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运用文献资料法,对如何提高体育院系武术普修课的教学效果上进行了研究与探讨。研究认为在武术普修课教学过程中,培养学生学习武术的兴趣、采取不同的教学方法和手段、重视基本功的练习、讲明攻防含义等方面来提高武术普修课的教学效果。  相似文献   

董大勇 《学理论》2011,(10):280-281
采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法对体操教学内容优化问题进行研究,阐述山东省体操教学内容的现状,对教学内容未优化内容的原因进行分析,期望能对山东省体操普修课教学内容的优化问题提供参考。  相似文献   

朱道宇 《学理论》2010,(3):164-165
体操教学是高校体育教学中的重要课程,探索更有成效的教学方法是体操专业教师义不容辞的责任。笔者结合自己多年的体操教学实践,针对体操教学中存在的问题,结合学生的心理特点,提出应当采取灵活多样的教学手段和方法,以提高体操课的教学质量。  相似文献   

街舞,是20世纪70年代形成的一种集娱乐、艺术、运动于一体的中强度有氧运动.在当今大学生中以崇尚自由、自主和自我体现为潮流,校园里随处可见身着嘻哈族服装的大学生们,他们个性十足.在高校体育课或选修课课程中开设健身街舞课程,将课程内容向多样化、生活化、娱乐化、终身化方向发展,全面提高学生身体素质的目标要求.本文试从这项运动的健身、健心价值和培养学生运动兴趣等方面,分析健身街舞高校开设街舞课程的可行性.  相似文献   

褚红素 《学理论》2010,(18):200-203
高校大学生就业指导工作包含教育指导、事务管理和咨询服务三个部分,高校院系直接面向学生,承担着"设计"和"加工"学生的任务,是高校中最全面了解学生和专业情况的基层单位,因此,从总体上看,学校的就业职能部门主要承担具体的事务管理服务工作,真正有针对性的就业指导工作应该由学校的各院系来承担,高校院系党组织是直接的执行者。高校院系党组织加强大学生就业指导的模式与途径主要有:充分利用"大学生就业"突破口,有效发挥党组织的保证监督作用;改进思想政治工作的方法和途径,健全完善大学生就业教育指导功能;立足人才培养,培育学生的就业核心竞争力,发挥政治核心作用;以队伍建设为中心,设计系统的大学生就业指导方案。  相似文献   

在我国当前城乡二元社会结构的影响下,城乡教育发展不均衡,重点高校农村生源比例逐年下降,城乡生源英语学习差异明显,因此,关注高校中的农村学生群体,从而因材施教以缩小城乡差距促进教育公平十分必要。本研究采取问卷调查方式重点关注高校农村和城市生源学生学习英语后自我认同的变化,并应用SPSS 16.0进行描述性数据分析以探寻城乡背景差异对英语学习自我认同变化的影响。研究结果表明,城市和乡镇生源学生学习英语后自我认同变化基本一致,"自信心变化"最为显著,仅在"附加性变化"方面城乡学生整体差异达到显著水平且城市学生明显大于乡镇学生,通过进一步比较不同性别城乡生源的自我认同变化发现,在"自信心变化"、"附加性变化"和"生产性变化"方面,城市男生均明显大于乡镇男生。  相似文献   

当今世界正逢"百年未有之大变局",国内外环境日趋复杂多变。国际上一些势力利用民主、人权和宗教等问题"抹黑"甚至妖魔化中国共产党,千方百计地消解高校青年学生对执政党的认同感。同时,随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,党的执政环境亦发生很大变化,高校青年学生执政党认同教育面临着严峻挑战。如何引导高校青年学生坚信中国共产党的执政能力是一项十分重要的时代课题。基于马克思交往理论,通过对执政党认同教育传统模式的反思,探索高校青年学生和执政党"主体间性"范式,构建高校青年学生(主体)—执政党(主体)自主、平等的交往关系,确立高校青年学生和执政党相互信任、理解和支持的合理交往范式,可使高校青年学生成为执政党长期执政的重要力量。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法,对高校的体育资源、群众体育健身意识及高校与社会体育资源共享现状进行了调查。通过高校的体育教学资源与社区进行资源共享,可以达到以下目的:使广大民众与高校在校学生的体育锻炼需求能够得到满足;可使锻炼者的健身方法更加合理;同时能够改善广大高校体育教学过程中的教学资源的合理运转情况,使得锻炼者的锻炼形式更加多样化。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对新疆大学生2005年体育消费情况进行了调查研究,结果表明:新疆大学生参加体育活动主要为自发型,体育消费的主要形式为实物性消费,不同年龄人群体育消费的对象、态度显示出不同的特点:经济条件、消费观念、全民健身意识、教育程度、体育社会化程度等是影响新疆大学生体育消费的主要因素.  相似文献   

"感恩"是中华民族的传统美德,对奖助学金受助学生开展感恩教育是高校思政工作的重要组成部分。以上海某985高校为例,对该校2011-2013年的8个校资助工作先进集体(院系)、30个校资助工作先进个人(辅导员)的工作方法进行综合分析,得出奖助学金受助学生感恩意识培育模式的建议如下:在意识层面,增强辅导员对感恩教育重要性的认识;在理论层面,强调培育模式应同时具有取向和层次;在操作层面,应注重机会教育、拓展途径、循序渐进。  相似文献   

本文将集中讨论两大问题:其一涉及到法国社会学大师埃米尔·迪尔凯姆的自杀学说。笔者认为,迪尔凯姆的自杀学说在论及性别问题时带有浓厚的男权主义偏见,他的分析偏移了他所大力提倡的社会事实研究法;其二民国时期京沪两地的青年女性自杀格局。根据笔者的分析,京沪女性的自杀问题在当时非常严重,两性自杀死亡率相近;两地不同年龄段的女性的自杀已遂和未遂事件中女青年所占的比例最高;诱因多是家庭矛盾或情感纠纷。本文意在厘清古典社会学自杀理论的局限,也在将中国近现代的自杀问题纳入到社会性别分析框架中探讨。  相似文献   

组织学习:管理学视角下的多元理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘霞 《公共管理学报》2005,2(2):80-86,96
就管理学领域中关于组织学习的理论进行了比较系统的研究.在彼得·帕沃夫斯基提出的五大类组织学习理论的分类基础上,进一步对每类理论下各种研究视角和研究思路进行了更为系统的规范分析.主要是对管理学中关于组织学习问题研究的各种理论的缘起、分化、进程及现状进行了系统的分析与评价.研究发现,由于学者们对组织学习的本质的看法、研究视角以及研究范式的不同,使得组织学习问题的研究呈现出理论多元化倾向.但近年来,一些从不同角度研究组织学习问题的理论,又正在趋向于新的整合.认为,关于组织学习问题的更为系统的看法,将建立在关于组织学习本质的多元视角而形成的综合观点基础之上.  相似文献   

沈寨 《学理论》2009,(4):80-82
法律继承是法律发展的题中应有之义。当代中国的法律发展即存在着对我国传统法律文化的继承,又存在着对西方法律文化的吸收与借鉴。怎样在吸收和借鉴处于强势地位的西方法律文化的同时,又注重发扬本民族的法律文化精华,是我国当今法律发展面临的困境。面对此困境,我们只有全面认识传统法文化和西方法文化的优劣,才能为当代中国法律发展找到契机。  相似文献   

Following in the traditions of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and social semiotics, this paper applies the linguistic system of appraisal to the mode of sound. More specifically, it aims to describe and compare the interpersonal properties of the rap and sung performance voices. In doing so, this paper also aims to provide analysts with a systematic, principled method by which to identifying interpersonal meanings in sound. Drawing on various aspects of the appraisal framework, and the respective sound features of the rap and sung voice, this paper offers three approaches. The first approach employs the grammatical frames used to classify the attitude sub-systems of affect, judgment, and appreciation. The second approach is more general in scope and analogizes from the sound systems of melody, time, and voice quality to the appraisal systems of attitude, engagement, and graduation, respectively. The third approach applies the concept of binding to the distinctive sounds of the rap and sung voice. The paper concludes by considering some future directions for this research.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the use of attitude measures in evaluation research. It is suggested that attitude measures can assist evaluators in surmounting the problems of assessing program effectiveness both in process and impact evaluations. Attitude change can be conceptualized as the intended output of programs, as intervening between program variables and behavior or as proxy measures of behavioral target variables that are not readily measurable. Attitude measures can play avital role in evaluation research if an adequate methodology is employed.  相似文献   

The impact of terrorist events on attitude formation and change among mass publics has been well established in political research. Still, no individual-level study has examined the impact of terrorist attacks on political participation. This article aims to fill that gap. Drawing on theories of affect, it is predicted that fear stemming from a terrorist attack will increase motivation to seek out political information, yet will have a negative effect on actual participation. On the contrary, anger will hinder information seeking but will boost the intention to participate in political rallies. These hypotheses are tested using data from a two-wave panel study that collected one wave before and a second wave after the January 2015 Paris attacks, and from one cross-sectional study carried out soon after the November 2015 attacks.  相似文献   

Certainty or Accessibility: Attitude Strength in Candidate Evaluations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Attitude strength is an important, but contested, subject in social psychology. Political scientists often rely on measures of attitude strength such as attitude importance, accessibility, or certainty in their work while ignoring the politically meaningful differences across types of strength. This omission is particularly relevant in the discussion of the formation of candidate evaluations. The research reported here indicates that accessibility is not the relevant type of attitude strength when describing how voters use issues in evaluating candidates. Instead, voters' reliance on issues when evaluating candidates depends on the voter's certainty about where the candidates stand. Given the different antecedents of certainty and accessibility, this result suggests that that citizens are able to more carefully process and use information available to them during an election campaign than would be expected by the prevailing theories of attitude formation .  相似文献   

This research explores a very important issue arising from the initiation of China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Pakistan, as the major impact seems to be focused towards small businesses and how they will cope in this competitive market once Chinese businesses enter in the country. According to scholars and officials, CPEC will generate several business opportunities for the local Pakistani community. However, studies related to the CPEC project are limited and only focused on the development of the CPEC project in various aspects alone. The existing study examined the local entrepreneur's attitude and intention in the context of CPEC using a sample of 255 survey questionnaires. Structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed hypotheses. Data were gathered from the existing business community in Karachi, Pakistan. The results validated most of the hypotheses showing positive attitude towards entrepreneurs and intention towards CPEC development project. Specifically, local transportation and accessibility of cities show a significant relationship with a positive attitude. Similarly, the attitude of entrepreneurs also shows a positive relationship with entrepreneur's intention towards CPEC development projects. Findings have important theoretical and practical implications for policymakers of CPEC in creating an overall entrepreneurial ecosystem.  相似文献   

卢良 《学理论》2009,(4):63-64
目前,国内已有一些学者对客户服务工作进行研究,但仍不够系统和全面,有待深入,而与银行客户服务工作相关的研究也很少见。客户是有情感的人,银行工作人员的语言态度对吸引和维持客户有时起到十分重要的作用。本文讨论了其相关问题,并就进一步做好客户服务工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Political socialization research so far has focused primarily on the direction of attitudes among children and youngsters. The preconditions for the development of political attitudes among these age groups have been neglected. In theoretical discussions cognitive development has been offered as a major prerequisite. In the article it is posited that political involvement is a second major prerequisite.
The effects of political involvement are examined with respect to four aspects of political attitudes among Danish school children: the ability to express attitudes, the correlation between indicators of a particular attitude, the stability of attitudes, and the correlation between different attitudes. Except for the stability of attitudes, results are clear. Political involvement is related to the formation of attitudes. The effect of political involvement is stronger than the effect of any of the traditional socio-economic variables ordinarily considered in socialization research.  相似文献   

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