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人体组织提供者法律保护模式之建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民法界在如何保护人体组织提供者利益问题上尚有些分歧,但一般认为,与人体分离后的组织和器官为“物”。基于知情同意的人格保护模式可以有效地保护人体组织提供者就组织的分离、使用和处置进行控制的权利,能达到我国目前的财产保护学说所需要的效果。与各国所倡导的无偿捐赠模式一致,应得到优先考虑。本文主张基于知情同意的人格保护和无偿捐赠并不排斥人体组织提供者就商业后续开发主张利益分享。  相似文献   

商事人格权刍议   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
传统的人格权概念及规范是以自然人为基点而展开的 ,其目的在于保障人格之完整性与不可侵犯性 ,着重于非财产性的、普通民事人格利益之保护。而随着社会的发展变化 ,在这种普通的人格利益之外 ,又分离、形成了一种包含金钱价值在内的相对独立的特定人格利益———商事人格利益。商事人格权所保护的客体就是自然人和法人的商事人格利益。商事人格利益一方面表现于自然人的一部分人格因素商品化 ,如姓名、肖像等被进行商业利用 ,其人格利益已经包含了丰富的经济利益内容 ,出现了人格权的商事化 ,也被称之为人格商品化权 ;另一方面表现于从事商事活动的自然人和法人 (如公司等 )所拥有的商号 (商业名称 )、商誉、商业信用和商业秘密等人格因素的经济利益性 ,它们与普通的名称、名誉、信用以及生活秘密等人格因素具有很大的差别 ,包含着极大的财产价值。因此 ,商事人格权既兼具人格权与财产权的双重属性 ,又不同于一般的人格权与财产权 ,具有自己的特征 ,是人格权与财产权发展、交汇的产物  相似文献   

在我国民法界,在如何保护人体组织提供者利益问题上尚有分歧,但一般认为,与人体分离后的组织和器官为“物”。基于知情同意的人格保护模式可以有效地保护人体组织提供者就组织的分离、使用和处置进行控制的权利,能达到我国目前的财产保护学说所需要的效果,单辟一个不完整的财产权利价值不大。更重要的是,启用知情同意和人格保护的制度有利于保护人的尊严和自主权,能与各国所倡导的无偿捐赠模式达到一致,且能促进利他主义价值观和社会凝聚力,副作用较小但益处却不小,应得到优先考虑。知情同意原则的不断发展将使其发挥更大的作用。主张基于知情同意的人格保护和无偿捐赠并不排斥人体组织提供者就商业后续开发主张利益分享。  相似文献   

对于将知名角色的图案或名称、知名人物的人格标识进行商业化使用,有学者主张应创设商品化权来调整。无论是广义还是狭义的商品化权说,均与我国现有的民事法律体系和民事权利结构模式不匹配,亦脱离我国民事审判实际。我国在立法上不应创设商品化权制度,可通过知识产权制度调整知名角色的商业化利用问题,通过扩张人格权以保护人格经济利益来调整人格标识的商业化利用问题。  相似文献   

杨巍 《法学》2012,(4):147-155
死者人格利益包括精神利益和财产利益,这两类利益的保护期限不同。对死者人格精神利益的保护实质上是对死者近亲属精神利益的保护,该利益保护期限为死者近亲属的生存期限。死者人格之财产利益系其生前人格权之财产权能的转化,对商品化利用程度较高的死者肖像、姓名等财产利益,可类推适用《著作权法》以死者死后50年为其保护期限;对商品化利用程度不高的其他人格利益,可由法院依据社会现实作出适当判断以确定其保护期限。  相似文献   

一、人格与人格权的逻辑联系:有"法律人格"之法人有无人格权传统人格权的概念、定义及制度设计,是以自然人为基点而展开的。在中国民法典编纂活动中以及当下人格权法酝酿之时,法人是否享有人格权,法人享有哪些人格利益,法人人格权采取何种立法模式,均是存有争议的问题。对于法人人格权问题的探讨,须从"法人格"着手,即是将作为主体资格的人格与作为精神利益的人格  相似文献   

夫妻间人格权关系既具有普通民事主体间人格权关系的一般性,又具有极大的特殊性。夫妻在日常家事的范围内表现出人格一体性,夫妻共同体具有相对独立的人格意义;在评价性人格权方面具有连带性;在自由性人格权方面夫妻互相构成全方位限制;在标表性人格权商品化之经济利益和人格财产上具有共有性。夫妻闻人格权关系的特殊性源于夫妻关系中,财产、身份和人格的统一性,统一于夫妻关系,而一般民事主体之间财产、身份和人格呈现出断裂关系。  相似文献   

刘艳  赵威 《法制与社会》2010,(33):180-181
三江源地区生态环境保护建设工程面临民族经济发展与自然资源开发保护的两难困境。为确保目标的实现,使上游民族地区和中下游受益区经济社会协调发展,依据补偿原理应向提供自然资源开发的民族地区进行利益补偿。本文结合三江源地区现实状况与已取得的实践经验,主张建立市场经济条件下的政府主导的利益补偿模式,提出了建立利益补偿模式的政策建议。  相似文献   

张红 《法学研究》2011,(2):100-112
人格权内含精神与财产双重利益。对人格上财产利益的保护是人性自主的必然结果,且不论人之生死,人格上之财产利益皆应受保护。生者人格上财产利益保护应采用德国法上一元论的人格权保护模式,而死者人格上财产利益保护则应参照美国法上的公开权模式。利用死者生前之人格特征获利的权利乃一种无形财产权,归属于死者之继承人。继承人行使此项权利需按照死者明知或可推知的意思进行,权利行使期限宜为50年。  相似文献   

商品化权:人格符号的利益扩张与衡平   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谢晓尧 《法商研究》2005,22(3):81-87
人格的符号要素具有识别功能。商品化权的出现,旨在保护人格符号要素的商业价值。保护人格的符号价值和财产属性,必须突破传统人格权利的初始配置,解决人格利益变化后的权利再分配问题。人格符号的扩大保护,并不意味着权利的绝对化,对其进行合理限制具有十分重要的意义。对商品化权的保护超出了传统人格权法和知识产权法的范围,由反不正当竞争法来调整更为合理。  相似文献   

Postmortem disposition of morphine in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antemortem and postmortem distribution of morphine was studied in rats for the purpose of establishing whether drug distribution is altered after death. Samples were examined for free and total morphine concentration, pH and water content at 0-96 h after death. Morphine was administered antemortem at various intervals. All groups of rats studied showed a significant (P less than 0.05) increase in postmortem cardiac blood morphine concentrations. These changes, which are detectable within 5 min after death are likely to be related to an observed, rapid decrease in cardiac blood pH from 7.34 +/- 0.02 to 6.74 +/- 0.05. Significant increases in free morphine levels were, also, observed 24 and 96 h after death in liver, heart and forebrain while urine morphine levels decreased. The liver showed the greatest increase (20-fold) in free morphine levels 96 h after death, while hindbrain levels did not significantly change. Bacterial hydrolysis of morphine glucuronides accounted only in part for the observed increase in free morphine concentration. Postmortem fluid movement and pH-dependent drug partitioning was detected. It would appear that several mechanisms are responsible for postmortem drug distribution. Understanding the mechanisms and patterns responsible may eventually lead to better choices of postmortem tissue which may better represent antemortem drug levels.  相似文献   

A 22-year-old female with a history of developmental delay and seizures successfully treated with carbamazepine and levetiracetam developed fulminant hepatic failure and subsequently died. She had been admitted to the hospital following secondary generalized seizures of 35 min duration. A circulatory shock as well as intoxication was taken into consideration during the clinical course. Autopsy failed to reveal a macroscopically discernible cause of death. Significant findings on microscopic examination included acute tubular necrosis in the kidneys, pre-existing marked accumulation of neutral lipid within the hepatocytes as well as hyperacute liver damage with evidence of almost complete hepatocyte necrosis. Carbamazepine and levetiracetam were simultaneously determined from blood and tissues such as liver, lungs, muscle and kidneys by LC-MS/MS following addition of lamotrigine as an internal standard and liquid-liquid extraction. Validation data are given for levetiracetam. Both carbamazepine and levetiracetam were present in blood at concentrations within or below the therapeutic range, respectively. Moreover, tissue concentrations suggested long-term administration of anticonvulsant drugs, which is in accordance with the medical history. After excessive drug concentrations could be ruled out, the metabolic consequences of a prolonged carbamazepine therapy to cause severe hepatic injury in the present case are discussed. A mechanism of injury to the hepatocytes may be membrane damage by either an increased production of free radicals and/or a decreased free radical scavenging capacity. Following ischemia with reperfusion and during hyperthermia, large amounts of free radicals are formed. Induction of the mixed oxidase activity during longterm administration of carbamazepine may also increase production of free radicals, leaving the hepatic cell more vulnerable to oxidative injury.  相似文献   

The recovery measurements in rat tissues performed via i.p. injected radioactive digoxin derivates (3H-digoxin, 125J-digoxin derivative) showed that approximately 50% of the total glycoside content will be extracted. Thus, an addition of digoxin standards to drug-free tissues may lead to false negative determinations. By comparison of the radioactivity before and after extraction the following results were obtained: Recovery from tissues 3H-digoxin 50% 125J-digoxin 40% from serum 3H-digoxin 60% added to drug free tissue homogenates 3H-digoxin 85% After i.p. application of 15 mg/kg of beta-methyldigoxin to BD9 (Berlin)-rats the resulting tissue concentrations were extracted by Amberlite XAD-2. beta-Methyldigoxin and its metabolites digoxin and digoxinbisdigitoxide could be separated and distinguished from artifacts by fluorescence detection on HPTLC-plates with a detection limit of 60 ng/spot. Concentration determined by radioimmunoassay are in satisfactory agreement with HPTLC results.  相似文献   

Online platforms, which are at the forefront of today's economy, are subject to intensive competition law enforcement. However, the platform business model presents challenges for the application of competition law. Most notably, they appear to offer consumers a great number of their products for free. The explanation for most of these supposedly free products is offered by two-sided market theory: consumers may not be paying, but the ‘other’ side of the market is. This other side of the market often consists of advertisers, which pay the platform for access to the consumers’ information (to target advertisements) and attention (to show the advertisements). As many of these platforms are now potentially dominant, they come within the scope of competition law's abuse of dominance provision, including the doctrines of predatory and excessive pricing. These price-based theories need to adapt to the often price-less platform business model in order to prevent competition authorities from making both type I and type II enforcement errors. At the same time, competition law enforcement needs to consider—and at times give priority to—other branches of law that address abusive behaviour concerning free products. Through the use of case studies, this article therefore suggests ways in which abuse of dominance assessments can take into account the economic reality of free products.  相似文献   

Li F  Liao ZG  Ma SL  Wang Y  Guan P  Liu M 《法医学杂志》2006,22(3):168-170,F0002
目的观察大鼠脑挫伤后神经细胞DNA片段化和DNA含量的时序变化规律。方法建立自由落体打击大鼠脑挫伤动物模型,采用TUNEL和Feulgen′sDNA染色方法,结合图像分析技术进行研究。结果大鼠脑挫伤后随着损伤时间延长DNA片段化程度逐渐增强,而DNA含量逐渐降低。结论采用TUNEL和Feulgen′sDNA染色法观察伤后DNA片段化和DNA含量变化,可以应用于脑损伤时间推断的研究,探索推断损伤时间的新方法。  相似文献   

本文对家兔心肌自溶时的蛋白质水解和氨基酸代谢进行了研究。心肌组织在37℃湿盒中自溶15~480min,用离子交换色谱法测定游离氨基酸以及组织氨含量。自溶时大多数组织游离氨基酸含量上升,丙氨酸、赖氨酸和组氨酸含量在自溶15min即有明显增加,而谷氨酸含量呈下降趋势,同时组织氨含量上升。结果提示:心肌自溶早期蛋白质降解加速。上述结果有助于死亡时间的推断。  相似文献   

In a series of licit and illicit drug-related deaths, qualitative and quantitative analyses on extracts of adipose tissue and skin were performed by GC/MS. In all cases, the adipose tissue was found to contain drugs at concentrations lower than, approximately equal to, or even greater than the concentrations of the same analytes found in the blood, which may reflect a consequence of long-term chronic exposure, or acute intoxication, or some combination of both. Approximately one cubic inch of skin with adipose tissue was removed from the mid to lower abdominal region adjacent to the midline incision during autopsy. The drugs were recovered from the specimens following incubation and alkaline, acidic, and alkaline chloroform back extraction of one to three grams of tissue. Deuterated analogs of the analytes were added to the matrix at the beginning of the incubation period. Cocaine and free morphine (from heroin) were readily identified in several cases. The presence of these illicit drugs in adipose tissue raises significant forensic questions, especially the use of 'sweat patches' to monitor recent cocaine or heroin use in chronic drug users.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a general equilibrium model in which agents choose to be employed in formal or in the informal sector. The formal sector is taxed to provide income subsidies and the level of redistribution is determined endogenously through majority voting. The model is simulated to produce qualitative results and to illustrate the differences between economies with different distributional features. We show that a distortion in the democratic rule in favor of the rich reduces transfers while the size of the informal sector may remain at high levels. Despite a greater demand for redistribution in societies where the majority has few resources (skills), we find that political systems which work in favor of a rich minority will produce little redistribution. Our results call for pro-poor measures such as free training and education programs that should be offered to those who cannot afford it.  相似文献   

The model of direct, cause-and-effect speech was common not only in the social sciences early in the twentieth century, but also in the law. Speech-restrictive measures were written and judged with the belief that words may be the explicit cause of undesirable behavior. This article examines the transformation in free speech doctrine and its parallel track with the emergence of the social sciences. At the core of each was a change from direct- to limited-effects frameworks. It is posited that the paradigm shift in the law qualifies as a scientific revolution given (1) how it comports with the model explained by Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and (2) its adherence to scientific method.  相似文献   

Intraosseous T1-weighted (T1W) and short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signal intensity changes—so-called bone marrow edema—may be able to differentiate antemortem and postmortem fractures in human forensic imaging. The primary objective of this study was to investigate this hypothesis using an animal model. Three juvenile Landrace pigs were anesthetized and underwent MRI of both tibiae and both radii using a 1.5 T magnet. T1W, T2-weighted (T2W), STIR, and T2* sequences were included. Antemortem fractures were induced in both tibiae and postmortem fractures in both radii, and MRI was repeated. Two board-certified radiologists blinded to fracture group jointly evaluated the images for intraosseous and soft tissue signal intensity changes. Sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) in identifying antemortem fractures were calculated based on intraosseous, soft tissue, and combined intraosseous and soft tissue signal intensity changes. Intraosseous and soft tissue signal intensity changes, when present, were hyperintense in all sequences. Intraosseous hyperintensity in T1W and T2W sequences yielded Sp of 100% for antemortem fractures. Regardless of sequence, soft tissue hyperintensity was comparatively more sensitive than intraosseous hyperintensity. Sensitivity for each sequence could be maximized by assessment of soft tissue and intraosseous hyperintense signals together; for the T1W sequence, such assessment optimized diagnostic utility yielding a Se of 100% and Sp of 83%. In summary, MRI—particularly the T1W sequence—can differentiate antemortem and postmortem fractures and may be a useful adjunct to the forensic analyses of fractures.  相似文献   

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