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研讨会议期间,有来自9个国家和地区的22位国内外安检排爆专家现场演示介绍了安检排爆技术、证卡识别技术现状及近年来发展演变情况并交流总结了开展安检排爆工作的经验、教训及需求状况。其中,8名国际安检排爆专家介绍了本国安检排爆技术研究现状及最新发展情况,分析解剖了本国安检排爆的实际应用案例。14名中国公安机关从事安检排爆工作的专家介绍了我国安检排爆技术应用情况。  相似文献   

全国各地公安安检排爆队在收缴处理废旧炮弹的过程中,有时会碰到化学毒剂弹泄漏的情况,但是由于化学毒剂弹泄漏情况罕见、弹体结构特殊,大部分公安安检排爆队在处理类似情况时技术欠缺、经验不足、手段乏力。本文介绍了化学毒剂弹遗留、泄露的原因,介绍了一起化学毒剂弹泄漏伤人事故,详细分析了该起化学毒剂弹泄漏伤人事故的经验教训,检索了常用化学毒剂弹的理化性能,总结出了一套常用化学毒剂弹的识别方法,并提出了一种简易快速的化学毒剂弹泄漏处置技术,该技术适用于非防化专业的安检排爆队处置类似现场,并对本文提出的技术方法进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

为了更好促进安检排爆实践工作与相关技术产品的互动,加快安检排爆产品的研发更新,本次安检排爆技术国际研讨会特别安排展示了一批具有国际先进水平和自主知识产权的安检排爆技术与产品。公安部第一研究所、深圳鑫源通电子有限公司、  相似文献   

目前.北美和欧洲自七十年代以来每年举办一次国际性安检排爆技术论坛或研讨会、有力的推动了上述地区安检排爆技术领域的交流与合作.而亚洲尚无此项活动。亚洲各国纷纷建议.由我国权威部门出面组织安检排爆技术交流活动、加强区域合作.促进本地区安检排爆技术水平快速提升。  相似文献   

董如军 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):18-20
警务战术是指人民警察指挥员对所属警力在执法中侦查、逮捕违法者的组织与指挥的警察行动。警务战术训练是警察实战一个重要的教育过程,是对警员法律、体能、技能、战术、心理、社会"六合一"的综合训练,使之达到和谐发展,以便提高能力,确保国家安全社会稳定。  相似文献   

屈平 《刑警与科技》2006,(8A):125-128
防暴车可用来设置路障、保护重要设施、驱散暴力人群、输送武装警员,并且可以支援警员对敌对分子发起地面攻击。[编者按]  相似文献   

李愚 《政府法制》2012,(30):40-40
2010年10月10日,美国总统奥巴马在美国第四大城市费城举行的助选集会上,向大约1.8万余名支持者发表演说。一名男子突然赤身裸体地冲进会场,他刚在奥巴马面前跑出几步即被现场警员逮住,用竞选广告牌挡住其私处后将其带离现场。  相似文献   

搜爆是公安机关处置涉爆案件现场的第一道工序,尤其是在已爆案件中,必须严格遵守先搜爆再排爆最后再勘查这一原则。警犬具有着嗅觉上的天然优势,使用警犬在爆炸案件现场进行搜爆,效果明显。案件发生后,为提高搜索效率、快速清除现场潜在危险,提高搜爆人员安全系数,警犬搜索应有所重点。基于已爆现场地理位置、具体环境、安防设施以及已爆位置、爆炸装置包装方式等因素的考量,带犬民警在使用警犬搜爆时应重点搜索进入现场的路线、现场中的门窗、炸点及其附近、关联现场以及犯罪嫌疑人的逃跑路线等。  相似文献   

由公安部科技局、治安管理局、警卫局,反恐怖局联合发起主办,中国公共安全杂志社承办的“中国2008安检排爆技术国际研讨会”于5月28日至29日在深圳银湖旅游中心召开。会议主题为“交流与合作,研究与提高”。即加强安检排爆、大型活动证卡技术研究,推动国际交流与合作,促进社会公共安全事业的进步与发展。公安部领导、部相关业务局领导出席了会议,来自全国各地公安机关安检排爆专业技术人员以及英国、荷兰,阿联酋、菲律宾等13个国家和地区的安检排爆专家共计150名代表应邀参加了本次会议。  相似文献   

毒蘑菇在某小河上游的一个山冈草地上发现了一具男尸。现场在一棵大树下的一顶帐篷里,死因是毒蘑菇中毒,像是晚饭时吃了从森林里采来的毒蘑菇。然而,当警员小月调查得知死者是一个徙步旅行的老手时,只看了一眼现场,就马上下了定论:"即使死因  相似文献   

沈志宏 《政法学刊》2006,23(6):104-107
讯问对象的拒供动机是形成“讯问难”的重要因素。讯问对象的拒供动机形成因素主要来自于讯问人员和讯问对象自身两个方面;按照常态和变态心理因素分为现实性拒供动机和心理拒供动机。侦查讯问辅助方法在转化讯问现实性拒供动机的功能在于减弱讯问对象拒供的心理需要,明确或强化其供述需求,提供诱因,创设有利于讯问对象形成供述决意的情境;在转化心理拒供动机中的功能在于利用讯问对象心理病态特征,刺激讯问对象的挫折情绪,突破忍耐极限,导致心理崩溃,从而走向供述。  相似文献   

法国早期的心理学受德国的影响相对较小,主要是从本国的心理病理学或变态心理学入手,以机能心理学为取向,从而成为广义的欧洲机能主义心理学的一部分。当时的三位主要机能心理学家里博、沙可和比纳,都以研究心理疾病和病态行为而闻名。法国早期机能主义心理学既取得了一定的理论成就,也存在一些思想属限,同时也在世界心理学史上产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS; Meyer et al. 2011) is a new system for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Rorschach Inkblot Test that is designed to make the best possible use of currently available scientific and clinical evidence. Many features of R-PAS are well-suited to forensic evaluation generally and to psychological evaluations in psychological injury cases in particular. Among them, R-PAS: (a) offers an alternative to self-report methods that adds incremental validity, (b) provides a useful check against exaggerated or minimized symptom presentation, (d) generates evidence concerning implicit traits and behavioral tendencies, (e) offers techniques for adjusting for abnormal response sets, (f) uses internationally applicable reference data that do not exaggerate or minimize pathology, (g) organizes results according to the strength of the evidence, and (h) presents results on which are interpretations are based in a manner easy for the intelligent layperson to grasp. Despite its recent formal introduction to the professional assessment community, R-PAS takes advantage of decades of research in peer-reviewed publications (including the insights of Rorschach critics) and builds on established validity and general acceptance for most of its procedures and features. The article describes the standards and criteria applying to expert psychological testimony in U.S. federal and state courts and applies them to Rorschach-based testimony in general and R-PAS-based testimony specifically. It is argued that when the system is properly used and applied and when such testimony is appropriately formulated, it should be found admissible in both state and federal courtrooms  相似文献   

This article reviews the major forms of violence against women, including sexual assault, intimate-relationship violence, and stalking and outlines the known psychological effects of such victimization. Also discussed are a number of variables that combine to determine the effects of such victimization, including type and characteristics of the assault; victim variables such as demographics, psychological reactions at the time of the trauma, previous victimization history, current or previous psychological difficulties, and general coping style; and sociocultural factors such as poverty, social inequality, and inadequate social support. The implications of this complexity are explored in terms of psychological assessment and the frequent need for multitarget, multimodal treatment approaches.  相似文献   

The background for this paper is the debate over what role mental illness plays in radicalization to violent extremism. While one camp points to cases of abnormal functioning of perpetrators, another argues that normal psychological mechanisms are central. Through a review of these perspectives, it becomes clear that mental illness cannot be ruled out as an epi‐phenomenon, but is not a necessary condition either. The paper draws on work in psychiatric nosology on dimensional and categorical conceptions of illness and argues that the perspectives in this literature reflect a categorical approach to normal and abnormal functioning. Under a dimensional perspective, findings converge. The paper concludes by showing how this new dimensional approach to the role of mental illness in radicalization has implications for the design of risk assessment tools and leads to the recommendation for stronger inter‐agency cooperation between mental health professionals, social services, and police and intelligence services.  相似文献   

Despite the apparent widespread use of psychological tests in evaluations performed by psychologists to assist legal decision makers, there has been little critical but balanced examination of the appropriate parameters for the forensic use of such tests. The following discussion examines the nature of legal decision making, and concludes that the primary legal criterion for the adminissibility of psychological testing isrelevance to the immediate legal issue or to some underlying psychological construct. Assuming thataccuracy is a more consistent concern for psychologists performing such evaluations, the criticisms of various commentators are discussed. Some criticisms appear appropriate and are incorporated into a set of proposed guidelines for the use of psychological tests in forensic contexts. Other criticisms appear misplaced, however, and the call for a whole sale ban on psychological testing in the forensic context is rejected.  相似文献   

阎晓军 《河北法学》2008,26(5):143-147
婚姻法规定离婚案件应当进行调解,但由于离婚案件除了涉及法律问题以外,更多地还会涉及到家庭伦理、情感和道德等问题。鉴于这类案件的特殊性以及法官在知识结构上的局限性,心理学方法的介入应当会从根本上提高离婚案件调解的质量,从而提高该类案件调解的成功率。主要针对当前我国离婚案件调解问题的现状提出诉讼离婚心理调解的概念,论述诉讼离婚心理调解的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

Evidence-based forensic psychological opinions require thorough and accurate information about examinees. Psychometric instruments can facilitate diagnostic decision making, but they rely on examinees to respond honestly to questions and put forth good effort on cognitive tests. Given the strong incentives for examinees in psychological injury cases to minimize prior problems and emphasize postaccident or posttrauma problems, the assessment of validity as part of forensic psychological evaluations is essential. Best practices in forensic psychology have their foundation in ethical principles. The purpose of this position statement is to promote ethical psychological practice in legal contexts by reviewing validity assessment issues and their ethical foundations. Because no previously published document focused specifically on symptom and performance validity assessment in psychological injury evaluations performed in forensic contexts, such a position statement provided by a professional organization devoted to the interface of psychological injury and law was needed to inform and guide practitioners and to educate other interested parties. The position statement emphasizes (a) the need for ethical practice in assessing validity, (b) consideration of factors such as culture and functional limitations, and (c) the importance of adopting a comprehensive, impartial, and scientific approach to validity assessment. The position statement acknowledges areas of differing opinions and the need for further research.  相似文献   

Many adults reporting childhood or adolescent sexualized assault (CSA) seek remedies through civil proceedings, thus necessitating a forensic assessment to determine the nature and extent of any psychological injuries related to such assault. Such assessments pose challenges, as CSA often occurred years earlier and may have affected not only immediate functioning but also later psychological maturation. The present paper explains how a lifespan developmental analysis can assist such assessments. The concepts of psychological development, attachment, developmental trajectory and risk and resilience can help in evaluating whether and how CSA affected normal psychological development, in determining the influence of risk factors other than CSA and in considering resiliency factors. Risk, resilience and psychological function must be examined in the domains of individual abilities and attributes, relationships and significant life activities both pre- and post-assault. Data on pre-assault risk, resilience and function can be used to estimate a “but for the assault” developmental trajectory that can then be compared to the individual’s actual developmental trajectory. This analysis, together with analysis of the severity of CSA, can assist in determining whether and how the CSA that is the basis for civil proceedings contributed to later life psychological injuries.  相似文献   

目的为了解重刑犯人格基本特征及相关影响因素,为监狱在教育改造重刑犯、对重刑犯进行心理辅导和心理干预提供依据.方法采用《中国罪犯心理测试个性分测验》(COPA-PI)问卷对福建省四个监狱随机整群抽取678名重刑犯进行施测.结果与常模相比,重刑犯除了外倾、变态心理的人格特征与常模无显著差异外(p>0.05),在聪敏、同情、从属、波动、冲动、戒备、自卑、焦虑、暴力倾向、犯罪思维等因子均有非常显著的差异(p<0.001);文化程度对聪颖性、同情心有正向预测作用,分别解释变异量的12.2%和19.2%,对从属性和戒备心理有负向预测作用,分别解释的变异量的10.3%和9.3%;家庭经济状况对聪颖性和自卑性有负向预测作用,分别解释变异量的11.5%和9.5%;判刑次数对波动性、戒备性和暴力倾向有正向预测作用分别解释变异量的8.7%,9.5%和9.1%;婚姻状况对自卑性有负向预测作用,能解释变异量的9.1%.结论重刑犯与普通罪犯存在人格差异,比普通罪犯有更多人格缺陷,文化程度、家庭经济状况、判刑次数和婚姻状况对罪犯人格有一定影响,需要根据其人格特征采取有针对性的预防和矫治策略.  相似文献   

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