后容易造成整个指印部位产生荧光而影响显现效果,对此,笔者在原有操作基础上增加了清水漂洗处理过程,显现效果明显提高,并应用于实际工作中,介绍如下。1原理BBD,化学名称:7-苯甲氨基-4-硝基苯-2-氧杂-1,3-二唑,褐色絮…  相似文献   

利多卡因(Lidocaine),化学名为二乙氨基乙酰替-2,6-二甲基苯胺,又名Acetamide,2-(diethylamino)-N-(2-6dimetylphenyl)-,分子式C14H22ON2,分子量234.172。其盐酸盐为白色结晶性粉末,无臭,有苦麻味。熔点:76℃~79℃。极易溶于水及乙醇。为常见的局部麻醉药。1998年9月15日,于家村刘某(男,50岁)因右腿骨折在招远市某医院做手术,在手术前的利多卡因硬脊膜外麻醉过程中出现症状,约20min后死亡。当地公安局技术人员对死者脑脊液约3ml进行常见毒、药物的检验,以明确死亡原因,…  相似文献   

应用时间决定性荧光免疫测定法(TR-FIA法),对129例健康成人唾液中Lweis及H1血型物质进行定量检测。Le阳性个体均不同程度地检出了Lea和Leb物质。Lea物质含量:Le(a+b-)型>Le(a-b+)型;Leb物质含量:Le(a-b+)型>Le(a+b-)型。Le(a+b-)型的Lea物质>Leb,Le(a-b+)型的Leb物质>Lea物质。Le阴性的部分个体未能检出Lewis物质,其余个体也仅检出微量。根据Lea和Leb物质在唾液中的相对含量,可以推测红细胞Lewis型,并提示Leb物质可能由Lea物质转化而形成。  相似文献   

大鼠皮肤和肌肉挫伤后细胞间黏附分子-1mRNA表达变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的应用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测大鼠皮肤和肌肉挫伤后组织中细胞间黏附分子-1(intercellular adhesion molecular-1,ICAM-1)mRNA的表达.分析其与损伤时间的关系。方法制备大鼠挫伤模型,于伤后0.5、l、6、12、18、24和30h取材,一步法提取总RNA,检测其完整性和质量浓度,逆转录合成第一链cDNA,以rpl32为内参基因进行荧光定量检测,采用△△Ct法比较其与正常皮肤、肌肉组织中ICAM-1mRNA表达的倍数关系。结果皮肤挫伤后ICAM-1mRNA的表达0.5h达到峰值,24h下降至正常对照组的7倍.随后再次升高:在肌肉组织中于损伤后0.5h表达显著增强,6h达到峰值,18h降至最低后再次升高。结论大鼠皮肤、肌肉挫伤后ICAM-1mRNA表达随损伤时间呈规律性变化,可望用于早期损伤时间推断。  相似文献   

对专有技术保护的几点法律思考钱玉林一、Know-How与专有技术。“Know-How”一词被引入法律领域后,至今仍没有统一的定义。在美国,Know-How与Trade-Secret经常在合同中交互使用,而英国的一些学者和判例认为,这两者之间是有区别的...  相似文献   

利用DNA重组技术,由pUC19-MYO质粒中获得MYO小卫星DNA探针片段,将其插入到具有RNA聚合酶启动子的pGEM-4Z质粒的多克隆位点,从而构建了pGEM-4Z一MYO亚克隆,为制备RNA探针并将其应用于DNA指纹检测,提高DNA指纹的敏感性和小卫星DNA多态性的检出率奠定了基础。  相似文献   

行政程序立法思路探析王锡锌市场经济体制之建构与运行,需要对"政府--市场"关系予以合理规范,因此在建立市场经济法律体系过程中,完善我国的行政程序立法已势在必行.但对如何完善这-方面的立法,理论界见仁见智,目前尚未形成系统和切实可行的方案.在国外,行政...  相似文献   

目的验证通过目击者的描述,刻画犯罪嫌疑人模拟像及计算机人像组合技术和准确性.方法分别将15名男性和女性照片的发型、下巴、眼睛等五官部位单独取下,并确定其中1人为辨别目标(对象),由786名目击者进行辨认.结果目击者辨别面部特征的总体准确率为17.4%.结论犯罪嫌疑人模拟像制作领域中,在世界上使用最广泛、影响最大的人像组合技术--犯罪嫌疑人模拟像相貌特征组合成像法,存在技术缺陷.  相似文献   

选用30具成尸,在头面部设34个测量点(中线上14、侧面20),测了各点软组织的厚度;观测了眼在眶中的位置、眼裂的内外径、外耳厚、上下高、前后宽及纵轴斜向前下方的角度、口裂的宽度和上下唇的厚度、外鼻的上下长,鼻底的宽,鼻尖的高和鼻孔的口径等,为面貌复原、整容、头面部软组织损伤后的整形修复提供解剖学资料。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to give an overview of the tasks and the function of the Supreme Court of Justice in interaction with the other two “Highest Courts” of the Republic of Austria on the one hand, and the European Court of Human Rights as well as the Court of Justice of the European Union on the other hand. For this purpose introductory remarks will examine the Austrian understanding of the judiciary as a state power and judicial independence. The closing part of the article will particularly look into the role of the Supreme Court as highest instance in criminal matters.  相似文献   

China’s project of the rule of law is destined to have its Chinese characteristics. China also needs to think about of the way of developing its own model of the rule of law so as to achieve a rule of law society that is universal in modern society. Many rule of law countries, such as England, Germany and France, started their rule of law project with their own model. China should learn from the merits of these different models. Nevertheless, China should also try to solve the key problem of the rule of law, which is the energizing of the enforcement of the Chinese Constitution.  相似文献   

敖琪 《刑事技术》2000,(2):14-15
通过介绍有机玻璃的物理性质、机械性能,对受机械载荷作用下破碎裂纹特征进行了实验研究,进而归纳出裂纹形态特征及此类痕迹的检验鉴定的方法.  相似文献   

The important role that corporate governance has played in a wide range of public companies is self-evident. Recent major corporate failures are more or less related to bad corporate governance and the increasing corporate scandals call for good corporate governance not only in China but all around the world. Corporate governance is principally about how companies are structured and directed, which is indeed a quite broad field. It is a good direction to discuss how to improve the overall corporate governance level in China through the perspective of perfecting shareholder protection. However, while running companies for shareholder interests is getting increasingly more criticisms, the so-called stakeholder model and entity model are raised as alternative approaches. Accordingly, it is the purpose of this paper to find the most appropriate corporate objective which could be applied as the starting point for future corporate governance discussion by providing a right direction for assessing and evaluating corporate performance and accountability of management. Through the comparative studies of the three models, this paper concludes that shareholder primacy is a more effective and efficient approach with regard to advancing social welfare and controlling director’s accountability among others; the other two models cannot justify substituting the shareholder model as the corporate objective.  相似文献   

家兔肺冲洗的巨噬细胞吞噬作用与死亡时间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用流式细胞仪对不同死亡时间家兔肺冲洗的巨噬细胞吞噬荧光微球的功能进行定量测定。结果显示:随着死亡时间的推移,吞噬细胞的吞噬功能均有显著下降,各时间点吞噬细胞吞噬荧光微球的百分率和在每个吞噬细胞中的荧光微球的数目也是逐渐减少,这种巨噬细胞吞噬功能规律性的下降,有助于估计死亡时间。  相似文献   

This system consists of a 3-D physiognomic range finder and a computer-assisted facial image superimposition unit. The 3-D range finder is composed of a detector for measuring facial surface and its control computer. The detector has two sinusoidal grating projection devices and two CCD cameras. The computer-assisted facial image superimposition unit consists of a host computer including a proprietary software, a flat surface color display and a color image scanner for inputting 2-D facial images of a criminal. The 3-D facial shape and texture of a suspect is obtained by using the range finder. To make the comparison between the 3-D facial image and the 2-D facial image, the 3-D facial image is first reproduced on a display of the host computer from a MO disk and then the 2-D facial image is taken with the color image scanner and reproduced on the display. The 3-D facial image is exactly adjusted to match the orientation and size of the 2-D facial image under the fine framework mode, and then the fine framework mode of 3-D facial image is converted to the fine texture image. The shape and positional relationships of facial components between the 3-D and 2-D facial images are examined by the fade-out or wipe image mode. The distance between the selected two points and angle among the selected three points on the 3-D and 2-D facial images are automatically measured for the assessment of anthropometrical data between both images. For evaluating the fit between the anthropometrical points on the 3-D and 2-D facial images, the reciprocal point-to-point difference between both images is compared.  相似文献   

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