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季峻 《刑事技术》2000,(5):35-35
测试技术是研究如何对被测对象在试验过程中进行测量的实施方案.包括:测试系统与被测对象的最佳交联,测试系统本身的环节(仪器、设备和接口)之间的最佳交联,测试系统数值计算法及数据处理方法,测试系统及各环节设计规范的制定.测试技术早已渗透到各学科技术领域.以下介绍测试技术在涉枪案件检验中的应用.  相似文献   

测试主题是心理测试过程中测试人员呈现给被测人的相关心理刺激所体现的中心思想和核心内容。能否找出案件的测试主题,编制出恰当的测试题目是测试成功与否的关键和核心。在确定测试主题的过程中,必须遵循客观性、关联性、感知性、系统性等原则,并在全面掌握、分析案件相关信息和被测人的"污染"与"漂白"的基础上确定测试主题。  相似文献   

张勇 《刑事技术》2013,(6):50-51
心理测试技术是利用有关仪器设备探查、推断人的个体心理信息。它是一项"人机结合,以人为主"的测试技术,心理测试仪器会客观的记录下被测试对象的生理参数,但个体的生理参数在采集的过程中不仅受到外界环境的影响,也受到被测人自身生理状态的影响。服用抑制性药物对于生理参数的影响不言而喻,所以在心理测试时,  相似文献   

陈世革 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):38-40
司法心理测试应用于刑事侦查时,其最终目的是了解案件的事实真相。心理测试员应根据被测人的心理各不相同的特点,采用同情理解法、激励法、推托罪责法、减轻精神负担法、连累亲人法、摆脱困境法等不同的劝导说服法,来影响被测人说出真情。  相似文献   

对犯罪心理测试所测心理的传统认识使犯罪心理测试变成了刑事测谎,导致犯罪心理测试业内的争议和业外的质疑。心理学家改变了对犯罪心理测试所测心理的传统认识,主流心理学思想对犯罪心理测试重新进行了审视,形成犯罪心理测试的定向反应理论,开创了对犯罪心理测试所测心理的科学认识。现代犯罪心理测试研究揭示,犯罪心理测试所测的特异生理反应所反映的是被测者对犯罪的记忆状况,与犯罪有关的记忆状况决定着犯罪心理测试所测反应的水平,反映被测者是属于作案人、涉案知情人、一般知情人,还是属于无辜者。  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试技术,是运用犯罪心理学、实验心理学、神经生物学及生物电子学等学科的研究成果,利用专用心理测试系统,通过微机同时同步记录人的多项心理生物反应参数,以此推断被测人心理上与案件事实相关对应的记忆痕迹,进而判明被测人是否“无辜”或为犯罪嫌疑人。这项技术是通过犯罪心理痕迹的动态描绘,编制测试题目,经过测前访谈、实际操作测试和图谱评判,探查把握被测人情绪记忆心理痕迹的相关程度,以此准确地将无辜者和涉案人员区分开来。我局自购置了SPS型心理测试仪以来,不断地将这项高科技手段运用于侦查破案,相继破获…  相似文献   

测谎技术是借助于生理、医疗仪器,动用生理学、电学、现代医学等相关知识,刺激被测者的心理及思维,根据所获得的图表数据,评断被测对象的陈述是否诚实的一门科学技术。测谎技术在一些发达国家很早就投入使用。我国于1992年研制成功了第一台测谎仪-PG-I型心理测试仪。在案件侦破中取得较好效果。测谎是测试嫌疑人说谎时紧张心理状态下的压力反应。即通过事先编制的问题,对嫌疑人提问,触发其心理反应,引起心理上的差异。具体方法是通过测量人体中最敏感、不易受大脑皮层控制而反映人的本能条件,反映心理矛盾和心理压力的指标——皮肤电阻、呼吸和脉搏。以这三项生理图谱对应率的高低所到达的标准来判别被测人与案件的关系。一、测谎技术在侦察破案中主要有以下几方面作用□甄别无辜、确定嫌疑使用仪器本身就给被测人心理造  相似文献   

刑事案件中心理测试出现假阳性错误后果非常严重。本文从被测人、测试人员、测试方法、系统误差等方面分析了假阳性出现的原因,认为进行充分的测前谈话、使用科学的测试方法、进行认真的逻辑分析等策略可以有效减少假阳性。  相似文献   

基于眼动追踪测量认知负荷变化的犯罪心理测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索可用于认知犯罪心理测试的眼动指标及测试方法。方法对被测人进行视觉、听觉双通路-双任务模拟案件犯罪心理测试,要求被测人对相同问题分别进行诚实回答和欺骗回答,对不同眼动数据和行为数据进行分析。结果注视点离靶、眼跳次数、眨眼间隔随认知负荷(实施欺骗时)增加而增大,并未发现瞳孔变化与答题策略间存在特定关系。结论注视点、离靶距离等眼动指标能有效分析认知负荷变化且应用于认知犯罪心理测试。  相似文献   

犯罪调查心理测试技术中的心理信息分析与实践   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的说明心理信息概念对犯罪调查心理测试技术的指导作用。方法综合分析了心理测试技术的功能演变,用信息论的科学原理对心理测试技术进行了全新的定义和诠释,详细论述了心理测试技术的心理信息探查功能,对心理信息的主动性和被动性、测试时机提前、测试前对被测人进行生理状态和心理信息受干扰情况评估、案件测试条件选择、测试题目编制、测前谈话控制、测试目的分析和测试技术综合运用等问题进行了科学系统的论述。结果每一部分论述里都结合了具体的案件办理实践,充分说明了心理信息新理论对心理测试技术实践的科学指导效果。  相似文献   

The ability to estimate accurately from known parameters is a fundamental aspect of science and is evident as an emerging approach in the area of footprints and stature estimation within the field of forensic identification. There are numerous foot dimensions that have been measured in the literature to predict stature with varying degrees of confidence but few studies have tried to link the strength of estimation to anatomical landmarks. Such an approach is utilised in this study which estimates stature from the right footprints of sixty one adult male and female UK participants. Static and dynamic footprints were taken from each volunteer using the 'inkless paper system'. The prints were digitised and twelve length, width and angle measurements were chosen for the analysis. The highest correlations with stature were shown to be the heel to fourth toe print for the static group of footprints (r=0.786, p<0.01), and the heel to fifth toe print in the dynamic footprints (r=0.858, p<0.01). Collinearity statistics suggest the heel to fifth toe print length measurement is independent and not influenced by any other variables in the estimation of stature for the dynamic prints. Linear regression equations for this measurement presented the smallest standard error of estimate (SEE) and highest shared variance (R(2)) of all included variables (SEE 4.16, R(2) 0.74). Our study discusses a potential anatomical explanation as to why the lateral border of the foot and hence the impression it makes upon a hard surface, is a more stable indicator in the estimation of stature. The investigation recommends the use of Calc_A4 and Calc_A5 length measurements when estimating stature from footprint impressions.  相似文献   

Mr. Spaeth writes about the relationship between hospital administration and the physician, and how that relationship affects the quality of medical care delivered to the patient. The article focuses on the differences between the employment structure in an academic teaching hospital, and the open, independent contractor medical staff typical of a traditionally smaller community hospitals. The individual traits and nuances of these structures and how they can be distinguished from one another create dynamic differences in the approach for quality care. Peer review, credentialing, and management of adverse outcomes are just a few of the ways in which hospitals continue to strive to provide higher quality care, but the way these methods are implemented and performed in different hospital structures are dramatically different, yielding distinct results. Mr. Spaeth argues that the challenges faced by community hospitals in their effort to provide higher quality care and eliminate medical error are exacerbated because of their unique structure and the particular relationship physicians share with the hospital and its administration.  相似文献   

The discussion of “error” has gained momentum in forensic science in the wake of the Daubert guidelines and has intensified with the National Academy of Sciences' Report. Error has many different meanings, and too often, forensic practitioners themselves as well as the courts misunderstand scientific error and statistical error rates, often confusing them with practitioner error (or mistakes). Here, we present an overview of these concepts as they pertain to forensic science applications, discussing the difference between practitioner error (including mistakes), instrument error, statistical error, and method error. We urge forensic practitioners to ensure that potential sources of error and method limitations are understood and clearly communicated and advocate that the legal community be informed regarding the differences between interobserver errors, uncertainty, variation, and mistakes.  相似文献   

与单一的事实错误不同,竞合性事实错误系两个不同的错误重叠交叉所致。以行为性质错误为契合点,与其重叠的竞合性事实错误常见的有行为性质错误与打击错误的竞合、行为性质错误与对象错误的竞合以及行为性质错误与手段错误的竞合。在竞合性事实错误的处理上,应分别就不同的错误进行规范评价,进而从整体上对双重错误问题作出适中的定性分析。  相似文献   

数额认识错误初论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨志国 《时代法学》2007,5(4):91-96
数额认识错误,是指行为人对表现为货币或财物的行为对象的经济价值量的认识错误,即行为人主观上认识到的行为对象的经济价值与实际经济价值的不一致。从本质上看,它并不是一种独立的错误类型,而是属于事实错误中的对象认识错误。是否属于数额认识错误,应当依据法定符合说进行判断。行为人对行为对象数额的认识错误超出构成要件所要求的限度,就会影响到故意的成立以及行为人的刑事责任。  相似文献   

赵毅 《北方法学》2013,7(4):67-77
在罗马法中,本质错误与身份错误、行为性质的错误、标的物错误并称为使行为无效的四种实质性错误。本质错误与材料错误相关又不等同于材料错误。本质错误的内涵见于D.18,1,9,2中的"醋为酒卖"案,是在社会经济功能影响下的标的物之内在特性发生错误。本质错误的外延见于"古杯"案及D.18,1,11、D.18,1,14等文本,涵涉了大部分的材料错误和性别错误,并可以作为一种兜底条款适用于那些对诸如艺术品价值、作者发生错误的情形。本质错误在近代演化为法国法的"实质错误"、意大利法的"本质上的错误"、瑞士法的"重大错误"、德国法和我国台湾地区法的"性质错误",在赋予法官自由裁量权的功能上,它们和中国大陆民法的错误制度殊途同归。  相似文献   

医疗过失损害赔偿责任与一般的人身损害赔偿责任不同,具有一定的特殊性,因此,应当确立医疗损害赔偿适当限制规则。具体的限制方法:应当限制精神损害抚慰金的赔偿数额、应当对医疗过失引起的财产损害赔偿运用原因力规则合理确定、应当特别强调定期金赔偿在医疗过失损害赔偿中的适用和应当借鉴排除间接来源规则,在医疗过失损害赔偿中实行损益相抵规则。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been a growing openness about the importance of human factors in forensic work. However, most of it focused on cognitive bias, and neglected issues of workplace wellness and stress. Forensic scientists work in a dynamic environment that includes common workplace pressures such as workload volume, tight deadlines, lack of advancement, number of working hours, low salary, technology distractions, and fluctuating priorities. However, in addition, forensic scientists also encounter a number of industry‐specific pressures, such as technique criticism, repeated exposure to crime scenes or horrific case details, access to funding, working in an adversarial legal system, and zero tolerance for “errors”. Thus, stress is an important human factor to mitigate for overall error management, productivity and decision quality (not to mention the well‐being of the examiners themselves). Techniques such as mindfulness can become powerful tools to enhance work and decision quality.  相似文献   

A version of the stability of punishment hypothesis is used to illustrate the concept of cointegration and its relationship to error correction models. The hypothesis is then tested and rejected using data from England and Wales. Finally, a dynamic time-series model relating imprisonment to convictions, crime, and Unemployment is developed and tested.The empirical results in this work are based upon those originally prepared for a paper to be given by the author and Steve Box at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology held in Montreal in November 1987. Steve Box died in September 1987 before it could be completed.The paper is dedicated to his memory and it is hoped that he would have approved its content, if not, perhaps, the dryness of its form.  相似文献   

Establishing error rates is crucial for knowing how well one is performing, determining whether improvement is needed, measuring whether interventions are effective, as well as for providing transparency. However, the flurry of activities in establishing error rates for the forensic sciences has largely overlooked some fundamental issues that make error rates a problematic construct and limit the ability to obtain a meaningful error rate. These include knowing the ground truth, establishing appropriate databases, determining what counts as an error, characterizing what is an acceptable error rate, ecological validity, and transparency within the adversarial legal system. Without addressing these practical and theoretical challenges, the very notion of a meaningful error rate is limited.  相似文献   

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