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近年来,手机的取证工作已成为电子物证专业的一项重要内容。手机内所存储的通讯信息,图片信息、多媒体信息为侦破案件的工作提供了重要的线索。据笔者统计某市近两年检验的案件,在涉案手机中,国产山寨机的数量占一半以上。对于国产山寨手机的检验而言,通常方法是先获取到手机机身内存的镜像文件,然后对其进行解析。所以检验的关键是如何提取到手机内存的镜像文件。  相似文献   

Android智能手机锁屏密码及破解方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动通信技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,手机内部包含的信息已经成为犯罪侦查重要的线索和证据来源。由于人们对数据安全和隐私保护意识的提高,以及涉案嫌疑人的反侦查意识的增强,涉案的智能手机通常带有锁屏密码,在这种情况下,如何对其中的数据进行提取、处理和分析成为一个重要的研究方向。本文主要针对Android手机的锁屏问题进行研究,详细介绍了Android智能手机三种锁屏密码,即手势密码、PIN码密码以及复杂密码的文件结构和存储原理,分析了如何借助Android的ADB(Android debug bridge)调试模式方法来对Android智能手机进行手动的密码绕过或清除,针对Android手机在调试模式打开和未打开的情况下提出了不同的解决方法用于对手机进行密码破解和清除,这些方法在笔者实践中证明具有较高的实用性。  相似文献   

Android智能手机的取证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一种新兴的智能手机,Android手机发展势头极为迅猛,并越来越多的受到人们的关注。通过对Android智能手机的取证研究,在介绍了Android手机的基本工作原理后,详细描述了取证方式。通过Android SDK工具对手机内外置存储进行镜像备份,逻辑分析利用文件系统分析,查找每个应用程序自带的数据库文件来获得有价值信息,物理分析通过对内存镜像进行数据恢复以寻找删除的文件,两者互相结合。结果表明,能够从Android手机中有效寻找到潜在证据。  相似文献   

英美法系国家对于证明妨碍之立法与大陆法系国家与地区之态度有所不同。关于证明妨碍的立法见于其立法和判例汇编中。如美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》第37条规定,当事人未提出他方当事人所请求出示证据,任何当事人均可以申请强制出示和适当的制裁。美国证明妨碍制度建立的理论基础主要是,由于证明妨碍破坏了当事人双方在诉讼中公平对抗、接近胜诉机会之平等,故法官得在此情况下对证明妨碍者施以一定之不利益,使双方当事人重新回到未被妨碍的公平状态,  相似文献   

<正>【裁判要旨】使用非法手机插件外挂从事牟利行为,在尚不足以破坏或者控制计算机信息系统的情况下,符合相关构成要件,应当构成非法获取计算机信息系统数据罪,并且在侵犯相同法益、行为有明显关联的情况下,涉及数罪的可以择一罪处罚。  相似文献   

通过对我国司法实践中一起旧手机翻新案的评析,论证了旧手机翻新使注册商标的质量保证功能遭到破坏,极有可能导致消费者将翻新手机与新手机之来源产生混淆,该行为能够被商标直接混淆侵权所涵盖,侵权人无权援引商标权用尽原则来抗辩其不侵权。  相似文献   

一、引言在英美证据法上,证明标准一般称之为“standardofproof”,但有的学者也用“thedegreesofproof”来表述。前者通常被译为“证明标准”,而后者则一般译作“证明程度”或“证明要求”。从语义分析的角度来看,“标准”与“程度”、“要求”并非全然等值的术语,但我国大多数学者认为三者并没有本质的差别,其意均指对案件事实的证明所要达到的具体要求。笔者认为,证明标准、证明程度、证明要求三者在一般情况下,可以互换使用,无伤大雅,但细究起来,其所包涵的意义的侧重点却有所不同。证明要求…  相似文献   

随着反取证技术的发展,调查人员越来越难于在磁盘介质中寻找到有价值的证据或线索。针对内存信息的调查分析研究由此成为计算机法庭科学领域日益关注的焦点。通过以内存调查取证开源软件Volatility为背景,从进程及DLL、内存及VAD、驱动程序及内核对象、网络连接与注册表等多个角度描述内存信息的调查方法.并结合实例说明所述方法在实际工作中的具体应用。  相似文献   

案情简介执法部门在对王某开设的塑胶模具厂检查过程中,发现该厂生产了大量印有“NOKIA”商标的手机外壳。经查,该厂在既未得到诺基亚公司的许可,也未获得任何授权的情况下,私自将“NOKIA”标识印制在其生产的手机外壳上。执法部门依法查封该工厂,并当场收缴了印有  相似文献   

一、视听资料的概念的再界定现行三大诉讼法,都将视听资料作为一种诉讼证据加以规定,但对于视听资料的概念的界定,都是学理上的观点。有的学者将视听资料概括为“是储存在磁带等物质载体中、能够证明案件真实情况的音响、图像资料。”有的教材将视听资料表述为“能够证明案件真实情况的音像信息资料”。这些表述稍有不同的视听资料的概念都是从两个方面对视听资料定义的,即一是从内容上,视听资料必须能够证明案件真实情况;二是从形式上,视听资料必须是音像信息资料。那么,只要是能够证明案件真实情况的音像信息资料,即能够满足视听…  相似文献   

手机物证检验及其在刑事侦查中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
随着移动通信技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,手机内部包含的信息已经成为犯罪侦查重要的线索和证据来源。采用专门的符合物证鉴定原理要求的技术方法检验手机的SIM卡存储器、主板存储器和闪存卡,可以获得大量的手机使用者个人信息、通信内容信息、通信发生信息、使用者写入存储信息和手机设置信息等大量信息资料。手机检验结果给出的这些信息具有非常高的侦查和证据价值的,手机也因此成为物证鉴定领域内一个新的检验对象。  相似文献   

手机通话语音的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,手机通话语音已成为司法语音鉴定中最为常见的一种语音形式。本研究从手机通信系统的信道特点出发,分析手机通话语音的声谱特点和共振峰频率变化等情况;同时还比较了不同通话网络、不同通话方式及不同手机的通话语音特点。实验发现,手机通话语音与直接录音语音有明显的变化,主要表现在高低频信息的带宽滤波效应、高低频共振峰的漂移、语音质量、音色、韵律特征等方面;还发现,不同手机通话条件下的语音变化程度不同。最后,讨论了手机通话语音变化对说话人鉴定的影响及鉴定中的注意事项。  相似文献   

Acquisition, decoding and presentation of information from mobile devices is complex and challenging. Device memory is usually integrated into the device, making isolation prior to recovery difficult. In addition, manufacturers have adopted a variety of file systems and formats complicating decoding and presentation.A variety of tools and methods have been developed (both commercially and in the open source community) to assist mobile forensics investigators. However, it is unclear to what extent these tools can present a complete view of the information held on a mobile device, or the extent the results produced by different tools are consistent.This paper investigates what information held on a Windows Mobile smart phone can be recovered using several different approaches to acquisition and decoding. The paper demonstrates that no one technique recovers all information of potential forensic interest from a Windows Mobile device; and that in some cases the information recovered is conflicting.  相似文献   

PDU模式下的短信息编码方式,被GSM手机广泛运用。在实际检验鉴定工作中,涉案手机检验量大幅增加,并且手机检验分析系统无法解析镜像文件的情况时有发生,检验人员只有对PDU有足够的了解,才能对手机取证驾轻就熟。通过对PDU模式结构的实例分析,手工成功恢复出手机短信息,这种分析的方法和经验可以应用于所有GSM手机的短信息取证。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(3):385-398
Data from mobile phones are regularly used in the investigation of crime and court proceedings. Previously published research has primarily addressed technical issues or provided operational manuals for using forensic science evidence, rather than analysing human factors and the implementation of forensic tools in investigation settings. Moreover, previous research has focused almost entirely on western countries, and there is a dearth of research into the uses of forensic evidence in China. In this study, a review was carried out of court sentencing documents referring to mobile phone evidence in China over the period 2013–2018. Automated content analysis was used to identify the specific evidence types utilised and the sentencing outcome for each case. Results show that mobile phone evidence was used in 3.3% of criminal proceedings. Among various data types mentioned in criminal proceedings, call records sustained as the most frequently used type of data. After which, instant messaging tools (e.g. WeChat) are an increasing proportion of all mobile phone evidence, from 1% in 2015 to 25% in 2018. For cases that utilised mobile phone data, the analysis of instant messaging and online transaction tools is routine, with little variation in the use of each application (WeChat, Alipay, QQ) for investigations of different types of crime. However, in the majority of criminal cases, mobile phone data function as subsidiary evidence and posed limited impacts on verdict reached. The current findings indicate that a large amount of mobile phone evidence was transformed into other evidence formats or filtered out directly before court proceedings.  相似文献   

This study designs a method of identifying the camera model used to take videos that are distributed through mobile phones and determines the original version of the mobile phone video for use as legal evidence. For this analysis, an experiment was conducted to find the unique characteristics of each mobile phone. The videos recorded by mobile phones were analyzed to establish the delay time of sound signals, and the differences between the delay times of sound signals for different mobile phones were traced by classifying their characteristics. Furthermore, the sound input signals for mobile phone videos used as legal evidence were analyzed to ascertain whether they have the unique characteristics of the original version. The objective of this study was to find a method for validating the use of mobile phone videos as legal evidence using mobile phones through differences in the delay times of sound input signals.  相似文献   

Without a defendant’s appearance in court, the adjudication of criminal charges cannot proceed. The low defendant court appearance rates of Lafayette Parish, Louisiana were identified as a high priority to address. A pilot project was implemented, in which, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office (LPSO) Information Officers would call defendants approximately 5–9 days before their pretrial court appearance. This process began in September 2014. LPSO staff attempted to call all non-incarcerated or diverted defendants with known contact information. LPSO staff documented when calls were made and the type of response (spoke to defendant, left a voicemail, no answer, inoperable phone or spoke to friend or family member). Calls were made to defendants with court appearances in arraignment hearings, misdemeanor pretrial and trial, felony pretrial and traffic court. Court appearance rates for all court hearings increased from 48 to 62%.  相似文献   

胡卫东  葛婧 《河北法学》2005,23(4):125-128
绝大部分手机用户都有被短信骚扰的经历,这种骚扰让人不堪忍受。短信骚扰属于违法行为,既违反了《消费者权益保护法》,也侵犯了公民的隐私权。为了保护手机用户的权益,应严格禁止群发短信广告,加强对个人资料的法律保护,明确短信骚扰的民事责任,理清举证责任。  相似文献   

Obscene or nuisance phone calls are particularly targeted towards women. Employing data from two sweeps of the British Crime Survey a decade apart (BCS 1982 and BCS 1992), this work attempts to measure the effects of individual socio-economic characteristics and victimization history of women in England and Wales on their likelihood of receiving at least one nuisance call. To make the logit modelling analysis more tangible, risks of nuisance calls are calculated from our models of five hypothetical women, single mother, professional, student, housewife and pensioner, with specific attributes taken from the set of explanatory variables.  相似文献   

周辉斌 《时代法学》2010,8(1):24-33
全国首例“靓号黑客案”二审判定移动电话“靓号”不属于刑法上的财物范畴,从而否定其成为盗窃罪的犯罪对象。这是二审法院受刑法学理论界关于盗窃罪犯罪对象的“有体性说”错误指导的结果。“有体性说”的错误根源在于对民法中无体物与有体物相区分理论的错误理解。我国刑事司法实务界应该主动舍弃“有体性说”,并应从盗窃罪犯罪对象的几个基本特征入手,认定移动电话“靓号”可以成为盗窃罪的犯罪对象。  相似文献   

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