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Abstract: The nature of governance in Canada, both horizontally (between federal departments) and vertically (between federal and provincial governments) is changing. Or is it? Two distinct trends seem to have emerged over the past decade: one towards horizontal coordination and one towards vertical collaboration. These trends are perhaps best exemplified by the Public Health Agency of Canada, which depends very emphatically on integrated relationships both with other federal departments and with provincial and territorial governments. Yet in the past year, severe criticisms have emerged regarding the agency's ability to meet its objectives. To what extent are these problems due to the failure of collaborative governance? On a wider level, have decision-makers been too insouciant about making importunate public policy decisions on an assumption of the viability of collaborative governance? This article argues that problems in vertical collaboration in public health have occurred largely due to failures in horizontal coordination within the national government.  相似文献   

Workforce development policy in Canada has undergone extensive reforms in the past two decades, often driven by intergovernmental pressures. Many of these reforms, including the transfer of thousands of federal civil servants to the provinces, along with $2.5 billion annually, have occurred largely unnoticed by the public, or even recipients of services. Accountability measures have remained weak as the federal and provincial governments have few incentives to increase public scrutiny. In particular, transparency (making information available for public scrutiny) and justification (the provision of reasons for decisions) are inadequate. A more inclusive public accountability framework in the policy area needs to be developed that can support innovation in programs.  相似文献   

First Nations are important regional development actors, and yet their development ambitions and goals have often been ignored or poorly understood by settler governments. Since 2004, the Canadian federal government has supported First Nations governments and Tribal Councils to develop Comprehensive Community Plans (CCPs)—community planning documents that are meant to set priorities and guide development in the medium to long term. This study employs a quantitative content analysis of all publicly available CCPs and related strategic planning documents in British Columbia in order to understand development priorities and in doing so, reveals a mismatch between the interests of First Nations and settler governments.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the major characteristics of the increasing complexity of government in the 1990s is the heightened power of public servants. This phenomenon has been well documented at the federal and provincial levels. The smaller size of local governments has meant that this trend has been slower to develop there, but it seems clear that it is emerging as an issue at this level of government as well. The increasing power of public servants challenges the traditional, simple paradigm of the role of politicians and public servants, simply expressed as “politicians on top, experts on tap.” This paradigm is breaking down in a number of ways as decision-making processes become more complex. This means that this once-clear statement of “politicians on top, experts on tap” needs to be replaced by a more complex understanding of the relationship between politicians and staff. Power is now shared by politicians and staff, but the tricky part of the sharing is that democratic principles require that elected politicians must maintain a predominant position. Any revised paradigm must recognize both the sharing of power, and the fact that the sharing cannot be equal. This paper will borrow a framework commonly used to examine the power of public servants in the federal and provincial governments and apply it to local government. As the article will indicate, many of the principles are similar, but there are some important variations. This revised paradigm provides a practical guide for action for both councillors and staff in their dealings with one another. Sommaire: L'augmentation du pouvoir des fonctionnaires constitue l'une des principales caractéristiques de la complexité croissante du gouvernement dans les années 1990. Les preuves de ce phénomèe sont nombreuses aux paliers fédéral et provincial. Étant donné la taille plus réduite des gouvernements locaux, cette tendance s'y développe plus lentement, mais elle commence 1à aussi à susciter des préoccupations Ce phénomène remet en question le paradigme traditionnel sur le rôle des élus et des fonctionnaires, que l'on peut exprimer très simplement comme suit “ les élus en haut, les experts en disponibilité. ” Ces rapports se désagrègent de diverses façons à mesure que le processus décisionnel devient plus complexe. Cet énoncé, jadis très clair, doit être remplacé par une compréhension accrue des rapports entre elus et fonctionnaires. En effet, si les deux groupes partagent maintenant le pouvoir, la difficulté dans ce partage réside en ce que les principes démocratiques exigent que les représentants politiques élus maintiennent une position dominante. Toute redéfinition du paradigme traditionnel doit admettre à la fois le partage du pouvoir et le fait que ce partage est forcement inégal. Le présent article emprunte un cadre généralement utilisé pour examiner le pouvoir des fonctionnaires au sein des gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux, et l'applique au gouvernement local. L'article souligne que de nombreux principes sont similaires, bien qu'ayant toutefois des variations importantes. Cette redefinition constitue un guide d'action pratique tant pour les conseillers municipaux que pour leur personnel dans leurs transactions mutuelles.  相似文献   

GitHub is a web‐based digital project hosting service that facilitates collaboration. We introduce how GitHub works and assess how it has been used in the public sector in Canada based on interviews with federal government leaders and a survey of Canadian public service GitHub users. With little research to date on public sector use of GitHub, and none on its use in Canadian governments, we explore the early experience with this collaboration tool and consider the possible implications for collaboration in government.  相似文献   

Across Canada, provincial governments are engaged in a “third wave” of consultations, policy dialogues, and policy alignment strategies with the third sector. Unexplored to date is how provincial governments internally administer their third sector file. This internal configuration could have important implications for internal adherence to cross‐cutting policy mandates as well as third sector policy implementation and bilateral collaboration agreements. This is a new point of analysis for public administrators and third sector intermediary organizations alike. This comparative analysis of network governance structures in eight provincial governments reveals that some structures are more compatible with policy alignment and implementation than others.  相似文献   

Abstract: There has developed in Canada a well‐established literature on bureaucratic elites at the federal level. There has not, however, been a systematic study of bureaucratic elites at the provincial level. While individual scholars have studied particular provincial governments, there have been few studies that covered more than one province. This paper, which analyses a census of assistant deputy ministers and deputy ministers in every Canadian province between 1988 and 1996, considers the mobility of these top two levels of the senior public service. The findings indicate that there has only been a slight decline in the number of senior public servants as governments have downsized. The findings also show that, unlike at the federal level, there is limited mobility among these senior public servants, with roughly one‐third of them changing each year. In some provinces, mobility levels increase slightly in the year after an election. Levels of mobility and changes in the number of senior public servants also vary across provinces, but there is no pattern based on the size of the province. Finally, there are important differences in the mobility depending on the type of department. In particular, in departments where there is a core knowledge or skill, mobility levels are much lower than in departments that lack such a core. These findings throw some light on the difficulties provinces may have in solving some of their more intractable policy problems. Sommaire: Il existe au Canada une bibliographie solidement implantée concernant les elites bureaucratiques au niveau fédéral. Il n'y a pas eu, par contre, d'étude systématique concernant les élites bureaucratiques au palier provincial. Des chercheurs ont analysé un gouvemement provincial à la fois mais peu d'études ont examiné plus d'une province à la fois. Dans cet article, qui analyse un recensement de sous‐ministres adjoints et de sous‐ministres dans chaque province du Canada entre 1988 et 1996, nous examinons la mobilité des ces deux niveaux supérieurs du fonctionnariat. Face aux réductions d'effectifs gouvernementaux, le déclin du nombre de hauts fonctionnaires semble avoir été léger. On constate aussi que, à l'encontre du palier fédéral, il y a une mobilité limitée chez ces derniers, environ un tiers changeant chaque année. Dans certaines provinces, le taux de mobilité augmente légèrement l'année qui suit une élection. Les taux de mobilité et l'évolution du nombre de hauts fonctionnaires varient aussi d'une province à l'autre, mais la taille de la province ne semble pas être un facteur déterminant. Enfin, il y a des écarts de mobilité importants selon le type de ministère. Notamment, les ministères exigeant des connaissances ou des aptitudes particulières ont des taux de mobilité très inférieurs à ceux des autres. Ces constatations mettent en relief les difficultés auxquelles peuvent se heurter les provinces lorsqu'elles essaient de régler certains de leurs problèmes les plus ardus en matière de politiques.  相似文献   

Abstract: This research note complements the work of Howlett et al. on the capacity of Canadian governments for public policy‐making. The new public management wave was driven by the notion of a need for improved service delivery to the population. A number of authors, including Metcalfe, pointed out that the government was then neglecting management in favour of “policy advice.” It was fashionable to show interest in policy but not in management. After decades spent seeking greater efficiency, have we gone too far in the other direction? Do governments have the capacity to develop public policy? Have those responsible for developing public policy received the training they require? This research note addresses the Quebec portion of the Canada‐wide survey on the capacity for public policy‐making. It complements the analysis by presenting the results of the survey conducted among public servants in Quebec. We placed particular emphasis on university education and the retraining of the public servants who work on developing and formulating public policy.  相似文献   

Although provincial and local governments bear primary responsibility for urban transit projects and operations in Canada, the Government of Canada engages intermittently in this policy field, mainly through research and short‐term funding programs. This article analyzes federal policy concerning urban transit over the period 2002‐2017, with a substantive focus on policy ideas—the cognitive and normative concepts that provide direction for, and shape the perceived legitimacy of, policy choices. Through a thematic content analysis of policy documents, this article explicates the paradigms, programmatic foci, frames and public sentiments that have underpinned federal urban transit policy over this 15‐year period.  相似文献   

Abstract: Governments in Canada have recently been exploring new accountability measures within intergovernmental relations. Public reporting has become the preferred mechanism in a range of policy areas, including early learning and child-care, and the authors assess its effectiveness as an accountability measure. The article is based on their experience with a community capacity-building project that considers the relationship between the public policy, funding and accountability mechanisms under the federal/provincial/territorial agreements related to child-care. The authors argue that in its current form, public reporting has not lived up to its promise of accountability to citizens. This evaluation is based on the standards that governments have set for themselves under the federal/provincial/territorial agreements, as well as guidelines set by the Public Sector Accounting Board, an independent body that develops accounting standards over time through consultation with governments.  相似文献   

Abstract: The state of policy capacity within Canada's various levels of government has for some time been the subject of discussion both within the public services themselves and among the academic research community. Drawing on the results of a 2006 survey of deputy and assistant deputy ministers working in Canada's federal, ten provincial and three territorial governments, this article presents assessments made by the most senior leadership. The survey results show that ninety per cent of deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers agree that policy capacity has changed but that the change is not uni‐directional. Both improvements and decline in policy capacity were observed, although assessments of decline were somewhat more pronounced. Moreover, improvements in policy capacity were found to be associated with a reduced focus on direct service delivery, a greater concern with long‐term planning, and the presence of a political leadership interested in innovation. Conversely, declining policy capacity was found to be linked to centralization of power, the loss of institutional memory, and “churning” within the ranks of the executive leadership. Additionally, level of government was also observed to be linked with change in policy capacity, with provincial deputies reflecting more negatively on policy capacity decline in their government than deputies at other levels.  相似文献   

在我国政治制度史上 ,1930年正式出现科级公务员称谓。在现今的行政管理中 ,科级公务员处于“兵头将尾”两重性的地位 ,具有三个“第一”的特点 ,在行政决策中充当“三种”角色 ,在职务活动中发挥凝结“四方”力量的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of this study was to develop a profile of the international behaviour of Canadian provincial governments. This was done by studying British Columbia's relations with the United States. The provincial government was divided into three levels of authority (bureaucratic, ministerial and premier), data were gathered in interviews with all departments in the government, and supplemented by five historical case-studies of intensive relations between b.c . and u.s . governments. Numerical data which were assembled were used to prepare a conceptual framework of provincial international behaviour. This framework revealed that: the Bureaucratic actor is the most actively involved with U.S. governments, a variety of mechanisms are used to conduct relations, the majority of subjects are within provincial jurisdiction, and the principle motivating factor was the perceived interests of the provincial government in a particular situation. A significant finding was that b.c. had deh'berately involved the international sector as a source of leverage over the federal government, although it was noted that the u.s. undoubtedly is a special case for provincial activities. The study concluded that there are extensive international activities by the provinces, and that by their nature, they are likely to expand in the future. This would seem to require improved means of accommodating provincial government interests in the formulation of foreign policies by the federal government.  相似文献   

提升政府服务能力、构建服务型政府是世界各国行政改革的重要目标取向。公务员公共服务能力直接代表了政府服务能力,公务员服务能力建设是构建服务型政府的关键。在借鉴胜任力理论的基础上,发现要加强公务员“水面之上”和“水面之下”的能力建设,可以从自身服务能力的提升和能力建设的配套措施两个方面入手,促使他们尽量具有最优者的公共服务能力。  相似文献   

Aiming to improve the health of First Nations in 1979, the federal government implemented the Indian Health Policy to strengthen community development and the relationship with First Nations peoples, and nurture a trilateral relationship in the healthcare landscape. The Indian Health Policy remains the foundation for First Nations health policy and program development today, even without ever having an implementation plan. We critically appraise the Indian Health Policy to identify gaps and evaluate its impact and progress on subsequent policy evaluations, developments, and recent events in light of the new distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation underway. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations to inform the federal government's efforts to co-develop distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some fundamental questions are being asked about how government is organized and about public servants, their roles and relationships to ministers and Parliament, and the skills and values they need to do their jobs. Sadly, much of what is being said about federal public servants is based on clichks and myths. The purpose of the paper is to consider the forces at play that are changing the federal public service and to review new conditions and circumstances under which public servants must now operate. The paper also looks to the future and points to new emerging challenges for public servants and for the study of public administration. The paper concludes with the suggestion that greater emphasis must be placed inside government on managing human resources more effectively and that a new corporate culture among federal public servants must emerge. It also concludes with a plea for more academic studies on managing in the public sector and on government organization. The paper also calls for closer collaboraton between public serants and the academic community. Sommaire: On se pose quelques questions fondamentales à propos de l'organisation du gouvernernent fédéral et des fonctionnaires, du rôle de ces derniers, des rapports qu'ils entretiennent avec le Parlement et les ministres, des compétences et des valeurs qu'ils doivent poséder pour assumer leurs responsabilités professionnelles. Il est triste, toutefois, de constater que ce qu'on raconte sur les fonctionnaires fédéraux se fonde sur des stéréotypes et des mythes. Cet article analyse les forces qui sont en train de modifier la fonction publique fédérale et passe en revue les nouvelles conditions et circonstances dans lesquelles les fonctionnaires sont maintenant tenus de travailler. Lauteur de l'article s'interroge également sur I'avenir et indique les nouveaux défis qui vont se poser aux fonctionnaires et i ceux qui étudient l'administration publique. En conclusion, l'auteur sug-gère qu'on devrait se préoccuper davantage, au sein du gouvernement, de la gestion des ressources humaines, et qu'une culture corporative devrait faire son apparition par mi les fonctionnaires du gouvernement fédéral. Il plaide également pour que des études sur la gestion dans le secteur public et sur l'organisation du gouvernement se multiplient au niveau universitaire. Il exprirne aussi le souhait que les fonctionnaires et les milieux academiques coopèrent plus étroitement.  相似文献   

This research note examines “below the line” media relations planning templates that are used to coordinate the release of government information, such as communications plans, event proposals and social media calendars. Methodological pathways to collect data through access to information are discussed. Templates and guidelines obtained from Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments are classified into six phases of production: planning authorization, strategic planning, tactical planning, logistical planning, approval of media products and evaluation. The findings suggest political strategizing is least prevalent on matters involving public safety and crisis communications.  相似文献   

Many First Nations communities lack access to safe drinking water. In this article, we examine an under-appreciated tool for improving First Nations water security – governance – and develop a framework for guiding the design and analysis of First Nations water governance models. In particular, we argue that three key ideas from the public administration literature – financial resources, regulation, and formalization – should be integrated with Indigenous insights and philosophies that are specific to each First Nations community. We illustrate how this might work by focusing on the insights, traditions, and philosophies of an Anishinaabek community in southern Ontario.  相似文献   

Abstract: Joint cabinet meetings are increasingly used for inter‐governmental dialogue, at both international and sub‐state levels. Provincial governments in western Canada, in particular, have employed the joint cabinet meeting format, and, between 2003 and 2009, nine such joint cabinet meetings were held. The resulting inter‐provincial collaboration at these meetings produced over thirty inter‐provincial agreements. Using the details of these particular joint cabinet meetings as a case study, this article considers three questions: First, why do governments hold joint cabinet meetings? Second, are joint cabinet meetings effective mechanisms for inter‐governmental policy‐making? And, third, particular to the Canadian context, what are the implications of joint cabinet meetings for federalism and democracy? The author argues that joint cabinet meetings are designed to build relationships and trust between governments and to allow a “whole‐of‐government” approach for inter‐governmental policy‐making. The joint cabinet meeting model appears to facilitate expedient inter‐governmental policy‐making, but the effectiveness of the resulting policies depends on the political will of the participating governments. Furthermore, in the Canadian context, joint cabinet meetings have the potential of reinforcing regionalism and the undemocratic tendencies associated with executive federalism.  相似文献   

The impact of the COVID-19 on the nature of work cannot be overstated. In Canada, following the largest and quickest transition to remote work ever, a significant number of public servants found themselves working from home for most of 2020 and 2021. As governments come out of the pandemic, they begin transitioning to hybrid work arrangements. This article analyzes attitudes and perspectives of public servants in the Public Service of Canada on return to office and transitioning to hybrid work. It also discusses how these can inform research and practice in Canadian public administration.  相似文献   

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