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精神发育迟滞性防卫能力鉴定的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精神病人性自我防卫能力的鉴定,在司法精神医学鉴定中占有很大的比例,高达鉴定总例数的25.14%[1]。近年来,随着我国法制建设的不断发展,要求重新鉴定的案例也明显增加。但是,在精神发育迟滞者性自卫能力的具体评定上,学术上仍存在一些分歧,以至有些犯罪分子因二次鉴定结论不一致,逃脱了法律的惩罚。因此,有必要对精神病人性自我防卫能力司法鉴定的有关问题作进一步探讨。1智商值能不能作为诊断和评定的依据有人认为,智商值(IQ)是一个比较客观的诊断标准,精神发育迟滞的性被害人对检查比较顺从合作,因此IQ得分比较准确、客观,对鉴定诊断具…  相似文献   

交通事故伤者智残评定的方法学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨交通事故致颅脑外伤伤者智残评定的最佳方法。方法 采用4种智力评估方法对被鉴定人的智力和认知状况进行评估。结果 与智力迟滞诊断作为金标准相比较,事件相关电位P300评定结果呈显著正相关(125例,r(?)=0.952,P<0.01),成人智残评定量表结果呈显著正相关(129例,r(?)=0.963,P<0.01),韦氏成人智力测量总智商(IQ)评定结果呈无明显相关(4例,r(?)=0.099,P>0.05)。结论 根据智力迟滞诊断、事件相关电位测定P300、成人智残量表评定、韦氏成人智力测量等多种方法进行综合分析,可准确评定被鉴定者智残水平。如被评定者有伪装倾向,则不宜采用韦氏智力测量方法进行评估。  相似文献   

目的探讨性自我防卫能力评定量表在非精神发育迟滞精神障碍患者中的适用性。方法收集性自我防卫能力评定案例87例,由经过培训的人员按照精神障碍者性自我防卫能力评定量表(CapacityofSexualSelf—defenseAssessmentScale,CSSAS)进行评分,并与专家鉴定意见进行比较。结果按照专家鉴定意见分组,有性自我防卫能力组、性自我防卫能力削弱组和无性自我防卫能力组的CSSAS评分分别为5.97±5.83、32.22±10.15、61.60±13.02,3组间的差异具有统计学意义(P〈O.01)。量表各条目得分与总分的相关系数为0.59~0.91,全量表的Cronbachd系数为0.96,拆半信度Cronbach理系数分别为0.94和0.91,两部分的相关系数为0.94。按照原始界值分,量表评定结果与专家鉴定意见的Kappa值为0.32(P〈0.01),重新划定界值分后.两者的Kappa值为0.84(P〈0.01)。因子分析共提取2个因子,方差解释率分别为46.15%和28.93%,判别函数回代94.30%的样本被正确划分。结论CSSAS可应用于非精神发育迟滞精神障碍患者的性自我防卫能力评定,但应重新修订界值分和因子的权重。  相似文献   

Pang YX  Zhang J  Yang CL  Cang Y  Wang XL 《法医学杂志》2011,27(3):189-192
目的 考察中国修订版韦氏成人智力量表(WAIS-RC)简式与成人智残评定量表在精神伤残评定中的适用性.方法 对台州学院司法鉴定所2009年7月-2011年3月进行精神伤残鉴定的案例,用WAIS-RC简式和成人智残评定量表分别评定并与专家鉴定意见进行比较,用SPSS11.5进行统计分析.结果 WAIS-RC简式、成人智残...  相似文献   

司法部出台的《精神障碍者性自我防卫能力评定指南》(SF/T 0071—2020)统一了性自我防卫能力的概念、评定原则、评定依据和标准等,必将有力地推动性自我防卫能力鉴定的规范化,提高鉴定一致率。在实际工作中,对性自我防卫能力概念的理解以及与此相关的鉴定依据、标准的理解和把握等仍存在诸多分歧。本文拟在辨析性自我防卫能力概念的基础上,对该项鉴定的鉴定原则、注意事项等提出意见。  相似文献   

1983年至1991年,我们受公安局,检察院,法院以及其他司法机关的委托,对28例女性性被害的精神发育迟滞患者,进行司法精神病学鉴定和性防卫能力评定,现将一般情况资料及鉴定结果报告如下:1 一般资料年龄为16—38岁,平均年龄为22.81岁。已婚13  相似文献   

在作性的自我防卫能力(简称为性自卫能力)的评定时,一般轻度精神发育迟滞妇女被评定为有或部分(削弱)性自卫能力。然而,也存在被评定为无性自卫能力的复杂情况。因评定结果直接关系到强奸案件的成立与否,故此评定必须有科学的原则和客观的方法。笔者提出,作无性自...  相似文献   

目的探讨精神病人限定刑事责任能力评定量表(Diminished Criminal Responsibility Rating Scale,DCRRS)在精神发育迟滞违法者司法鉴定中的运用。方法多中心收集121例被评定为限定刑事责任能力的精神发育迟滞违法者资料,完成量表评定,同时将限定刑事责任能力进行小部分、部分、大部分三级划分。结果小部分组、部分组、大部分组量表评定总分的平均分依次升高,分别为22.12±4.69、25.50±5.48、27.59±5.69,差异具有统计学意义;量表中17个条目的评定分与总分相关,相关系数0.289~0.665;因子分析得到6个因子,能解释69.392%变异。结论DCRRS内部构建合理,在精神发育迟滞者司法鉴定中,其评定总分能在一定程度上反映三级限定刑事责任能力之间的差异。  相似文献   

刑事责任能力评定量表在精神发育迟滞违法者中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨<精神病人刑事责任能力评定量表>在精神发育迟滞者违法案件中的运用.方法 收集精神发育迟滞者刑事责任能力鉴定案例96例,由经过专门培训的人员按量表手册进行评分,并与专家鉴定结论 进行比较.结果 按照量表参考划界分分组,无、限定和完全责任能力评分分别为(12.25±2.06)、(28.62±4.57)、(44.41±5.17)分,三组间及两两间存在显著性差异;量表各条目评分与总量表分间的相关性均具有统计学意义;主成分分析得到5个因子,可解释70.919%的变异;判别函数回代92.7%的样本划分正确. 结论 <精神病人刑事责任能力评定量表>的信效度良好,可作为司法鉴定相对可靠的客观依据进行大力推广.  相似文献   

女精神病人的性防卫能力鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究女性精神病人性防卫能力的特点和司法鉴定中应该注意的问题 ;方法 对过去 1 0年间鉴定过的 64例案例进行回顾总结 ;结果 性防卫能力丧失最常见于年轻的衰退期青春型精神分裂症病人、中度以上精神发育迟滞病人、首次发病的年轻轻型躁狂症病人 ,而其他类型的精神病人不容易发生性防卫能力丧失。结论 严重的智能障碍和情感障碍对于精神病人的性防卫能力的丧失有决定性作用 ;而且 ,病人对性行为的控制能力障碍对精神病人性防卫能力丧失有重要影响作用  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Function-specific mental capacities are the legal criteria for competence. These are regarded as superior to clinical assessments of mental state and general function. AIMS: To determine whether tests of fitness to plead and capacity to consent are independent of each other and independent of mental state and global function in psychosis. METHOD: The MacCAT-T and MacCAT-FP, PANSS and GAF were administered to 102 compulsorily detained forensic patients with psychosis. Criteria for incompetence were inability to express a preference concerning treatment, and independent rating as unfit to plead. RESULTS: MacCAT-T, MacCAT-FP totals and sub-scales correlated with each other and with PANSS and GAF. Those independently rated unfit to plead or who were incapable of making a treatment choice scored significantly worse on all rating scales. No test had satisfactory sensitivity or specificity. CONCLUSIONS: Legal definitions of mind and of functional capacity offer a basis for structured clinical judgement regarding decision-making capacity. However, function-specific measures of understanding, reasoning and appreciation generate much the same results as measures of mental state and global functioning.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relation between history of intrafamilial violence and self-regulatory capacity, cognitive processing, and mental health adjustment in incarcerated adolescents. Adolescents were incarcerated at the time of the study for various violent offenses, ranging from persistent delinquency to sexual assault (n = 115). A model is proposed that posits that self-regulation, cognitive ability, and cognitive processing are integral to the relation between intrafamilial violence and mental health function. The primary hypothesis of the study tests this mediation model. The relations between mental health, cognitive processing, self-regulation, and intrafamilial violence are also examined. The study was conducted during two sessions at a juvenile facility in the Midwest using survey measures, academic and intelligence testing, and cognitive tasks. Youth were between the ages of 13 and 20. Approximately 70% were previously diagnosed with a disability. Significant Pearson's correlations were found between seven out of eight mental health subscales of the Youth Self-Report (YSR) and intrafamilial violence history. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the role of cognitive processing in the association between intrafamilial violence and mental health function. Nonverbal or performance deficits, a significant difference between verbal skills and nonverbal skills, were related to intrafamilial violence. Self-regulation partially mediated the relation between intrafamilial violence and mental health function. Self-regulation ability may be compromised by intrafamilial violence and be a precursor to both internalizing and externalizing mental health problem in incarcerated youth. Educational, clinical, and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of this exploratory study was to examine correlates of sexual assault disclosure and social reactions in female victims with and without drinking problems. An ethnically diverse sample of sexual assault survivors was recruited from college, community, and mental health agencies. Ethnic minority women were less likely to disclose assault, and women with a greater number of traumatic life events disclosed assault more often. Although there were no differences in disclosure likelihood by drinking status; of those disclosing, problem drinkers told more support sources and received more negative and positive social reactions than nonproblem drinkers. Correlates of receiving negative social reactions were similar for normal and problem drinkers; however, negative social reactions to assault disclosure were related to more problem drinking for women with less frequent social interaction. Implications for future research and possible support interventions with problem-drinking victims are provided.  相似文献   

This study explored factors associated with a lifetime history of domestic violence and sexual assault in a sample of welfare recipients in Illinois. Results indicate that childhood exposure to domestic violence is a risk factor for both sexual assault and domestic violence victimization, but that childhood physical abuse is only a risk factor for domestic violence. Increased education and employment skills and having more children were also risk factors for domestic violence victimization. Domestic violence was significantly associated with depression, while sexual assault was associated with low social support and a greater perceived need for mental health services. Frequent alcohol and drug use were not associated with either type of victimization. Research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Stalking is a behaviour which can cause substantial damage to its victims, whether the perpetrator is violent or not. Victims face a range of risks including not only assault, but persistent or recurrent stalking and varying degrees of psychological and social damage. The responsibility for assessing and managing these risks often falls to the mental health professional, yet the emerging stalking risk assessment literature is at too early a stage to provide clinicians with empirically derived evidence upon which to base their clinical practice. This paper reviews existing research to identify those factors currently believed to be associated with increased risk of physical and sexual assault; with persistent and/or recurrent stalking; and, with psychological and social damage.  相似文献   

As the relationship between global functioning and young suicide remains unclear in rural China, this study was aimed to explore the relationship between them. Data of 391 rural suicides and 416 controls, all aged 15-34 years in three provinces in China were used for this study. The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale was adopted to assess global functioning of suicides and controls. The results showed that GAF score was stronger than mental illness in predicting suicide in China. Different correlates of GAF score were found between suicides and controls. Unsurprisingly, GAF score was significantly correlated with mental illness in both suicides and controls. Different characteristics were also found among three types of suicide which were classified using GAF score. Assessing global functioning is useful and GAF scale should be regularly used in suicide prevention practice.  相似文献   

目的探索道路交通事故轻度精神伤残者智能损害评定方法和价值。方法通过分析智商测定在轻度精神伤残者评定中的运用,探索智商测定在轻度精神伤残者智能损害评定中的运用价值。结果不同性质颅脑损伤组间不同智能损害程度构成比有统计学差异(P〈0.05);量表智商与颅脑损伤性质有关(P〈0.05),除继发全面性与继发局部性损害(P〈0.05)、继发局部性与混合性损害之间(P〈0.01)有统计学差异外,其余各组两两之间均无统计学差异;不同颅脑损伤程度组间不同智能损害程度构成比无统计学差异;量表智商与颅脑损伤程度呈负相关(P〈0.01),除中型与重型损伤之间无统计学差异外,其余各组两两之间均具有统计学差异;智能损害程度、量表智商均与精神伤残等级呈正相关(P〈0.01);量表智商并非评价智能损害的唯一指标,智能损害也并非精神伤残唯一的构成因素。结论智商测定对评价智能损害与精神伤残具有一定参考价值,精神伤残评定需根据颅脑损伤性质与程度、智能损害或精神障碍程度以及生活、社会功能状况综合评定。  相似文献   

This study's goal is to identify differences in background, assault, and postassault factors according to the victim-offender relationship. A mail survey is conducted with more than 1,000 female sexual assault survivors (response rate 90%) recruited from college, community, and mental health agency sources. Stranger assailants are associated with a greater victim perceived life threat, more severe sexual assaults, and ethnic minority victims. Positive social reactions do not vary according to the victim-offender relationship, but stranger victims report more negative social reactions from others than do victims of acquaintances or romantic partners. Assaults by strangers and relatives are associated with more posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms than assaults by acquaintances and romantic partners. As expected, survivors' social cognitive responses to rape and social reactions from support providers are stronger correlates of PTSD symptoms than demographic or assault characteristics in general, but correlates vary across victim-offender relationship groups.  相似文献   

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